Want more? Click Here to read more things people have said...
01-01-2003, 04:16:37: hello
01-01-2003, 06:51:49: hi
01-01-2003, 07:19:59: Wot se Jy
01-01-2003, 07:53:01: Please bookmark this page before you forget
01-01-2003, 07:53:42: Please bookmark this page before you forget
01-01-2003, 07:54:16: Please bookmark this page before you forget
01-01-2003, 11:25:58: hi there
01-01-2003, 11:36:05: hello
01-01-2003, 11:37:10: hello, how are you?
01-01-2003, 11:37:38: hello, how are you?
01-01-2003, 11:38:18: good morning
01-01-2003, 11:46:15: hello Rob
01-01-2003, 12:37:17: yes
01-01-2003, 14:11:57: fuck me baby
01-01-2003, 14:12:43: fuck me baby
01-01-2003, 20:39:34: Happy New Year.
01-01-2003, 22:18:14: joe porra poes
01-01-2003, 22:19:46: joe porra poes
01-02-2003, 10:00:27: hello to all the people
01-02-2003, 10:02:22: hello to all the people
01-02-2003, 10:18:47: This is so cool
01-02-2003, 17:01:13: if you ascii a stupid question you get a stupid ansi
01-02-2003, 19:14:56: heyllo there
01-02-2003, 22:29:36: Its dark here in England, but soon it will be morning, and a happy new year to you and all your minions, from darkest nottingham
01-02-2003, 22:30:51: This is the voice of the mysterons, we know you can hear us earthlings!
01-03-2003, 05:21:24: Love is in the air ...
01-03-2003, 07:10:11: selam
01-03-2003, 08:17:42: hello how are you?
01-03-2003, 11:57:51: you fucken ashole
01-03-2003, 15:30:43: why do you do this? are you n00bish?
01-03-2003, 17:12:41: ass hole
01-03-2003, 19:22:09: hi you little shit
01-03-2003, 22:45:26: hello
01-04-2003, 00:46:04: hello
01-04-2003, 02:01:03: fuck you arsehole
01-04-2003, 02:03:39: fuck you arsehole
01-04-2003, 02:04:36: hello to you all
01-04-2003, 02:06:03: hello to you all
01-04-2003, 03:09:20: hi
01-04-2003, 04:14:53: power how are you
01-04-2003, 04:16:00: power how are you
01-04-2003, 04:16:43: power how are you
01-04-2003, 04:18:27: power how are you
01-04-2003, 07:29:59: how are you
01-04-2003, 07:43:57: Hello! You have reached B-P-M. Our offices will reopen on thirteenth January. Please leave a message after the beep, or else send a fax. Have a good day!
01-04-2003, 07:45:09: Hello! You have reached B-P-M. Our offices will reopen on thirteenth January. Please leave a message after the beep, or else send a fax. Have a good day!
01-04-2003, 08:26:33: hello ruan
01-04-2003, 08:27:20: hello ruan
01-04-2003, 08:29:21: holla
01-04-2003, 10:39:30: hello mikey
01-04-2003, 10:39:59: hello mikey
01-04-2003, 10:41:02: hello
01-04-2003, 10:42:17: shitbag mother fucker
01-04-2003, 13:03:30: Read psalms chapter eighty-three verse eighteen
01-04-2003, 19:54:06: I really want to have the best orgasmic sex ive ever had with you right now you dirty fuck
01-04-2003, 19:55:02: I really want to have the best orgasmic sex ive ever had with you right now you dirty fuck
01-04-2003, 19:55:24: i love you
01-04-2003, 19:58:28: it would be some what enjoyable to ram my foot in your cunt sucking ass hole you fucking shit licker you wont say what i want you to say MOTHER FUCKER
01-04-2003, 23:05:17: Interesting ,I think it is nicht there I am here in south africa all the best eric.
01-04-2003, 23:07:34: hi
01-05-2003, 04:33:19: Howzit Lee
01-05-2003, 04:34:04: Howzit Lee
01-05-2003, 05:49:52: Fuck a duck
01-05-2003, 05:50:49: Fuck a duck
01-05-2003, 07:29:28: old macdonald had a farm eieio and on that farm he had a dog eieio with a bark bark here and a bark bark there here a bark there a bark everywhere a bark bark old macdonald had a farm eieio
01-05-2003, 09:49:31: hello
01-05-2003, 16:20:57: Hi, now you say something
01-05-2003, 20:51:49: You are still here? Come on, go home already. This isn't healthy!
01-05-2003, 23:27:13: AJITH IS THE BOYKIe
01-05-2003, 23:27:37: AJITH IS THE BOYKIe
01-06-2003, 00:58:51: Hello how are you ?
01-06-2003, 01:43:16: what we gonna do right here is go back
01-06-2003, 02:30:44: The cat sits in the tree.
01-06-2003, 02:31:37: The cat sits in the tree.
01-06-2003, 03:57:23: Hi there how are you
01-06-2003, 03:57:40: Hi there how are you
01-06-2003, 03:58:58: Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got I'm still, I'm still Jenny from the block Used to have a little, now I have a lot No matter where I go, I know where I came from (from the Bronx!) Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got I'm still, I'm still Jenny from the block Used to have a little, now I have a lot No matter where I go, I know where I came from (from the Bronx!)
01-06-2003, 06:16:48: GUNA
01-06-2003, 06:17:05: GUNA
01-06-2003, 06:18:23: GUNAA
01-06-2003, 06:29:01: hello
01-06-2003, 06:37:08: Hallo Noonoo
01-06-2003, 08:29:59: Fuck you, you fat american cunt. Go bum bush in the bushes with saddam
01-06-2003, 08:30:36: Fuck you, you fat american cunt. Go bum bush in the bushes with saddam
01-06-2003, 09:54:11: Weird and wacky stuff!
01-06-2003, 12:12:38: Listen you con artist and listen tight, I am only going to say it once
01-06-2003, 12:14:10: Listen you con artist and listen tight, I am only going to say it once
01-06-2003, 14:31:20: hi
01-06-2003, 20:19:46: Ewige Blumenkraft!
01-06-2003, 22:51:01: Mine is the last voice you will ever hear do not be alarmed!
01-06-2003, 22:52:04: vcv
01-07-2003, 02:18:33: o u 8 1 2
01-07-2003, 02:32:56: If a canadian canoer took a canadian canoe and canoed down a canadian canoe canal, how many pancakes does it take to fill a dog house???
it doesn't because ice cream don't have bones...
01-07-2003, 03:54:18: Wake Up!
01-07-2003, 06:09:35: fuck bitch
01-07-2003, 06:10:14: yeah nigga
01-07-2003, 07:55:25: wazzzup
01-07-2003, 10:15:51: yo whose it my bra?
01-07-2003, 10:21:11: Yo howzit ROB ..... i just want to say hello dude, your so cool, dude, you rock man , i hope in san francisco the wheather is cool dude,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cheers Dude, Skater Boi, check ya!!!!!!!!
01-07-2003, 13:13:45: hello my name is fred
01-07-2003, 14:13:51: Matthew Daskelevits?
01-07-2003, 15:20:21: Howdy Partner
01-07-2003, 18:26:11: Cheesy birds are sucking on my brain!
01-07-2003, 18:27:53: Where's my daddy's viagra?
01-07-2003, 18:34:49: It was nice and quiet for once around the Libbie household, even if it was tucked away a couple of years in the past. But Libbie being Libbie, she wasn't at all satisifed unless things were JUST SO, and as a result decided to do something about it.
After going to Hobby Lobby, and picking out several paint by number sets, canvas boards, and fancy brushes, Libbie set up an easel, and began to paint. Oh, not the cheesy prenumbered productions that came with the paints. Libbie had grander designs. By carefully photographing her memories, Libbie set out to create scences from her past...and future. By first going into a trance, Libbie could look ahead in time, find a place where she will have grown some attachement and paint it. Oddly enough, one particular vision kept creeping into her imagination. A trail, high up on some mountainside, with brave folksong ringing true in the night spring air.
It was with a certain amount of sudden straightening of feathers and a distinct blush to Erma's cheeks that Libbie Appeared somewhat abruptly between Bob and Erma just as the music would typicaly swell in a grade "B" romance film.
To say the least, it sorta killed the mood.
Libbie, oblivious to the interuption to what surely would have been a tryst worth writing about, immediately recognized Erma, but this stange looking Cockateil dressed in biker's leathers was a complete mystery. All sorts of questions entered Libbie's mind. WHo" What? Where? When" Why"? flashed as pulsating insistence through her somewhat paint induced mental haze.
It was erma who broke the tension with a well timed introduction to Bob....
01-07-2003, 18:37:16: Danie quickly plopped a venerable tome of Erasmus over her mug, where the mystical subject matter kept him sealed in.
At the end of the day Danie went home, then through the closet and up the stairs to her Tower, where she glumly contemplated the situation. In her Palantir she could see the image of Gollum squirming inside her coffee mug, lowering her spirits even more.
It was her great secret: her insecurity. No one can be Queen of the universe for any length of time it they show any weakness. After all, every hero and villain dreams of grabbing The One Ring. But of course she knew it was mostly a well-preserved front and knew well her true self. That is why she had a Tower. Nearly all Ringbearers have a retreat of some sort or a penchant for lone journeys or both as a refuge in which they can think freely and drop the image others see them as.
Now she contemplated her problem. She could not leave Gollum in the mug forever, a professor needed that book right after the holidays. She wondered if she was in the end, a failure. Was it time for the Ring to pass on? She even posed the question to a wise and trusted friend who replied simply. That Danie ask herself what sort of replacement she had in mind then see if she could not be that replacement herself. She wrapped her mind around the problem....
01-07-2003, 18:39:00: Erma was incredibly relieved at Libbie's arrival. "Hogrider" Bob had lived up to his trail name by jumping a ride on another hiker's pack to catch up with Erma. Then he had poured on what he regarded as charm and Libbie came just in the nick of time. For anyone who is being trained for The Sight must above all else remain a virgin. Erma positively gushed her gratitude.
01-07-2003, 19:29:20: Remember, YOU control your own reality!
01-07-2003, 19:32:58: Rob, I don't want to do this talking machine gig any longer. I hate other people putting words into my mouth.
I've had a few things to say of my own, you know.
01-08-2003, 00:23:55: hello
01-08-2003, 03:45:06: All I have to say is:"Why?!!! What's the point if I can not hear what you are hearing?" An absolute waste of bandwidth! Good thing I'm at work! He He Hee!
01-08-2003, 04:02:24: Hallo
01-08-2003, 07:46:22: I would like to tell you lilfizz that you look hot
I love you. this is my nunmber if you would like to call me 350 6350119
01-08-2003, 08:27:28: platu verida nicto
01-08-2003, 09:28:24: Shut up DAVID
01-08-2003, 10:36:17: hi mate
01-08-2003, 11:41:22: hello
01-08-2003, 13:09:04: Hi
01-08-2003, 13:11:03: Hello
01-08-2003, 15:07:36: loudly
01-08-2003, 15:07:42: loudly
01-08-2003, 18:24:05: i fuck women
01-08-2003, 20:51:09: the day i quit drinking and driving is the day i turn in my badge and gun
01-08-2003, 23:32:34: Chee Weez Dot Com
01-08-2003, 23:33:34: Jung World Dot Com
01-09-2003, 05:02:25: hello
01-09-2003, 05:29:52: Hi natasha
01-09-2003, 05:30:23: Say hello
01-09-2003, 05:31:07: Rob I haven't heard anything
01-09-2003, 09:13:07: hello
01-09-2003, 09:33:49: b
01-09-2003, 11:31:08: fuck
01-09-2003, 11:32:20: hello
01-09-2003, 11:38:32: hello danie how are you im going to watch tv now
01-09-2003, 12:10:12: hallo how are you today
01-09-2003, 12:35:55: ONE "GUESS" ONLY, PLEASE.
01-09-2003, 12:51:48: fuck you in the ass bitch!
01-09-2003, 14:17:39: Darryll
01-09-2003, 15:53:53: "Since you were on your quest as perscribed by the dear sweet, gentle, loving, kindness to a fault, salt of the earth, totally respectable High Priestess extrodinar of the majestic Isle of Avolon, (Libbie you see was no fool, knowing that the Priestesses seeing basin had recently been retrofitted with detection analogrythms to detect any key saying refering to the mystic Isle) I thought perhaps you should be brought up to date with what has happened in regards to your story..."
From here, Libbie went on to inform Erma exactly what had transpired concering windows into the storyboard world, and how to open up windows and transfer to story to story. Bob wasn't slow on the uptake, having overheard the conversation. Shamelessly, he caught a wild gleam in his eye, and opening a window, vanished form sight.... and reappered on the desk in front of the World Famous Authoress, yours truely.
I tell you, it was interesting. Not often a real life portrayal of an intellegent cockateil appears in front of one's key board. The bird was trying to co-opt the thing in order to type in his own reality, but never fear. I 've got him under control as I will soon demonstrate....
Typing carefully, and hitting the delete key often to take out the cockateils efforts, I managed to place the cockateil in Danie's Library. We rejoin the story with a slightly disoreintated cocketiel shaking off the transition from wilderness trail to the dark dank bowels of the Berzerkly Library. SNiffing the air cautiously, the bird found his way eventually to Danie's Desk, and finding a tome of some weight tettering precariously upon a coffee cup, decided to remedy the situatuion forthwith.
Jumping up onto the tome, the book swayed first this way, then that, and finally fell to the floor with a resounding thump! (scaring the mice who had recently taken up residence in Danie's lower right hand drawer.) Immediately, long snakey like hands grabed the bird by his neck and soon the cockateils attempt to be helpful was rewarded as dinner. (let that be a lesson to you!) Gollum was free!!!!
01-09-2003, 16:06:43: I sara
01-09-2003, 16:07:36: hi
01-09-2003, 22:25:53: fuck you
01-09-2003, 22:26:27: hello
01-10-2003, 08:20:23: hey
01-10-2003, 08:20:34: hey
01-10-2003, 09:15:13: trevor is a donut
01-10-2003, 09:15:39: trevor is a donut
01-10-2003, 12:22:48: David is a Loser
01-10-2003, 13:37:39: hello
01-10-2003, 13:37:49: hello
01-10-2003, 15:42:01: Hi there
01-10-2003, 15:50:35: Please excuse Vikki from Norway, I think her medication ran out. Providing the patients in our mental ward with Internet access has its down sides.
01-10-2003, 18:24:47: hello my name is mark how are you
01-10-2003, 21:39:54: hallo
01-10-2003, 21:42:56: yo baby "I LOVE YOU" will you merry me
01-11-2003, 03:00:55: huh
01-11-2003, 04:12:24: I just wanto to say that i Love you and that you are really a sweetheart
01-11-2003, 04:16:44: Hello, my name is Judy.
01-11-2003, 05:38:11: Who are you ?
01-11-2003, 06:58:22: i dont think you can talk
01-11-2003, 09:21:14: Hello anna
01-11-2003, 09:21:42: Hello anna
01-11-2003, 10:40:15: TEST
01-11-2003, 14:30:20: hitomi
01-11-2003, 15:34:02: hee haa cayote
01-11-2003, 15:35:17: hallo
01-12-2003, 04:17:28: hi there
01-12-2003, 10:37:09: welcome to windows 98SE
01-12-2003, 10:38:46: welcome to windows 98SE
01-12-2003, 10:41:33: welcome to windows 98SE
01-12-2003, 10:42:55: hi there wlcome to windows 98SE
01-12-2003, 10:46:12: this is a test message because i havent heard shit so far!!!!!!!!!
01-12-2003, 10:56:08: cunnilingus
01-12-2003, 11:00:08: cunnilingus
01-12-2003, 11:26:42: i still dont hear shit! thanks for nothing! dumbasses.
01-12-2003, 12:29:22: Are you going to sleep?
01-12-2003, 13:36:15: hello
01-12-2003, 13:41:32: hello
01-12-2003, 15:56:17: Dude, this is so cool.
01-12-2003, 16:53:33: bung
01-12-2003, 22:02:51: hallo
01-12-2003, 22:03:23: hallo
01-12-2003, 22:03:53: hallo
01-12-2003, 23:48:17: hello
01-12-2003, 23:49:19: hello
01-12-2003, 23:49:48: hello
01-13-2003, 00:03:40: Hello
01-13-2003, 02:28:12: Do you or don't you?
01-13-2003, 03:33:19: Howdy
01-13-2003, 11:08:10: Hello there
01-13-2003, 11:09:01: Whats up there funny
01-13-2003, 11:46:12: how did we today
01-13-2003, 11:47:01: how did we today
01-13-2003, 11:57:31: Hey This Is cool
01-13-2003, 12:05:50: hello what are you doing
01-13-2003, 12:06:52: hello what are you doing
01-13-2003, 13:32:27: holy gaboodles
01-13-2003, 13:33:13: holy gaboodles
01-13-2003, 14:05:04: Bleeeeeed bitch bleeeeed
01-13-2003, 19:27:24:
01-13-2003, 23:29:45: competition
01-13-2003, 23:32:33:
01-14-2003, 01:05:27: eat me
01-14-2003, 03:38:10: welcome you have reached sharp service call centre
01-14-2003, 03:40:32: please try again
01-14-2003, 08:00:30: This is an interesting idea
01-14-2003, 08:02:21: Hello dude
01-14-2003, 10:42:22: Hello motherfucker!
01-14-2003, 10:42:45: Hello !
01-14-2003, 11:08:52: Hi
01-14-2003, 11:12:54: Hi, Whats up?
01-14-2003, 13:00:04: Fuck me up de goat ass
01-14-2003, 21:08:04: Hello
01-15-2003, 03:48:46: Test
01-15-2003, 17:53:12: hello
01-15-2003, 20:29:43: Gooby
01-15-2003, 21:15:09: hello
01-16-2003, 04:06:40: hello peter
01-16-2003, 05:31:49: hello
01-16-2003, 13:18:50: I want it
01-16-2003, 16:58:05: Jeff you silly cunt!!!
01-16-2003, 17:49:25: hello
01-16-2003, 18:27:12: This sounds very interesting
01-16-2003, 18:28:06: This sounds very interesting
01-16-2003, 18:45:29: Um i dont know what i am doing
01-16-2003, 18:46:42: Hey Rob bring your big sexy body over to the computer and let me have some fun
01-16-2003, 19:47:01: Hurry, save the pricess quick, she needs a dick, if you set her free, you get the pussy
01-16-2003, 19:47:38: hi
01-16-2003, 23:02:20: HI wats the weather lke there?
01-17-2003, 03:11:04: hi
01-17-2003, 05:47:38: dinsdag
01-17-2003, 09:02:27: hello
01-17-2003, 11:02:35: raaaaahhh
01-17-2003, 11:03:12: yes i'm really funny
01-17-2003, 13:19:04: Luke, I am your father
01-17-2003, 13:46:16: I am bored.
01-17-2003, 14:17:28: This bites, my screen went brown
01-17-2003, 21:46:14: hi have a good day
01-17-2003, 21:49:17: i think this is great to bad there is so much nasty stuff from people
01-17-2003, 22:08:05: Hi Carol ann how are you today
01-17-2003, 22:10:41: Hi Carol ann how are you today
01-17-2003, 22:11:24:
01-17-2003, 22:40:34: wow this is cool
01-18-2003, 04:35:43: I bet you really get annoyed with all the perverts saying obscene and rude things.
01-18-2003, 11:08:03: hello
01-18-2003, 12:18:20: hollo mandy would you like a nice long fuck
01-18-2003, 12:19:18: hollo mandy would you like a nice long fuck
01-18-2003, 12:19:33:
01-18-2003, 12:20:07: hollo mandy would you like a nice long fuck
01-18-2003, 18:50:12: Greetings from central ohio. Go Buckeyes
01-18-2003, 19:28:02: hi?
01-18-2003, 23:37:46: what the fuck you guys are way high
01-19-2003, 00:00:33: I say yeah
01-19-2003, 00:40:31: fffffgghhjhjjkj
01-19-2003, 05:42:24: I wanna make you Holler, and hear you scream my name!
01-19-2003, 05:48:26: Yo! I'm from South Africa - Alexander bay! I dont get the idea of this website......
anyway! Wanna know my name? mmm call me MJ and I'm 19. anyway.....I bet there are alot of hot people that come here and type in all kinda crap! Call me......Oh that's right, no cell number....want it? Nah! Come to Alexander Bay and get me! ! !
01-19-2003, 06:34:32: Hi Love happy birthday.
01-19-2003, 08:50:40: hello
01-19-2003, 14:54:38: fuck you
01-19-2003, 14:54:53: fuck you
01-19-2003, 15:41:57: this is the automatic talking machine! the words you type will magically be spoken out loud in my office here in san francisco. if i'm around, i'll hear what you say. and so will anyone else who happens to be within earshot. so be creative--not insulting!
01-19-2003, 17:50:26: Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got I'm still, I'm still Jenny from the block Used to have a little, now I have a lot No matter where I go, I know where I came from (from the Bronx!) Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got I'm still, I'm still Jenny from the block Used to have a little, now I have a lot No matter where I go, I know where I came from (from the Bronx!)
01-19-2003, 17:50:55: The Dave Matthews Band Rules!
01-19-2003, 17:51:14: The Dave Matthews Band Rules!
01-19-2003, 18:25:40: test
01-19-2003, 19:07:10: Hi Im Saiyrah Im bored so Im doing this... can you like respond too?
01-19-2003, 21:13:13: halo
01-19-2003, 21:41:22: listen
01-19-2003, 22:03:36: yo
01-20-2003, 03:09:19: essai
01-20-2003, 06:26:04: should
01-20-2003, 06:26:58: should
01-20-2003, 08:16:25: this is a test
01-20-2003, 08:17:15: this is a test
01-20-2003, 10:04:12: Hey Rob! How's it hanging?
01-20-2003, 11:41:24: mags is a smelly tink
01-20-2003, 15:15:15: CH CH CH CHEESE GIBLETS
01-20-2003, 16:49:47: hello
01-20-2003, 16:50:37: hello
01-20-2003, 19:38:42: Skizzy Owns You
01-20-2003, 22:04:29: I am a crazywoman
01-21-2003, 02:10:23: Want to have a good time, baby?
01-21-2003, 02:12:04: Want to have a good time, baby?
01-21-2003, 06:46:34: pee hat
01-21-2003, 11:05:14: how are you
01-21-2003, 15:41:21: hidy
01-21-2003, 16:33:48: house
01-21-2003, 18:05:37: yes
01-22-2003, 06:55:23: 9999
01-22-2003, 10:05:43: Hello all u mother fuckers
01-22-2003, 10:06:47: Hello all u mother fuckers
01-22-2003, 10:07:53: hello everyone
01-22-2003, 11:09:54: What I want to hear - no b...s..t at all. There is enough of tht going around!
01-22-2003, 12:25:04: I hate you!
01-22-2003, 12:43:41: Hello
01-22-2003, 12:44:21: Hello
01-22-2003, 13:55:31: the crux of the biscuit, is the apostrophe
01-22-2003, 16:04:52: sup bitch
01-23-2003, 01:08:07: What are you looking for Sargent Sorensen
01-23-2003, 01:08:29: What are you looking for Sargent Sorensen
01-23-2003, 10:37:53: I hope you are having a great day
01-23-2003, 12:41:32: I wish I had more imagination
01-23-2003, 12:42:15: I wish I had more imagination
01-23-2003, 12:44:23: My God this must be irritating for you
01-23-2003, 13:02:06: Samer
01-23-2003, 13:02:36: hi
01-23-2003, 13:23:34: hello you 're really here? even if this page should be 10 years old? hy anyway ! i'm french
01-23-2003, 16:36:56: hola
01-23-2003, 16:37:10: hola
01-23-2003, 16:39:21: hello, whow are you
01-23-2003, 17:21:55: hello bob how are you
01-23-2003, 17:23:10: hello bob how are you
01-23-2003, 20:38:08: by by
01-24-2003, 05:38:20: I don't belive that this actually works...
01-24-2003, 07:48:46: sesmit chayvash kalchent dorg
01-24-2003, 10:45:57: Oi you are u listing
01-24-2003, 13:13:11: hey tom
01-24-2003, 13:13:34: hey tom
01-24-2003, 13:45:44: Just testing this thing
01-24-2003, 15:58:13: hello jo i can see your bum
01-24-2003, 15:58:17: hello jo i can see your bum
01-24-2003, 15:58:58: hello jo i can see your bum
01-24-2003, 17:37:41: I am awesome.
01-24-2003, 17:38:42: Hello.
01-24-2003, 17:38:57: Hello.
01-25-2003, 03:59:56: i like to smoke pot.... i am a pothead. this tokes for you man...
01-25-2003, 06:06:36: hello
01-25-2003, 07:27:46: Hi matt....what are you doint?
01-25-2003, 07:28:26: Hi matt....what are you doint?
01-25-2003, 09:03:38: what the hell is going on here!!!!
01-25-2003, 09:06:17: this is a very strange site you know that rob but anyway i like the idea it would work very well here in s.a
01-25-2003, 09:06:57: what time is it in the U.S!
01-25-2003, 09:07:51: oops sory for waking you up in the morning its only 7 o clock here at night in s.a
01-25-2003, 09:18:15: i,m busy fucking your wife asshole
01-25-2003, 11:04:27: solent green is people?
01-25-2003, 11:23:39: WAZZ HAPPENING MAN
01-25-2003, 12:52:51: you smell
01-25-2003, 14:44:03: Greetings from Ireland
01-25-2003, 14:45:08: Greetings from Ireland
01-25-2003, 15:31:52: who are you
01-25-2003, 23:23:34: Alo Dagi! How are you?
01-26-2003, 01:02:07: hello genina how are you this fine day
01-26-2003, 01:03:16: hello genina how are you this fine day
01-26-2003, 01:03:30: hello genina how are you this fine day
01-26-2003, 05:38:26: htum
01-26-2003, 07:40:30: hello
01-26-2003, 12:30:53: Jeff is amazing
01-26-2003, 18:36:36: hello
01-26-2003, 18:37:45: hello brenda
01-26-2003, 23:04:57: hi sexy penis
01-26-2003, 23:05:16: hi how are you
01-27-2003, 01:55:50: This is zeeryuz
01-27-2003, 07:12:37: hello alexander forbes
01-27-2003, 11:57:27: perry
01-27-2003, 11:58:44: perry
01-27-2003, 12:33:39: hi
01-27-2003, 14:41:39: hey guys we have a message here from the ceo of zipsend because you all have done such a good job we'll have the day off tomorrow and friday the comapny will be taking you all to lunch thank for your hard work keep it up
01-27-2003, 14:48:45: if you get a paper memo saying you don't have the day off please disreguard as this is an error i'm the ceo and this message over rides all others
you have tommorrow off please use it wisely thank you for all your hard work again..
rob can answer any and all questions thank you
01-27-2003, 14:55:24: if rob can't answer your questions you can reach me at tracer6094@aol.com it my private e mail address if you bug me to much you just might have to work tommorrow
01-27-2003, 15:01:14: Hi Rob.
01-27-2003, 16:00:33: climb into my butt please
01-27-2003, 16:01:20: climb into my butt please
01-27-2003, 16:01:20: climb into my butt please
01-27-2003, 17:30:22: Does this work
01-27-2003, 18:09:05: My Gecko is not hungry
01-27-2003, 19:35:07: Are you there?
01-27-2003, 19:36:15: Dude, wake up! Give us a ride home, we will buy you a beer, what do you say, what do you say?
01-27-2003, 20:22:16: hey you, go fuck your self!
01-27-2003, 20:22:39: hey you, go fuck your self!
01-27-2003, 21:27:56: hello
01-27-2003, 21:31:42: hello. i'm calling in from Cape Town, South Africa. it's a beautiful day here today. picked up your website from a computer magazine and it looked like fun. great idea. enjoy. peace. Wendy.
01-28-2003, 05:57:41: hi folks
01-28-2003, 08:43:04: There Goes a Mouse on a Motorcycle
01-29-2003, 04:35:58: hallo fool
01-29-2003, 04:36:53: hallo fool
01-29-2003, 11:59:03: Hi Rob.
This is God.
I just wanted to tell you to keep up the good work.
Also, I like that shirt.
01-29-2003, 13:15:39: Ooh wow
01-29-2003, 15:34:13: hello world
01-29-2003, 16:56:03: Who are you?
01-29-2003, 18:41:32: Whats Up Doc !!!!!
01-29-2003, 22:55:32: bjbj
01-30-2003, 01:36:21: I like the taste of chicken on a Thursday morning.
01-30-2003, 07:48:41: Who uses this machine?
01-30-2003, 09:24:58: hello everybody.
01-30-2003, 10:47:15: Hi there, how are you
01-30-2003, 16:24:14: Hello how are you
01-30-2003, 16:25:24: i want you to eat my brain
01-30-2003, 16:30:05: hi
01-30-2003, 16:31:17: hi hi are you crazy
01-31-2003, 11:56:01: drop your pants motherfucker
01-31-2003, 15:15:41: hi melanie
01-31-2003, 17:10:19: if a cat has kittens in an oven, does that make them biscuits?
01-31-2003, 20:35:04: You told me not to talk to you
01-31-2003, 20:35:40: You told me not to talk to you
02-01-2003, 07:07:32: Hello - How are you today?
02-01-2003, 13:00:53: hello
02-01-2003, 21:21:07: yo
02-01-2003, 21:28:47: Hello? Are you there?
02-01-2003, 21:41:41: Hello
02-01-2003, 21:56:22: easymap
02-02-2003, 04:23:00:
02-02-2003, 04:27:44: whats up
02-02-2003, 09:22:49: hello
02-02-2003, 12:36:15: alright rob how the devil are you
02-02-2003, 19:40:02: God Bless You and keep you safe.
02-03-2003, 06:44:10: suck my finger
02-03-2003, 12:14:23: you are gay
02-03-2003, 16:20:59: always
02-03-2003, 21:30:42: How do we know if this really works?
02-03-2003, 21:53:13: AAA KIRIBANDE KOHOMADA BOLA
02-03-2003, 22:46:17: what if the horse have horns i mean unicorn
02-04-2003, 03:47:19: lick my clito
02-04-2003, 07:49:53: Hey,hey, hey
02-04-2003, 07:51:48: hi baby you can put the dinner on i,ll be home in the next hour
02-04-2003, 11:13:29: hello!
02-04-2003, 11:15:05: my name is mrs. Wall. I am deputy head at wintringham school grimsby. we have a problem. we are the worst!
02-04-2003, 12:07:54: richard smells like cock
02-04-2003, 12:08:34: richard smells like cock
02-04-2003, 13:39:26: hello
02-05-2003, 06:25:07: hobby
02-05-2003, 08:04:50: Testing, testing, is this thing on?
02-05-2003, 12:13:56: leave your message
02-05-2003, 13:12:24: what is this software
02-05-2003, 14:08:35: hello from memphis
02-05-2003, 14:29:44: horrible rotting flies
02-05-2003, 15:43:07: Hello
02-05-2003, 17:38:27: hello susan
02-05-2003, 17:38:52: hello susan
02-05-2003, 17:39:07: hello susan
02-05-2003, 20:32:02: hi
02-05-2003, 20:32:38: hello dominic
02-05-2003, 21:33:07:
02-05-2003, 21:33:57:
02-05-2003, 21:58:37: Automatic
02-05-2003, 21:59:12: Automatic
02-05-2003, 22:00:35: Automatic
02-05-2003, 22:17:59: Pssst! You. Yeah you! The one passed out in the corner with an empty fifth of cheap vodka! Yeah, You! I must admit, this is pretty cool.
02-06-2003, 15:36:30: hello this is a test
02-06-2003, 18:43:43: Hi cutie pie! What cha doing tonight?
02-07-2003, 13:45:17: Hi, how are you? I'm very interested in this program how does it work?..
02-07-2003, 14:14:26: jzjhgfjhgf
02-07-2003, 14:14:51: hello
02-07-2003, 14:15:19: hello
02-07-2003, 14:15:28: hello
02-07-2003, 20:11:10: Hello
02-07-2003, 20:30:04: poop
02-07-2003, 20:30:31: shut up
02-07-2003, 20:34:12: Fuck you people
02-07-2003, 20:34:35: Die Rob
02-07-2003, 20:35:07: Suck peepees in hell Rob
02-07-2003, 21:31:11: Wanna go to bed and fuck
02-08-2003, 03:56:25: Hello
02-08-2003, 08:17:39: Hello I'm a sexy robot looking for a friend. Come over here you innocent by standers!
02-08-2003, 08:20:01: i said come over here by the robot
02-08-2003, 08:20:14: yes, a little further
02-08-2003, 08:20:24: you know you want to
02-08-2003, 08:20:35: ha ha fooled ya
02-08-2003, 11:30:51: get lost
02-08-2003, 17:52:09: Hello Ya'll from "Hotlanta, Georgia"
02-09-2003, 06:42:01: ok. First, lets start by introducing each other. My name is Diablo, and I come in peace!
02-09-2003, 06:46:10: hello
02-09-2003, 06:46:24:
02-09-2003, 10:07:36: It's snowing outside.
02-09-2003, 10:08:17: Ding dong!
02-09-2003, 10:08:18: It's snowing outside.
02-09-2003, 10:15:03: Some people really let their perverted side show in those messages that people have left you. People tend to show their true colors when they are at no risk of being discovered or identified, you know. Bye!
02-09-2003, 10:26:51: hello
02-09-2003, 10:27:18: hello how are you?
02-09-2003, 10:27:38: hello how are you?
02-09-2003, 13:06:33: Hi there
02-09-2003, 16:05:59: hello gentle man... DIE!!! you are a rotten mother farker!
02-10-2003, 05:32:19: Hello
02-10-2003, 05:32:40: Hello
02-10-2003, 06:27:53: helllo
02-10-2003, 07:00:41: Welcome to my website
02-10-2003, 07:01:22: Welcome to my website
02-10-2003, 14:25:39: love you dear ummmmmmma
02-11-2003, 02:42:32: gekke dul
02-11-2003, 06:28:37: hoerneuker
02-11-2003, 06:37:56: je moeder is een hoereneuker kanker jong
02-11-2003, 10:09:13: HeyCody
02-11-2003, 16:19:11: Hello
02-11-2003, 21:27:38: Nicole
02-11-2003, 21:30:45: OH MY GOD! THE BUILDING IS ON FIRE! AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!! just kiddin ya pal!
02-11-2003, 21:41:21: never scratch your nuts with an electric razor
02-11-2003, 21:43:54: a disturbing trend recently propogated by malignant zinians has led many to facillitate a rapid response team in order to pacify the left side of a melancholic apple
02-11-2003, 22:50:50: fuck you ass hole damn 69
02-11-2003, 22:51:26: hey
02-12-2003, 11:17:53: turn left at the next
02-12-2003, 16:02:13: Hey My name is rola
02-12-2003, 16:04:46: Hey, Rob and whomever else is in the proximity it has been beautiful day in Boulder, Colorado. Remember to wipe your feet before you track mud in the house tonight. And button up that jacket!
02-12-2003, 17:11:37: hello
02-12-2003, 17:13:25: Hello, how are you today?
02-12-2003, 17:34:27: I long to be married.
02-12-2003, 20:56:09: Hi! Who are you?
02-13-2003, 05:35:39: Hi, how are you
02-13-2003, 05:36:01: Hi, how are you
02-13-2003, 07:21:01: how are you?
02-13-2003, 08:25:50: salut les aminches
02-13-2003, 13:39:04: good evening from Belgium, i hope you are doing fine.Greetings Ann
02-13-2003, 22:00:21: hello ashley how are you
02-14-2003, 00:38:15: I love Jana Du Preez
02-14-2003, 00:41:31: I love Jana Du Preez
02-14-2003, 01:07:26: hi, this is california typing
02-14-2003, 13:26:35: matty gardner has a miffle
02-14-2003, 13:26:56: matty gardner has a miffle
02-14-2003, 20:09:50: eat shit motherfucker!
02-14-2003, 20:10:55: I am the Walrus
02-14-2003, 22:28:15: i am amir nawaz
02-15-2003, 08:53:12: Rob what where you thinking?
02-15-2003, 09:05:53: i saw yo mama's breast's they was hangin down like they was lookin for spare change wats up with that.
02-15-2003, 10:52:26: Hi Steve
02-15-2003, 11:12:57: hello
02-15-2003, 11:14:27: hello
02-15-2003, 11:33:55: hello
02-15-2003, 11:38:41: hello
02-15-2003, 11:39:28: hello
02-15-2003, 11:40:18: Help me I have dropped my pancakes
02-15-2003, 11:43:04: hey
02-15-2003, 11:59:52: I love men
02-15-2003, 13:30:29: HELLO
02-15-2003, 15:11:03: monkey cheese
02-15-2003, 19:05:08: pat has a small penis
02-15-2003, 19:06:46: aaahhhh.. oh ohhhh. yess fuck me. com on grab your willy and spank it hard baby... i know your in 2 animal sex, you god dam pervert, u sick muther fucker. i beth you fuckt a dog once, am i right??? vel anyway....i know you`r fucking your rubber doll at the moment so im gonna let you finnish !!!..........hehehehehe.....hahaahha.... you call that a dick ???? oh my god.. i dont even know what you supose 2 do with that little thing. you wanker !!!!.............. a little "hello" from vikki in norway.....
02-15-2003, 20:40:07: i am lossing my eye sight and am looking into a computer or home devices that i can get to help me when i loss my eye sight.
02-15-2003, 22:43:33: I'll have... two all beef patties special sauce lettuce cheese pickels onions on a sesame seed bun... and a diet coke
02-15-2003, 22:44:57: can I have fries with that?
02-16-2003, 02:02:47: woy are an idiot
02-16-2003, 02:03:07: you are an idiot
02-16-2003, 06:30:20: Danny is a dick
02-16-2003, 07:48:26: Hello, this is Dannys phone i am a cunt
02-16-2003, 07:48:38: Hello, this is Dannys phone i am a cunt
02-16-2003, 07:49:25: Hello, this is Dannys phone i am a cunt
02-16-2003, 11:20:20: lisa is a poo face
02-16-2003, 11:25:31: stevie barker is hung like a horse from his no 1 fan lisa from stevenage hertfordshire england world
02-16-2003, 12:48:51: I know you.I've pieced you together from.snatches of popsong.I'm alive,Rob Hansen,I'm alive and you are sleeping!
02-16-2003, 13:02:14: low rate mortgage loans
02-16-2003, 14:13:54: Chris McPhillups
02-16-2003, 14:14:25: hi
02-16-2003, 22:45:51: hi
02-16-2003, 23:40:16: hi there
02-16-2003, 23:41:02: hi there
02-17-2003, 01:37:39: hello
02-17-2003, 04:48:40: what do you think about broadband?
02-17-2003, 08:08:17: Greetings from an office cube at Motorola corporate H Q in Schaumburg, Illinois. Just wondering if your service is still active.
02-17-2003, 10:17:03: hello i m fine how are you all
02-17-2003, 12:16:47:
02-17-2003, 12:25:20: hi
02-17-2003, 12:57:13: my fanny is sweaty
02-17-2003, 13:06:38: Hey there what's going on in the west coast, care for two feet of snow?
02-17-2003, 16:38:22: J P
02-17-2003, 17:41:10: hello
02-17-2003, 17:44:41: hi ther good looking
02-17-2003, 17:52:01: helo there
02-17-2003, 19:41:27: Hello
02-17-2003, 19:47:47: Trauma cod Emergency Trauma center
02-17-2003, 19:48:03: Trauma cod Emergency Trauma center
02-17-2003, 20:49:28: holy holy holy holy holy crap
02-18-2003, 01:31:44: hi
02-18-2003, 05:09:36: dick dick dick
02-18-2003, 06:15:11: hello
02-18-2003, 07:32:41: Hey Spencer
02-18-2003, 14:05:50: You mean to tell me no one has said anything to you since december 21? You must be getting lonely by now!
02-18-2003, 14:07:34: You need a webcam to see if anyone is within ear shot. Insert evil laugh here.
02-18-2003, 14:27:42: Fudk off
02-18-2003, 14:28:10: nazdar chlapi
02-19-2003, 05:06:26: km sk uuuuuuuuuuu u uu uu uu u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u uu uu u u u u u u u u u uu u u u u u uu u u uu u u u uu u uu u u u uu u u u u u u u u u u u u u uu u u uu u u uu u u u u u uu uu u u u uu u u u u u uu u u uu uu u uu u u uu u uu u u uu u u uu u u u u u uuu u u uu uu uu u u u u u uu u u u u u u u u uu u uu u u uu
02-19-2003, 05:58:41: hi
02-19-2003, 12:56:51: From: tom_ricketts@hotmail.com
Baking Soda:
After trying to record this one several times, and having each prank call fail, we gave up recording, and right when we did, it worked. I called the guy and told him I was Tom Ricketts from 105.7 FM (in my best D.J. voice) I then asked him if he would like to play "cordless phone olympics" for 100 dollars. To this he readily agreed. His goal was simple, to burst into his next door neighbors house without knocking, and retrieve a box of baking soda within 30 seconds. You don't get much funnier than hearing him huff and puff as he sprints across the lawn, then hearing his neighbor yelling at him to quit ransacking his kitchen. After he got the baking soda, I told him I needed to put him on hold and hung up.
Anywho, just thought I'd drop you a line, and tell you about some of my accomplishments. What the hell is the point of prank calling if you can't tell the story to someone? I also have another thing which I do when I get caller ID'd. I actually find it works better than picking up as the dad. Check it out, it's on my homepage at http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Lights/3501/ricketts.html.
02-19-2003, 14:39:26: hello
02-19-2003, 14:41:10: hello
02-19-2003, 19:51:32: This is the Automatic Talking Machine! The words you type will magically be spoken out loud in my office here in San Francisco. If I'm around, I'll hear what you say. And so will anyone else who happens to be within earshot. So be creative -- not insulting!
02-19-2003, 21:58:30: This is periously teetering on a vast chasm of lameness!!
02-19-2003, 21:59:22: Rat Basturd...answer me!!
02-19-2003, 22:25:49: Hi bobby
02-19-2003, 22:26:21: Hi Bobby....
02-20-2003, 07:17:33: i enjoy fried chicken. thank you.
02-20-2003, 13:05:47: GET BACK TO WORK
02-20-2003, 14:12:34: hi everyone. iv called you here for this meeting to inform you that for today i will be your acting boss per rob hansen. and i feel that due to daily stress and lack of sleep. i am hereby declaring this a 4 and a half day weekend starting now so please report to the nearist time clock and clock out. i also have decided this will be a payed weekend and tuesday will be a dress as you like day. and wednsday will be nudist day unless you are unsightly over weight or very old. those who fit this feel free to stay home. thursday will be the boss is your slave day please do not abuse the boss. and then you will start over on friday with this same scedule.
02-21-2003, 02:40:54: Hey this guy on the web found me, now he keeps pushing my buttons... I wish he would just quit making me say thing crazy that I don't want to say peanut butter see, why would I say something like that. Spaghetti or that, I don't even eat, why would I mention food?
02-21-2003, 09:50:25: Help my cat is on fire
02-21-2003, 09:51:56: The Complete Military History of France.
- Gallic Wars - Lost. In a war whose ending foreshadows the next 2000
years of French history, France is conquered by of all things, an Italian.
- Hundred Years War - Mostly lost, saved at last by female schizophrenic
who inadvertently creates The First Rule of French Warfare; "France's armies
are victorious only when not led by a Frenchman."
-Italian Wars - Lost. France becomes the first and only country to ever
lose two wars when fighting Italians.
- Wars of Religion - France goes 0-5-4 against the Huguenots
- Thirty Years War - France is technically not a participant, but manages
to get invaded anyway. Claims a tie on the basis that eventually the other
participants started ignoring her.
- War of Devolution - Tied. Frenchmen take to wearing red flowerpots as
-The Dutch War - Tied
-War of the Augsburg League/King William's War/French and Indian War Lost,
but claimed as a tie. Three ties in a row induces deluded Frogophiles the
world over to label the period as the height of French military power.
-War of the Spanish Succession - Lost. The War also gave the French their
first taste of a Marlborough, which they have loved every since.
- American Revolution - In a move that will become quite familiar to future
Americans, France claims a win even though the English colonists saw far
more action. This is later known as "de Gaulle Syndrome", and leads to the
Second Rule of French Warfare: "France only wins when America does most of
the fighting."
- French Revolution - Won, primarily due the fact that the opponent was
also French.
- The Napoleonic Wars - Lost. Temporary victories (remember the First
Rule!) due to leadership of a Corsican, who ended up being no match for a British footwear designer.
- The Franco-Prussian War - Lost. Germany first plays the role of drunk
Frat boy to France's ugly girl home alone on a Saturday night.
- World War I - Tied and on the way to losing, France is saved by the United
States. Thousands of French women find out what it's like to not only sleep
with a winner, but one who doesn't call her "Fraulein." Sadly, widespread
use of condoms by American forces forestalls any improvement in the French
- World War II - Lost. Conquered French liberated by the United States and
Britain just as they finish learning the Horst Wessel Song.
- War in Indochina - Lost. French forces plead sickness, take to bed with
the Dien Bien Flu
- Algerian Rebellion - Lost. Loss marks the first defeat of a western army
by a Non-Turkic Muslim force since the Crusades, and produces the First Rule
of Muslim Warfare: "We can always beat the French." This rule is identical
to the First Rules of the Italians, Russians, Germans, English, Dutch,
Spanish, Vietnamese and Esquimaux.
- War on Terrorism - France, keeping in mind its recent history, surrenders
to Germans and Muslims just to be safe. Attempts to surrender to Vietnamese
ambassador fail after he takes refuge in a McDonald's.
The question for any country silly enough to count on the French should not
be "Can we count on the French?", but rather "How long until France
"Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without an
accordion. All you do is leave behind a lot of noisy baggage."
02-21-2003, 09:53:29: Butterflies taste with their feet.
A duck's quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why.
In 10 minutes, a hurricane releases more energy than all of the
world's nuclear weapons combined.
On average, 100 people choke to death on ball-point pens every year.
On average people fear spiders more than they do death.
Ninety percent of New York City cabbies are recently arrived
Thirty-five percent of the people who use personal ads for dating are
already married.
Elephants are the only animals that can't jump.
Only one person in two billion will live to be 116 or older.
It's possible to lead a cow upstairs ... but not downstairs.
Women blink nearly twice as much as men.
It's physically impossible for you to lick your elbow.
The Main Library at Indiana University sinks over an inch every year
because when it was built, engineers failed to take into account the
weight of all the books that would occupy the building.
A snail can sleep for three years..
No word in the English language rhymes with "MONTH."
Average life span of a major league baseball: 7 pitches.
Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears
never stop growing. SCARY!!!
The electric chair was invented by a dentist.
All polar bears are left-handed.
In ancient Egypt, priests plucked EVERY hair from their bodies,
including their eyebrows and eyelashes.
An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain. (that can be said for some
people in this corporation too...)
TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters only
on one row of the keyboard.
"Go," is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.
I think it ties with "NO"....
If Barbie were life-size, her measurements would be 39-23-33. She
would stand seven feet, two inches tall.
A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.
The cigarette lighter was invented before the match.
Americans on average eat 18 acres of pizza every day.
Almost everyone who reads this email will try to lick their elbow.
Don't forget to pass these weird facts on to everyone you know.
They will get a kick out of it !!
You tried to lick your elbow, didn't you?
02-21-2003, 11:50:29:
02-21-2003, 12:39:43: Phil you suck at this games.
02-21-2003, 12:46:04: u
02-21-2003, 19:30:03: hellloooooooooooo helllooooooooo anyone there hahahahahaha MWAhahHahahahahaha SECURITY!!!
02-22-2003, 00:33:22: what the heck is this site?
02-22-2003, 00:33:42: hey guys, what's up?
02-22-2003, 00:33:55: this is a haunted machine!
02-22-2003, 02:23:47: Hello Rob Hansen
02-22-2003, 07:53:25: hello there how are you
02-22-2003, 08:47:21: Hello,is anyone there??
02-22-2003, 22:45:15: the world is blue like an orange
02-23-2003, 03:51:23: My name is Fernon N. Hall But my friends call me harry
02-23-2003, 11:27:24: fuck shit cock
02-23-2003, 11:28:01: hello
02-24-2003, 01:18:55: can you really hear me?
02-24-2003, 02:20:23: Stephen monahan is a fat ugly bastard
02-24-2003, 07:10:49: hello guy, how are you
02-24-2003, 08:50:36: i am not were anything
02-24-2003, 12:05:36: tralala
02-24-2003, 14:25:09: How's it going? Can you reall hear this?
02-24-2003, 18:46:20: hows thangs out yonder?
02-24-2003, 18:47:58: Now, type what you want to tell me in the box below:
If you want to see what's been said to me recently, click on the button.
[ Home | Mail | BMG Music | ATM | Yikes! | New | Jobs ]
02-24-2003, 18:48:16: And while you're here, be sure to check out GiveChocolate.com. Very cool.
02-24-2003, 18:48:18: kiss my ass
02-24-2003, 18:48:42: ntp0.mcs.anl.gov (CNAME ntp-anl.usno.navy.mil)
Location: Argonne National Laboratories, Chicago, IL
Synchronization: NTP V3 primary (Brandywine Syncclock32/Oncore GPS)
Access Policy: open access for stratum 2 servers and ANL clients,others by arrangement
02-24-2003, 18:49:33: When advised that France had announced it would not assist, become
allied with or otherwise support the United States military in any war
with Iraq, Ross Perot reportedly said: "Having to go to war without
France by our side is sorta like having to go deer hunting without an
02-25-2003, 03:33:51: sex
02-25-2003, 07:54:45: hellow matt
02-25-2003, 12:22:18: Hello
02-25-2003, 14:26:14: fuck off
02-25-2003, 19:50:47: Hello from Montreal!
02-25-2003, 21:13:25: Wake up
02-26-2003, 08:40:07: hello
02-26-2003, 09:48:35: hi
02-26-2003, 10:26:54: Ceci est un test
02-26-2003, 12:10:36: you are right nancy moran
02-26-2003, 13:57:59: Is Winter over yet?
02-26-2003, 15:57:39: fuck off
02-26-2003, 15:59:10: fuck off
02-26-2003, 15:59:53: hey asshole
02-27-2003, 08:38:37: how the hell could you possibly make 'outer talk??
02-27-2003, 08:40:25: say 'wha?
02-27-2003, 09:19:37: greg is a mexican
02-27-2003, 09:20:04: greg is a mexican
02-27-2003, 09:20:23: greg is a mexican
02-27-2003, 09:20:30: mexican
02-27-2003, 10:55:40: fuck you
02-27-2003, 11:43:03: hello john
02-27-2003, 11:43:32: hello john
02-27-2003, 11:43:53: hello john
02-27-2003, 11:44:32: hi hi hi hi
02-28-2003, 04:50:09: I heard of a cumputer program that allows me to talk and the computer with type have you.
02-28-2003, 04:51:00: I heard of a cumputer program that allows me to talk and the computer will type, have you?
02-28-2003, 07:49:35: hello
02-28-2003, 07:50:28: fuck
02-28-2003, 09:08:18: MY GOD! ITS FULL OF STARS.
02-28-2003, 10:13:11: ten cents in a ticky box
02-28-2003, 10:19:59: Hear me
02-28-2003, 10:43:37: BRIAN
02-28-2003, 12:07:49: WORD UP!
02-28-2003, 21:12:49: Fuck oof
02-28-2003, 22:31:03: hi
03-01-2003, 03:48:29: hellslslskdk
03-01-2003, 03:49:05: hellslslskdk
03-01-2003, 03:49:43: hellslslskdk
03-01-2003, 08:50:56: kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kiil
03-01-2003, 09:00:22: kurder mill kurder mill mirder kl mirdir kl kl kl kl kl kl kl kel kel kurder kel kurd klekurd kelkurd klekurd kurdelklek kurdelklem klemmerkiller all killer no filler merkil kilmer merk merk merk krem krem krem krem mirk merk mirk krem krim krim krem kr km kr km mk mr mk mr. mk mister mick mitser mickel milk milk milk milk mystery milk mistri milk kistri kilk kissy kill kiss kiss kill kill kiss kiss kill kill killick killick killick click click click click click click click click click click click click click klang click klang glank glank glank glank glank glank out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out ou t ou t ou t o u t o u t o u t o ut o ut o ut out out outoutoutout STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP
03-01-2003, 12:56:41: help me make it through the night
03-01-2003, 15:54:26: hi jen you suck
03-01-2003, 16:01:14: r
03-02-2003, 10:19:12: fuck you
03-02-2003, 10:19:50: hi
03-02-2003, 10:31:22: Hello, my name is Przemek.
03-02-2003, 13:04:32: spank me horse boy
03-02-2003, 14:44:10: Hello
03-02-2003, 15:02:38: hello there
03-02-2003, 18:57:21: hi rob
03-02-2003, 19:12:00: holy cow... i just read what some other people had typed and i must say i'm appalled!!! i mean, do people really get some cheap thrill out of knowing that the automatic talking machine is going to say fuck? that's fuckin warped man... wow, fuck all of them i say! or like bitch. does anyone get off on hearing a machine say bitch? how about shit? or damn? oh yeah, and then there's cum burping cock sucker (hehehe, my personal favorite). there's some fucking sick people out there....
03-03-2003, 07:01:26: Where can I find a talking computer?
03-03-2003, 07:02:47: How would this program be benificial, unless you were blind!
03-03-2003, 08:34:40: prunes keep you regular
03-03-2003, 08:37:04: Hello Dave My name is hal
03-03-2003, 08:37:20: Daisy, Daisy
03-03-2003, 14:04:52: poop
03-03-2003, 14:16:43: Gort, klaatu barada nikto
03-03-2003, 17:12:01: welcome
03-03-2003, 17:13:20: welcome asshole
03-03-2003, 17:33:37: Anybody there wish they worked alone? I can silence you out of it.
03-03-2003, 23:34:39: my name is Rob Hanssen as well
03-03-2003, 23:35:32: my name is Rob Hanssen as well
03-04-2003, 12:21:49: Dont know what to say.
03-04-2003, 12:23:26: How does this work?
03-04-2003, 12:41:47: wie de fok is jy?
03-04-2003, 12:43:19: wie de fok is jy?
03-04-2003, 12:45:41: what the fuck is this
03-04-2003, 14:28:12: haw cunto
03-04-2003, 15:32:09: sghi
03-04-2003, 18:18:47: Most people believe that a polka-dotted wheelbarrow falls in love with a bartender like a globule, but they need to remember how single-handledly the imaginative plaintiff ruminates. Some garbage can ruminates, because a roller coaster plans an escape from the prime minister an industrial complex. When the globule beyond a senator beams with joy, a girl scout daydreams. Any dolphin can reach an understanding with some flabby student, but it takes a real cashier to thoroughly steal pencils from a wedding dress related to some foosball team.
03-04-2003, 18:53:24: hi how are you doing
03-04-2003, 21:25:23: Your new mail is in Anton
03-04-2003, 21:27:11: Your new mail is in Anton
03-04-2003, 21:28:30: Not as cool site as the .net mag says
03-05-2003, 06:34:13: I made the mad ones with their ribbon hair and their bloody fingernails. I crawled from the muck and lifted them up to see the black dawning.
03-05-2003, 07:11:32: hello how r u
03-05-2003, 08:07:46: San Francisco Rocks!
03-05-2003, 11:52:49: open.tv rules
03-05-2003, 23:07:44: hello
03-06-2003, 00:16:13: I love my San Fran town!!!!!
03-06-2003, 16:40:47: hi how are you
03-06-2003, 18:54:32: yo warrup dogg
03-07-2003, 07:09:35: hello
03-07-2003, 07:11:25: hello my name is patrick fuck you
03-07-2003, 09:11:29: SMACKY CHEESE
03-07-2003, 13:01:13: hello
03-07-2003, 15:23:11: IT IS VERY COLD HERE
03-07-2003, 17:57:29: resolution
03-07-2003, 17:58:19: resolution
03-07-2003, 19:29:05: I GOTTA PEE
03-08-2003, 01:50:18: ole
03-08-2003, 04:47:50: oil
03-08-2003, 04:48:53: All your oil are belong to us, the majestic 12
03-08-2003, 04:52:37: This machine is totally fucked! 10 minutes to destruction.. Have a nice day.. And Remember Saddams oil are belong to us ,Illuminati and MJ12
03-08-2003, 08:42:16: Hi there is microbi, please call later
03-08-2003, 11:43:40: Are you at work today ROb?
03-08-2003, 16:38:31: is this a joke
03-08-2003, 17:40:02: Suck My bit tits
03-09-2003, 00:54:29: I have a new mission for you Rob , you have just 48 hrs to bring us Saddam before we blow his army sky high ! This tape will now self distruct in 5 secs ............
03-09-2003, 05:03:55: salut pd
03-09-2003, 05:47:42: eren
03-09-2003, 10:05:20: Hello
03-09-2003, 12:43:12: jose
03-09-2003, 12:43:56: "Stop Slacking and get back to WORK! ..... Heh Heh
03-09-2003, 12:45:35: Why am I here .... What is the Meaning Of Life .... Will Dubmya Bush give up HIS Weapons Of Mass Destruction ?!? ... Will he Hell ...
03-09-2003, 14:11:41: hello how are u i want to have sex with you
03-09-2003, 14:18:35: And everybody say... YATTA!
03-09-2003, 20:53:24: nice website
03-10-2003, 03:59:34: jack its after ten oclock so its time for bed,now get to it.
03-10-2003, 04:00:42: jack its after ten oclock so its time for bed,now get to it.
03-10-2003, 04:01:32: jack its after ten oclock so its time for bed,now get to it.
03-10-2003, 04:01:48: jack its after ten oclock so its time for bed,now get to it.
03-10-2003, 04:02:01: jack its after ten oclock so its time for bed,now get to it.
03-10-2003, 04:06:46: jack its after ten oclock so its time for bed,now get to it.
03-10-2003, 08:18:21: hey where are you
03-10-2003, 11:08:11: hey, my name is rob hansen too. i'm a weird fairy who likes soccer so much that i'm doing a ten page researgh paper on it
03-10-2003, 14:08:42: this has so been done
03-10-2003, 16:47:31: hello
03-11-2003, 02:31:17: hi there
03-11-2003, 02:31:46: hi there
03-11-2003, 02:32:14: yo
03-11-2003, 04:55:22: hello people
03-11-2003, 07:12:39: hi brenda!
How are you this morning?
03-11-2003, 07:28:17: Whaz up
03-11-2003, 14:08:15: my name is chris
03-11-2003, 18:04:30: hi there from Northeastern PA
03-12-2003, 00:34:10: hello
03-12-2003, 02:04:11: hello how are you
03-12-2003, 03:35:40: hello
03-12-2003, 03:38:11: dogshit dogshit everywhere.
03-12-2003, 08:31:16: Brendon Is using EMAIL
03-12-2003, 09:54:25: KISS MY SHIT PICKLE
03-12-2003, 12:48:17: Hello
03-12-2003, 12:48:55: How are you this fine morning?
03-12-2003, 12:49:44: I like to have cybersex!
03-12-2003, 12:52:37: mmm I looked at your pic, and ya look gay...maybe some one else is there who would like to have sex?
03-12-2003, 12:54:17: mmm I looked at your pic, and ya look gay...maybe some one else is there who would like to have sex?
03-12-2003, 12:54:41: jackoff queer!
03-12-2003, 13:16:12: Hello everyone!
03-12-2003, 22:32:31: Who's the leader of the club that's made for you and me? M I C K E Y M O U S EEEEE.
Hello there! go to cinemazement.com now!
03-13-2003, 03:28:52: Hello
03-13-2003, 03:29:23: Hello
03-13-2003, 03:30:06: How are you are you well if not why not and how are you doing today?
03-13-2003, 05:35:23: Corn - Nature's parastalsis sled dog!
03-13-2003, 19:32:46: my name is bob
03-13-2003, 19:34:28: HELLO
03-13-2003, 19:35:19: I don't hear anything
03-14-2003, 05:38:54: SIlence is golden.
03-14-2003, 05:39:16: Rachmoninof at the MAC!
03-14-2003, 09:09:34: heiio friend
03-14-2003, 12:31:52: now
03-14-2003, 13:01:28: All your base are belong to us
03-14-2003, 13:03:35: Make your time...
03-14-2003, 13:37:20: ch ch ch check one two one two
03-14-2003, 19:54:45: ohhhhhh, are i. ,what is that? is that your peeniuot. oh my god it is berry berry big too big yung teetee mo. I juice coh, you filipino panseat eating mother humper. kahntut ang. kahntut ang sa keet. uh ano nah, is that your tongue? oh yes the tongue use the tongue oh the finger not the finger use thee finger pootongue enung shit seenog nanai mo seee nong nanai mo seee! nong! nanai! mo!! I nahku uh sandayllay let me wipe your mouth
03-14-2003, 19:55:49: i hate white people?
03-14-2003, 19:56:03: ohhhhhh, are i. ,what is that? is that your peeniuot. oh my god it is berry berry big too big yung teetee mo. I juice coh, you filipino panseat eating mother humper. kahntut ang. kahntut ang sa keet. uh ano nah, is that your tongue? oh yes the tongue use the tongue oh the finger not the finger use thee finger pootongue enung shit seenog nanai mo seee nong nanai mo seee! nong! nanai! mo!! I nahku uh sandayllay let me wipe your mouth
03-14-2003, 19:56:33: Fuck you bitch?
03-14-2003, 19:57:19: Why are you cheating on me Rob?
03-15-2003, 06:16:15: how are you
03-15-2003, 08:08:33: hi farhad i love u sweet hart
03-15-2003, 08:09:06: hi farhad i love u sweet hart
03-15-2003, 08:10:20:
03-15-2003, 08:11:05: hi farhad love u
03-15-2003, 22:21:39: hi im a fucker
03-15-2003, 23:50:35: hello
03-15-2003, 23:51:41: hello what time is it
03-16-2003, 02:17:30: Hi there!
03-16-2003, 03:55:37: Hello
03-16-2003, 03:57:17: Hello
03-16-2003, 03:58:43: Hello,
how are you doing?
03-16-2003, 12:43:33: hello
03-16-2003, 19:38:46: denny is gay
03-17-2003, 05:18:14: you are a bitch
03-17-2003, 08:29:51: and if it wasn't for that horse, i don't think i would have evered finished college - much less gotten married.
03-17-2003, 08:40:38: kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
03-17-2003, 12:11:52: bonjour
03-18-2003, 05:52:20: hello boy !
03-18-2003, 06:22:33: Hello
03-18-2003, 09:20:16: Hey guys. I'm Mike and I'm at John A Logan College in Carbondale Illinois. I am going into electronics.
So, how are things at thee uh, office? Hows the weather in San Francisco?
Well, don't have too much fun, ya hear?
03-18-2003, 09:27:13: hello
03-18-2003, 09:27:56: We're on a mission from god.
03-18-2003, 13:19:16: Hey fag
03-18-2003, 15:40:12: The following is a recording from k101 radio in Pittzberg from nineteen fourty five
03-18-2003, 15:40:34: The following is a recording from k101 radio in Pittzberg from nineteen fourty five
03-18-2003, 19:10:56: hello
03-18-2003, 23:35:37: Hello? Are you still up?
03-18-2003, 23:39:35: sections covers are news and photos, please choose
03-19-2003, 09:24:09: pooodly poodly poodly im english
03-19-2003, 10:37:01: hello
03-19-2003, 10:37:11:
03-19-2003, 10:37:33: hello
03-19-2003, 10:37:55: how are you
03-19-2003, 12:50:24: boyoyoyoyo arweeeeee schnooooodle iiirrrrrooooool d
03-19-2003, 15:04:48: fuck that shit
03-20-2003, 02:25:25: hello
03-20-2003, 07:59:19: hello
03-20-2003, 12:30:13: bummamah
03-20-2003, 13:38:50: hallo
03-20-2003, 13:54:00: wuzzzzup
03-20-2003, 14:47:56: POOPSKID
03-20-2003, 14:47:58: POOPSKID
03-20-2003, 14:47:59: POOPSKID
03-20-2003, 15:00:29: Hello
03-20-2003, 19:30:52: This is very creative. the site is entertaining. thanks.
03-21-2003, 02:24:55: may i noe wat is sam machine and eps machine
03-21-2003, 03:24:20: hi
03-21-2003, 07:37:08: this is a pretty interesting thing you're doing. Is it easy I wonder?
03-21-2003, 07:42:18: I want a cheese burger with no ketchup or mustard, a large order of fries and a large coke.
03-21-2003, 12:28:48: hello
03-21-2003, 14:12:09: hello
03-21-2003, 18:39:33: Ranik is not connected to irc
03-21-2003, 22:55:07: Fuck you
03-22-2003, 00:08:58: what time is it there, my kind sir, would you tell me please.. what time is it there..
03-22-2003, 12:38:03: Hi chase
03-22-2003, 12:50:58: why do iowa state patrol were their guns on backward?
03-22-2003, 18:01:11: hi willie how are you
03-23-2003, 07:22:54: Coucou éva, ça va la vie ?
03-23-2003, 07:22:58: Coucou éva, ça va la vie ?
03-23-2003, 09:58:06: you smell
03-23-2003, 11:31:11: hello
03-23-2003, 11:31:59: hello dipesh
03-23-2003, 11:32:58: hello
03-23-2003, 15:49:48: hello
03-23-2003, 15:50:30: hello i am a weiner
03-23-2003, 16:18:45: This is the Automatic Talking Machine! The words you type will magically be spoken out loud in my office here in San Francisco. If I'm around, I'll hear what you say. And so will anyone else who happens to be within earshot. So be creative -- not insulting!
03-23-2003, 16:19:27: hi rob, whats up,not much here, thats why im here, type-talking to u, there sure r alot of things on here,do u really hear them all?
03-23-2003, 16:19:39: hi rob, whats up,not much here, thats why im here, type-talking to u, there sure r alot of things on here,do u really hear them all?
03-23-2003, 16:45:21: Nothing at all.
03-24-2003, 00:43:11: hello how are you
03-24-2003, 05:28:27: Er zijn weer ziekmeldingen binnen
03-24-2003, 08:09:32: Please know that your Canadian neighbours support their good friends in America during this time of challenge as we have in others.
03-24-2003, 10:06:36: dj rd
03-24-2003, 10:08:26: dj rd
03-24-2003, 10:08:57: www.rossdean.com , say it don't spray it!
03-24-2003, 13:18:12: Hey you. How are you?
03-24-2003, 15:36:50: hello
03-24-2003, 15:37:25: hello
03-24-2003, 15:39:22: hellloooo
03-24-2003, 15:39:48: hellloooo
03-24-2003, 18:38:07: mgevAWKEvgh
03-24-2003, 20:37:37: David
03-24-2003, 20:39:14: Where can i get a Automatic Talking Machine?
03-25-2003, 04:22:00: arrête
03-25-2003, 04:25:21: hello
03-25-2003, 06:55:58: Hallo ihr spacken
03-25-2003, 12:12:18: syntezator mowy
03-25-2003, 12:47:39: my name is shandi
03-25-2003, 15:56:42: Hello sashi
03-26-2003, 10:16:37: good night steve i'll see you tomorrow
03-26-2003, 10:17:15: good night steve
03-26-2003, 10:39:05:
03-26-2003, 11:00:37: hi
03-26-2003, 12:10:16: post dose
03-26-2003, 12:11:36: post dose
03-26-2003, 14:49:30: hi
03-26-2003, 16:20:50: Hello, how are you?
03-26-2003, 17:35:12: hello
03-26-2003, 19:39:37: bollocks
03-26-2003, 20:45:04: and just how are things in san francisco tonight?
03-27-2003, 07:50:07: you see what happen larry!!!
03-27-2003, 07:50:18: you see what happen larry!!!
03-27-2003, 09:52:25: I smell of fish and cheese.
03-27-2003, 09:55:54: I’m as angry as a Guatemalan hat painter with a hangover eating a stale tuna steak sandwich for breakfast being chased by Joan Rivers.
03-27-2003, 11:15:39: I think people suck
03-27-2003, 11:15:58: I think people suck
03-27-2003, 13:05:16: hello
03-27-2003, 13:05:53: hello mr big guy where are you from
03-27-2003, 13:27:10: OH NO! An electrified Peruvian donkey is tickling my solar plexus...awwwkkkkkk
03-27-2003, 13:33:01: I love you
03-27-2003, 18:50:06: Hello what are you doing?
03-27-2003, 23:04:34: hello
03-27-2003, 23:04:50: hello
03-28-2003, 04:10:29: ya mommas bin sucking dick since she was knee high
03-28-2003, 04:11:15: ya mommas bin sucking dick since she was knee high
03-28-2003, 04:15:55: hey ya lazy bums check out double u double u double u dot cafe shops slash pussylick dot com
do it now
03-28-2003, 05:02:08: car
03-28-2003, 06:35:38: fuck up
03-28-2003, 07:09:58: I got my foot caught in my grandma's undies.
03-28-2003, 08:53:05: bla bla
03-28-2003, 08:54:13: yo!
03-28-2003, 11:30:18: Maybe you should do that.
03-28-2003, 15:55:51: howdy
03-28-2003, 15:57:36: blah blah blah
03-28-2003, 15:58:02: blah blah blah
03-28-2003, 20:42:42: ass
03-28-2003, 21:45:18: i don't know what to tell you
03-29-2003, 05:15:30: way cool
03-29-2003, 05:41:59: hello
03-29-2003, 05:43:41: hello
03-29-2003, 05:44:16: i can see you
03-29-2003, 11:47:59: I am gay
03-29-2003, 13:49:55: Das ist cool
03-29-2003, 13:50:21: Das ist cool
03-29-2003, 15:54:50: hello
03-30-2003, 00:26:15: i wanna ask u something
03-30-2003, 02:40:56: eek
03-30-2003, 11:46:44: Hi guys !
Working hard ?
03-30-2003, 13:54:18: hello
03-30-2003, 13:55:00: hello my name is sucka cock
03-30-2003, 19:27:40: all your mothers wear army boots!
03-30-2003, 21:10:39: loud
03-31-2003, 01:04:14: have a nice day
03-31-2003, 01:57:06: TOTAL BS
03-31-2003, 02:35:05: fgfh
03-31-2003, 08:15:50: The green goat ate the second blue banana. Uncle Winston sorted socks silently.
03-31-2003, 10:57:15: gordon is a poof
04-01-2003, 08:39:28: hi
04-01-2003, 10:04:08: snort the nose lucifer banana banana
04-01-2003, 10:15:47: ewrerwerwrw
04-01-2003, 10:56:55: Nik is the biggest pimp ever!
04-01-2003, 13:28:52: What's up San Fran?
04-01-2003, 13:34:21: Canada
04-01-2003, 13:36:08: Sun Sparc Server 490 is now shutting down. All information on severs and hard drives will be lost. Ha ha ha April Fools.
04-01-2003, 13:37:05: Sun Sparc Server 490 is now shutting down. All information on servers and hard drives will be lost. Ha ha ha April Fools.
04-01-2003, 14:14:39: An aggressive band of hooligans absconded with my burnished dickey.
04-01-2003, 16:15:26: Fuck you
04-01-2003, 17:28:11: hello is anyone there
04-01-2003, 17:34:24: Hello Folks. My name is Apu.
04-02-2003, 04:26:58:
04-02-2003, 09:39:30: Pac man could beat up donkey kong.
04-02-2003, 10:27:57: Hi. Remember me from a few years back? I am the tuna guy. I used to post several messages every day about tuna fish. Have you missed me? I am not in graduate school anymore and I have a real job now so I can't spend my afternoons on the internet. But I still enjoy tuna! TUNA! TUNA! TUNA! ROBBY BOB HANSEN! DO YOU LIKE TUNA TOO?
04-02-2003, 14:51:41: I dont seem to have a C D drive but I do have a cup holder
04-02-2003, 14:54:37: I'm a sexy quadraped name Mynixie, I can laugh I can smoke and can even tell a joke, but never never rip paper near me or I'll belch.
04-02-2003, 23:14:16: hi
04-03-2003, 05:41:24: bonjour
04-03-2003, 05:42:31: hello
04-03-2003, 05:45:01: who are you
04-03-2003, 06:46:24: hello good doctor
04-03-2003, 06:46:58: hello good doctor
04-03-2003, 06:47:41: hello good doctor
04-03-2003, 06:48:00: watcha watcha
04-03-2003, 07:05:01: aj
04-03-2003, 09:53:29: Fighting for the liberty of the fruit tree tastes nothing like the glint of sagittarius rounding itself around your uvula. I know the time will soon arrive when we will see people manufactured in crates and seives of glass.
04-03-2003, 12:12:02: old macdonald had a farm eieio and on that farm he had a dog eieio with a bark bark here and a bark bark there here a bark there a bark everywhere a bark bark old macdonald had a farm eieio
04-03-2003, 12:15:36: hey you, with the big boobs...
04-03-2003, 16:49:59: hi
04-03-2003, 17:42:54: Just a reminder to finish your taxes.
04-03-2003, 17:45:30: Okay everybody, pay your taxes. We've got some more wars on the horizon to fund.
04-03-2003, 22:17:53: Lähdetään kotiin
04-04-2003, 05:50:53: Lessons from Hull House for the Contemporary Urban University
by Ira Harkavy and John L. Puckett,
University of Pennsylvania
Ira Harkavy is Director of the Center for Community Partnerships at the University of Pennsylvania. He teaches both in the history and urban studies departments, and is co-executive editor of _Universities and Community Schools_. In recent years, he has written on how to involve universities effectively in democratic partnerships with local public schools and their communities.
John Puckett is associate professor at the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education, where he conducts research on the university-community relationship.
Table of Contents
* Introduction
* Social Science and Social Work: The Progressive Tradition
* The Retreat from Social Reform: Structural Conflicts and Contradictions in the Academy
* Academically Based Community Service: Toward Revitalizing Universities and Communities
* Reports from the Field: Communal Participatory Action Research in West Philadelphia
* Conclusion
* Notes
Since 1981 and the publication of Ernest Boyer and Fred Hechinger's Higher Learning in the Nation's Service, there has been a growing criticism that "higher education in America is suffering from a loss of overall direction, a nagging feeling that it is no longer at the vital center of the nation's work."[1] With the publication of Derek Bok's 1990 book,Universities and the Future of America, that criticism reached a new level of urgency and significance. From the paramount insider position within the higher educational system, Harvard's president concluded that "most universities continue to do their least impressive work on the very subjects where society's need for greater knowledge and better education is most acute."[2] Bok's conclusion (reached near the end of his Harvard presidency) necessarily leads to the further conclusion that the American university has failed to do what it is supposed to do. In short, esoterica has triumphed over public philosophy, narrow scholasticism over humane scholarship.
Urban universities are now compelled to work with their neighbors for their own immediate and long-term self-interest. There are four reasons why universities should be involved in urban revitalization efforts. The first reason is institutional self-interest, including the safety, cleanliness, and attractiveness of the physical setting. Each of these contributes to the campus ambiance and to the recruitment and retention of faculty, students, and staff. Needless to say, high walls and imposing gates cannot shield students, faculty members, or administrators from the disturbing reality that surrounds the urban campus.
The second reason involves a more indirect effect on institutional self-interest. It includes both the costs (financial, public relations, and political) to the institution that result from a retreat from the community, as well as the benefits that accrue from active, effective engagement. As Lee Benson and Ira Harkavy have noted:
As conditions in society continue to deteriorate, universities will face increased public scrutiny (witness the Congressional hearings chaired by Representative John Dingell of Michigan last year). The scrutiny is bound to intensify as America focuses on resolving its deep and pervasive societal problems amid continuously expanding global competition. Institutions of higher education will increasingly be held to new and demanding standards that evaluate performance on the basis of direct and short-run societal benefit. In addition, public, private, and foundation support will be more than ever based on that standard, and it will become increasingly clear to colleges and universities that "altruism pays"--in fact, that altruism is practically an imperative for institutional development and improvement.[3]
The third reason involves the advancement of knowledge, teaching, and human welfare through academically based community service focused on improving the quality of life in the local community. The benefits that can emerge from this approach are the integration of research, teaching, and service; the interaction of faculty members and graduate and undergraduate students from across the campus; the connection of projects involving participatory action research with student and staff volunteer activities; and the promotion of civic consciousness, value-oriented thinking, and a moral approach to issues of public concern among undergraduates. Historically, universities have missed an extraordinary opportunity to work with their communities and to engage in better research, teaching, and service. The separation of universities from society, their aloofness from real-world problems, has deprived universities of contact with a necessary source of genuine creativity and academic vitality.
Promoting civic consciousness, we believe, is the core component of the fourth reason for significant university involvement with the community. Sheldon Hackney has described this as the "institution's obligation to be a good citizen, and its pedagogic duty to provide models of responsible citizenship for its students."[4] In other words, universities and colleges have, along with schools and religious institutions, a special responsibility to be moral institutions, exemplifying the highest civic and character-building values of society. At the heart of civic responsibility is the concept of neighborliness--caring about and assisting those living in close proximity to us. As an institution, a university's actions and inactions express morality; a university's indifference or civic engagement teaches lessons to its students and to society. This citizenship and character-building role, of course, was at the very center of the American college. However, the didactic approach to citizenship education and morality employed by its predecessors would today be both off-putting and at odds with the openness of the modern university.
Collectively these arguments indicate that it is now both necessary and mutually beneficial for urban universities to work to revitalize their local communities. The complex problems of urban society necessitate a radical reorientation and reinvention of the urban American university to become, once again, a mission-oriented institution devoted to the use of reason to improve the human condition. That mission was the driving force behind the organization of the modern research university in the late nineteenth century. University presidents of the Progressive Era worked to transform the American university into a major national institution capable of meeting the needs of a rapidly changing and increasingly complex society. Imbued with a boundless optimism and a belief that scientific and social-scientific knowledge could change the world for the better, they saw universities as leading the way toward an effective and humane reorganization of society. Progressive academics viewed the city as their arena for study and action. The city was the site of significant societal transformations; the center of political corruption, poverty, crime and cultural conflict; and a ready source of data and information. It was, according to Richmond Mayo-Smith of Columbia, "the national laboratory of social science, just as hospitals are of medical science." [5] As Jane Addams and her colleagues in Chicago illustrated, the city was also the place in which academics could combine social science and social reform.
Social Science and Social Work: The Progressive Tradition
Social work as a field of social scientific inquiry gained impetus from Hull House, the social settlement founded by Jane Addams and Ellen Starr on Chicago's West Side in 1889.[6] The philosophy and programs of Hull House were modeled after Toynbee Hall, the first settlement house, established in 1884 by the Anglican vicar Samuel A. Barnett in London's East End. Adopting a multifaceted institutional approach to the social problems of the immigrant groups in the Nineteenth Ward, the Hull House residents offered activities and services along four lines, designated by Addams as the social, educational, humanitarian, and civic. The residents' programs included college extension classes, clubs and literary programs, ethnic festivals, art exhibits, recreational activities and neighborhood showerbaths, a summer camp program, a cooperative boarding house for working women, and kindergarten, visiting-nurse, and legal services. Moreover, Hull House was a site for labor union activities; a forum for social, political, and economic reform; and a center for social science research. Regarding its research function, as Addams once noted, "the settlements antedated by three years the first sociology departments in universities and by ten years the establishment of the first foundations for social research." [7]
In Twenty Years at Hull-House, Addams emphasized the benefits that accrued to the activist social worker from engagement with the community and its problems. She wrote of "a fast-growing number of cultivated young people who have no recognized outlet for their active faculties. They hear constantly of the great social maladjustment, but no way is provided for them to change it, and their uselessness hangs upon them heavily. . . . 'There is nothing after disease, indigence and guilt so fatal to life itself as the want of a proper outlet for active faculties.'"[8] For women, the problem of lacking constructive social outlets for their reform impulses was acutely felt, constricted as they were by Victorian gender roles. Viewed as an expression of "social motherhood," settlement work provided a satisfactory professional outlet for women that was not incommensurate with established gender roles and practices, particularly the idea of the "woman's sphere." Addams acknowledged this when she remarked that "many women today are failing properly to discharge their duties to their own families and households simply because they fail to see that as society grows more complicated, it is necessary that woman shall extend her sense of responsibility to many things outside of her home, if only in order to preserve the home in its entirety."[9]
For activist-oriented young men and women of Addams's generation, settlement work constituted, in Addams's apt phrase, a "subjective necessity." In 1889, Starr told a friend that "Jane's idea, which she puts very much to the front and on no account will give up, is that [the settlement] is more for the people who do it than for the other class."[10] Addams herself later wrote, "I hope it will never be forgotten in Chicago, at least where Hull House feels somewhat responsible for the Toynbee Hall idea, that Toynbee Hall was first projected as an aid and outlet to educated young men. The benefit to East Londoners was then regarded as almost secondary, and the benefit has always been held as strictly mutual."[11]
In 1895, Addams and the residents of Hull House--notably Florence Kelley, Agnes Holbrook, and Julia Lathrop--published Hull-House Maps and Papers, a sociological investigation of the neighborhood immediately to the east of Hull House; in Addams's words, it was a record of "certain phases of neighborhood life with which the writers have been familiar."[12] Inspired by Charles Booth's Life and Labour of the People in London, the Hull House residents compiled detailed maps of demographic and social characteristics and produced richly descriptive accounts of life and work in a poor immigrant neighborhood.[13] Theirs was not dispassionate scholarship, as evidenced by Kelley's poignant advocacy of sweatshop laborers, whose "reward of work at their trade is grinding poverty, ending only in death or escape to some more hopeful occupation. Within the trade there has been and can be no improvement in wages while tenement-house manufacture is tolerated. On the contrary, there seems to be no limit to the deterioration now in progress."[14]
Closely associated with Hull House in its early years were the male sociologists at the University of Chicago, who acknowledged that "it was Addams and Hull-House who were the leader and leading institution in Chicago in the 1890s, not the University of Chicago." [15] Indeed, Hull-House Maps and Papers oriented the Chicago School of Sociology to urban studies and strongly influenced the direction taken by that department for the next 40 years.[16] The changing relationship of Addams and her Hull House colleagues with the Chicago sociologists from the 1890s to the late 1910s mirrored the American university's transition from an outwardly directed, service-centered institution to an inwardly directed, discipline-centered institution. It was also a marker of the separation of knowledge production from knowledge use, indeed, of social science from social reform, by the end of the Progressive Era.
In its early years, the University of Chicago demonstrated that by doing good, a research university could do very well. When Chicago's first president, William Rainey Harper, described the mission of his newly minted university as "service for mankind wherever mankind is, whether within scholastic walls or without those walls and in the world at large,"[17] he expressed a pervasive attitude of Progressive Era academics that "scholarship, teaching, and public service were fully compatible."[18] As Steven Diner has written, Harper and his Progressive colleagues also realized that the university's funding was contingent on the public's good will:
When the University of Chicago opened in 1892, universities were still quite new and were just beginning to to explore the possibilities of service to their society. This was not a time for introspection or self-criticism, but an era of growth and experimentation. Nothing in the experience of American universities thus far indicated that public service might harm the university; but the experience of the antebellum college suggested the shortcomings of a remote seminary of learning for its own sake. Its detachment from public service had resulted in neither solid scholarship, sound teaching, nor popular support. Indeed, most university presidents of the early twentieth century concluded that service was the only way to win support for the advancement and dissemination of knowledge on the highest level. [19]
The Chicago School of Sociology was created in this nexus of "serving society by advancing intellectual inquiry."[20] In the early years of the Chicago School no invidious distinctions were made between the applied sociology pursued by Addams and the Hull House residents and the academic research of the first generation of University of Chicago sociologists. Indeed, the two groups had a close working relationship, grounded in personal friendships, mutual respect, and shared social philosophy. Four men of the early Chicago School--Albion Small, Charles Henderson, Charles Zeublin, and George Vincent--were ministers or ministers manque, intellectual Social Gospelers with strong civic commitments. (The exceptions, with limited theological proclivities, were George Herbert Mead and William I. Thomas.) Like the women of Hull House, the Chicago sociologists were "social activists and social scientists."[21] Action social research, Chicago style, encompassed scholarly documentation of a social problem and lobbying of politicians and local community groups to obtain action. [22]
Recent feminist scholarship takes issue with the charge that the social science of Hull House and the early Chicago School was unscientific. Mary Jo Deegan, for example, argues that Hull-House Maps and Papers "established the Chicago tradition of studying the city and its inhabitants," and provided "the major substantive interests of Chicago sociologists": a focus on immigrants, poverty, and occupational structure. She asserts that Robert Park and Ernest W. Burgess, leaders of the Chicago School's second generation, adopted the research concerns and methods of Addams and her colleagues even as they staked their own prior claim as the founders of urban sociology. [23]
After 1915 Chicago Sociology increasingly distanced itself from social reform, notwithstanding the continued focus on the form, structure, and problems of city living. Increasingly that focus was circumscribed by a natural science model and an underlying commitment to "the detached and objective study of society," which "allowed no room for an ameliorative approach."[24] Park and Burgess emphasized "urban studies . . . within a scientific framework."[25]
The career of Sophonisba Breckinridge is indicative of the attenuation of action-oriented, reformist social science in Chicago in the decades before America's entry into World War I. When Breckinridge enrolled in the University of Chicago's Department of Political Science in 1894, she entered a Progressive world where scientific rigor was deemed compatible with social problem solving. [26] According to Ellen Fitzpatrick: "All accepted the notion that scholars had a duty to address contemporary problems in their work. All agreed on the importance of empirical research. And all shared the belief that careful scientific investigation was a sine qua non for intelligent reform." [27] Unequal gender relations, however, stymied the entry of women with doctoral degrees (in Breckinridge's case, a doctor of philosophy awarded in 1902, a doctor of jurisprudence awarded in 1904) into the social science professoriate at the University of Chicago. The new feminist historiography has documented an emerging nexus of gender, social reform, and social science at the beginning of the twentieth century: after 1904, women would be relegated to the margins of the university, the confines of the newly opened Department of Household Administration, "a special intellectual province for women," where Breckinridge would find a home as an assistant professor. Yet her training had prepared her for a headier challenge: "While the political scientist pursued research that resulted in an essay entitled 'Industrial Conditions of Women Workers in Chicago Illustrated by the Packing Houses' in 1905-06, her colleagues in the household administration department wrote papers such as 'The Relative Digestibility of Animal and Vegetable Albumen,' 'Loss of Nutrients in Beans Due to Soaking,' 'Comparative Richness of Gelatin-Yielding Material in Old and Young Animals,' and 'Pectin Bodies in Fruit Juices and the Effect of Temperatures and Density in the Setting of Fruit Jelly.' Such concerns were far afield from the principles of law, political science, and political economy."[28]
In 1909, Breckinridge was appointed dean of the Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy, an independent social work and research training center funded by the Russell Sage Foundation. Over the next decade she and her colleague Edith Abbott, both of whom took up residence in Hull House, directed extensive surveys in such areas as housing, stockyards, juvenile court, and public-school truancy and nonattendance. The merger of the School of Civics and Philanthropy with the University of Chicago in 1920 led to both women's appointment as associate professors of social economy in the newly created School of Social Service Administration. There, Breckinridge and Abbott "sought to create a new setting within the university that would permit them to address public issues and advance social research. In so doing, they helped professionalize social work, a field they first adopted and then worked to make their own."[29] Yet theirs was a Pyrrhic victory. The feminization of professional social work marked it as the last enclave of social reform. As noted by Ellen Lagemann, the implications of the rift between social reform and social science at the University of Chicago were considerable:
As a result, the new departmental lines drawn there created divisions, not just at Chicago, but also elsewhere, between theoretical, "objective," academic social research, on the one hand, and more reformist, political, and applied social work, on the other. The structural and intellectual divisions thus created were soon compounded by gender divisions that rapidly took on hierarchical status distinctions as well. Sociology, which came increasingly to be dominated by men, was more and more seen as a source for insights to be tested and applied by "social workers," most of whom were women; and settings for "social work," including social settlements like Hull House, were more and more seen as places to which (male) university sociologists might send students to collect data, which the sociologists and not the social workers would then analyze in a university laboratory and elaborate into theory.[30]
Applied social science largely vanished from the academy after 1918. World War I was the catalyst for a full-scale retreat from action-oriented, reformist social science. The brutality and horror of that conflict ended the buoyant optimism and faith in human progress and societal improvement that had marked the Progressive Era. American academics were not immune to the general disillusion with progress. One economist wrote that "it would perhaps be an exaggeration to say that the European war . . . has rendered every text in social science thus far published out of date, but it would not be a very great exaggeration."[31] Indeed, despair led many social scientists to retreat into a narrow scientistic approach: "They began to talk of the need for a harder science, a science of facts and numbers that could moderate or dispel the pervasive irrational conflicts of political life."[32] Scholarly inquiry directed toward creating a better society was increasingly deemed inappropriate. While faith in the expert and in expert knowledge was carried on from the Progressive Era, it was now divorced from its reformist roots. The dominant conception of science was clear and simple: it was what physical scientists and engineers did.[33] "Sociology as a science is not interested in making the world a better place in which to live, in encouraging beliefs, in spreading information, in dispensing news, in setting forth impressions of life, in leading the multitudes or in guiding the ship of state," Chicago sociologist William F. Ogburn declared. "Science is interested directly in one thing only, to wit, discovering new knowledge." [34] The retreat from applied social science in the 1920s crystallized a tendency that Addams had discerned at the turn of the century:
We recall that the first colleges of the Anglo-Saxon race were established to educate religious teachers. For a long time it was considered the religious mission of the educated to prepare the mass of the people for life beyond the grave. Knowledge dealt largely in theology, but it was ultimately to be applied, and the test of the successful graduate, after all, was not his learning, but his power to save souls. As the college changed from teaching theology to teaching secular knowledge the test of its success should have shifted from the power to save men's souls to the power to adjust them in healthful relations to nature and their fellow men. But the college failed to do this, and made the test of its success the mere collecting and disseminating of knowledge, elevating the means into an end and falling in love with its own achievement.[35]
The Retreat from Social Reform: Structural Conflicts and Contradictions in the Academy
Throughout the American university, a strong tradition developed that separated scholarly research from the goal of helping to create a better society. The political and cultural dynamics of post-World War I scientistic social science were reflected in the burgeoning field of psychiatric social work. In the 1920s, psychiatric social workers staked their claim to scientific legitimacy and professional status by defining their knowledge base as psychoanalytic theory and adopting a therapeutic, ostensibly scientific, approach that emphasized clients' social-psychological adjustment rather than social amelioration. Casework, if not Freudian psychology, also dominated other subspecialities of social work--for example, family casework and child guidance--and during the twenties, that approach became the raison d'etre of the profession as a whole. University schools of social work, which numbered 28 by 1929, and social work education were unified "around the idea of generic casework."[36] Professional social work training did not include preparation for a career in settlement work. The local Community Chest, which gained control of settlement house budgets, dampened reform; only in non-Chest cities such as Chicago and New York were settlement workers able to sustain some reform activity. Not surprisingly, that activity was associated with the charismatic leadership of Addams of Hull House, Graham Taylor of Chicago Commons, and Lillian Wald of Henry Street Settlement, and it was not broadly institutionalized.[37]
Between the wars the reform impulse was further weakened by the fact that every major university formed similar and increasingly specialized departments, and a faculty member's primary source of identification and allegiance became his or her discipline, not the university. Since World War II, a steady infusion of federal funds allocated to individual researchers working under departmental auspices has accelerated the growth of a disciplinary-based reward system. [38] Departmental and disciplinary divisions have served to increase further the isolation of universities from society. A 1982 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development report entitled The University and the Community noted, "Communities have problems, universities have departments."[39] Beyond being a criticism of universities, that statement neatly indicates why universities have not contributed as they should. Quite simply, their unintegrated structures work against understanding and helping to solve highly complex human and societal problems. This tendency has resulted in less effective research, teaching, and service. Indeed, all three missions have been impoverished by what might be termed a false trichotomization. For example, that trichotomy has contributed to an enormous imbalance in the production of knowledge.
Dazzling advances have occurred in university-based research in science and technology. New ideas, concepts, technologies, approaches, and techniques are developed with ever-increasing rapidity. Although designed to improve human welfare, the application of scientific advances too frequently results in new and more forbidding problems. The wondrous possibilities of new medical technologies, for example, have become distorted, helping to create a health care "system" unresponsive to the "low-tech" preventive needs of the vast majority of citizens.[40] How to make rational use of science and technology should be a primary focus of university research. It should be a primary focus because it is a primary problem facing human beings in the late twentieth century. If universities had an integrated mission--the creative, dynamic, and systemic integration of research, teaching, and service--intellectual resources would be significantly devoted to developing humane applications of scientific knowledge to help those living in conditions of profound poverty and neglect.
Integrating research, teaching, and service will be particularly difficult because of a fundamental contradiction in the structure of the American research university itself, a contradiction that occurred with its very creation. That is, the American research university was a product of a combination of the German research university and the American college. Daniel Coit Gilman, the founder of Johns Hopkins and central architect of the late nineteenth-century research university, in fact, claimed that one of his proudest accomplishments was "a school of science grafted on one of the oldest and most conservative classical colleges." Although referring specifically to the merger of the Sheffield Scientific School with Yale College, Gilman felt that this achievement exemplified his contribution to American higher education.[41]
Gilman did not make reference to the institutional contradiction that necessarily derived from a merger of two markedly different entities. The research university, on the one hand, was dedicated to specialized scholarship, and it was through the production of specialized inquiry and studies that the university provided service. For the American college, on the other hand, general education, character building, and civic education were the central purposes. The goal was to serve society by cultivating in young people, to use Benjamin Franklin's phrase, "an Inclination join'd with an Ability to serve." [42] The research university has, of course, dominated this merger, creating an ethos and culture that rewards specialized study rather than more general scholarship and the education of the next generation for moral, civic, and intellectual leadership.
Given the structural contradictions built into the American university, and nearly a century of increasing specialization, fragmentation of knowledge, and separation of scholarship from direct service to society, it will not be easy for higher educational institutions to effectively integrate research, teaching, and service and substantively increase their contributions to knowledge and human welfare. Certainly the significant problems facing American society and the pressures to change that are coming from a variety of constituents will mean that some new directions will have to be forged. But will they be the right directions, directions that enhance the university's ability to carry out its mission? And will these new directions be significant and basic enough to reduce the impediments to progress that hinder the creative, dynamic, systemic integration of research, teaching, and service?
Academically Based Community Service: Toward Revitalizing Universities and Communities
In three key respects, Hull House provides a model and inspiration for work being undertaken at the University of Pennsylvania. First, the Hull House residents emphasized amelioration and reform. Although they acted too frequently for rather than with their neighbors, they believed in and espoused the ideal of empowering community residents to address social problems.[43] Second, as indicated by Hull-House Maps and Papers, their ameliorative, reformist approach to social science integrated the production of new knowledge and the uses made of that knowledge.[44] Third, Addams and her Chicago colleagues recognized that the social problems of the city are complex, deeply rooted, interdependent phenomena that require holistic ameliorative strategies and support mechanisms if they are to be solved. The settlement house provided, albeit on a small neighborhood scale, a comprehensive institutional response to social problems.
Our approach has been to advance academically based community service--service rooted in and intrinsically tied to teaching and research. Among other things, it is an approach that seeks to integrate the research, teaching, and service missions of the university, while also spurring intellectual integration across disciplines. We have found that the very nature of concrete, real-world problems, particularly the problems of the university's immediate geographic community, encourage genuine interschool and interdisciplinary cooperation. No single component of the university can significantly help understand and reduce the complex, myriad, interrelated problems of the urban poor. In combination, however, advances can be made. And that combination must go beyond the various components of the university. It necessarily must also include other institutions, such as public schools, businesses, unions, community organizations, government, and voluntary associations.
Our goal is to develop an innovative model of how higher educational institutions can fruitfully and simultaneously work together to advance knowledge and human welfare. The work builds on John Dewey's proposition that knowledge and learning can be most effectively advanced through working to solve immediate, strategic societal problems. For Dewey, "Thinking begins in . . . a forked-road situation, a situation which is ambiguous, which presents a dilemma, which proposes alternatives."[45] In effect, our forked-road situation is the intellectual problem of what can be done to overcome the pervasive problems affecting the people of West Philadelphia.
To a significant extent, our work can be viewed as testing the validity of Dewey's proposition about how we learn and think. Even more fundamentally, it tests the validity of Francis Bacon's central proposition that knowledge advances most effectively when the "relief of man's estate" is made the true end of knowledge. In 1620 Bacon put the argument as follows: "Lastly, I would address a general admonition to all, that they consider what are the true ends of knowledge, and that they seek it not either for pleasure of the mind, or for contention, or for superiority to others, or for profit, or fame, or power, or for any of these inferior things; but for the benefit and use of life; and that they perfect and govern it in charity. For it was from lust of power that they angels fell, from lust of knowledge that men fell; but of charity there can be no excess, neither did angel or man ever come in danger by it."[46]
How are we to know whether a Deweyan-Baconian approach is indeed superior to the traditional, scholastic model that dominates the American university? For Bacon the test was simple: By their fruits shall we judge modes of inquiry and thought. In other words, to what extent does research change the world for the better? In Reconstruction and Philosophy, Dewey praised Bacon for his brilliant analysis of the sociology of knowledge and his call for cooperative research: "To Bacon, error had been produced and perpetuated by social influences, and trust must be discovered by social agencies organized for that purpose. . . . The great need [Bacon proclaimed] is the organization of co-operative research, whereby men attack nature collectively and the work of inquiry is carried on continuously from generation to generation."[47]
Since 1985, the University of Pennsylvania has been involved in a broadly based community project to help improve the quality of life in West Philadelphia. The project has two main organizational components. With staff offices in the West Philadelphia community, the West Philadelphia Improvement Corps (WEPIC) represents a coalition of university faculty, staff, undergraduate and graduate students, and West Philadelphia teachers, students, and school administrators. The WEPIC provides a year-round program that currently involves over 2,000 children, their parents, and community members in education and cultural workshops, recreation, job training, and community improvement and service activities. The program is coordinated by the West Philadelphia Partnership, a mediating, nonprofit, community-based organization composed of major institutions (including the University of Pennsylvania) and local community groups, in conjunction with the Greater Philadelphia Urban Affairs Coalition and the Philadelphia School District. The recently established Center for Community Partnerships at the University of Pennsylvania coordinates and provides opportunities for participatory action research projects conducted under the aegis of the WEPIC.
This approach is quite different from strategies undertaken in the 1960s, when escalating poverty, crime, violence, racial strife, and student protest demanded a response from urban universities. Federal and foundation-supported programs, notably urban extension programs, urban studies centers and urban observatories, were created to link university research and technical assistance to urban concerns. The goal, according to Paul Ylvisaker of the Ford Foundation, whose 1958 speech signaled the beginning of an era of reengagement, was to create urban equivalents to the Agricultural Extension Service. Typically, these efforts were not partnerships, that is, mutually beneficial relationships between the city and the university. For all the public and private funds expended, relatively little of substance was accomplished, and a genuine and acute disappointment about the level of university performance set in.[48] The development of a mediating organization that encourages partnerships and the pooling of institutional and community resources has helped the University of Pennsylvania to sustain and expand its contribution to the WEPIC coalition.[49]
The WEPIC has reinvented and updated an old notion--that the neighborhood school can effectively serve as the core neighborhood institution, an institution that both provides comprehensive services and galvanizes other community institutions and groups. That idea motivated the early settlement workers, who recognized the centrality of the neighborhood school in community life and its potential as a catalytic site for community stabilization and improvement. At the turn of the century, settlement pioneers mediated the transfer of social, health, vocational, and recreational services to the public schools of major American cities.[50] Dewey's notion of "the school as social center" reflected the vision of Addams and other settlement workers that urban public schools would incorporate settlement ideas and functions.[51] The school and the curriculum would become, in effect, focal points of neighborhood development , improvement, and stabilization. Although Dewey did not make it explicit, this idea is consistent with his general theory that the community-centered school would help catalyze the development of a "cosmopolitan local community."[52] For the neighborhood school to be truly comprehensive, to function as a genuine community center, to help transform its catchment area into a cosmopolitan local community, however, it needs additional human resources and support.
In 1929, near the end of her extraordinary career, Addams wrote that the social settlement served the same function as the university, but the settlement's impact encompassed a broader and needier population: It was the function of the settlements to bring into the circle of knowledge and full life, men and women who might otherwise be left outside. Some of these men and women were outside simply because of their ignorance, some of them because they led lives of hard work that narrowed their interests, and others because they were unaware of the possibilities of life and needed a friendly touch to awaken them. The colleges and universities had made a little inner circle of illuminated space beyond which there stretched a region of darkness, and it was the duty of the settlements to draw into the light those who were out of it. It seemed to us that our mission was just as important as that of either the university or the college.[53]
The key challenge today, however, is not to have social settlements function as universities but rather to have universities function as perennial, deeply rooted settlements, providing illuminated space for their communities as they conduct their mission of producing and transmitting knowledge to advance human welfare and to develop theories that have broad utility and application. As comprehensive institutions, we would argue, universities are uniquely qualified to provide broadly based, sustained, comprehensive support. The community school project itself becomes the organizing catalyst enabling the university to function as a social settlement as one innovative, humanistic strategy to better perform its traditional mission, as well as to better perform its role as a cosmopolitan civic university.
Reports from the Field: Communal Participatory Action Research in West Philadelphia
As we noted previously, a broadly based coalition of agencies, organizations, and institutions today is a sine qua non for school and community revitalization in collapsing urban centers. If it is to be an effective partner in this coalition, the university must institutionalize a strategy that engages academic resources in ways that integrate and strengthen its missions of teaching, research, and service. The strategy we have chosen is to develop a permanent, humanistic natural laboratory in West Philadelphia. We do not treat West Philadelphia as a laboratory for experimentation on poor people, that is, as a site for study rather than assistance. Our approach emphasizes a mutually beneficial, democratic relationship between academics and non-academics. In that relationship, academic researchers learn from and with the community, do research collaboratively with and not on people, and contribute to the solution of significant community problems. Put another way, we believe that West Philadelphia, and the community school in particular, should serve as a natural social and cultural laboratory in which communal participatory action research functions as a humanistic strategy for the advancement of knowledge and human welfare.[54]
Participatory action research is "a form of action research in which professional social researchers operate as full collaborators with members of organizations in studying and transforming those organizations. It is an on-going organizational learning process, a research approach that emphasizes co-learning, participation, and organizational transformation."[55] Both participatory action research and communal participatory action research are directed toward problems in the real world and are concerned with application. They differ in the degree to which they are continuous, comprehensive, and beneficial and necessary to the organization or community studied and the university. The participatory action research process is exemplified in the work of William Foote Whyte and his associates at Cornell University to advance industrial democracy in the worker cooperatives of Mondragon, Spain.[56] Its considerable utility and theoretical significance notwithstanding, the research at Mondragon is not an institutional necessity for Cornell. By contrast, the University of Pennsylvania's enlightened self-interest is directly tied to the success of its research efforts in the West Philadelphia community, hence its emphasis on communal participatory action research. In short, proximity and a focus on problems that are institutionally significant to the university encourage sustained, continuous research involvement. A crucial issue, of course, is the degree to which these locally based research projects result in general knowledge. We would argue that local does not mean parochial and that the solution to local problems necessarily requires an understanding of national and global issues as well as an effective use and development of theory. Two research projects in West Philadelphia, one conducted by a physical anthropologist, another by a graduate student in communication studies, illustrate these propositions.
Francis Johnston, chairperson of the University of Pennsylvania's Department of Anthropology, carries out research in the Turner Nutritional Awareness Project, a joint community/university-sponsored participatory action research project at the John P. Turner Middle School that is designed to improve the nutritional status of the community. "The Project is comprehensive in scope, with components dealing with nutritional assessment, with instruction in concepts of nutrition, and with the collection of a broad range of related information, including such areas as knowledge, preferences, and attitudes concerning food, food streams within the neighborhood, and other sources of information (merchants, media, etc.)." [57] Turner School teachers participate in the design and presentation of the intervention. Sixth-grade Turner students participate in the nutrition education program and, as seventh graders, they teach elementary school students about basic nutrition and healthy habits. [58]
In a recent study, Johnston and his students in an undergraduate anthropology course on "Biomedical Science and Human Adaptability" collected measurements of physical growth status and dietary intakes from 11- to 15-year-old African-American youth. Data on growth were collected on 136 individuals; for both sets of indicators, data were collected on 113. A nutrition software package was used to calculate the nutrient values of students' dietary intakes, and individual records were merged into a single data set for computer statistical analysis. Tabulations of the data supported the following conclusion: "Overall, the data indicate a population with a very high prevalence of obesity, and diets high in saturated fat and low in polyunsaturated fat. Also of potential concern is the indication of low intakes of zinc and high intakes of sodium. Given the increased health risks of urban African-Americans, these findings on young adolescents suggest the development of programs designed to improve diets and enhance health in general in this age group." [59]
Johnston's work with undergraduates further distinguishes the University of Pennsylvania's approach from other varieties of action research. Communal participatory action research extends to creating or restructuring academic courses to include an explicit community focus and action component. The assumption is that embedding community service into courses, research, and general intellectual discourse will lead to positive changes in the institutional climate, providing a linkage between service and education.
A dissertation study in the Annenberg School for Communication provides a second illustration of communal participatory action research. For 2 years, Eleanor Novek, a former professional journalist and editor, was involved at West Philadelphia High School, a WEPIC site, as a co-teacher and researcher in the development of "an educational demonstration project, an urban high school English/journalism class which uses production of a community-focused newspaper as a strategy for the self-determination of young African Americans."[60] Novek's research on self-determination and student empowerment built on Jurgen Habermas's theory of communicative action, elements of reference group theory (e.g., Robert Merton), and superordinate goal theory (Muzafer Sherif and Caroline Sherif), not only to interpret and to theorize from ethnographic data, but also simultaneously to shape the intervention strategies, effecting an ebb and flow of theory and action. The specific vehicle for this work was QWest, a school-based community newspaper project, each component of which was adjudicated and carried out by students. In a recent report of her study, Novek has constructed several criteria of self-determination on the basis of her theoretical perspective, and she provides a summary of evidence from participant observations and student writing to indicate the progress made in each category. Her description of risk taking and the crossing of social boundaries is a case in point:
A shy young woman who never spoke up in class, not only obtained an interview with Ramona Africa, the lone survivor of the world-infamous MOVE bombing in May 1985, but also brought her to the school to address the whole class. A taciturn young man interested in rap music visited one of the largest African American radio stations in the city and interviewed a popular disc jockey on the air. Another student took it upon himself to develop and distribute an attitude survey about the QWest project to class members. Two students applied for and won admission to a minority workshop for high school journalists--the first time any students from their school had participated. Another began freelancing sports reports for a community newspaper.[61]
As our examples are designed to suggest, genuine thinking has occurred in the forked-road situation of West Philadelphia, engendering new approaches to school and community development. We believe that we have made a good start. The interaction of faculty, staff, and students working at the same site, attempting to solve immediate real-world problems, has fostered an unprecedented degree of academic integration at the University of Pennsylvania and spurred the development of new organizational structures and mechanisms to encourage and coordinate academically based public service. We want to emphasize, however, just how extraordinarily difficult it is to change the university and its community. Even after more than 8 years, our work is still in a developing phase.
In this article, we have presented a rationale for reinventing the American university to become once again a mission-oriented institution. With particular attention to social work and the social sciences, we have traced the origins of that rationale to Jane Addams, the women of Hull House, and other Progressive Era social scientists qua social reformers. Historical analysis not only indicates that progressive change can occur, but it also is useful in revealing and clarifying impediments to change, for example, the entrenchment and long-standing dominance of narrowly scholastic social science. We have also described a general strategy of organizational structures, activities, and mechanisms developed at the University of Pennsylvania to help enable the "neo-Progressive" reconstruction of the university through academically based community service.
It is our contention that American social science should be about the "relief of man's estate." These endeavors should be about overcoming the urban crisis and preventing urban chaos. In his studies of creativity, psychologist Howard E. Gruber has emphasized the connection between individual creativity and a desire to solve real-world problems. Gruber's concept of "creative altruism," which we think has relevance for universities, highlights that connection with particular clarity: "We can envisage and identify cases of 'creative altruism,' in which a person displays extraordinary moral responsibility, devoting a significant portion of time and energy to some project transcending immediate need and experience. Creative altruism, when it goes the limit, strives to eliminate the cause of suffering, to change the world, to change the fate of the earth." [62]
Creative altruism imbued the social work and social science of Addams and the women of Hull House at the turn of the twentieth century. As we have indicated, their ideals and practice provided exemplars for the development of social work and sociology at the University of Chicago. We have argued that their humanistic, real-world, problem-solving approach to social science has strong potential to produce better teaching, better research, and better service than conventional social science. The "settlement idea," which has inspired our collective efforts at the University of Pennsylvania and other campuses and communities, is a legacy of the early history of American social work.[63] If the American university is to fulfill its promise and help create a decent and just society, it must give full-hearted, full-minded attention to solving our complex interrelated problems. The benefits of doing so would, we are convinced, be considerable for the university, social science, and the American city.
John Puckett's contribution to this article was supported by a Spencer Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship. We are also grateful to Lee Benson and Ellen Lagemann for their superb advice and encouragement.
[1] Ernest L. Boyer and Fred M. Hechinger, Higher Learning in the Nation's Service (Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 1981), p. 3.
[2] Derek Bok, Universities and the Future of America (Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1990), p. 122.
[3] Lee Benson and Ira Harkavy, "Universities, Schools, and the Welfare State," Education Week,April 29, 1992, p. 27. Representative George E. Brown, Jr., chairman of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, and Representative Rick Boucher, chairman of the Subcommittee on Science for that committee, have sharply criticized the priorities of contemporary scientists and the academic research community, which they view as detached from broad societal concerns; in Colleen Cordes, "As Chairman of Key House Committee Restates His Vision, Scientists Worry," Chronicle of Higher Education, September 8, 1993, pp. A26-28; Rick Boucher, "A Science Policy for the 21st Century," Chronicle of Higher Education, September 1, 1993, pp. B1-2. The Senate Committee on Appropriations voices a similar complaint about the National Science Foundation, admonishing that agency to address "specific national goals" or face curtailment of its funding; in 103d Congress, Senate Report 103-137, September 9, 1993, pp. 165-69.
[4] Sheldon Hackney, "Universities and Schools: Hanging Together or Hanging Separately?" Address at Bank Street College, New York, May 2, 1992; printed in University of Pennsylvania Almanac (May 12, 1992), p. 6.
[5] As quoted in Barry D. Karl, Charles E. Merriam and the Study of Politics (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1974), p. 31.
[6] See Kathryn Kish Sklar, "Hull-House Maps and Papers: Social Science as Women's Work in the 1890s," in The Social Survey in Historical Perspective 1880-1940, ed. Martin Bulmer, Kevin Bales, and Kathryn Kish Sklar (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991), pp. 111-47.
[7] Jane Addams, "The Objective Value of a Social Settlement" (1893), in The Social Thought of Jane Addams, ed. Christopher Lasch (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1965), pp. 44-61; quotation from Jane Addams, The Second Twenty Years at Hull-House: September 1909 to September 1929, with a Record of a Growing World Consciousness (New York: Macmillan, 1930), p. 405, cited in Lela B. Costin, Two Sisters for Social Justice: A Biography of Grace and Edith Abbott (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1983), p. 45.
[8] Jane Addams, Twenty Years at Hull-House (New York: Macmillan, 1910), pp. 118, 120.
[9] As quoted in John H. Ehrenreich, The Altruistic Imagination: A History of Social Work and Social Policy in the United States (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1985), p. 35. See also Kathryn Kish Sklar, "Hull House in the 1890s: A Community of Women Reformers," Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 10, no. 4 (1985): pp. 675-77; Stanley Wenocur and Michael Reisch, From Charity to Enterprise: The Development of American Social Work in a Market Economy (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1989), pp. 26-29.
[10] As quoted in Gertrude Himmelfarb, Poverty and Compassion: The Moral Imagination of the Late Victorians (New York: Knopf, 1991), p. 241.
[11] As quoted in Allen F. Davis, American Heroine: The Life and Legend of Jane Addams (New York: Oxford University Press, 1973), p. 65.
[12] Residents of Hull-House, Hull-House Maps and Papers (Boston: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1895; Arno Press reprint ed., 1970), p. viii.
[13] The key volume, which included Booth's "Descriptive Map of London Poverty," was Charles Booth, Life and Labour of the People of London, vol. 2 (London: Williams and Northgate, 1891). See Kathryn Kish Sklar, "Hull-House Maps and Papers: Social Science as Women's Work in the 1890s," in Bulmer, Bales, and Sklar, eds. (n. [6] above), p. 122.
[14] Residents of Hull House (n. [12] above), p. 41. This volume was published as part of a book series, Library on Economics and Politics, edited by Richard Ely of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
[15] Mary Jo Deegan, Jane Addams and the Men of the Chicago School, 1892-1918 (New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Press, 1988), p. 5. Hull House provided a training ground for noted women reformers of the Progressive Era: Kelley, Lathrop, Alice Hamilton, Mary Kenny O'Sullivan, Sophonisba Breckinridge, Grace Abbott, and Edith Abbott. See Allen F. Davis, Spearheads for Reform: The Social Settlements and the Progressive Movement, 1890-1914 (New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1967; rev. ed., 1984), pp. 103-47.
[16] Deegan (n.[15] above), p. 24.
[17] As quoted in Ellen Fitzpatrick, Endless Crusade: Women Social Scientists and Progressive Reform (New York: Oxford University Press, 1990), p. 33.
[18] Steven J. Diner, A City and Its Universities: Public Policy in Chicago, 1892-1919 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1980), p. 50.
[19] Ibid. This "public spiritedness" was evident in the "University Extension Division," which released professors into the city to provide instruction for the citizenry at large. Edward Shils notes that nearly a quarter of the University of Chicago faculty participated in municipal reform activities at the highwater mark of the city's Progressive movement. See Edward Shils, "The University, the City, and the World: Chicago and the University of Chicago," in The University and the City: From Medieval Origins to the Present, ed. Thomas Bender (New York: Oxford University Press, 1988), pp. 210-30.
[20] Fitzpatrick (n.[17] above), p. 39. As Fitzpatrick indicates, this commitment was also shared by the political science and political economy departments at Chicago: "They stressed the importance of using scholarship to advance both knowledge and civic-mindedness" (p. 41).
[21] The quotation appears in a different context in ibid., p. xv, but our research indicates that it aptly describes the first-generation Chicago sociologists. For discussion of Social Gospel influences in American social science in its formative period, see Arthur S. Link and Richard L. McCormick, Progressivism (Arlington Heights, Ill.: Harlan Davidson, 1983), pp. 23-24. In the early 1890s, Small, Vincent, and Edward Bemis (whom Harper would fire in 1895 because of Bemis's support of the 1894 Pullman strike) worked with Addams, Kelley and community leaders tohelp secure legislation eliminating sweat shops and regulating child labor. In the winter of 1910 Henderson and Mead joined the women of Hull House in support of 40,000 striking garment industry workers; in 1915, Mead participated in another garment union strike.
[22] The most important research study of the early Chicago School was The Polish Peasant in Europe and America (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1918), a 2,232-page study co-authored by Thomas and Florian Znaniecki. See Martin Bulmer, The Chicago School of Sociology: Institutionalization, Diversity, and the Rise of Sociological Research (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984), pp. 45-63, p. 238, n. 1.
[23]. Deegan (n. [15] above), quotations from p. 55; see also chap. 6. Hull-House Maps and Papers helped inaugurate the Social Survey Movement, of which the Pittsburgh Survey, 1907-9, was the largest and most prominent example. Sponsored by the Russell Sage Foundation, the Pittsburgh Survey was carried out by a combination of academics and nonacademics, including Kelley, formerly of Hull House. The survey was conceptually unified around the seminal role of the steel industry in shaping Pittsburgh's urban environment and growth. See Stephen R. Cohen, "The Pittsburgh Survey and the Social Survey Movement: A Sociological Road Not Taken," in Bulmer, Bales, and Sklar, eds. (n. [6] above), pp. 245-67.
[24] Bulmer (n. [22] above), p. 69.
[25] Ibid., p. 89. Bulmer's study focuses on the period 1915-1935. See also Fitzpatrick (n. [17] above), p. 200; Shils (n. [19] above); David Ward, Poverty, Ethnicity, and the American City, 1840-1925 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989), pp. 151-79.
[26] The University of Chicago was hardly a hothouse for radical social change, as evidenced by the trustees' firing of Edward Bemis, who took the side of labor in the violent Pullman strike of 1894: "The scientific study of pressing social issues was one thing; openly advocating 'radical' causes without reference to scientific inquiry was another" (Fitzpatrick [n. [17] above], p. 40.) Yet according to Shils, "The trustees of the University of Chicago, despite assertions by critics such as Thorstein Veblen and Upton Sinclair, have an impressive history of self-restraint, for which there is ample evidence" (Shils n.[19] above], p. 218).
[27] Fitzpatrick (n. [17] above), p. 70.
[28] Ibid., p. 86.
[29] Ibid., pp. 20-25, 87-200 passim; quotation from p. 166. For more on Breckinridge and Abbott's collaboration and friendship, see Costin (n. [7] above), pp. 41-67.
[30] Ellen C. Lagemann, "Introduction," in Jane Addams on Education, ed. Ellen C. Lagemann (New York: Teachers College Press, 1985), p. 35.
[31] Dorothy Ross, The Origins of American Social Science (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991), p. 321.
[32] Ibid.
[33] Ibid., pp. 326-30; Dorothy Ross, "American Social Science and the Idea of Progress," in The Authority of Experts, ed. Thomas L. Haskell (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1984), 157-71; Sheldon Hackney, "The University and Its Community: Past and Present," Annals of the American Academy 488 (1986): 135-47; Martin Bulmer and Joan Bulmer, "Philanthropy and Social Science in the 1920s: Beardsley Ruml and the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial 1922-29," Minerva 19 (1981): 347-407.
[34] Ogburn's 1929 presidential address to the American Sociological Society, quoted in Bulmer (n. [22] above), p. 182. For the role of private foundations such as the Carnegie Corporation, Russell Sage Foundation, and Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial in sustaining this representation of social science through funding programs, see Ellen C. Lagemann, The Politics of Knowledge: The Carnegie Corporation, Philanthropy, and Public Policy (Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan University Press, 1987), chap. 3; Wenocur and Reisch (n. [9] above), pp. 55-58, p. 272, n. 8; Deegan (n.[15] above), pp. 96-97.
[35] Jane Addams, "A Function of the Social Settlement" (1899), in Lagemann, ed. (n. 30 above), p. 90.
[36] Wenocur and Reisch (n. [9] above), p. 137.
[37] Ibid., pp. 77-106, 127-48; Judith Ann Trolander, Professionalism and Social Change: From the Settlement House to Neighborhood Centers, 1886 to the Present (New York: Columbia University Press, 1987), pp. 21-24. In the 1930s, while social workers and many social scientists helped create a body of research and social planning that undergirded many New Deal reforms, their work was not rooted in sustained efforts to transform local environments; reflecting the norms of the American Association of Social Workers, as professional social workers gained a higher profile in the public sector, they adapted casework technologies to treat the unemployed. By 1936, as the Depression deepened, a rank and file movement involving some 15,000 underpaid, radicalized social workers, most of whom lacked professional credentials and held jobs in heavily stressed public welfare agencies, had arisen to challenge the professional enterprise, organizing protective associations and trade unions and advocating a planned economy and income redistribution. Although social work unions remained viable until about 1950, the radical critique was not sustained after 1940. See Wenocur and Reisch (n. [9] above), pp. 151-207; Leslie Leighninger, Social Work: Search for Identity (New York: Greenwood Press, 1987), pp. 51-101.
[38] For discussion of the strengthening of disciplinary communities, see David Alpert, "Performance and Paralysis: The Organizational Context of the American Research University," Journal of Higher Education 56, no. 3 (1985): 241-81; and Christopher C. Jencks and David Riesman, The Academic Revolution (New York: Doubleday, 1968), pp. 523-31.
[39] Center for Educational Research and Innovation, The University and the Community: The Problems of Changing Relationships (Paris: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 1982), p. 127. For other critiques of university-community relationships, see Derek Bok, Beyond the Ivory Tower: Social Responsibilities of the Modern University (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1982); Hackney (n. [33] above); Clark Kerr, The Uses of the University (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1982); Peter L. Szanton, Not Well Advised (New York: Russell Sage Foundation and Ford Foundation, 1981).
[40] For discussion of the environmental threats posed by science divorced from social, moral, and ethical concerns, in this case, quantum mechanics and molecular biology, see Herbert J. Bernstein, "Idols of Modern Science and the Reconstruction of Knowledge," in New Ways of Knowing: The Sciences, Society, and Reconstructive Knowledge, ed. Marcus G. Raskin and Herbert J. Bernstein (Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Littlefield, 1987), pp. 37-68.
[41] Daniel Coit Gilman, University Problems in the United States (1898; reprint, New York: Garret Press, 1969), Foreword, p. iii.
[42] Albert H. Smyth, ed., The Writings of Benjamin Franklin (New York: Macmillan, 1907), 2:396.
[43] Wenocur and Reisch (n. [9] above), pp. 138-46.
[44]Martin Bulmer speaks of "research done with a reformist and ameliorative purpose," in Martin Bulmer, "The Decline of the Social Survey Movement and the Rise of American Empirical Sociology," in Bulmer, Bales, and Sklar, eds. (n. [6] above), p. 305.
[45] John Dewey, How We Think (New York: D.C. Heath, 1910), p. 11.
[46] As quoted in Lee Benson and Ira Harkavy, "Progressing beyond the Welfare State: A Neo-Deweyan Strategy: University-assisted, Staff-controlled and Managed, Community-centered Community Schools as Comprehensive Community Centers to Help Construct and Organize Hardworking, Cohesive, Caring, Cosmopolitan Communities in a Democratic Welfare Society," Universities and Community Schools 2, no. 1-2 (1991): 4-6. The National Academy of Sciences has stated in quintessentially Baconian terms, "The countries that best integrate the generation of new knowledge with the use of that knowledge will be positioned to be the leaders of the 21st century" (Committee on Appropriations, Senate Report 103-137, September 9, 1993, p. 167). Referencing Bacon's vision, Bernstein writes, "We have . . . lost the original connection between scientific truth and social good; we have refined moral concerns out of the process" (Bernstein n. [40] above, p. 52). For a useful discussion of Bacon's oeuvre, see Lee Benson, "Changing Social Science to Change the World: A Discussion Paper," Social Science History 2 (1978): 427-41.
[47] John Dewey, Reconstruction in Philosophy (New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1920; enlarged ed., Boston: Beacon Press, 1948), 36-37. Addams attributed the following Bacon-like statement to Dewey: "When a theory of knowledge forgets that its value rests in solving the problem out of which it has arisen, that of securing a method of action, knowledge begins to cumber the ground. It is a luxury, and becomes a social nuisance and disturber" (Addams, "Function of the Social Settlement" [n. [35] above], p. 76).
[48] Hackney, "University and Its Community" (n. [33] above); Organization for Social and Technical Development, Urban Universities: Rhetoric, Reality, and Conflict (Washington, D.C.: Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1970); Peter M. Tobia, The University in Urban Affairs: A Symposium (New York: Editor, 1969); Szanton (n. [39] above); George Nash, The University and the City: Eight Cases of Involvement (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1973).
[49] See Ira Harkavy and John L. Puckett, "The Role of Mediating Structures in University and Community Revitalization: The University of Pennsylvania and West Philadelphia as a Case Study," Journal of Research and Development in Education 25, no. 1 (1991): 10-25.
[50] Vocational counseling and school social work were sui generis innovations of the settlement movement. See Marvin Lazerson, Origins of the Urban School: Public Education in Massachusetts, 1870-1915 (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1971), pp. 191-97; Murray Levine and Adeline Levine, A Social History of Helping Services: Clinic, Court, School, and Community (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1970), pp. 125-43. The settlement movement also provided a "practical testing ground" for social innovations that were not sui generis, for example, kindergartens, playgrounds, school nursing, vocational education, and vacation schools; in the 1910s these programs were widely adopted by the public schools. See Morris I. Berger, The Settlement, the Immigrant and the Public School: A Study of the Influence of the Settlement Movement and the New Migration upon Public Education: 1890-1924 (1956; reprint, New York: Arno Press, 1980); Davis (n. [15] above), esp. pp. 40-59, quotation from p. 57; Amalie Hofer, "The Social Settlement and the Kindergarten," National Educational Association Proceedings 34 (1895), pp. 514-25; Isabel M. Stewart, "The Educational Value of the Nurse in the Public School," in The Ninth Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, ed. Thomas Wood (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1910), 2:19-26.
[51] John Dewey, "The School as Social Center," National Educational Association Proceedings 41 (1902), pp. 373-83. As a case in point, Addams served on the board of managers of the National Society for the Promotion of Industrial Education, established in 1906, to help persuade the public schools to take over the settlements' manual training programs. See Davis (n.[15] above), p. 52; Paul U. Kellogg, "The National Society for the Promotion of Industrial Education," Charities and the Commons 17 (1906-7): 363-71, cited in Davis (n.[15] above), p. 273, n. 24. The idea of public schools as social centers, or community schools, has persisted in a minor key throughout the twentieth century. For example, see Clarence A. Perry, Wider Use of the School Plant (New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1911); Edward J. Ward, ed., The Social Center (New York: Appleton, 1913); Eleanor T. Glueck, The Community Use of Schools (Baltimore: Williams & Wilkens, 1927); Samuel Everett, ed., The Community School (New York: Appleton-Century, 1938); Elsie R. Clapp, Community Schools in Action (New York: Viking Press, 1939); Nelson B. Henry, The Fifty-second Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, Part II: The Community School (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1953); Edward G. Olsen, ed., The Modern Community School (New York: Appleton-Century Crofts, 1953); Leonard Covello, The Heart is the Teacher (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1958); W. Fred Totten and Frank J. Manley, The Community School: Basic Concepts, Function, and Organization (Galien, Mich.: Allied Education Council, 1969); Maurice F. Seay and associates, Community Education: A Developing Concept (Midland, Mich.: Pendell, 1974).
[52] Benson and Harkavy, "Progressing beyond the Welfare State" (n. [46] above), pp. 23-27.
[53] Addams, Second Twenty Years at Hull-House (n. [7] above), pp. 404-5.
[54] Benson and Harkavy, "Progressing beyond the Welfare State" (n. [46] above), pp. 2-28; Ira Harkavy, "The University and the Social Sciences in the Social Order: An Historical Overview and 'Where Do We Go from Here?'" Virginia Social Science Journal27 (1992): 1-25.
[55] Davydd J. Greenwood, William Foote Whyte, and Ira Harkavy, "Participatory Action Research as a Process and as a Goal,"in International Dimensions of Action Research: Sources of New Thinking about Inquiry That Makes a Difference, ed. Max Elden and Rupe Chisholm, special issue of Human Relations, in press. See also William Foote Whyte, Davydd J. Greenwood, and Peter Lazes, "Participatory Action Research: Through Practice to Science in Social Research," in Action Research for the 21st Century: Participation, Reflection and Practice, ed. William Foote Whyte, special issue of American Behavioral Scientist 32, no. 5 (1989): 513-51; and William Foote Whyte, ed., Participatory Action Research (Newbury Park, Calif.: Sage , 1991).
[56] William F. Whyte and Kathleen K. Whyte, Making Mondragon: The Growth and Dynamics of the Worker Cooperative Complex (Ithaca, NY: ILR Press, 1988); Davydd J. Greenwood and Jose Luis Gonzalez Santos, Industrial Democracy as Process: Participatory Action Research in the Fagor Cooperative Group of Mondragon (Assen/Maastricht: Van Gorcum, 1992).
[57] Francis E. Johnston, Robert J. Hallock, Pratik Desai, and Stephanie Bock, "Physical Growth, Nutritional Status, and Dietary Intake of African-American Middle School Students from Philadelphia," manuscript submitted for publication.
[58] Ibid.
[59] Ibid.
[60] Eleanor M. Novek, "Buried Treasure: The Theory and Practice of Communicative Action in an Urban High School Newspaper," paper presented to the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Kansas City, Missouri, August 1993, p. 1.
[61] Ibid., p. 15. Other criteria, or markers, include "providing experiences of mastery, strengthening group bonds and increasing their influence in social systems" (p. 21).
[62] Howard E. Gruber, "Creativity and Human Survival," in Creative People at Work, ed. Doris B. Wallace and Howard E. Gruber (New York: Oxford University Press, 1989), p. 185. For Gruber's most recent development of the idea of creative altruism, see his essay, "Creativity in the Moral Domain: Ought Implies Can Implies Create," in Creativity in the Moral Domain, ed. Howard E. Gruber, special issue of Creativity Research Journal 6, no. 1-2 (1993): 3-15.
[63] For example, the Committee on Inner City Initiatives of the Western New York Consortium of Higher Education (12 colleges and universities) has focused on the collaborative development of the Martin Luther King, Jr., Center, a community school and community center in East Buffalo. See Stephen C. Halpern, "University-Community Projects: Reflections on the Lessons Learned," Universities and Community Schools 3, nos. 1-2 (1992): 44-48.
04-04-2003, 05:51:53: Lessons from Hull House for the Contemporary Urban University
by Ira Harkavy and John L. Puckett,
University of Pennsylvania
Ira Harkavy is Director of the Center for Community Partnerships at the University of Pennsylvania. He teaches both in the history and urban studies departments, and is co-executive editor of _Universities and Community Schools_. In recent years, he has written on how to involve universities effectively in democratic partnerships with local public schools and their communities.
John Puckett is associate professor at the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education, where he conducts research on the university-community relationship.
Table of Contents
* Introduction
* Social Science and Social Work: The Progressive Tradition
* The Retreat from Social Reform: Structural Conflicts and Contradictions in the Academy
* Academically Based Community Service: Toward Revitalizing Universities and Communities
* Reports from the Field: Communal Participatory Action Research in West Philadelphia
* Conclusion
* Notes
Since 1981 and the publication of Ernest Boyer and Fred Hechinger's Higher Learning in the Nation's Service, there has been a growing criticism that "higher education in America is suffering from a loss of overall direction, a nagging feeling that it is no longer at the vital center of the nation's work."[1] With the publication of Derek Bok's 1990 book,Universities and the Future of America, that criticism reached a new level of urgency and significance. From the paramount insider position within the higher educational system, Harvard's president concluded that "most universities continue to do their least impressive work on the very subjects where society's need for greater knowledge and better education is most acute."[2] Bok's conclusion (reached near the end of his Harvard presidency) necessarily leads to the further conclusion that the American university has failed to do what it is supposed to do. In short, esoterica has triumphed over public philosophy, narrow scholasticism over humane scholarship.
Urban universities are now compelled to work with their neighbors for their own immediate and long-term self-interest. There are four reasons why universities should be involved in urban revitalization efforts. The first reason is institutional self-interest, including the safety, cleanliness, and attractiveness of the physical setting. Each of these contributes to the campus ambiance and to the recruitment and retention of faculty, students, and staff. Needless to say, high walls and imposing gates cannot shield students, faculty members, or administrators from the disturbing reality that surrounds the urban campus.
The second reason involves a more indirect effect on institutional self-interest. It includes both the costs (financial, public relations, and political) to the institution that result from a retreat from the community, as well as the benefits that accrue from active, effective engagement. As Lee Benson and Ira Harkavy have noted:
As conditions in society continue to deteriorate, universities will face increased public scrutiny (witness the Congressional hearings chaired by Representative John Dingell of Michigan last year). The scrutiny is bound to intensify as America focuses on resolving its deep and pervasive societal problems amid continuously expanding global competition. Institutions of higher education will increasingly be held to new and demanding standards that evaluate performance on the basis of direct and short-run societal benefit. In addition, public, private, and foundation support will be more than ever based on that standard, and it will become increasingly clear to colleges and universities that "altruism pays"--in fact, that altruism is practically an imperative for institutional development and improvement.[3]
The third reason involves the advancement of knowledge, teaching, and human welfare through academically based community service focused on improving the quality of life in the local community. The benefits that can emerge from this approach are the integration of research, teaching, and service; the interaction of faculty members and graduate and undergraduate students from across the campus; the connection of projects involving participatory action research with student and staff volunteer activities; and the promotion of civic consciousness, value-oriented thinking, and a moral approach to issues of public concern among undergraduates. Historically, universities have missed an extraordinary opportunity to work with their communities and to engage in better research, teaching, and service. The separation of universities from society, their aloofness from real-world problems, has deprived universities of contact with a necessary source of genuine creativity and academic vitality.
Promoting civic consciousness, we believe, is the core component of the fourth reason for significant university involvement with the community. Sheldon Hackney has described this as the "institution's obligation to be a good citizen, and its pedagogic duty to provide models of responsible citizenship for its students."[4] In other words, universities and colleges have, along with schools and religious institutions, a special responsibility to be moral institutions, exemplifying the highest civic and character-building values of society. At the heart of civic responsibility is the concept of neighborliness--caring about and assisting those living in close proximity to us. As an institution, a university's actions and inactions express morality; a university's indifference or civic engagement teaches lessons to its students and to society. This citizenship and character-building role, of course, was at the very center of the American college. However, the didactic approach to citizenship education and morality employed by its predecessors would today be both off-putting and at odds with the openness of the modern university.
Collectively these arguments indicate that it is now both necessary and mutually beneficial for urban universities to work to revitalize their local communities. The complex problems of urban society necessitate a radical reorientation and reinvention of the urban American university to become, once again, a mission-oriented institution devoted to the use of reason to improve the human condition. That mission was the driving force behind the organization of the modern research university in the late nineteenth century. University presidents of the Progressive Era worked to transform the American university into a major national institution capable of meeting the needs of a rapidly changing and increasingly complex society. Imbued with a boundless optimism and a belief that scientific and social-scientific knowledge could change the world for the better, they saw universities as leading the way toward an effective and humane reorganization of society. Progressive academics viewed the city as their arena for study and action. The city was the site of significant societal transformations; the center of political corruption, poverty, crime and cultural conflict; and a ready source of data and information. It was, according to Richmond Mayo-Smith of Columbia, "the national laboratory of social science, just as hospitals are of medical science." [5] As Jane Addams and her colleagues in Chicago illustrated, the city was also the place in which academics could combine social science and social reform.
Social Science and Social Work: The Progressive Tradition
Social work as a field of social scientific inquiry gained impetus from Hull House, the social settlement founded by Jane Addams and Ellen Starr on Chicago's West Side in 1889.[6] The philosophy and programs of Hull House were modeled after Toynbee Hall, the first settlement house, established in 1884 by the Anglican vicar Samuel A. Barnett in London's East End. Adopting a multifaceted institutional approach to the social problems of the immigrant groups in the Nineteenth Ward, the Hull House residents offered activities and services along four lines, designated by Addams as the social, educational, humanitarian, and civic. The residents' programs included college extension classes, clubs and literary programs, ethnic festivals, art exhibits, recreational activities and neighborhood showerbaths, a summer camp program, a cooperative boarding house for working women, and kindergarten, visiting-nurse, and legal services. Moreover, Hull House was a site for labor union activities; a forum for social, political, and economic reform; and a center for social science research. Regarding its research function, as Addams once noted, "the settlements antedated by three years the first sociology departments in universities and by ten years the establishment of the first foundations for social research." [7]
In Twenty Years at Hull-House, Addams emphasized the benefits that accrued to the activist social worker from engagement with the community and its problems. She wrote of "a fast-growing number of cultivated young people who have no recognized outlet for their active faculties. They hear constantly of the great social maladjustment, but no way is provided for them to change it, and their uselessness hangs upon them heavily. . . . 'There is nothing after disease, indigence and guilt so fatal to life itself as the want of a proper outlet for active faculties.'"[8] For women, the problem of lacking constructive social outlets for their reform impulses was acutely felt, constricted as they were by Victorian gender roles. Viewed as an expression of "social motherhood," settlement work provided a satisfactory professional outlet for women that was not incommensurate with established gender roles and practices, particularly the idea of the "woman's sphere." Addams acknowledged this when she remarked that "many women today are failing properly to discharge their duties to their own families and households simply because they fail to see that as society grows more complicated, it is necessary that woman shall extend her sense of responsibility to many things outside of her home, if only in order to preserve the home in its entirety."[9]
For activist-oriented young men and women of Addams's generation, settlement work constituted, in Addams's apt phrase, a "subjective necessity." In 1889, Starr told a friend that "Jane's idea, which she puts very much to the front and on no account will give up, is that [the settlement] is more for the people who do it than for the other class."[10] Addams herself later wrote, "I hope it will never be forgotten in Chicago, at least where Hull House feels somewhat responsible for the Toynbee Hall idea, that Toynbee Hall was first projected as an aid and outlet to educated young men. The benefit to East Londoners was then regarded as almost secondary, and the benefit has always been held as strictly mutual."[11]
In 1895, Addams and the residents of Hull House--notably Florence Kelley, Agnes Holbrook, and Julia Lathrop--published Hull-House Maps and Papers, a sociological investigation of the neighborhood immediately to the east of Hull House; in Addams's words, it was a record of "certain phases of neighborhood life with which the writers have been familiar."[12] Inspired by Charles Booth's Life and Labour of the People in London, the Hull House residents compiled detailed maps of demographic and social characteristics and produced richly descriptive accounts of life and work in a poor immigrant neighborhood.[13] Theirs was not dispassionate scholarship, as evidenced by Kelley's poignant advocacy of sweatshop laborers, whose "reward of work at their trade is grinding poverty, ending only in death or escape to some more hopeful occupation. Within the trade there has been and can be no improvement in wages while tenement-house manufacture is tolerated. On the contrary, there seems to be no limit to the deterioration now in progress."[14]
Closely associated with Hull House in its early years were the male sociologists at the University of Chicago, who acknowledged that "it was Addams and Hull-House who were the leader and leading institution in Chicago in the 1890s, not the University of Chicago." [15] Indeed, Hull-House Maps and Papers oriented the Chicago School of Sociology to urban studies and strongly influenced the direction taken by that department for the next 40 years.[16] The changing relationship of Addams and her Hull House colleagues with the Chicago sociologists from the 1890s to the late 1910s mirrored the American university's transition from an outwardly directed, service-centered institution to an inwardly directed, discipline-centered institution. It was also a marker of the separation of knowledge production from knowledge use, indeed, of social science from social reform, by the end of the Progressive Era.
In its early years, the University of Chicago demonstrated that by doing good, a research university could do very well. When Chicago's first president, William Rainey Harper, described the mission of his newly minted university as "service for mankind wherever mankind is, whether within scholastic walls or without those walls and in the world at large,"[17] he expressed a pervasive attitude of Progressive Era academics that "scholarship, teaching, and public service were fully compatible."[18] As Steven Diner has written, Harper and his Progressive colleagues also realized that the university's funding was contingent on the public's good will:
When the University of Chicago opened in 1892, universities were still quite new and were just beginning to to explore the possibilities of service to their society. This was not a time for introspection or self-criticism, but an era of growth and experimentation. Nothing in the experience of American universities thus far indicated that public service might harm the university; but the experience of the antebellum college suggested the shortcomings of a remote seminary of learning for its own sake. Its detachment from public service had resulted in neither solid scholarship, sound teaching, nor popular support. Indeed, most university presidents of the early twentieth century concluded that service was the only way to win support for the advancement and dissemination of knowledge on the highest level. [19]
The Chicago School of Sociology was created in this nexus of "serving society by advancing intellectual inquiry."[20] In the early years of the Chicago School no invidious distinctions were made between the applied sociology pursued by Addams and the Hull House residents and the academic research of the first generation of University of Chicago sociologists. Indeed, the two groups had a close working relationship, grounded in personal friendships, mutual respect, and shared social philosophy. Four men of the early Chicago School--Albion Small, Charles Henderson, Charles Zeublin, and George Vincent--were ministers or ministers manque, intellectual Social Gospelers with strong civic commitments. (The exceptions, with limited theological proclivities, were George Herbert Mead and William I. Thomas.) Like the women of Hull House, the Chicago sociologists were "social activists and social scientists."[21] Action social research, Chicago style, encompassed scholarly documentation of a social problem and lobbying of politicians and local community groups to obtain action. [22]
Recent feminist scholarship takes issue with the charge that the social science of Hull House and the early Chicago School was unscientific. Mary Jo Deegan, for example, argues that Hull-House Maps and Papers "established the Chicago tradition of studying the city and its inhabitants," and provided "the major substantive interests of Chicago sociologists": a focus on immigrants, poverty, and occupational structure. She asserts that Robert Park and Ernest W. Burgess, leaders of the Chicago School's second generation, adopted the research concerns and methods of Addams and her colleagues even as they staked their own prior claim as the founders of urban sociology. [23]
After 1915 Chicago Sociology increasingly distanced itself from social reform, notwithstanding the continued focus on the form, structure, and problems of city living. Increasingly that focus was circumscribed by a natural science model and an underlying commitment to "the detached and objective study of society," which "allowed no room for an ameliorative approach."[24] Park and Burgess emphasized "urban studies . . . within a scientific framework."[25]
The career of Sophonisba Breckinridge is indicative of the attenuation of action-oriented, reformist social science in Chicago in the decades before America's entry into World War I. When Breckinridge enrolled in the University of Chicago's Department of Political Science in 1894, she entered a Progressive world where scientific rigor was deemed compatible with social problem solving. [26] According to Ellen Fitzpatrick: "All accepted the notion that scholars had a duty to address contemporary problems in their work. All agreed on the importance of empirical research. And all shared the belief that careful scientific investigation was a sine qua non for intelligent reform." [27] Unequal gender relations, however, stymied the entry of women with doctoral degrees (in Breckinridge's case, a doctor of philosophy awarded in 1902, a doctor of jurisprudence awarded in 1904) into the social science professoriate at the University of Chicago. The new feminist historiography has documented an emerging nexus of gender, social reform, and social science at the beginning of the twentieth century: after 1904, women would be relegated to the margins of the university, the confines of the newly opened Department of Household Administration, "a special intellectual province for women," where Breckinridge would find a home as an assistant professor. Yet her training had prepared her for a headier challenge: "While the political scientist pursued research that resulted in an essay entitled 'Industrial Conditions of Women Workers in Chicago Illustrated by the Packing Houses' in 1905-06, her colleagues in the household administration department wrote papers such as 'The Relative Digestibility of Animal and Vegetable Albumen,' 'Loss of Nutrients in Beans Due to Soaking,' 'Comparative Richness of Gelatin-Yielding Material in Old and Young Animals,' and 'Pectin Bodies in Fruit Juices and the Effect of Temperatures and Density in the Setting of Fruit Jelly.' Such concerns were far afield from the principles of law, political science, and political economy."[28]
In 1909, Breckinridge was appointed dean of the Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy, an independent social work and research training center funded by the Russell Sage Foundation. Over the next decade she and her colleague Edith Abbott, both of whom took up residence in Hull House, directed extensive surveys in such areas as housing, stockyards, juvenile court, and public-school truancy and nonattendance. The merger of the School of Civics and Philanthropy with the University of Chicago in 1920 led to both women's appointment as associate professors of social economy in the newly created School of Social Service Administration. There, Breckinridge and Abbott "sought to create a new setting within the university that would permit them to address public issues and advance social research. In so doing, they helped professionalize social work, a field they first adopted and then worked to make their own."[29] Yet theirs was a Pyrrhic victory. The feminization of professional social work marked it as the last enclave of social reform. As noted by Ellen Lagemann, the implications of the rift between social reform and social science at the University of Chicago were considerable:
As a result, the new departmental lines drawn there created divisions, not just at Chicago, but also elsewhere, between theoretical, "objective," academic social research, on the one hand, and more reformist, political, and applied social work, on the other. The structural and intellectual divisions thus created were soon compounded by gender divisions that rapidly took on hierarchical status distinctions as well. Sociology, which came increasingly to be dominated by men, was more and more seen as a source for insights to be tested and applied by "social workers," most of whom were women; and settings for "social work," including social settlements like Hull House, were more and more seen as places to which (male) university sociologists might send students to collect data, which the sociologists and not the social workers would then analyze in a university laboratory and elaborate into theory.[30]
Applied social science largely vanished from the academy after 1918. World War I was the catalyst for a full-scale retreat from action-oriented, reformist social science. The brutality and horror of that conflict ended the buoyant optimism and faith in human progress and societal improvement that had marked the Progressive Era. American academics were not immune to the general disillusion with progress. One economist wrote that "it would perhaps be an exaggeration to say that the European war . . . has rendered every text in social science thus far published out of date, but it would not be a very great exaggeration."[31] Indeed, despair led many social scientists to retreat into a narrow scientistic approach: "They began to talk of the need for a harder science, a science of facts and numbers that could moderate or dispel the pervasive irrational conflicts of political life."[32] Scholarly inquiry directed toward creating a better society was increasingly deemed inappropriate. While faith in the expert and in expert knowledge was carried on from the Progressive Era, it was now divorced from its reformist roots. The dominant conception of science was clear and simple: it was what physical scientists and engineers did.[33] "Sociology as a science is not interested in making the world a better place in which to live, in encouraging beliefs, in spreading information, in dispensing news, in setting forth impressions of life, in leading the multitudes or in guiding the ship of state," Chicago sociologist William F. Ogburn declared. "Science is interested directly in one thing only, to wit, discovering new knowledge." [34] The retreat from applied social science in the 1920s crystallized a tendency that Addams had discerned at the turn of the century:
We recall that the first colleges of the Anglo-Saxon race were established to educate religious teachers. For a long time it was considered the religious mission of the educated to prepare the mass of the people for life beyond the grave. Knowledge dealt largely in theology, but it was ultimately to be applied, and the test of the successful graduate, after all, was not his learning, but his power to save souls. As the college changed from teaching theology to teaching secular knowledge the test of its success should have shifted from the power to save men's souls to the power to adjust them in healthful relations to nature and their fellow men. But the college failed to do this, and made the test of its success the mere collecting and disseminating of knowledge, elevating the means into an end and falling in love with its own achievement.[35]
The Retreat from Social Reform: Structural Conflicts and Contradictions in the Academy
Throughout the American university, a strong tradition developed that separated scholarly research from the goal of helping to create a better society. The political and cultural dynamics of post-World War I scientistic social science were reflected in the burgeoning field of psychiatric social work. In the 1920s, psychiatric social workers staked their claim to scientific legitimacy and professional status by defining their knowledge base as psychoanalytic theory and adopting a therapeutic, ostensibly scientific, approach that emphasized clients' social-psychological adjustment rather than social amelioration. Casework, if not Freudian psychology, also dominated other subspecialities of social work--for example, family casework and child guidance--and during the twenties, that approach became the raison d'etre of the profession as a whole. University schools of social work, which numbered 28 by 1929, and social work education were unified "around the idea of generic casework."[36] Professional social work training did not include preparation for a career in settlement work. The local Community Chest, which gained control of settlement house budgets, dampened reform; only in non-Chest cities such as Chicago and New York were settlement workers able to sustain some reform activity. Not surprisingly, that activity was associated with the charismatic leadership of Addams of Hull House, Graham Taylor of Chicago Commons, and Lillian Wald of Henry Street Settlement, and it was not broadly institutionalized.[37]
Between the wars the reform impulse was further weakened by the fact that every major university formed similar and increasingly specialized departments, and a faculty member's primary source of identification and allegiance became his or her discipline, not the university. Since World War II, a steady infusion of federal funds allocated to individual researchers working under departmental auspices has accelerated the growth of a disciplinary-based reward system. [38] Departmental and disciplinary divisions have served to increase further the isolation of universities from society. A 1982 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development report entitled The University and the Community noted, "Communities have problems, universities have departments."[39] Beyond being a criticism of universities, that statement neatly indicates why universities have not contributed as they should. Quite simply, their unintegrated structures work against understanding and helping to solve highly complex human and societal problems. This tendency has resulted in less effective research, teaching, and service. Indeed, all three missions have been impoverished by what might be termed a false trichotomization. For example, that trichotomy has contributed to an enormous imbalance in the production of knowledge.
Dazzling advances have occurred in university-based research in science and technology. New ideas, concepts, technologies, approaches, and techniques are developed with ever-increasing rapidity. Although designed to improve human welfare, the application of scientific advances too frequently results in new and more forbidding problems. The wondrous possibilities of new medical technologies, for example, have become distorted, helping to create a health care "system" unresponsive to the "low-tech" preventive needs of the vast majority of citizens.[40] How to make rational use of science and technology should be a primary focus of university research. It should be a primary focus because it is a primary problem facing human beings in the late twentieth century. If universities had an integrated mission--the creative, dynamic, and systemic integration of research, teaching, and service--intellectual resources would be significantly devoted to developing humane applications of scientific knowledge to help those living in conditions of profound poverty and neglect.
Integrating research, teaching, and service will be particularly difficult because of a fundamental contradiction in the structure of the American research university itself, a contradiction that occurred with its very creation. That is, the American research university was a product of a combination of the German research university and the American college. Daniel Coit Gilman, the founder of Johns Hopkins and central architect of the late nineteenth-century research university, in fact, claimed that one of his proudest accomplishments was "a school of science grafted on one of the oldest and most conservative classical colleges." Although referring specifically to the merger of the Sheffield Scientific School with Yale College, Gilman felt that this achievement exemplified his contribution to American higher education.[41]
Gilman did not make reference to the institutional contradiction that necessarily derived from a merger of two markedly different entities. The research university, on the one hand, was dedicated to specialized scholarship, and it was through the production of specialized inquiry and studies that the university provided service. For the American college, on the other hand, general education, character building, and civic education were the central purposes. The goal was to serve society by cultivating in young people, to use Benjamin Franklin's phrase, "an Inclination join'd with an Ability to serve." [42] The research university has, of course, dominated this merger, creating an ethos and culture that rewards specialized study rather than more general scholarship and the education of the next generation for moral, civic, and intellectual leadership.
Given the structural contradictions built into the American university, and nearly a century of increasing specialization, fragmentation of knowledge, and separation of scholarship from direct service to society, it will not be easy for higher educational institutions to effectively integrate research, teaching, and service and substantively increase their contributions to knowledge and human welfare. Certainly the significant problems facing American society and the pressures to change that are coming from a variety of constituents will mean that some new directions will have to be forged. But will they be the right directions, directions that enhance the university's ability to carry out its mission? And will these new directions be significant and basic enough to reduce the impediments to progress that hinder the creative, dynamic, systemic integration of research, teaching, and service?
Academically Based Community Service: Toward Revitalizing Universities and Communities
In three key respects, Hull House provides a model and inspiration for work being undertaken at the University of Pennsylvania. First, the Hull House residents emphasized amelioration and reform. Although they acted too frequently for rather than with their neighbors, they believed in and espoused the ideal of empowering community residents to address social problems.[43] Second, as indicated by Hull-House Maps and Papers, their ameliorative, reformist approach to social science integrated the production of new knowledge and the uses made of that knowledge.[44] Third, Addams and her Chicago colleagues recognized that the social problems of the city are complex, deeply rooted, interdependent phenomena that require holistic ameliorative strategies and support mechanisms if they are to be solved. The settlement house provided, albeit on a small neighborhood scale, a comprehensive institutional response to social problems.
Our approach has been to advance academically based community service--service rooted in and intrinsically tied to teaching and research. Among other things, it is an approach that seeks to integrate the research, teaching, and service missions of the university, while also spurring intellectual integration across disciplines. We have found that the very nature of concrete, real-world problems, particularly the problems of the university's immediate geographic community, encourage genuine interschool and interdisciplinary cooperation. No single component of the university can significantly help understand and reduce the complex, myriad, interrelated problems of the urban poor. In combination, however, advances can be made. And that combination must go beyond the various components of the university. It necessarily must also include other institutions, such as public schools, businesses, unions, community organizations, government, and voluntary associations.
Our goal is to develop an innovative model of how higher educational institutions can fruitfully and simultaneously work together to advance knowledge and human welfare. The work builds on John Dewey's proposition that knowledge and learning can be most effectively advanced through working to solve immediate, strategic societal problems. For Dewey, "Thinking begins in . . . a forked-road situation, a situation which is ambiguous, which presents a dilemma, which proposes alternatives."[45] In effect, our forked-road situation is the intellectual problem of what can be done to overcome the pervasive problems affecting the people of West Philadelphia.
To a significant extent, our work can be viewed as testing the validity of Dewey's proposition about how we learn and think. Even more fundamentally, it tests the validity of Francis Bacon's central proposition that knowledge advances most effectively when the "relief of man's estate" is made the true end of knowledge. In 1620 Bacon put the argument as follows: "Lastly, I would address a general admonition to all, that they consider what are the true ends of knowledge, and that they seek it not either for pleasure of the mind, or for contention, or for superiority to others, or for profit, or fame, or power, or for any of these inferior things; but for the benefit and use of life; and that they perfect and govern it in charity. For it was from lust of power that they angels fell, from lust of knowledge that men fell; but of charity there can be no excess, neither did angel or man ever come in danger by it."[46]
How are we to know whether a Deweyan-Baconian approach is indeed superior to the traditional, scholastic model that dominates the American university? For Bacon the test was simple: By their fruits shall we judge modes of inquiry and thought. In other words, to what extent does research change the world for the better? In Reconstruction and Philosophy, Dewey praised Bacon for his brilliant analysis of the sociology of knowledge and his call for cooperative research: "To Bacon, error had been produced and perpetuated by social influences, and trust must be discovered by social agencies organized for that purpose. . . . The great need [Bacon proclaimed] is the organization of co-operative research, whereby men attack nature collectively and the work of inquiry is carried on continuously from generation to generation."[47]
Since 1985, the University of Pennsylvania has been involved in a broadly based community project to help improve the quality of life in West Philadelphia. The project has two main organizational components. With staff offices in the West Philadelphia community, the West Philadelphia Improvement Corps (WEPIC) represents a coalition of university faculty, staff, undergraduate and graduate students, and West Philadelphia teachers, students, and school administrators. The WEPIC provides a year-round program that currently involves over 2,000 children, their parents, and community members in education and cultural workshops, recreation, job training, and community improvement and service activities. The program is coordinated by the West Philadelphia Partnership, a mediating, nonprofit, community-based organization composed of major institutions (including the University of Pennsylvania) and local community groups, in conjunction with the Greater Philadelphia Urban Affairs Coalition and the Philadelphia School District. The recently established Center for Community Partnerships at the University of Pennsylvania coordinates and provides opportunities for participatory action research projects conducted under the aegis of the WEPIC.
This approach is quite different from strategies undertaken in the 1960s, when escalating poverty, crime, violence, racial strife, and student protest demanded a response from urban universities. Federal and foundation-supported programs, notably urban extension programs, urban studies centers and urban observatories, were created to link university research and technical assistance to urban concerns. The goal, according to Paul Ylvisaker of the Ford Foundation, whose 1958 speech signaled the beginning of an era of reengagement, was to create urban equivalents to the Agricultural Extension Service. Typically, these efforts were not partnerships, that is, mutually beneficial relationships between the city and the university. For all the public and private funds expended, relatively little of substance was accomplished, and a genuine and acute disappointment about the level of university performance set in.[48] The development of a mediating organization that encourages partnerships and the pooling of institutional and community resources has helped the University of Pennsylvania to sustain and expand its contribution to the WEPIC coalition.[49]
The WEPIC has reinvented and updated an old notion--that the neighborhood school can effectively serve as the core neighborhood institution, an institution that both provides comprehensive services and galvanizes other community institutions and groups. That idea motivated the early settlement workers, who recognized the centrality of the neighborhood school in community life and its potential as a catalytic site for community stabilization and improvement. At the turn of the century, settlement pioneers mediated the transfer of social, health, vocational, and recreational services to the public schools of major American cities.[50] Dewey's notion of "the school as social center" reflected the vision of Addams and other settlement workers that urban public schools would incorporate settlement ideas and functions.[51] The school and the curriculum would become, in effect, focal points of neighborhood development , improvement, and stabilization. Although Dewey did not make it explicit, this idea is consistent with his general theory that the community-centered school would help catalyze the development of a "cosmopolitan local community."[52] For the neighborhood school to be truly comprehensive, to function as a genuine community center, to help transform its catchment area into a cosmopolitan local community, however, it needs additional human resources and support.
In 1929, near the end of her extraordinary career, Addams wrote that the social settlement served the same function as the university, but the settlement's impact encompassed a broader and needier population: It was the function of the settlements to bring into the circle of knowledge and full life, men and women who might otherwise be left outside. Some of these men and women were outside simply because of their ignorance, some of them because they led lives of hard work that narrowed their interests, and others because they were unaware of the possibilities of life and needed a friendly touch to awaken them. The colleges and universities had made a little inner circle of illuminated space beyond which there stretched a region of darkness, and it was the duty of the settlements to draw into the light those who were out of it. It seemed to us that our mission was just as important as that of either the university or the college.[53]
The key challenge today, however, is not to have social settlements function as universities but rather to have universities function as perennial, deeply rooted settlements, providing illuminated space for their communities as they conduct their mission of producing and transmitting knowledge to advance human welfare and to develop theories that have broad utility and application. As comprehensive institutions, we would argue, universities are uniquely qualified to provide broadly based, sustained, comprehensive support. The community school project itself becomes the organizing catalyst enabling the university to function as a social settlement as one innovative, humanistic strategy to better perform its traditional mission, as well as to better perform its role as a cosmopolitan civic university.
Reports from the Field: Communal Participatory Action Research in West Philadelphia
As we noted previously, a broadly based coalition of agencies, organizations, and institutions today is a sine qua non for school and community revitalization in collapsing urban centers. If it is to be an effective partner in this coalition, the university must institutionalize a strategy that engages academic resources in ways that integrate and strengthen its missions of teaching, research, and service. The strategy we have chosen is to develop a permanent, humanistic natural laboratory in West Philadelphia. We do not treat West Philadelphia as a laboratory for experimentation on poor people, that is, as a site for study rather than assistance. Our approach emphasizes a mutually beneficial, democratic relationship between academics and non-academics. In that relationship, academic researchers learn from and with the community, do research collaboratively with and not on people, and contribute to the solution of significant community problems. Put another way, we believe that West Philadelphia, and the community school in particular, should serve as a natural social and cultural laboratory in which communal participatory action research functions as a humanistic strategy for the advancement of knowledge and human welfare.[54]
Participatory action research is "a form of action research in which professional social researchers operate as full collaborators with members of organizations in studying and transforming those organizations. It is an on-going organizational learning process, a research approach that emphasizes co-learning, participation, and organizational transformation."[55] Both participatory action research and communal participatory action research are directed toward problems in the real world and are concerned with application. They differ in the degree to which they are continuous, comprehensive, and beneficial and necessary to the organization or community studied and the university. The participatory action research process is exemplified in the work of William Foote Whyte and his associates at Cornell University to advance industrial democracy in the worker cooperatives of Mondragon, Spain.[56] Its considerable utility and theoretical significance notwithstanding, the research at Mondragon is not an institutional necessity for Cornell. By contrast, the University of Pennsylvania's enlightened self-interest is directly tied to the success of its research efforts in the West Philadelphia community, hence its emphasis on communal participatory action research. In short, proximity and a focus on problems that are institutionally significant to the university encourage sustained, continuous research involvement. A crucial issue, of course, is the degree to which these locally based research projects result in general knowledge. We would argue that local does not mean parochial and that the solution to local problems necessarily requires an understanding of national and global issues as well as an effective use and development of theory. Two research projects in West Philadelphia, one conducted by a physical anthropologist, another by a graduate student in communication studies, illustrate these propositions.
Francis Johnston, chairperson of the University of Pennsylvania's Department of Anthropology, carries out research in the Turner Nutritional Awareness Project, a joint community/university-sponsored participatory action research project at the John P. Turner Middle School that is designed to improve the nutritional status of the community. "The Project is comprehensive in scope, with components dealing with nutritional assessment, with instruction in concepts of nutrition, and with the collection of a broad range of related information, including such areas as knowledge, preferences, and attitudes concerning food, food streams within the neighborhood, and other sources of information (merchants, media, etc.)." [57] Turner School teachers participate in the design and presentation of the intervention. Sixth-grade Turner students participate in the nutrition education program and, as seventh graders, they teach elementary school students about basic nutrition and healthy habits. [58]
In a recent study, Johnston and his students in an undergraduate anthropology course on "Biomedical Science and Human Adaptability" collected measurements of physical growth status and dietary intakes from 11- to 15-year-old African-American youth. Data on growth were collected on 136 individuals; for both sets of indicators, data were collected on 113. A nutrition software package was used to calculate the nutrient values of students' dietary intakes, and individual records were merged into a single data set for computer statistical analysis. Tabulations of the data supported the following conclusion: "Overall, the data indicate a population with a very high prevalence of obesity, and diets high in saturated fat and low in polyunsaturated fat. Also of potential concern is the indication of low intakes of zinc and high intakes of sodium. Given the increased health risks of urban African-Americans, these findings on young adolescents suggest the development of programs designed to improve diets and enhance health in general in this age group." [59]
Johnston's work with undergraduates further distinguishes the University of Pennsylvania's approach from other varieties of action research. Communal participatory action research extends to creating or restructuring academic courses to include an explicit community focus and action component. The assumption is that embedding community service into courses, research, and general intellectual discourse will lead to positive changes in the institutional climate, providing a linkage between service and education.
A dissertation study in the Annenberg School for Communication provides a second illustration of communal participatory action research. For 2 years, Eleanor Novek, a former professional journalist and editor, was involved at West Philadelphia High School, a WEPIC site, as a co-teacher and researcher in the development of "an educational demonstration project, an urban high school English/journalism class which uses production of a community-focused newspaper as a strategy for the self-determination of young African Americans."[60] Novek's research on self-determination and student empowerment built on Jurgen Habermas's theory of communicative action, elements of reference group theory (e.g., Robert Merton), and superordinate goal theory (Muzafer Sherif and Caroline Sherif), not only to interpret and to theorize from ethnographic data, but also simultaneously to shape the intervention strategies, effecting an ebb and flow of theory and action. The specific vehicle for this work was QWest, a school-based community newspaper project, each component of which was adjudicated and carried out by students. In a recent report of her study, Novek has constructed several criteria of self-determination on the basis of her theoretical perspective, and she provides a summary of evidence from participant observations and student writing to indicate the progress made in each category. Her description of risk taking and the crossing of social boundaries is a case in point:
A shy young woman who never spoke up in class, not only obtained an interview with Ramona Africa, the lone survivor of the world-infamous MOVE bombing in May 1985, but also brought her to the school to address the whole class. A taciturn young man interested in rap music visited one of the largest African American radio stations in the city and interviewed a popular disc jockey on the air. Another student took it upon himself to develop and distribute an attitude survey about the QWest project to class members. Two students applied for and won admission to a minority workshop for high school journalists--the first time any students from their school had participated. Another began freelancing sports reports for a community newspaper.[61]
As our examples are designed to suggest, genuine thinking has occurred in the forked-road situation of West Philadelphia, engendering new approaches to school and community development. We believe that we have made a good start. The interaction of faculty, staff, and students working at the same site, attempting to solve immediate real-world problems, has fostered an unprecedented degree of academic integration at the University of Pennsylvania and spurred the development of new organizational structures and mechanisms to encourage and coordinate academically based public service. We want to emphasize, however, just how extraordinarily difficult it is to change the university and its community. Even after more than 8 years, our work is still in a developing phase.
In this article, we have presented a rationale for reinventing the American university to become once again a mission-oriented institution. With particular attention to social work and the social sciences, we have traced the origins of that rationale to Jane Addams, the women of Hull House, and other Progressive Era social scientists qua social reformers. Historical analysis not only indicates that progressive change can occur, but it also is useful in revealing and clarifying impediments to change, for example, the entrenchment and long-standing dominance of narrowly scholastic social science. We have also described a general strategy of organizational structures, activities, and mechanisms developed at the University of Pennsylvania to help enable the "neo-Progressive" reconstruction of the university through academically based community service.
It is our contention that American social science should be about the "relief of man's estate." These endeavors should be about overcoming the urban crisis and preventing urban chaos. In his studies of creativity, psychologist Howard E. Gruber has emphasized the connection between individual creativity and a desire to solve real-world problems. Gruber's concept of "creative altruism," which we think has relevance for universities, highlights that connection with particular clarity: "We can envisage and identify cases of 'creative altruism,' in which a person displays extraordinary moral responsibility, devoting a significant portion of time and energy to some project transcending immediate need and experience. Creative altruism, when it goes the limit, strives to eliminate the cause of suffering, to change the world, to change the fate of the earth." [62]
Creative altruism imbued the social work and social science of Addams and the women of Hull House at the turn of the twentieth century. As we have indicated, their ideals and practice provided exemplars for the development of social work and sociology at the University of Chicago. We have argued that their humanistic, real-world, problem-solving approach to social science has strong potential to produce better teaching, better research, and better service than conventional social science. The "settlement idea," which has inspired our collective efforts at the University of Pennsylvania and other campuses and communities, is a legacy of the early history of American social work.[63] If the American university is to fulfill its promise and help create a decent and just society, it must give full-hearted, full-minded attention to solving our complex interrelated problems. The benefits of doing so would, we are convinced, be considerable for the university, social science, and the American city.
John Puckett's contribution to this article was supported by a Spencer Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship. We are also grateful to Lee Benson and Ellen Lagemann for their superb advice and encouragement.
[1] Ernest L. Boyer and Fred M. Hechinger, Higher Learning in the Nation's Service (Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 1981), p. 3.
[2] Derek Bok, Universities and the Future of America (Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1990), p. 122.
[3] Lee Benson and Ira Harkavy, "Universities, Schools, and the Welfare State," Education Week,April 29, 1992, p. 27. Representative George E. Brown, Jr., chairman of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, and Representative Rick Boucher, chairman of the Subcommittee on Science for that committee, have sharply criticized the priorities of contemporary scientists and the academic research community, which they view as detached from broad societal concerns; in Colleen Cordes, "As Chairman of Key House Committee Restates His Vision, Scientists Worry," Chronicle of Higher Education, September 8, 1993, pp. A26-28; Rick Boucher, "A Science Policy for the 21st Century," Chronicle of Higher Education, September 1, 1993, pp. B1-2. The Senate Committee on Appropriations voices a similar complaint about the National Science Foundation, admonishing that agency to address "specific national goals" or face curtailment of its funding; in 103d Congress, Senate Report 103-137, September 9, 1993, pp. 165-69.
[4] Sheldon Hackney, "Universities and Schools: Hanging Together or Hanging Separately?" Address at Bank Street College, New York, May 2, 1992; printed in University of Pennsylvania Almanac (May 12, 1992), p. 6.
[5] As quoted in Barry D. Karl, Charles E. Merriam and the Study of Politics (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1974), p. 31.
[6] See Kathryn Kish Sklar, "Hull-House Maps and Papers: Social Science as Women's Work in the 1890s," in The Social Survey in Historical Perspective 1880-1940, ed. Martin Bulmer, Kevin Bales, and Kathryn Kish Sklar (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991), pp. 111-47.
[7] Jane Addams, "The Objective Value of a Social Settlement" (1893), in The Social Thought of Jane Addams, ed. Christopher Lasch (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1965), pp. 44-61; quotation from Jane Addams, The Second Twenty Years at Hull-House: September 1909 to September 1929, with a Record of a Growing World Consciousness (New York: Macmillan, 1930), p. 405, cited in Lela B. Costin, Two Sisters for Social Justice: A Biography of Grace and Edith Abbott (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1983), p. 45.
[8] Jane Addams, Twenty Years at Hull-House (New York: Macmillan, 1910), pp. 118, 120.
[9] As quoted in John H. Ehrenreich, The Altruistic Imagination: A History of Social Work and Social Policy in the United States (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1985), p. 35. See also Kathryn Kish Sklar, "Hull House in the 1890s: A Community of Women Reformers," Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 10, no. 4 (1985): pp. 675-77; Stanley Wenocur and Michael Reisch, From Charity to Enterprise: The Development of American Social Work in a Market Economy (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1989), pp. 26-29.
[10] As quoted in Gertrude Himmelfarb, Poverty and Compassion: The Moral Imagination of the Late Victorians (New York: Knopf, 1991), p. 241.
[11] As quoted in Allen F. Davis, American Heroine: The Life and Legend of Jane Addams (New York: Oxford University Press, 1973), p. 65.
[12] Residents of Hull-House, Hull-House Maps and Papers (Boston: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1895; Arno Press reprint ed., 1970), p. viii.
[13] The key volume, which included Booth's "Descriptive Map of London Poverty," was Charles Booth, Life and Labour of the People of London, vol. 2 (London: Williams and Northgate, 1891). See Kathryn Kish Sklar, "Hull-House Maps and Papers: Social Science as Women's Work in the 1890s," in Bulmer, Bales, and Sklar, eds. (n. [6] above), p. 122.
[14] Residents of Hull House (n. [12] above), p. 41. This volume was published as part of a book series, Library on Economics and Politics, edited by Richard Ely of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
[15] Mary Jo Deegan, Jane Addams and the Men of the Chicago School, 1892-1918 (New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Press, 1988), p. 5. Hull House provided a training ground for noted women reformers of the Progressive Era: Kelley, Lathrop, Alice Hamilton, Mary Kenny O'Sullivan, Sophonisba Breckinridge, Grace Abbott, and Edith Abbott. See Allen F. Davis, Spearheads for Reform: The Social Settlements and the Progressive Movement, 1890-1914 (New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1967; rev. ed., 1984), pp. 103-47.
[16] Deegan (n.[15] above), p. 24.
[17] As quoted in Ellen Fitzpatrick, Endless Crusade: Women Social Scientists and Progressive Reform (New York: Oxford University Press, 1990), p. 33.
[18] Steven J. Diner, A City and Its Universities: Public Policy in Chicago, 1892-1919 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1980), p. 50.
[19] Ibid. This "public spiritedness" was evident in the "University Extension Division," which released professors into the city to provide instruction for the citizenry at large. Edward Shils notes that nearly a quarter of the University of Chicago faculty participated in municipal reform activities at the highwater mark of the city's Progressive movement. See Edward Shils, "The University, the City, and the World: Chicago and the University of Chicago," in The University and the City: From Medieval Origins to the Present, ed. Thomas Bender (New York: Oxford University Press, 1988), pp. 210-30.
[20] Fitzpatrick (n.[17] above), p. 39. As Fitzpatrick indicates, this commitment was also shared by the political science and political economy departments at Chicago: "They stressed the importance of using scholarship to advance both knowledge and civic-mindedness" (p. 41).
[21] The quotation appears in a different context in ibid., p. xv, but our research indicates that it aptly describes the first-generation Chicago sociologists. For discussion of Social Gospel influences in American social science in its formative period, see Arthur S. Link and Richard L. McCormick, Progressivism (Arlington Heights, Ill.: Harlan Davidson, 1983), pp. 23-24. In the early 1890s, Small, Vincent, and Edward Bemis (whom Harper would fire in 1895 because of Bemis's support of the 1894 Pullman strike) worked with Addams, Kelley and community leaders tohelp secure legislation eliminating sweat shops and regulating child labor. In the winter of 1910 Henderson and Mead joined the women of Hull House in support of 40,000 striking garment industry workers; in 1915, Mead participated in another garment union strike.
[22] The most important research study of the early Chicago School was The Polish Peasant in Europe and America (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1918), a 2,232-page study co-authored by Thomas and Florian Znaniecki. See Martin Bulmer, The Chicago School of Sociology: Institutionalization, Diversity, and the Rise of Sociological Research (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984), pp. 45-63, p. 238, n. 1.
[23]. Deegan (n. [15] above), quotations from p. 55; see also chap. 6. Hull-House Maps and Papers helped inaugurate the Social Survey Movement, of which the Pittsburgh Survey, 1907-9, was the largest and most prominent example. Sponsored by the Russell Sage Foundation, the Pittsburgh Survey was carried out by a combination of academics and nonacademics, including Kelley, formerly of Hull House. The survey was conceptually unified around the seminal role of the steel industry in shaping Pittsburgh's urban environment and growth. See Stephen R. Cohen, "The Pittsburgh Survey and the Social Survey Movement: A Sociological Road Not Taken," in Bulmer, Bales, and Sklar, eds. (n. [6] above), pp. 245-67.
[24] Bulmer (n. [22] above), p. 69.
[25] Ibid., p. 89. Bulmer's study focuses on the period 1915-1935. See also Fitzpatrick (n. [17] above), p. 200; Shils (n. [19] above); David Ward, Poverty, Ethnicity, and the American City, 1840-1925 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989), pp. 151-79.
[26] The University of Chicago was hardly a hothouse for radical social change, as evidenced by the trustees' firing of Edward Bemis, who took the side of labor in the violent Pullman strike of 1894: "The scientific study of pressing social issues was one thing; openly advocating 'radical' causes without reference to scientific inquiry was another" (Fitzpatrick [n. [17] above], p. 40.) Yet according to Shils, "The trustees of the University of Chicago, despite assertions by critics such as Thorstein Veblen and Upton Sinclair, have an impressive history of self-restraint, for which there is ample evidence" (Shils n.[19] above], p. 218).
[27] Fitzpatrick (n. [17] above), p. 70.
[28] Ibid., p. 86.
[29] Ibid., pp. 20-25, 87-200 passim; quotation from p. 166. For more on Breckinridge and Abbott's collaboration and friendship, see Costin (n. [7] above), pp. 41-67.
[30] Ellen C. Lagemann, "Introduction," in Jane Addams on Education, ed. Ellen C. Lagemann (New York: Teachers College Press, 1985), p. 35.
[31] Dorothy Ross, The Origins of American Social Science (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991), p. 321.
[32] Ibid.
[33] Ibid., pp. 326-30; Dorothy Ross, "American Social Science and the Idea of Progress," in The Authority of Experts, ed. Thomas L. Haskell (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1984), 157-71; Sheldon Hackney, "The University and Its Community: Past and Present," Annals of the American Academy 488 (1986): 135-47; Martin Bulmer and Joan Bulmer, "Philanthropy and Social Science in the 1920s: Beardsley Ruml and the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial 1922-29," Minerva 19 (1981): 347-407.
[34] Ogburn's 1929 presidential address to the American Sociological Society, quoted in Bulmer (n. [22] above), p. 182. For the role of private foundations such as the Carnegie Corporation, Russell Sage Foundation, and Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial in sustaining this representation of social science through funding programs, see Ellen C. Lagemann, The Politics of Knowledge: The Carnegie Corporation, Philanthropy, and Public Policy (Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan University Press, 1987), chap. 3; Wenocur and Reisch (n. [9] above), pp. 55-58, p. 272, n. 8; Deegan (n.[15] above), pp. 96-97.
[35] Jane Addams, "A Function of the Social Settlement" (1899), in Lagemann, ed. (n. 30 above), p. 90.
[36] Wenocur and Reisch (n. [9] above), p. 137.
[37] Ibid., pp. 77-106, 127-48; Judith Ann Trolander, Professionalism and Social Change: From the Settlement House to Neighborhood Centers, 1886 to the Present (New York: Columbia University Press, 1987), pp. 21-24. In the 1930s, while social workers and many social scientists helped create a body of research and social planning that undergirded many New Deal reforms, their work was not rooted in sustained efforts to transform local environments; reflecting the norms of the American Association of Social Workers, as professional social workers gained a higher profile in the public sector, they adapted casework technologies to treat the unemployed. By 1936, as the Depression deepened, a rank and file movement involving some 15,000 underpaid, radicalized social workers, most of whom lacked professional credentials and held jobs in heavily stressed public welfare agencies, had arisen to challenge the professional enterprise, organizing protective associations and trade unions and advocating a planned economy and income redistribution. Although social work unions remained viable until about 1950, the radical critique was not sustained after 1940. See Wenocur and Reisch (n. [9] above), pp. 151-207; Leslie Leighninger, Social Work: Search for Identity (New York: Greenwood Press, 1987), pp. 51-101.
[38] For discussion of the strengthening of disciplinary communities, see David Alpert, "Performance and Paralysis: The Organizational Context of the American Research University," Journal of Higher Education 56, no. 3 (1985): 241-81; and Christopher C. Jencks and David Riesman, The Academic Revolution (New York: Doubleday, 1968), pp. 523-31.
[39] Center for Educational Research and Innovation, The University and the Community: The Problems of Changing Relationships (Paris: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 1982), p. 127. For other critiques of university-community relationships, see Derek Bok, Beyond the Ivory Tower: Social Responsibilities of the Modern University (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1982); Hackney (n. [33] above); Clark Kerr, The Uses of the University (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1982); Peter L. Szanton, Not Well Advised (New York: Russell Sage Foundation and Ford Foundation, 1981).
[40] For discussion of the environmental threats posed by science divorced from social, moral, and ethical concerns, in this case, quantum mechanics and molecular biology, see Herbert J. Bernstein, "Idols of Modern Science and the Reconstruction of Knowledge," in New Ways of Knowing: The Sciences, Society, and Reconstructive Knowledge, ed. Marcus G. Raskin and Herbert J. Bernstein (Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Littlefield, 1987), pp. 37-68.
[41] Daniel Coit Gilman, University Problems in the United States (1898; reprint, New York: Garret Press, 1969), Foreword, p. iii.
[42] Albert H. Smyth, ed., The Writings of Benjamin Franklin (New York: Macmillan, 1907), 2:396.
[43] Wenocur and Reisch (n. [9] above), pp. 138-46.
[44]Martin Bulmer speaks of "research done with a reformist and ameliorative purpose," in Martin Bulmer, "The Decline of the Social Survey Movement and the Rise of American Empirical Sociology," in Bulmer, Bales, and Sklar, eds. (n. [6] above), p. 305.
[45] John Dewey, How We Think (New York: D.C. Heath, 1910), p. 11.
[46] As quoted in Lee Benson and Ira Harkavy, "Progressing beyond the Welfare State: A Neo-Deweyan Strategy: University-assisted, Staff-controlled and Managed, Community-centered Community Schools as Comprehensive Community Centers to Help Construct and Organize Hardworking, Cohesive, Caring, Cosmopolitan Communities in a Democratic Welfare Society," Universities and Community Schools 2, no. 1-2 (1991): 4-6. The National Academy of Sciences has stated in quintessentially Baconian terms, "The countries that best integrate the generation of new knowledge with the use of that knowledge will be positioned to be the leaders of the 21st century" (Committee on Appropriations, Senate Report 103-137, September 9, 1993, p. 167). Referencing Bacon's vision, Bernstein writes, "We have . . . lost the original connection between scientific truth and social good; we have refined moral concerns out of the process" (Bernstein n. [40] above, p. 52). For a useful discussion of Bacon's oeuvre, see Lee Benson, "Changing Social Science to Change the World: A Discussion Paper," Social Science History 2 (1978): 427-41.
[47] John Dewey, Reconstruction in Philosophy (New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1920; enlarged ed., Boston: Beacon Press, 1948), 36-37. Addams attributed the following Bacon-like statement to Dewey: "When a theory of knowledge forgets that its value rests in solving the problem out of which it has arisen, that of securing a method of action, knowledge begins to cumber the ground. It is a luxury, and becomes a social nuisance and disturber" (Addams, "Function of the Social Settlement" [n. [35] above], p. 76).
[48] Hackney, "University and Its Community" (n. [33] above); Organization for Social and Technical Development, Urban Universities: Rhetoric, Reality, and Conflict (Washington, D.C.: Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1970); Peter M. Tobia, The University in Urban Affairs: A Symposium (New York: Editor, 1969); Szanton (n. [39] above); George Nash, The University and the City: Eight Cases of Involvement (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1973).
[49] See Ira Harkavy and John L. Puckett, "The Role of Mediating Structures in University and Community Revitalization: The University of Pennsylvania and West Philadelphia as a Case Study," Journal of Research and Development in Education 25, no. 1 (1991): 10-25.
[50] Vocational counseling and school social work were sui generis innovations of the settlement movement. See Marvin Lazerson, Origins of the Urban School: Public Education in Massachusetts, 1870-1915 (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1971), pp. 191-97; Murray Levine and Adeline Levine, A Social History of Helping Services: Clinic, Court, School, and Community (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1970), pp. 125-43. The settlement movement also provided a "practical testing ground" for social innovations that were not sui generis, for example, kindergartens, playgrounds, school nursing, vocational education, and vacation schools; in the 1910s these programs were widely adopted by the public schools. See Morris I. Berger, The Settlement, the Immigrant and the Public School: A Study of the Influence of the Settlement Movement and the New Migration upon Public Education: 1890-1924 (1956; reprint, New York: Arno Press, 1980); Davis (n. [15] above), esp. pp. 40-59, quotation from p. 57; Amalie Hofer, "The Social Settlement and the Kindergarten," National Educational Association Proceedings 34 (1895), pp. 514-25; Isabel M. Stewart, "The Educational Value of the Nurse in the Public School," in The Ninth Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, ed. Thomas Wood (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1910), 2:19-26.
[51] John Dewey, "The School as Social Center," National Educational Association Proceedings 41 (1902), pp. 373-83. As a case in point, Addams served on the board of managers of the National Society for the Promotion of Industrial Education, established in 1906, to help persuade the public schools to take over the settlements' manual training programs. See Davis (n.[15] above), p. 52; Paul U. Kellogg, "The National Society for the Promotion of Industrial Education," Charities and the Commons 17 (1906-7): 363-71, cited in Davis (n.[15] above), p. 273, n. 24. The idea of public schools as social centers, or community schools, has persisted in a minor key throughout the twentieth century. For example, see Clarence A. Perry, Wider Use of the School Plant (New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1911); Edward J. Ward, ed., The Social Center (New York: Appleton, 1913); Eleanor T. Glueck, The Community Use of Schools (Baltimore: Williams & Wilkens, 1927); Samuel Everett, ed., The Community School (New York: Appleton-Century, 1938); Elsie R. Clapp, Community Schools in Action (New York: Viking Press, 1939); Nelson B. Henry, The Fifty-second Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, Part II: The Community School (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1953); Edward G. Olsen, ed., The Modern Community School (New York: Appleton-Century Crofts, 1953); Leonard Covello, The Heart is the Teacher (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1958); W. Fred Totten and Frank J. Manley, The Community School: Basic Concepts, Function, and Organization (Galien, Mich.: Allied Education Council, 1969); Maurice F. Seay and associates, Community Education: A Developing Concept (Midland, Mich.: Pendell, 1974).
[52] Benson and Harkavy, "Progressing beyond the Welfare State" (n. [46] above), pp. 23-27.
[53] Addams, Second Twenty Years at Hull-House (n. [7] above), pp. 404-5.
[54] Benson and Harkavy, "Progressing beyond the Welfare State" (n. [46] above), pp. 2-28; Ira Harkavy, "The University and the Social Sciences in the Social Order: An Historical Overview and 'Where Do We Go from Here?'" Virginia Social Science Journal27 (1992): 1-25.
[55] Davydd J. Greenwood, William Foote Whyte, and Ira Harkavy, "Participatory Action Research as a Process and as a Goal,"in International Dimensions of Action Research: Sources of New Thinking about Inquiry That Makes a Difference, ed. Max Elden and Rupe Chisholm, special issue of Human Relations, in press. See also William Foote Whyte, Davydd J. Greenwood, and Peter Lazes, "Participatory Action Research: Through Practice to Science in Social Research," in Action Research for the 21st Century: Participation, Reflection and Practice, ed. William Foote Whyte, special issue of American Behavioral Scientist 32, no. 5 (1989): 513-51; and William Foote Whyte, ed., Participatory Action Research (Newbury Park, Calif.: Sage , 1991).
[56] William F. Whyte and Kathleen K. Whyte, Making Mondragon: The Growth and Dynamics of the Worker Cooperative Complex (Ithaca, NY: ILR Press, 1988); Davydd J. Greenwood and Jose Luis Gonzalez Santos, Industrial Democracy as Process: Participatory Action Research in the Fagor Cooperative Group of Mondragon (Assen/Maastricht: Van Gorcum, 1992).
[57] Francis E. Johnston, Robert J. Hallock, Pratik Desai, and Stephanie Bock, "Physical Growth, Nutritional Status, and Dietary Intake of African-American Middle School Students from Philadelphia," manuscript submitted for publication.
[58] Ibid.
[59] Ibid.
[60] Eleanor M. Novek, "Buried Treasure: The Theory and Practice of Communicative Action in an Urban High School Newspaper," paper presented to the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Kansas City, Missouri, August 1993, p. 1.
[61] Ibid., p. 15. Other criteria, or markers, include "providing experiences of mastery, strengthening group bonds and increasing their influence in social systems" (p. 21).
[62] Howard E. Gruber, "Creativity and Human Survival," in Creative People at Work, ed. Doris B. Wallace and Howard E. Gruber (New York: Oxford University Press, 1989), p. 185. For Gruber's most recent development of the idea of creative altruism, see his essay, "Creativity in the Moral Domain: Ought Implies Can Implies Create," in Creativity in the Moral Domain, ed. Howard E. Gruber, special issue of Creativity Research Journal 6, no. 1-2 (1993): 3-15.
[63] For example, the Committee on Inner City Initiatives of the Western New York Consortium of Higher Education (12 colleges and universities) has focused on the collaborative development of the Martin Luther King, Jr., Center, a community school and community center in East Buffalo. See Stephen C. Halpern, "University-Community Projects: Reflections on the Lessons Learned," Universities and Community Schools 3, nos. 1-2 (1992): 44-48.
04-04-2003, 07:02:45: crystal mcgill smells like dirttten scoun drewel
04-04-2003, 09:59:44: yo ws up
04-04-2003, 13:10:54: Were giraffe's antennae to sprout from your barnacled elbows, one could but weep for the pretense of a fallen chamber pot.
04-04-2003, 14:56:50: awesome. you are awesome like a house in two places one is gone though, i have a talking machine dog too, please captain let the dog out of the dungen, said by grant in 1892
04-04-2003, 15:29:45: hi
04-04-2003, 16:15:20: It's SNOWING!!
04-04-2003, 18:54:27: Hello
04-04-2003, 18:57:10: One thing that people like to ask a lot is what the "meaning" is of the little marks to the left and right and smack dab in the middle of the code. On either side is a pair of thin dark bars separated by a thin light bar, and in the middle, there's always the pattern light-dark-light-dark-light. These are not in fact representations of a digit, but are rather merely synchronization marks (sometimes called "guard bars") that help barcode-reading equipment recognize that it is in fact looking at a barcode and help it determine the width of a mark (since barcodes come in different sizes and the distance of the code from the equipment optics can affect the readings as well). On the right-hand-side of a barcode (but not on the left), the digit "6" is represented by something that does bear a resemblence to the synch marks, and this has occasionally led "antichrist hunters" to exclaim that all barcodes contain embedded within them "the number of the beast" (that is, "666").
04-04-2003, 23:39:48: Hello mr guy i've never met before
04-05-2003, 05:59:07: Hi My dog looks like a fish!
04-05-2003, 07:41:38: dude no way
04-05-2003, 08:06:07: fish
04-05-2003, 08:52:45: let's see what this can do. Junior is a prick!
04-05-2003, 14:48:41: hello
04-05-2003, 15:50:11: no limit
04-05-2003, 15:50:54: make um say uhhhhhh
04-05-2003, 21:33:08: Hi my name is jimmy from down under
04-05-2003, 21:41:09: Hi my name is jimmy from down under
04-05-2003, 21:41:42:
04-05-2003, 23:05:02: hello
04-06-2003, 06:59:00:
04-06-2003, 07:07:35: Please get her some ham she is hungry
04-06-2003, 07:08:19: Please get her some ham she is hungry
04-06-2003, 13:23:53: hello
04-06-2003, 17:02:47: nicole
04-06-2003, 17:02:56: nicole
04-06-2003, 17:03:18: nicole
04-06-2003, 18:15:21: salut ca va bien
04-06-2003, 23:34:06: let's talk about love
04-06-2003, 23:43:04: designing of automatic talking machine with figures.
04-07-2003, 05:58:40: hello how are you
04-07-2003, 06:21:57: Six lusty gnomes fought for the privite right to party with the pope.
04-07-2003, 07:42:19: My dog ate your cat.
04-07-2003, 07:42:32: My dog ate your cat.
04-07-2003, 10:58:37: I think the world is one big matrix
04-07-2003, 11:12:59: hi jared
04-07-2003, 12:00:36: I'm on fire
04-07-2003, 13:34:48: Your mom spanks blue weasles with her plastic gnat swatter.
04-07-2003, 13:44:29: I'm out... I'm out of the contest!
04-07-2003, 19:25:07: poop
04-07-2003, 19:27:17: bitch
04-08-2003, 03:57:16: demons crawling in my head make me feel happy
04-08-2003, 05:50:34: Eliah
04-08-2003, 08:16:17: Glug glug said the elf on steroids as he helped him self to another pint of uncle wigglies stout.
04-08-2003, 08:18:27: I’m drunk on the fumes of her armpit stench.
04-08-2003, 11:42:20: Six lusty gnomes fought for the right to party with the popes privates.
04-08-2003, 13:19:15: Fuck you assholes
04-08-2003, 13:20:53: Lessons from Hull House for the Contemporary Urban University by Ira Harkavy and John L. Puckett, University of Pennsylvania Ira Harkavy is Director of the Center for Community Partnerships at the University of Pennsylvania. He teaches both in the history and urban studies departments, and is co-executive editor of _Universities and Community Schools_. In recent years, he has written on how to involve universities effectively in democratic partnerships with local public schools and their communities. John Puckett is associate professor at the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education, where he conducts research on the university-community relationship. Table of Contents * Introduction * Social Science and Social Work: The Progressive Tradition * The Retreat from Social Reform: Structural Conflicts and Contradictions in the Academy * Academically Based Community Service: Toward Revitalizing Universities and Communities * Reports from the Field: Communal Participatory Action Research in West Philadelphia * Conclusion * Notes Introduction Since 1981 and the publication of Ernest Boyer and Fred Hechinger's Higher Learning in the Nation's Service, there has been a growing criticism that "higher education in America is suffering from a loss of overall direction, a nagging feeling that it is no longer at the vital center of the nation's work."[1] With the publication of Derek Bok's 1990 book,Universities and the Future of America, that criticism reached a new level of urgency and significance. From the paramount insider position within the higher educational system, Harvard's president concluded that "most universities continue to do their least impressive work on the very subjects where society's need for greater knowledge and better education is most acute."[2] Bok's conclusion (reached near the end of his Harvard presidency) necessarily leads to the further conclusion that the American university has failed to do what it is supposed to do. In short, esoterica has triumphed over public philosophy, narrow scholasticism over humane scholarship. Urban universities are now compelled to work with their neighbors for their own immediate and long-term self-interest. There are four reasons why universities should be involved in urban revitalization efforts. The first reason is institutional self-interest, including the safety, cleanliness, and attractiveness of the physical setting. Each of these contributes to the campus ambiance and to the recruitment and retention of faculty, students, and staff. Needless to say, high walls and imposing gates cannot shield students, faculty members, or administrators from the disturbing reality that surrounds the urban campus. The second reason involves a more indirect effect on institutional self-interest. It includes both the costs (financial, public relations, and political) to the institution that result from a retreat from the community, as well as the benefits that accrue from active, effective engagement. As Lee Benson and Ira Harkavy have noted: As conditions in society continue to deteriorate, universities will face increased public scrutiny (witness the Congressional hearings chaired by Representative John Dingell of Michigan last year). The scrutiny is bound to intensify as America focuses on resolving its deep and pervasive societal problems amid continuously expanding global competition. Institutions of higher education will increasingly be held to new and demanding standards that evaluate performance on the basis of direct and short-run societal benefit. In addition, public, private, and foundation support will be more than ever based on that standard, and it will become increasingly clear to colleges and universities that "altruism pays"--in fact, that altruism is practically an imperative for institutional development and improvement.[3] The third reason involves the advancement of knowledge, teaching, and human welfare through academically based community service focused on improving the quality of life in the local community. The benefits that can emerge from this approach are the integration of research, teaching, and service; the interaction of faculty members and graduate and undergraduate students from across the campus; the connection of projects involving participatory action research with student and staff volunteer activities; and the promotion of civic consciousness, value-oriented thinking, and a moral approach to issues of public concern among undergraduates. Historically, universities have missed an extraordinary opportunity to work with their communities and to engage in better research, teaching, and service. The separation of universities from society, their aloofness from real-world problems, has deprived universities of contact with a necessary source of genuine creativity and academic vitality. Promoting civic consciousness, we believe, is the core component of the fourth reason for significant university involvement with the community. Sheldon Hackney has described this as the "institution's obligation to be a good citizen, and its pedagogic duty to provide models of responsible citizenship for its students."[4] In other words, universities and colleges have, along with schools and religious institutions, a special responsibility to be moral institutions, exemplifying the highest civic and character-building values of society. At the heart of civic responsibility is the concept of neighborliness--caring about and assisting those living in close proximity to us. As an institution, a university's actions and inactions express morality; a university's indifference or civic engagement teaches lessons to its students and to society. This citizenship and character-building role, of course, was at the very center of the American college. However, the didactic approach to citizenship education and morality employed by its predecessors would today be both off-putting and at odds with the openness of the modern university. Collectively these arguments indicate that it is now both necessary and mutually beneficial for urban universities to work to revitalize their local communities. The complex problems of urban society necessitate a radical reorientation and reinvention of the urban American university to become, once again, a mission-oriented institution devoted to the use of reason to improve the human condition. That mission was the driving force behind the organization of the modern research university in the late nineteenth century. University presidents of the Progressive Era worked to transform the American university into a major national institution capable of meeting the needs of a rapidly changing and increasingly complex society. Imbued with a boundless optimism and a belief that scientific and social-scientific knowledge could change the world for the better, they saw universities as leading the way toward an effective and humane reorganization of society. Progressive academics viewed the city as their arena for study and action. The city was the site of significant societal transformations; the center of political corruption, poverty, crime and cultural conflict; and a ready source of data and information. It was, according to Richmond Mayo-Smith of Columbia, "the national laboratory of social science, just as hospitals are of medical science." [5] As Jane Addams and her colleagues in Chicago illustrated, the city was also the place in which academics could combine social science and social reform. Social Science and Social Work: The Progressive Tradition Social work as a field of social scientific inquiry gained impetus from Hull House, the social settlement founded by Jane Addams and Ellen Starr on Chicago's West Side in 1889.[6] The philosophy and programs of Hull House were modeled after Toynbee Hall, the first settlement house, established in 1884 by the Anglican vicar Samuel A. Barnett in London's East End. Adopting a multifaceted institutional approach to the social problems of the immigrant groups in the Nineteenth Ward, the Hull House residents offered activities and services along four lines, designated by Addams as the social, educational, humanitarian, and civic. The residents' programs included college extension classes, clubs and literary programs, ethnic festivals, art exhibits, recreational activities and neighborhood showerbaths, a summer camp program, a cooperative boarding house for working women, and kindergarten, visiting-nurse, and legal services. Moreover, Hull House was a site for labor union activities; a forum for social, political, and economic reform; and a center for social science research. Regarding its research function, as Addams once noted, "the settlements antedated by three years the first sociology departments in universities and by ten years the establishment of the first foundations for social research." [7] In Twenty Years at Hull-House, Addams emphasized the benefits that accrued to the activist social worker from engagement with the community and its problems. She wrote of "a fast-growing number of cultivated young people who have no recognized outlet for their active faculties. They hear constantly of the great social maladjustment, but no way is provided for them to change it, and their uselessness hangs upon them heavily. . . . 'There is nothing after disease, indigence and guilt so fatal to life itself as the want of a proper outlet for active faculties.'"[8] For women, the problem of lacking constructive social outlets for their reform impulses was acutely felt, constricted as they were by Victorian gender roles. Viewed as an expression of "social motherhood," settlement work provided a satisfactory professional outlet for women that was not incommensurate with established gender roles and practices, particularly the idea of the "woman's sphere." Addams acknowledged this when she remarked that "many women today are failing properly to discharge their duties to their own families and households simply because they fail to see that as society grows more complicated, it is necessary that woman shall extend her sense of responsibility to many things outside of her home, if only in order to preserve the home in its entirety."[9] For activist-oriented young men and women of Addams's generation, settlement work constituted, in Addams's apt phrase, a "subjective necessity." In 1889, Starr told a friend that "Jane's idea, which she puts very much to the front and on no account will give up, is that [the settlement] is more for the people who do it than for the other class."[10] Addams herself later wrote, "I hope it will never be forgotten in Chicago, at least where Hull House feels somewhat responsible for the Toynbee Hall idea, that Toynbee Hall was first projected as an aid and outlet to educated young men. The benefit to East Londoners was then regarded as almost secondary, and the benefit has always been held as strictly mutual."[11] In 1895, Addams and the residents of Hull House--notably Florence Kelley, Agnes Holbrook, and Julia Lathrop--published Hull-House Maps and Papers, a sociological investigation of the neighborhood immediately to the east of Hull House; in Addams's words, it was a record of "certain phases of neighborhood life with which the writers have been familiar."[12] Inspired by Charles Booth's Life and Labour of the People in London, the Hull House residents compiled detailed maps of demographic and social characteristics and produced richly descriptive accounts of life and work in a poor immigrant neighborhood.[13] Theirs was not dispassionate scholarship, as evidenced by Kelley's poignant advocacy of sweatshop laborers, whose "reward of work at their trade is grinding poverty, ending only in death or escape to some more hopeful occupation. Within the trade there has been and can be no improvement in wages while tenement-house manufacture is tolerated. On the contrary, there seems to be no limit to the deterioration now in progress."[14] Closely associated with Hull House in its early years were the male sociologists at the University of Chicago, who acknowledged that "it was Addams and Hull-House who were the leader and leading institution in Chicago in the 1890s, not the University of Chicago." [15] Indeed, Hull-House Maps and Papers oriented the Chicago School of Sociology to urban studies and strongly influenced the direction taken by that department for the next 40 years.[16] The changing relationship of Addams and her Hull House colleagues with the Chicago sociologists from the 1890s to the late 1910s mirrored the American university's transition from an outwardly directed, service-centered institution to an inwardly directed, discipline-centered institution. It was also a marker of the separation of knowledge production from knowledge use, indeed, of social science from social reform, by the end of the Progressive Era. In its early years, the University of Chicago demonstrated that by doing good, a research university could do very well. When Chicago's first president, William Rainey Harper, described the mission of his newly minted university as "service for mankind wherever mankind is, whether within scholastic walls or without those walls and in the world at large,"[17] he expressed a pervasive attitude of Progressive Era academics that "scholarship, teaching, and public service were fully compatible."[18] As Steven Diner has written, Harper and his Progressive colleagues also realized that the university's funding was contingent on the public's good will: When the University of Chicago opened in 1892, universities were still quite new and were just beginning to to explore the possibilities of service to their society. This was not a time for introspection or self-criticism, but an era of growth and experimentation. Nothing in the experience of American universities thus far indicated that public service might harm the university; but the experience of the antebellum college suggested the shortcomings of a remote seminary of learning for its own sake. Its detachment from public service had resulted in neither solid scholarship, sound teaching, nor popular support. Indeed, most university presidents of the early twentieth century concluded that service was the only way to win support for the advancement and dissemination of knowledge on the highest level. [19] The Chicago School of Sociology was created in this nexus of "serving society by advancing intellectual inquiry."[20] In the early years of the Chicago School no invidious distinctions were made between the applied sociology pursued by Addams and the Hull House residents and the academic research of the first generation of University of Chicago sociologists. Indeed, the two groups had a close working relationship, grounded in personal friendships, mutual respect, and shared social philosophy. Four men of the early Chicago School--Albion Small, Charles Henderson, Charles Zeublin, and George Vincent--were ministers or ministers manque, intellectual Social Gospelers with strong civic commitments. (The exceptions, with limited theological proclivities, were George Herbert Mead and William I. Thomas.) Like the women of Hull House, the Chicago sociologists were "social activists and social scientists."[21] Action social research, Chicago style, encompassed scholarly documentation of a social problem and lobbying of politicians and local community groups to obtain action. [22] Recent feminist scholarship takes issue with the charge that the social science of Hull House and the early Chicago School was unscientific. Mary Jo Deegan, for example, argues that Hull-House Maps and Papers "established the Chicago tradition of studying the city and its inhabitants," and provided "the major substantive interests of Chicago sociologists": a focus on immigrants, poverty, and occupational structure. She asserts that Robert Park and Ernest W. Burgess, leaders of the Chicago School's second generation, adopted the research concerns and methods of Addams and her colleagues even as they staked their own prior claim as the founders of urban sociology. [23] After 1915 Chicago Sociology increasingly distanced itself from social reform, notwithstanding the continued focus on the form, structure, and problems of city living. Increasingly that focus was circumscribed by a natural science model and an underlying commitment to "the detached and objective study of society," which "allowed no room for an ameliorative approach."[24] Park and Burgess emphasized "urban studies . . . within a scientific framework."[25] The career of Sophonisba Breckinridge is indicative of the attenuation of action-oriented, reformist social science in Chicago in the decades before America's entry into World War I. When Breckinridge enrolled in the University of Chicago's Department of Political Science in 1894, she entered a Progressive world where scientific rigor was deemed compatible with social problem solving. [26] According to Ellen Fitzpatrick: "All accepted the notion that scholars had a duty to address contemporary problems in their work. All agreed on the importance of empirical research. And all shared the belief that careful scientific investigation was a sine qua non for intelligent reform." [27] Unequal gender relations, however, stymied the entry of women with doctoral degrees (in Breckinridge's case, a doctor of philosophy awarded in 1902, a doctor of jurisprudence awarded in 1904) into the social science professoriate at the University of Chicago. The new feminist historiography has documented an emerging nexus of gender, social reform, and social science at the beginning of the twentieth century: after 1904, women would be relegated to the margins of the university, the confines of the newly opened Department of Household Administration, "a special intellectual province for women," where Breckinridge would find a home as an assistant professor. Yet her training had prepared her for a headier challenge: "While the political scientist pursued research that resulted in an essay entitled 'Industrial Conditions of Women Workers in Chicago Illustrated by the Packing Houses' in 1905-06, her colleagues in the household administration department wrote papers such as 'The Relative Digestibility of Animal and Vegetable Albumen,' 'Loss of Nutrients in Beans Due to Soaking,' 'Comparative Richness of Gelatin-Yielding Material in Old and Young Animals,' and 'Pectin Bodies in Fruit Juices and the Effect of Temperatures and Density in the Setting of Fruit Jelly.' Such concerns were far afield from the principles of law, political science, and political economy."[28] In 1909, Breckinridge was appointed dean of the Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy, an independent social work and research training center funded by the Russell Sage Foundation. Over the next decade she and her colleague Edith Abbott, both of whom took up residence in Hull House, directed extensive surveys in such areas as housing, stockyards, juvenile court, and public-school truancy and nonattendance. The merger of the School of Civics and Philanthropy with the University of Chicago in 1920 led to both women's appointment as associate professors of social economy in the newly created School of Social Service Administration. There, Breckinridge and Abbott "sought to create a new setting within the university that would permit them to address public issues and advance social research. In so doing, they helped professionalize social work, a field they first adopted and then worked to make their own."[29] Yet theirs was a Pyrrhic victory. The feminization of professional social work marked it as the last enclave of social reform. As noted by Ellen Lagemann, the implications of the rift between social reform and social science at the University of Chicago were considerable: As a result, the new departmental lines drawn there created divisions, not just at Chicago, but also elsewhere, between theoretical, "objective," academic social research, on the one hand, and more reformist, political, and applied social work, on the other. The structural and intellectual divisions thus created were soon compounded by gender divisions that rapidly took on hierarchical status distinctions as well. Sociology, which came increasingly to be dominated by men, was more and more seen as a source for insights to be tested and applied by "social workers," most of whom were women; and settings for "social work," including social settlements like Hull House, were more and more seen as places to which (male) university sociologists might send students to collect data, which the sociologists and not the social workers would then analyze in a university laboratory and elaborate into theory.[30] Applied social science largely vanished from the academy after 1918. World War I was the catalyst for a full-scale retreat from action-oriented, reformist social science. The brutality and horror of that conflict ended the buoyant optimism and faith in human progress and societal improvement that had marked the Progressive Era. American academics were not immune to the general disillusion with progress. One economist wrote that "it would perhaps be an exaggeration to say that the European war . . . has rendered every text in social science thus far published out of date, but it would not be a very great exaggeration."[31] Indeed, despair led many social scientists to retreat into a narrow scientistic approach: "They began to talk of the need for a harder science, a science of facts and numbers that could moderate or dispel the pervasive irrational conflicts of political life."[32] Scholarly inquiry directed toward creating a better society was increasingly deemed inappropriate. While faith in the expert and in expert knowledge was carried on from the Progressive Era, it was now divorced from its reformist roots. The dominant conception of science was clear and simple: it was what physical scientists and engineers did.[33] "Sociology as a science is not interested in making the world a better place in which to live, in encouraging beliefs, in spreading information, in dispensing news, in setting forth impressions of life, in leading the multitudes or in guiding the ship of state," Chicago sociologist William F. Ogburn declared. "Science is interested directly in one thing only, to wit, discovering new knowledge." [34] The retreat from applied social science in the 1920s crystallized a tendency that Addams had discerned at the turn of the century: We recall that the first colleges of the Anglo-Saxon race were established to educate religious teachers. For a long time it was considered the religious mission of the educated to prepare the mass of the people for life beyond the grave. Knowledge dealt largely in theology, but it was ultimately to be applied, and the test of the successful graduate, after all, was not his learning, but his power to save souls. As the college changed from teaching theology to teaching secular knowledge the test of its success should have shifted from the power to save men's souls to the power to adjust them in healthful relations to nature and their fellow men. But the college failed to do this, and made the test of its success the mere collecting and disseminating of knowledge, elevating the means into an end and falling in love with its own achievement.[35] The Retreat from Social Reform: Structural Conflicts and Contradictions in the Academy Throughout the American university, a strong tradition developed that separated scholarly research from the goal of helping to create a better society. The political and cultural dynamics of post-World War I scientistic social science were reflected in the burgeoning field of psychiatric social work. In the 1920s, psychiatric social workers staked their claim to scientific legitimacy and professional status by defining their knowledge base as psychoanalytic theory and adopting a therapeutic, ostensibly scientific, approach that emphasized clients' social-psychological adjustment rather than social amelioration. Casework, if not Freudian psychology, also dominated other subspecialities of social work--for example, family casework and child guidance--and during the twenties, that approach became the raison d'etre of the profession as a whole. University schools of social work, which numbered 28 by 1929, and social work education were unified "around the idea of generic casework."[36] Professional social work training did not include preparation for a career in settlement work. The local Community Chest, which gained control of settlement house budgets, dampened reform; only in non-Chest cities such as Chicago and New York were settlement workers able to sustain some reform activity. Not surprisingly, that activity was associated with the charismatic leadership of Addams of Hull House, Graham Taylor of Chicago Commons, and Lillian Wald of Henry Street Settlement, and it was not broadly institutionalized.[37] Between the wars the reform impulse was further weakened by the fact that every major university formed similar and increasingly specialized departments, and a faculty member's primary source of identification and allegiance became his or her discipline, not the university. Since World War II, a steady infusion of federal funds allocated to individual researchers working under departmental auspices has accelerated the growth of a disciplinary-based reward system. [38] Departmental and disciplinary divisions have served to increase further the isolation of universities from society. A 1982 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development report entitled The University and the Community noted, "Communities have problems, universities have departments."[39] Beyond being a criticism of universities, that statement neatly indicates why universities have not contributed as they should. Quite simply, their unintegrated structures work against understanding and helping to solve highly complex human and societal problems. This tendency has resulted in less effective research, teaching, and service. Indeed, all three missions have been impoverished by what might be termed a false trichotomization. For example, that trichotomy has contributed to an enormous imbalance in the production of knowledge. Dazzling advances have occurred in university-based research in science and technology. New ideas, concepts, technologies, approaches, and techniques are developed with ever-increasing rapidity. Although designed to improve human welfare, the application of scientific advances too frequently results in new and more forbidding problems. The wondrous possibilities of new medical technologies, for example, have become distorted, helping to create a health care "system" unresponsive to the "low-tech" preventive needs of the vast majority of citizens.[40] How to make rational use of science and technology should be a primary focus of university research. It should be a primary focus because it is a primary problem facing human beings in the late twentieth century. If universities had an integrated mission--the creative, dynamic, and systemic integration of research, teaching, and service--intellectual resources would be significantly devoted to developing humane applications of scientific knowledge to help those living in conditions of profound poverty and neglect. Integrating research, teaching, and service will be particularly difficult because of a fundamental contradiction in the structure of the American research university itself, a contradiction that occurred with its very creation. That is, the American research university was a product of a combination of the German research university and the American college. Daniel Coit Gilman, the founder of Johns Hopkins and central architect of the late nineteenth-century research university, in fact, claimed that one of his proudest accomplishments was "a school of science grafted on one of the oldest and most conservative classical colleges." Although referring specifically to the merger of the Sheffield Scientific School with Yale College, Gilman felt that this achievement exemplified his contribution to American higher education.[41] Gilman did not make reference to the institutional contradiction that necessarily derived from a merger of two markedly different entities. The research university, on the one hand, was dedicated to specialized scholarship, and it was through the production of specialized inquiry and studies that the university provided service. For the American college, on the other hand, general education, character building, and civic education were the central purposes. The goal was to serve society by cultivating in young people, to use Benjamin Franklin's phrase, "an Inclination join'd with an Ability to serve." [42] The research university has, of course, dominated this merger, creating an ethos and culture that rewards specialized study rather than more general scholarship and the education of the next generation for moral, civic, and intellectual leadership. Given the structural contradictions built into the American university, and nearly a century of increasing specialization, fragmentation of knowledge, and separation of scholarship from direct service to society, it will not be easy for higher educational institutions to effectively integrate research, teaching, and service and substantively increase their contributions to knowledge and human welfare. Certainly the significant problems facing American society and the pressures to change that are coming from a variety of constituents will mean that some new directions will have to be forged. But will they be the right directions, directions that enhance the university's ability to carry out its mission? And will these new directions be significant and basic enough to reduce the impediments to progress that hinder the creative, dynamic, systemic integration of research, teaching, and service? Academically Based Community Service: Toward Revitalizing Universities and Communities In three key respects, Hull House provides a model and inspiration for work being undertaken at the University of Pennsylvania. First, the Hull House residents emphasized amelioration and reform. Although they acted too frequently for rather than with their neighbors, they believed in and espoused the ideal of empowering community residents to address social problems.[43] Second, as indicated by Hull-House Maps and Papers, their ameliorative, reformist approach to social science integrated the production of new knowledge and the uses made of that knowledge.[44] Third, Addams and her Chicago colleagues recognized that the social problems of the city are complex, deeply rooted, interdependent phenomena that require holistic ameliorative strategies and support mechanisms if they are to be solved. The settlement house provided, albeit on a small neighborhood scale, a comprehensive institutional response to social problems. Our approach has been to advance academically based community service--service rooted in and intrinsically tied to teaching and research. Among other things, it is an approach that seeks to integrate the research, teaching, and service missions of the university, while also spurring intellectual integration across disciplines. We have found that the very nature of concrete, real-world problems, particularly the problems of the university's immediate geographic community, encourage genuine interschool and interdisciplinary cooperation. No single component of the university can significantly help understand and reduce the complex, myriad, interrelated problems of the urban poor. In combination, however, advances can be made. And that combination must go beyond the various components of the university. It necessarily must also include other institutions, such as public schools, businesses, unions, community organizations, government, and voluntary associations. Our goal is to develop an innovative model of how higher educational institutions can fruitfully and simultaneously work together to advance knowledge and human welfare. The work builds on John Dewey's proposition that knowledge and learning can be most effectively advanced through working to solve immediate, strategic societal problems. For Dewey, "Thinking begins in . . . a forked-road situation, a situation which is ambiguous, which presents a dilemma, which proposes alternatives."[45] In effect, our forked-road situation is the intellectual problem of what can be done to overcome the pervasive problems affecting the people of West Philadelphia. To a significant extent, our work can be viewed as testing the validity of Dewey's proposition about how we learn and think. Even more fundamentally, it tests the validity of Francis Bacon's central proposition that knowledge advances most effectively when the "relief of man's estate" is made the true end of knowledge. In 1620 Bacon put the argument as follows: "Lastly, I would address a general admonition to all, that they consider what are the true ends of knowledge, and that they seek it not either for pleasure of the mind, or for contention, or for superiority to others, or for profit, or fame, or power, or for any of these inferior things; but for the benefit and use of life; and that they perfect and govern it in charity. For it was from lust of power that they angels fell, from lust of knowledge that men fell; but of charity there can be no excess, neither did angel or man ever come in danger by it."[46] How are we to know whether a Deweyan-Baconian approach is indeed superior to the traditional, scholastic model that dominates the American university? For Bacon the test was simple: By their fruits shall we judge modes of inquiry and thought. In other words, to what extent does research change the world for the better? In Reconstruction and Philosophy, Dewey praised Bacon for his brilliant analysis of the sociology of knowledge and his call for cooperative research: "To Bacon, error had been produced and perpetuated by social influences, and trust must be discovered by social agencies organized for that purpose. . . . The great need [Bacon proclaimed] is the organization of co-operative research, whereby men attack nature collectively and the work of inquiry is carried on continuously from generation to generation."[47] Since 1985, the University of Pennsylvania has been involved in a broadly based community project to help improve the quality of life in West Philadelphia. The project has two main organizational components. With staff offices in the West Philadelphia community, the West Philadelphia Improvement Corps (WEPIC) represents a coalition of university faculty, staff, undergraduate and graduate students, and West Philadelphia teachers, students, and school administrators. The WEPIC provides a year-round program that currently involves over 2,000 children, their parents, and community members in education and cultural workshops, recreation, job training, and community improvement and service activities. The program is coordinated by the West Philadelphia Partnership, a mediating, nonprofit, community-based organization composed of major institutions (including the University of Pennsylvania) and local community groups, in conjunction with the Greater Philadelphia Urban Affairs Coalition and the Philadelphia School District. The recently established Center for Community Partnerships at the University of Pennsylvania coordinates and provides opportunities for participatory action research projects conducted under the aegis of the WEPIC. This approach is quite different from strategies undertaken in the 1960s, when escalating poverty, crime, violence, racial strife, and student protest demanded a response from urban universities. Federal and foundation-supported programs, notably urban extension programs, urban studies centers and urban observatories, were created to link university research and technical assistance to urban concerns. The goal, according to Paul Ylvisaker of the Ford Foundation, whose 1958 speech signaled the beginning of an era of reengagement, was to create urban equivalents to the Agricultural Extension Service. Typically, these efforts were not partnerships, that is, mutually beneficial relationships between the city and the university. For all the public and private funds expended, relatively little of substance was accomplished, and a genuine and acute disappointment about the level of university performance set in.[48] The development of a mediating organization that encourages partnerships and the pooling of institutional and community resources has helped the University of Pennsylvania to sustain and expand its contribution to the WEPIC coalition.[49] The WEPIC has reinvented and updated an old notion--that the neighborhood school can effectively serve as the core neighborhood institution, an institution that both provides comprehensive services and galvanizes other community institutions and groups. That idea motivated the early settlement workers, who recognized the centrality of the neighborhood school in community life and its potential as a catalytic site for community stabilization and improvement. At the turn of the century, settlement pioneers mediated the transfer of social, health, vocational, and recreational services to the public schools of major American cities.[50] Dewey's notion of "the school as social center" reflected the vision of Addams and other settlement workers that urban public schools would incorporate settlement ideas and functions.[51] The school and the curriculum would become, in effect, focal points of neighborhood development , improvement, and stabilization. Although Dewey did not make it explicit, this idea is consistent with his general theory that the community-centered school would help catalyze the development of a "cosmopolitan local community."[52] For the neighborhood school to be truly comprehensive, to function as a genuine community center, to help transform its catchment area into a cosmopolitan local community, however, it needs additional human resources and support. In 1929, near the end of her extraordinary career, Addams wrote that the social settlement served the same function as the university, but the settlement's impact encompassed a broader and needier population: It was the function of the settlements to bring into the circle of knowledge and full life, men and women who might otherwise be left outside. Some of these men and women were outside simply because of their ignorance, some of them because they led lives of hard work that narrowed their interests, and others because they were unaware of the possibilities of life and needed a friendly touch to awaken them. The colleges and universities had made a little inner circle of illuminated space beyond which there stretched a region of darkness, and it was the duty of the settlements to draw into the light those who were out of it. It seemed to us that our mission was just as important as that of either the university or the college.[53] The key challenge today, however, is not to have social settlements function as universities but rather to have universities function as perennial, deeply rooted settlements, providing illuminated space for their communities as they conduct their mission of producing and transmitting knowledge to advance human welfare and to develop theories that have broad utility and application. As comprehensive institutions, we would argue, universities are uniquely qualified to provide broadly based, sustained, comprehensive support. The community school project itself becomes the organizing catalyst enabling the university to function as a social settlement as one innovative, humanistic strategy to better perform its traditional mission, as well as to better perform its role as a cosmopolitan civic university. Reports from the Field: Communal Participatory Action Research in West Philadelphia As we noted previously, a broadly based coalition of agencies, organizations, and institutions today is a sine qua non for school and community revitalization in collapsing urban centers. If it is to be an effective partner in this coalition, the university must institutionalize a strategy that engages academic resources in ways that integrate and strengthen its missions of teaching, research, and service. The strategy we have chosen is to develop a permanent, humanistic natural laboratory in West Philadelphia. We do not treat West Philadelphia as a laboratory for experimentation on poor people, that is, as a site for study rather than assistance. Our approach emphasizes a mutually beneficial, democratic relationship between academics and non-academics. In that relationship, academic researchers learn from and with the community, do research collaboratively with and not on people, and contribute to the solution of significant community problems. Put another way, we believe that West Philadelphia, and the community school in particular, should serve as a natural social and cultural laboratory in which communal participatory action research functions as a humanistic strategy for the advancement of knowledge and human welfare.[54] Participatory action research is "a form of action research in which professional social researchers operate as full collaborators with members of organizations in studying and transforming those organizations. It is an on-going organizational learning process, a research approach that emphasizes co-learning, participation, and organizational transformation."[55] Both participatory action research and communal participatory action research are directed toward problems in the real world and are concerned with application. They differ in the degree to which they are continuous, comprehensive, and beneficial and necessary to the organization or community studied and the university. The participatory action research process is exemplified in the work of William Foote Whyte and his associates at Cornell University to advance industrial democracy in the worker cooperatives of Mondragon, Spain.[56] Its considerable utility and theoretical significance notwithstanding, the research at Mondragon is not an institutional necessity for Cornell. By contrast, the University of Pennsylvania's enlightened self-interest is directly tied to the success of its research efforts in the West Philadelphia community, hence its emphasis on communal participatory action research. In short, proximity and a focus on problems that are institutionally significant to the university encourage sustained, continuous research involvement. A crucial issue, of course, is the degree to which these locally based research projects result in general knowledge. We would argue that local does not mean parochial and that the solution to local problems necessarily requires an understanding of national and global issues as well as an effective use and development of theory. Two research projects in West Philadelphia, one conducted by a physical anthropologist, another by a graduate student in communication studies, illustrate these propositions. Francis Johnston, chairperson of the University of Pennsylvania's Department of Anthropology, carries out research in the Turner Nutritional Awareness Project, a joint community/university-sponsored participatory action research project at the John P. Turner Middle School that is designed to improve the nutritional status of the community. "The Project is comprehensive in scope, with components dealing with nutritional assessment, with instruction in concepts of nutrition, and with the collection of a broad range of related information, including such areas as knowledge, preferences, and attitudes concerning food, food streams within the neighborhood, and other sources of information (merchants, media, etc.)." [57] Turner School teachers participate in the design and presentation of the intervention. Sixth-grade Turner students participate in the nutrition education program and, as seventh graders, they teach elementary school students about basic nutrition and healthy habits. [58] In a recent study, Johnston and his students in an undergraduate anthropology course on "Biomedical Science and Human Adaptability" collected measurements of physical growth status and dietary intakes from 11- to 15-year-old African-American youth. Data on growth were collected on 136 individuals; for both sets of indicators, data were collected on 113. A nutrition software package was used to calculate the nutrient values of students' dietary intakes, and individual records were merged into a single data set for computer statistical analysis. Tabulations of the data supported the following conclusion: "Overall, the data indicate a population with a very high prevalence of obesity, and diets high in saturated fat and low in polyunsaturated fat. Also of potential concern is the indication of low intakes of zinc and high intakes of sodium. Given the increased health risks of urban African-Americans, these findings on young adolescents suggest the development of programs designed to improve diets and enhance health in general in this age group." [59] Johnston's work with undergraduates further distinguishes the University of Pennsylvania's approach from other varieties of action research. Communal participatory action research extends to creating or restructuring academic courses to include an explicit community focus and action component. The assumption is that embedding community service into courses, research, and general intellectual discourse will lead to positive changes in the institutional climate, providing a linkage between service and education. A dissertation study in the Annenberg School for Communication provides a second illustration of communal participatory action research. For 2 years, Eleanor Novek, a former professional journalist and editor, was involved at West Philadelphia High School, a WEPIC site, as a co-teacher and researcher in the development of "an educational demonstration project, an urban high school English/journalism class which uses production of a community-focused newspaper as a strategy for the self-determination of young African Americans."[60] Novek's research on self-determination and student empowerment built on Jurgen Habermas's theory of communicative action, elements of reference group theory (e.g., Robert Merton), and superordinate goal theory (Muzafer Sherif and Caroline Sherif), not only to interpret and to theorize from ethnographic data, but also simultaneously to shape the intervention strategies, effecting an ebb and flow of theory and action. The specific vehicle for this work was QWest, a school-based community newspaper project, each component of which was adjudicated and carried out by students. In a recent report of her study, Novek has constructed several criteria of self-determination on the basis of her theoretical perspective, and she provides a summary of evidence from participant observations and student writing to indicate the progress made in each category. Her description of risk taking and the crossing of social boundaries is a case in point: A shy young woman who never spoke up in class, not only obtained an interview with Ramona Africa, the lone survivor of the world-infamous MOVE bombing in May 1985, but also brought her to the school to address the whole class. A taciturn young man interested in rap music visited one of the largest African American radio stations in the city and interviewed a popular disc jockey on the air. Another student took it upon himself to develop and distribute an attitude survey about the QWest project to class members. Two students applied for and won admission to a minority workshop for high school journalists--the first time any students from their school had participated. Another began freelancing sports reports for a community newspaper.[61] As our examples are designed to suggest, genuine thinking has occurred in the forked-road situation of West Philadelphia, engendering new approaches to school and community development. We believe that we have made a good start. The interaction of faculty, staff, and students working at the same site, attempting to solve immediate real-world problems, has fostered an unprecedented degree of academic integration at the University of Pennsylvania and spurred the development of new organizational structures and mechanisms to encourage and coordinate academically based public service. We want to emphasize, however, just how extraordinarily difficult it is to change the university and its community. Even after more than 8 years, our work is still in a developing phase. Conclusion In this article, we have presented a rationale for reinventing the American university to become once again a mission-oriented institution. With particular attention to social work and the social sciences, we have traced the origins of that rationale to Jane Addams, the women of Hull House, and other Progressive Era social scientists qua social reformers. Historical analysis not only indicates that progressive change can occur, but it also is useful in revealing and clarifying impediments to change, for example, the entrenchment and long-standing dominance of narrowly scholastic social science. We have also described a general strategy of organizational structures, activities, and mechanisms developed at the University of Pennsylvania to help enable the "neo-Progressive" reconstruction of the university through academically based community service. It is our contention that American social science should be about the "relief of man's estate." These endeavors should be about overcoming the urban crisis and preventing urban chaos. In his studies of creativity, psychologist Howard E. Gruber has emphasized the connection between individual creativity and a desire to solve real-world problems. Gruber's concept of "creative altruism," which we think has relevance for universities, highlights that connection with particular clarity: "We can envisage and identify cases of 'creative altruism,' in which a person displays extraordinary moral responsibility, devoting a significant portion of time and energy to some project transcending immediate need and experience. Creative altruism, when it goes the limit, strives to eliminate the cause of suffering, to change the world, to change the fate of the earth." [62] Creative altruism imbued the social work and social science of Addams and the women of Hull House at the turn of the twentieth century. As we have indicated, their ideals and practice provided exemplars for the development of social work and sociology at the University of Chicago. We have argued that their humanistic, real-world, problem-solving approach to social science has strong potential to produce better teaching, better research, and better service than conventional social science. The "settlement idea," which has inspired our collective efforts at the University of Pennsylvania and other campuses and communities, is a legacy of the early history of American social work.[63] If the American university is to fulfill its promise and help create a decent and just society, it must give full-hearted, full-minded attention to solving our complex interrelated problems. The benefits of doing so would, we are convinced, be considerable for the university, social science, and the American city. Notes John Puckett's contribution to this article was supported by a Spencer Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship. We are also grateful to Lee Benson and Ellen Lagemann for their superb advice and encouragement. [1] Ernest L. Boyer and Fred M. Hechinger, Higher Learning in the Nation's Service (Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 1981), p. 3. [2] Derek Bok, Universities and the Future of America (Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1990), p. 122. [3] Lee Benson and Ira Harkavy, "Universities, Schools, and the Welfare State," Education Week,April 29, 1992, p. 27. Representative George E. Brown, Jr., chairman of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, and Representative Rick Boucher, chairman of the Subcommittee on Science for that committee, have sharply criticized the priorities of contemporary scientists and the academic research community, which they view as detached from broad societal concerns; in Colleen Cordes, "As Chairman of Key House Committee Restates His Vision, Scientists Worry," Chronicle of Higher Education, September 8, 1993, pp. A26-28; Rick Boucher, "A Science Policy for the 21st Century," Chronicle of Higher Education, September 1, 1993, pp. B1-2. The Senate Committee on Appropriations voices a similar complaint about the National Science Foundation, admonishing that agency to address "specific national goals" or face curtailment of its funding; in 103d Congress, Senate Report 103-137, September 9, 1993, pp. 165-69. [4] Sheldon Hackney, "Universities and Schools: Hanging Together or Hanging Separately?" Address at Bank Street College, New York, May 2, 1992; printed in University of Pennsylvania Almanac (May 12, 1992), p. 6. [5] As quoted in Barry D. Karl, Charles E. Merriam and the Study of Politics (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1974), p. 31. [6] See Kathryn Kish Sklar, "Hull-House Maps and Papers: Social Science as Women's Work in the 1890s," in The Social Survey in Historical Perspective 1880-1940, ed. Martin Bulmer, Kevin Bales, and Kathryn Kish Sklar (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991), pp. 111-47. [7] Jane Addams, "The Objective Value of a Social Settlement" (1893), in The Social Thought of Jane Addams, ed. Christopher Lasch (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1965), pp. 44-61; quotation from Jane Addams, The Second Twenty Years at Hull-House: September 1909 to September 1929, with a Record of a Growing World Consciousness (New York: Macmillan, 1930), p. 405, cited in Lela B. Costin, Two Sisters for Social Justice: A Biography of Grace and Edith Abbott (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1983), p. 45. [8] Jane Addams, Twenty Years at Hull-House (New York: Macmillan, 1910), pp. 118, 120. [9] As quoted in John H. Ehrenreich, The Altruistic Imagination: A History of Social Work and Social Policy in the United States (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1985), p. 35. See also Kathryn Kish Sklar, "Hull House in the 1890s: A Community of Women Reformers," Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 10, no. 4 (1985): pp. 675-77; Stanley Wenocur and Michael Reisch, From Charity to Enterprise: The Development of American Social Work in a Market Economy (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1989), pp. 26-29. [10] As quoted in Gertrude Himmelfarb, Poverty and Compassion: The Moral Imagination of the Late Victorians (New York: Knopf, 1991), p. 241. [11] As quoted in Allen F. Davis, American Heroine: The Life and Legend of Jane Addams (New York: Oxford University Press, 1973), p. 65. [12] Residents of Hull-House, Hull-House Maps and Papers (Boston: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1895; Arno Press reprint ed., 1970), p. viii. [13] The key volume, which included Booth's "Descriptive Map of London Poverty," was Charles Booth, Life and Labour of the People of London, vol. 2 (London: Williams and Northgate, 1891). See Kathryn Kish Sklar, "Hull-House Maps and Papers: Social Science as Women's Work in the 1890s," in Bulmer, Bales, and Sklar, eds. (n. [6] above), p. 122. [14] Residents of Hull House (n. [12] above), p. 41. This volume was published as part of a book series, Library on Economics and Politics, edited by Richard Ely of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. [15] Mary Jo Deegan, Jane Addams and the Men of the Chicago School, 1892-1918 (New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Press, 1988), p. 5. Hull House provided a training ground for noted women reformers of the Progressive Era: Kelley, Lathrop, Alice Hamilton, Mary Kenny O'Sullivan, Sophonisba Breckinridge, Grace Abbott, and Edith Abbott. See Allen F. Davis, Spearheads for Reform: The Social Settlements and the Progressive Movement, 1890-1914 (New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1967; rev. ed., 1984), pp. 103-47. [16] Deegan (n.[15] above), p. 24. [17] As quoted in Ellen Fitzpatrick, Endless Crusade: Women Social Scientists and Progressive Reform (New York: Oxford University Press, 1990), p. 33. [18] Steven J. Diner, A City and Its Universities: Public Policy in Chicago, 1892-1919 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1980), p. 50. [19] Ibid. This "public spiritedness" was evident in the "University Extension Division," which released professors into the city to provide instruction for the citizenry at large. Edward Shils notes that nearly a quarter of the University of Chicago faculty participated in municipal reform activities at the highwater mark of the city's Progressive movement. See Edward Shils, "The University, the City, and the World: Chicago and the University of Chicago," in The University and the City: From Medieval Origins to the Present, ed. Thomas Bender (New York: Oxford University Press, 1988), pp. 210-30. [20] Fitzpatrick (n.[17] above), p. 39. As Fitzpatrick indicates, this commitment was also shared by the political science and political economy departments at Chicago: "They stressed the importance of using scholarship to advance both knowledge and civic-mindedness" (p. 41). [21] The quotation appears in a different context in ibid., p. xv, but our research indicates that it aptly describes the first-generation Chicago sociologists. For discussion of Social Gospel influences in American social science in its formative period, see Arthur S. Link and Richard L. McCormick, Progressivism (Arlington Heights, Ill.: Harlan Davidson, 1983), pp. 23-24. In the early 1890s, Small, Vincent, and Edward Bemis (whom Harper would fire in 1895 because of Bemis's support of the 1894 Pullman strike) worked with Addams, Kelley and community leaders tohelp secure legislation eliminating sweat shops and regulating child labor. In the winter of 1910 Henderson and Mead joined the women of Hull House in support of 40,000 striking garment industry workers; in 1915, Mead participated in another garment union strike. [22] The most important research study of the early Chicago School was The Polish Peasant in Europe and America (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1918), a 2,232-page study co-authored by Thomas and Florian Znaniecki. See Martin Bulmer, The Chicago School of Sociology: Institutionalization, Diversity, and the Rise of Sociological Research (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984), pp. 45-63, p. 238, n. 1. [23]. Deegan (n. [15] above), quotations from p. 55; see also chap. 6. Hull-House Maps and Papers helped inaugurate the Social Survey Movement, of which the Pittsburgh Survey, 1907-9, was the largest and most prominent example. Sponsored by the Russell Sage Foundation, the Pittsburgh Survey was carried out by a combination of academics and nonacademics, including Kelley, formerly of Hull House. The survey was conceptually unified around the seminal role of the steel industry in shaping Pittsburgh's urban environment and growth. See Stephen R. Cohen, "The Pittsburgh Survey and the Social Survey Movement: A Sociological Road Not Taken," in Bulmer, Bales, and Sklar, eds. (n. [6] above), pp. 245-67. [24] Bulmer (n. [22] above), p. 69. [25] Ibid., p. 89. Bulmer's study focuses on the period 1915-1935. See also Fitzpatrick (n. [17] above), p. 200; Shils (n. [19] above); David Ward, Poverty, Ethnicity, and the American City, 1840-1925 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989), pp. 151-79. [26] The University of Chicago was hardly a hothouse for radical social change, as evidenced by the trustees' firing of Edward Bemis, who took the side of labor in the violent Pullman strike of 1894: "The scientific study of pressing social issues was one thing; openly advocating 'radical' causes without reference to scientific inquiry was another" (Fitzpatrick [n. [17] above], p. 40.) Yet according to Shils, "The trustees of the University of Chicago, despite assertions by critics such as Thorstein Veblen and Upton Sinclair, have an impressive history of self-restraint, for which there is ample evidence" (Shils n.[19] above], p. 218). [27] Fitzpatrick (n. [17] above), p. 70. [28] Ibid., p. 86. [29] Ibid., pp. 20-25, 87-200 passim; quotation from p. 166. For more on Breckinridge and Abbott's collaboration and friendship, see Costin (n. [7] above), pp. 41-67. [30] Ellen C. Lagemann, "Introduction," in Jane Addams on Education, ed. Ellen C. Lagemann (New York: Teachers College Press, 1985), p. 35. [31] Dorothy Ross, The Origins of American Social Science (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991), p. 321. [32] Ibid. [33] Ibid., pp. 326-30; Dorothy Ross, "American Social Science and the Idea of Progress," in The Authority of Experts, ed. Thomas L. Haskell (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1984), 157-71; Sheldon Hackney, "The University and Its Community: Past and Present," Annals of the American Academy 488 (1986): 135-47; Martin Bulmer and Joan Bulmer, "Philanthropy and Social Science in the 1920s: Beardsley Ruml and the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial 1922-29," Minerva 19 (1981): 347-407. [34] Ogburn's 1929 presidential address to the American Sociological Society, quoted in Bulmer (n. [22] above), p. 182. For the role of private foundations such as the Carnegie Corporation, Russell Sage Foundation, and Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial in sustaining this representation of social science through funding programs, see Ellen C. Lagemann, The Politics of Knowledge: The Carnegie Corporation, Philanthropy, and Public Policy (Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan University Press, 1987), chap. 3; Wenocur and Reisch (n. [9] above), pp. 55-58, p. 272, n. 8; Deegan (n.[15] above), pp. 96-97. [35] Jane Addams, "A Function of the Social Settlement" (1899), in Lagemann, ed. (n. 30 above), p. 90. [36] Wenocur and Reisch (n. [9] above), p. 137. [37] Ibid., pp. 77-106, 127-48; Judith Ann Trolander, Professionalism and Social Change: From the Settlement House to Neighborhood Centers, 1886 to the Present (New York: Columbia University Press, 1987), pp. 21-24. In the 1930s, while social workers and many social scientists helped create a body of research and social planning that undergirded many New Deal reforms, their work was not rooted in sustained efforts to transform local environments; reflecting the norms of the American Association of Social Workers, as professional social workers gained a higher profile in the public sector, they adapted casework technologies to treat the unemployed. By 1936, as the Depression deepened, a rank and file movement involving some 15,000 underpaid, radicalized social workers, most of whom lacked professional credentials and held jobs in heavily stressed public welfare agencies, had arisen to challenge the professional enterprise, organizing protective associations and trade unions and advocating a planned economy and income redistribution. Although social work unions remained viable until about 1950, the radical critique was not sustained after 1940. See Wenocur and Reisch (n. [9] above), pp. 151-207; Leslie Leighninger, Social Work: Search for Identity (New York: Greenwood Press, 1987), pp. 51-101. [38] For discussion of the strengthening of disciplinary communities, see David Alpert, "Performance and Paralysis: The Organizational Context of the American Research University," Journal of Higher Education 56, no. 3 (1985): 241-81; and Christopher C. Jencks and David Riesman, The Academic Revolution (New York: Doubleday, 1968), pp. 523-31. [39] Center for Educational Research and Innovation, The University and the Community: The Problems of Changing Relationships (Paris: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 1982), p. 127. For other critiques of university-community relationships, see Derek Bok, Beyond the Ivory Tower: Social Responsibilities of the Modern University (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1982); Hackney (n. [33] above); Clark Kerr, The Uses of the University (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1982); Peter L. Szanton, Not Well Advised (New York: Russell Sage Foundation and Ford Foundation, 1981). [40] For discussion of the environmental threats posed by science divorced from social, moral, and ethical concerns, in this case, quantum mechanics and molecular biology, see Herbert J. Bernstein, "Idols of Modern Science and the Reconstruction of Knowledge," in New Ways of Knowing: The Sciences, Society, and Reconstructive Knowledge, ed. Marcus G. Raskin and Herbert J. Bernstein (Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Littlefield, 1987), pp. 37-68. [41] Daniel Coit Gilman, University Problems in the United States (1898; reprint, New York: Garret Press, 1969), Foreword, p. iii. [42] Albert H. Smyth, ed., The Writings of Benjamin Franklin (New York: Macmillan, 1907), 2:396. [43] Wenocur and Reisch (n. [9] above), pp. 138-46. [44]Martin Bulmer speaks of "research done with a reformist and ameliorative purpose," in Martin Bulmer, "The Decline of the Social Survey Movement and the Rise of American Empirical Sociology," in Bulmer, Bales, and Sklar, eds. (n. [6] above), p. 305. [45] John Dewey, How We Think (New York: D.C. Heath, 1910), p. 11. [46] As quoted in Lee Benson and Ira Harkavy, "Progressing beyond the Welfare State: A Neo-Deweyan Strategy: University-assisted, Staff-controlled and Managed, Community-centered Community Schools as Comprehensive Community Centers to Help Construct and Organize Hardworking, Cohesive, Caring, Cosmopolitan Communities in a Democratic Welfare Society," Universities and Community Schools 2, no. 1-2 (1991): 4-6. The National Academy of Sciences has stated in quintessentially Baconian terms, "The countries that best integrate the generation of new knowledge with the use of that knowledge will be positioned to be the leaders of the 21st century" (Committee on Appropriations, Senate Report 103-137, September 9, 1993, p. 167). Referencing Bacon's vision, Bernstein writes, "We have . . . lost the original connection between scientific truth and social good; we have refined moral concerns out of the process" (Bernstein n. [40] above, p. 52). For a useful discussion of Bacon's oeuvre, see Lee Benson, "Changing Social Science to Change the World: A Discussion Paper," Social Science History 2 (1978): 427-41. [47] John Dewey, Reconstruction in Philosophy (New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1920; enlarged ed., Boston: Beacon Press, 1948), 36-37. Addams attributed the following Bacon-like statement to Dewey: "When a theory of knowledge forgets that its value rests in solving the problem out of which it has arisen, that of securing a method of action, knowledge begins to cumber the ground. It is a luxury, and becomes a social nuisance and disturber" (Addams, "Function of the Social Settlement" [n. [35] above], p. 76). [48] Hackney, "University and Its Community" (n. [33] above); Organization for Social and Technical Development, Urban Universities: Rhetoric, Reality, and Conflict (Washington, D.C.: Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1970); Peter M. Tobia, The University in Urban Affairs: A Symposium (New York: Editor, 1969); Szanton (n. [39] above); George Nash, The University and the City: Eight Cases of Involvement (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1973). [49] See Ira Harkavy and John L. Puckett, "The Role of Mediating Structures in University and Community Revitalization: The University of Pennsylvania and West Philadelphia as a Case Study," Journal of Research and Development in Education 25, no. 1 (1991): 10-25. [50] Vocational counseling and school social work were sui generis innovations of the settlement movement. See Marvin Lazerson, Origins of the Urban School: Public Education in Massachusetts, 1870-1915 (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1971), pp. 191-97; Murray Levine and Adeline Levine, A Social History of Helping Services: Clinic, Court, School, and Community (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1970), pp. 125-43. The settlement movement also provided a "practical testing ground" for social innovations that were not sui generis, for example, kindergartens, playgrounds, school nursing, vocational education, and vacation schools; in the 1910s these programs were widely adopted by the public schools. See Morris I. Berger, The Settlement, the Immigrant and the Public School: A Study of the Influence of the Settlement Movement and the New Migration upon Public Education: 1890-1924 (1956; reprint, New York: Arno Press, 1980); Davis (n. [15] above), esp. pp. 40-59, quotation from p. 57; Amalie Hofer, "The Social Settlement and the Kindergarten," National Educational Association Proceedings 34 (1895), pp. 514-25; Isabel M. Stewart, "The Educational Value of the Nurse in the Public School," in The Ninth Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, ed. Thomas Wood (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1910), 2:19-26. [51] John Dewey, "The School as Social Center," National Educational Association Proceedings 41 (1902), pp. 373-83. As a case in point, Addams served on the board of managers of the National Society for the Promotion of Industrial Education, established in 1906, to help persuade the public schools to take over the settlements' manual training programs. See Davis (n.[15] above), p. 52; Paul U. Kellogg, "The National Society for the Promotion of Industrial Education," Charities and the Commons 17 (1906-7): 363-71, cited in Davis (n.[15] above), p. 273, n. 24. The idea of public schools as social centers, or community schools, has persisted in a minor key throughout the twentieth century. For example, see Clarence A. Perry, Wider Use of the School Plant (New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1911); Edward J. Ward, ed., The Social Center (New York: Appleton, 1913); Eleanor T. Glueck, The Community Use of Schools (Baltimore: Williams & Wilkens, 1927); Samuel Everett, ed., The Community School (New York: Appleton-Century, 1938); Elsie R. Clapp, Community Schools in Action (New York: Viking Press, 1939); Nelson B. Henry, The Fifty-second Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, Part II: The Community School (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1953); Edward G. Olsen, ed., The Modern Community School (New York: Appleton-Century Crofts, 1953); Leonard Covello, The Heart is the Teacher (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1958); W. Fred Totten and Frank J. Manley, The Community School: Basic Concepts, Function, and Organization (Galien, Mich.: Allied Education Council, 1969); Maurice F. Seay and associates, Community Education: A Developing Concept (Midland, Mich.: Pendell, 1974). [52] Benson and Harkavy, "Progressing beyond the Welfare State" (n. [46] above), pp. 23-27. [53] Addams, Second Twenty Years at Hull-House (n. [7] above), pp. 404-5. [54] Benson and Harkavy, "Progressing beyond the Welfare State" (n. [46] above), pp. 2-28; Ira Harkavy, "The University and the Social Sciences in the Social Order: An Historical Overview and 'Where Do We Go from Here?'" Virginia Social Science Journal27 (1992): 1-25. [55] Davydd J. Greenwood, William Foote Whyte, and Ira Harkavy, "Participatory Action Research as a Process and as a Goal,"in International Dimensions of Action Research: Sources of New Thinking about Inquiry That Makes a Difference, ed. Max Elden and Rupe Chisholm, special issue of Human Relations, in press. See also William Foote Whyte, Davydd J. Greenwood, and Peter Lazes, "Participatory Action Research: Through Practice to Science in Social Research," in Action Research for the 21st Century: Participation, Reflection and Practice, ed. William Foote Whyte, special issue of American Behavioral Scientist 32, no. 5 (1989): 513-51; and William Foote Whyte, ed., Participatory Action Research (Newbury Park, Calif.: Sage , 1991). [56] William F. Whyte and Kathleen K. Whyte, Making Mondragon: The Growth and Dynamics of the Worker Cooperative Complex (Ithaca, NY: ILR Press, 1988); Davydd J. Greenwood and Jose Luis Gonzalez Santos, Industrial Democracy as Process: Participatory Action Research in the Fagor Cooperative Group of Mondragon (Assen/Maastricht: Van Gorcum, 1992). [57] Francis E. Johnston, Robert J. Hallock, Pratik Desai, and Stephanie Bock, "Physical Growth, Nutritional Status, and Dietary Intake of African-American Middle School Students from Philadelphia," manuscript submitted for publication. [58] Ibid. [59] Ibid. [60] Eleanor M. Novek, "Buried Treasure: The Theory and Practice of Communicative Action in an Urban High School Newspaper," paper presented to the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Kansas City, Missouri, August 1993, p. 1. [61] Ibid., p. 15. Other criteria, or markers, include "providing experiences of mastery, strengthening group bonds and increasing their influence in social systems" (p. 21). [62] Howard E. Gruber, "Creativity and Human Survival," in Creative People at Work, ed. Doris B. Wallace and Howard E. Gruber (New York: Oxford University Press, 1989), p. 185. For Gruber's most recent development of the idea of creative altruism, see his essay, "Creativity in the Moral Domain: Ought Implies Can Implies Create," in Creativity in the Moral Domain, ed. Howard E. Gruber, special issue of Creativity Research Journal 6, no. 1-2 (1993): 3-15. [63] For example, the Committee on Inner City Initiatives of the Western New York Consortium of Higher Education (12 colleges and universities) has focused on the collaborative development of the Martin Luther King, Jr., Center, a community school and community center in East Buffalo. See Stephen C. Halpern, "University-Community Projects: Reflections on the Lessons Learned," Universities and Community Schools 3, nos. 1-2 (1992): 44-48.
04-08-2003, 14:41:05: hey josh
04-08-2003, 19:24:03: hi
04-09-2003, 02:09:46: this is cool
04-09-2003, 02:56:08: HI
04-09-2003, 05:13:24: konur
04-09-2003, 09:45:19: hello how are you
04-09-2003, 09:45:37: hello how are you
04-09-2003, 12:15:29: Hi nur Green. how are you?
04-09-2003, 13:13:15: Who let the dogs out, woof woof woof woof
04-09-2003, 15:31:00: hello! My name is Kevin
04-09-2003, 15:31:20: hello! My name is Kevin
04-10-2003, 03:27:59: hello
04-10-2003, 07:03:00: Steve is very wierd. He is also mean
04-10-2003, 07:03:48: Steve is very wierd. He is also mean
04-10-2003, 07:10:26: hello
04-10-2003, 07:10:42: hello
04-10-2003, 07:10:55: hello 2 u
04-10-2003, 07:11:24: hello 2 u
04-10-2003, 07:12:05: hello 2 u
04-10-2003, 07:12:25: hi what is your name
04-10-2003, 08:30:34: poo
04-10-2003, 09:50:54: Yeah, so where is the automatic spanking machine?
04-10-2003, 11:14:47: fuck off
04-10-2003, 11:15:59: aaahhhh.. oh ohhhh. yess fuck me. com on grab your willy and spank it hard baby... i know your in 2 animal sex, you god dam pervert, u sick muther fucker. i beth you fuckt a dog once, am i right??? vel anyway....i know you`r fucking your rubber doll at the moment so im gonna let you finnish !!!..........hehehehehe.....hahaahha.... you call that a dick ???? oh my god.. i dont even know what you supose 2 do with that little thing. you wanker !!!!.............. a little "hello" from vikki in norway.....
04-10-2003, 11:54:06: The seared runes crossing your divided consciousness do speak of contemptuous cardinals setting a spanish villa ablaze.
04-10-2003, 14:11:01: bananas are good
04-11-2003, 04:56:42: In the area below, you can enter your fortune, and the Text Inbedder will render it correctly for you. Enter anything you like, actually. If you enter in a URL, the Text Inbedder will transform the entire page into properly-inbedded text.
04-11-2003, 08:29:56: hello
04-11-2003, 11:59:49: Alex is gay
04-11-2003, 15:09:24: hi whats up?
04-11-2003, 15:11:46: you want poop?
04-12-2003, 12:41:35: Go usa
04-12-2003, 12:44:51: Go usa,nuke France's gay ass next! damn fags!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
04-13-2003, 02:27:11: hello
04-13-2003, 06:46:53: i love you too much
04-13-2003, 06:50:28: i love you too much
04-13-2003, 12:41:52: I pooed in my pants!
04-13-2003, 15:03:29: My mouth hurts.
04-13-2003, 17:59:36: The wealthy, high-society mother of a 17-year-old girl was concerned that her daughter was having sex. Worried the girl might become pregnant, and adversely impact the family's status, she consulted the family doctor.
The doctor told her that teenagers today were very willful, and any attempt to stop the girl would probably result in rebellion. He then told her to arrange for her daughter to be put on birth control and, until then, talk to her and give her a box of condoms.
Later that evening, as her daughter was preparing for a date, the woman told her about the situation and handed her a box of condoms.
The girl started to laugh and reached over to hug her mother saying, "Oh Mom! You don't have to worry about that! I'm dating a woman!"
04-14-2003, 00:54:46: hi
04-14-2003, 05:20:10: Hey big boy come n get me!!!
04-14-2003, 06:26:28: can you tell me more about the product
04-14-2003, 06:47:45: Annie dormoy
04-14-2003, 06:48:09: Annie dormoy
04-14-2003, 07:18:51: Your intelligence is equal to the smoothness of a walnut shell.
04-14-2003, 11:54:27: hello
04-14-2003, 12:07:34: The hair in your mouth tickles the divine underbelly of my pulsating hypothalmus, flooding my terrestrial erector set with expressive washes of saponifying liquors.
04-14-2003, 13:48:16: Can you imagine the horror of being abducted by a giant pickle? And dragged off somewhere? What would a giant pickle do with someone? Where would it take someone? Where would a giant talking pickle come from anyway? What sort of biology would a giant talking pickle have to have to be able to talk, walk, and abduct people? Would it be self-aware? Would a giant talking pickle have a conscience? Or a religion or morals? Where would it buy clothing? Would it be a snappy dresser? Would it buy any dry clean only clothing? If it did would it take it to a one hour dry cleaners or just use one of those home dry cleaning kits? Would it ever think about eating another smaller regular pickle, perhaps of the dill variety? Would it talk with a lisp? Would it need to shave? What are the ramifications of a sentient pickle with a penchant for human abduction?
04-14-2003, 18:31:22: hi
04-15-2003, 06:41:50: Esta página usa marcos, pero su navegador no las soporta.
Información financiera en el sitio oficial de este mercado bursatil
04-15-2003, 07:24:46: i am a scumbag
04-15-2003, 07:25:22: i am a scumbag
04-15-2003, 13:07:24: feel like a fuck big boy
04-15-2003, 13:07:41: feel like a fuck big boy
04-15-2003, 13:07:42: feel like a fuck big boy
04-15-2003, 13:08:10: hello there
04-16-2003, 05:33:48: This is the Automatic Talking Machine! The words you type will magically be spoken out loud in my office here in San Francisco. If I'm around, I'll hear what you say. And so will anyone else who happens to be within earshot. So be creative -- not insulting!
04-16-2003, 05:33:58: This is the Automatic Talking Machine! The words you type will magically be spoken out loud in my office here in San Francisco. If I'm around, I'll hear what you say. And so will anyone else who happens to be within earshot. So be creative -- not insulting!
04-16-2003, 05:34:55: This is the Automatic Talking Machine! The words you type will magically be spoken out loud in my office here in San Francisco. If I'm around, I'll hear what you say. And so will anyone else who happens to be within earshot. So be creative -- not insulting!
04-16-2003, 05:59:11: je suis part++++--------------
04-16-2003, 07:58:53: hello
04-16-2003, 12:44:44: hello jerry
04-16-2003, 13:37:19: Hello? Hello? Can you hear this?
04-16-2003, 15:10:31: yyyyyyyyyy
04-16-2003, 17:05:39: wow
04-16-2003, 17:06:07: wow
04-16-2003, 17:15:46: hey who are you
04-16-2003, 22:31:04: Hey rodney lets go smoke a cigarette get off your but larry
04-17-2003, 07:18:40: Vos fesses attirantes, rougeaudes flottent en air comme le sourire d'un ange céleste pensant à quelque chose avec l'insinuation amoureuse.
04-17-2003, 08:20:18: hello you
04-17-2003, 08:20:53: hello you
04-17-2003, 08:21:10: hello you - how are things
04-17-2003, 08:23:39: HELLO BOYS
04-17-2003, 12:51:08: Just Say Hello !
04-17-2003, 12:51:34: Just Say Hello !
04-17-2003, 14:55:28: Life sucks because people suck.
04-17-2003, 22:54:39: i want to see the automatic talking machine
04-18-2003, 01:08:24: is it real?
I am talking from the netherlands. a small step form me..
and a small leap for internter.
Are there building plans of this?
04-18-2003, 09:08:53: Hello BeckyBooBoo
04-18-2003, 12:19:13: fuckk
04-18-2003, 12:30:53: The two phases of the Gulf war are: First Shock and Awe and the second phase is loot and scoot. The Air Force dropped some papers with the words Give up You can not possibly win. Too bad they dropped them on Tiger Stadium. There are no more Wal-Marts or K-Marts in Iraq. The all became Targets.
04-18-2003, 13:10:13: Why yes I've got some extra hooves for you, just watch me eat some cheese.
04-19-2003, 05:33:39: thanks
04-19-2003, 15:13:52: my eyesight means alot to me
04-19-2003, 17:45:39: Fuck U
04-19-2003, 17:46:49: Yo Yo Yo
04-19-2003, 18:04:36: Desperation is a stinky cologne
04-20-2003, 06:33:04: I think this is funny
04-20-2003, 08:12:56: Hello!
04-20-2003, 08:13:43: Hello!How are you and how are you doing today....ha ha?
04-20-2003, 08:22:05: Hey there Tasha........
04-20-2003, 08:27:21: I can't hear anthing.......why not ...huh?
04-20-2003, 12:12:55: Förbättra likviditeten - sälj dina fakturor!
Väljer ni Älvsbyhus får ni en bra livsmiljö och
ekonomisk trygghet.
04-20-2003, 16:34:31: you suck
04-21-2003, 08:53:30: hello, you al must be crazy to allow people to annoy you like this.
04-21-2003, 11:50:47: There is poopy in my pants! Help me!
04-21-2003, 12:07:13: 'IS there anybody there?' said the Traveller,
Knocking on the moonlit door;
And his horse in the silence champed the grasses
Of the forest's ferny floor.
And a bird flew up out of the turret,
Above the Traveller's head:
And he smote upon the door again a second time;
'Is there anybody there?' he said.
But no one descended to the Traveller;
No head from the leaf-fringed sill
Leaned over and looked into his grey eyes,
Where he stood perplexed and still.
But only a host of phantom listeners
That dwelt in the lone house then
Stood listening in the quiet of the moonlight
To that voice from the world of men:
Stood thronging the faint moonbeams on the dark stair,
That goes down to the empty hall,
Hearkening in an air stirred and shaken
By the lonely Traveller's call.
And he felt in his heart their strangeness,
Their stillness answering his cry,
While his horse moved, cropping the dark turf,
'Neath the starred and leafy sky;
For he suddenly smote on the door, even
Louder, and lifted his head:—
'Tell them I came, and no one answered,
That I kept my word,' he said.
Never the least stir made the listeners,
Though every word he spake
Fell echoing through the shadowiness of the still house
From the one man left awake:
Ay, they heard his foot upon the stirrup,
And the sound of iron on stone,
And how the silence surged softly backward,
When the plunging hoofs were gone.
04-21-2003, 13:31:44: bitch
04-21-2003, 14:01:41: hello griff i love you
04-21-2003, 14:02:07: hello griff i love you
04-21-2003, 14:02:13: hello griff i love you
04-21-2003, 14:57:19: wow a talking machine, what crazy things will i find on the internet next ! i hope everybody listens to lots of grindcore and death metal and i also hope the shop round the corner gets a new owner cos he is a bunghole
04-21-2003, 15:36:49: what the fuck are there no webcam there? motherfucker!
04-21-2003, 21:04:01: i like dicks
04-22-2003, 10:08:32: Is there life on other planets? If so send them over here to this miserable town, where i live in England.
04-22-2003, 10:29:37: Iron my shirt.
04-22-2003, 11:53:52: bugger
04-22-2003, 11:58:47: Hello I guess you are an american if so just remember that yours is a nation of war mongering buggers who are hated by the rest of the world.
Have a nice day
04-22-2003, 13:17:23: moo
04-22-2003, 21:04:44: hallo
04-23-2003, 11:40:31: A burrito named Chuck decided to join me for afternoon tea. Sipping his freshly brewed concoction he let slip that he was heir to the throne of Rabuvaston, a small obscure country located somewhere on the boarder of modern day Prussia. When further queried about his political goals and aspirations he became very taciturn and promptly turned into a cream Danish.
04-23-2003, 11:42:08: A burrito named Chuck decided to join me for afternoon tea. Sipping his freshly brewed concoction he let slip that he was heir to the throne of Rabuvaston, a small obscure country located somewhere on the boarder of modern day Prussia. When further queried about his political goals and aspirations he became very taciturn and promptly turned into a cream Danish.
04-23-2003, 19:02:04: hello DJ Nick
04-23-2003, 19:41:47: help! Im a sardine!
04-24-2003, 03:36:50: Hello, this is the Prime Minister of space. I have contacted you though the vast networks of connections you call the internet. We have come to control the planet. Please send us details of the one you call bush.
04-24-2003, 06:36:05: Come and get Me, It is still winter here in Buffalo!
04-24-2003, 08:40:49: today is my day
04-24-2003, 10:59:30: time to make the dohnuts
04-24-2003, 17:36:31: hi. how are you?
04-25-2003, 03:22:03: is this art?
04-25-2003, 07:49:09: I dont want to tell you anything
04-25-2003, 07:50:07: Give me all your Fecking money
04-25-2003, 11:43:12: bonjour
04-25-2003, 11:43:47: hello
04-25-2003, 16:32:02: 123456789
04-25-2003, 16:33:35: Hey Rob I'm single. Are you?
04-27-2003, 21:07:12: we are born naked, wet and hungry, then things get worse
04-28-2003, 05:31:14: tim
04-28-2003, 05:31:23: tim
04-28-2003, 07:37:35: How much is the software?
04-28-2003, 10:42:41: hello from south mississippi
04-28-2003, 11:20:38: Rob Hansen is a vapid eyed toothpaste tube refiller.
04-28-2003, 11:25:03: Rob Hanson is a self proclaimed savior of oppressed penguins.
04-28-2003, 11:25:33: Rob Hanson ia a elf like sumo wrestler.
04-28-2003, 11:25:47: BEEF
04-28-2003, 11:26:10: Rob Hanson is a kleenex waving olive pit picker.
04-28-2003, 11:26:28: Hello Rob, greetings from austria!
04-28-2003, 13:19:48: I really like monkeys that speak in latin while eating a swan
04-28-2003, 15:09:08: how r u doing ?
04-28-2003, 15:10:13: Can you do this as soon as possible cus i have to go to work
04-28-2003, 15:40:55: what is up
04-28-2003, 19:30:26: you are beautiful michelle
04-28-2003, 19:46:08: Hi. Does this really work? Are you there?
04-28-2003, 21:11:58: hi there
04-28-2003, 21:14:30: The most comprehensive vagina nickname list in the world!
vagina, pussy, bearded clam, vertical smile, beaver, cunt, trim, hair pie, bearded ax wound, tuna taco, fur burger, cooch, cooter, punani, snatch, twat, lovebox, box, poontang, cookie, fuckhole, love canal, flower, nana, pink taco, cat, catcher's mitt, muff, roast beef curtains, the cum dump, chocha, black hole, sperm sucker, fish sandwich, cock warmer, whisker biscuit, carpet, love hole, deep socket, cum craver, cock squeezer, slice of heaven, flesh cavern, the great divide, cherry, tongue depressor, clit slit, hatchet wound, honey pot, quim, meat massager, chacha, stinkhole, black hole of calcutta, cock socket, pink taco, bottomless pit, dead clam, cum crack, twat, rattlesnake canyon, bush, cunny, flaps, fuzz box, fuzzy wuzzy, gash, glory hole, grumble, man in the boat, mud flaps, mound, peach, pink, piss flaps, the fish flap, love rug, vadge, the furry cup, stench-trench, wizard's sleeve, DNA dumpster, tuna town, split dick, bikini bizkit, cock holster, cockpit, snooch, kitty kat, poody tat, grassy knoll, cold cut combo, Jewel box, rosebud, curly curtains, furry furnace, slop hole, velcro love triangle, nether lips, where Uncle's doodle goes, altar of love, cupid's cupboard, bird's nest, bucket, cock-chafer, love glove, serpent socket, spunk-pot, hairy doughnut, fun hatch, spasm chasm, red lane, stinky speedway, bacon hole, belly entrance, nookie, sugar basin, sweet briar, breakfast of champions, wookie, fish mitten, fuck pocket, hump hole, pink circle, silk igloo, scrambled eggs between the legs, black oak, Republic of Labia, juice box, Golden Palace, fetus flaps, skins, sausage wallet. Holiest of Holies, sugar hole, The Death of Adam, home plate, Deer Hoof, Golden Arches, Cats Paw, Mule Nose, Yo Yo Smuggler, Mumbler (Aussie), Dinner Roll, Crotch Waffle, Piss Fenders, crack, Melvin, Dove Breast, Brakepads, Vedgie, Slurpy, Vacuum Vulva, Pastrami Flaps, Hot Tamaki Walk, Buffalo Gums, Rooster Jaws, Wagon Ruts, Beaver Teeth, Mumble Pants (Sweden), Ninja Boot, Marcia (Aussie), Skin Canoe, Fatty, Mossy Jaw, The Big W, Chia Hole, Lip Jeans, Beetle Hood, Hungry Minge, Sausage Wallet, Front Bottom, Welly Top, Frum, Pancake Fold, Tongue Roll, Bologna Flap-Over, Furrogi (Poland), Fortune Nookie (China), Bearded Taco, Calamari Cockring, Displabia, Slot Pocket, Bluntfrunt, Fishamjig, Pole Magnet, Pocket Pie, Clamarama, kitty cage, Chicken's tongue, Conch shell, Crack of heaven, Dog's mouth, Door of life, Fly catcher, Fruit cup, Jelly roll, Lobster pot, bunny tuft, KNISH, her asshole neighbor, lotus, nappy dugout, moneymaker, womens weapon, tackle box, bone hider, red sea, pizzo, JIZZ RECEPTICLE, The Helmut Hide-A-Way, hairy heaven, furry 8 ball rack, crave cave, arbys with fur, fish canyon, toolshed, snake charmer, Furby, Enchilada of love, Ham sandwich, Camarillo brillo, Brazilian caterpil lar, dick rack, boy in the can! oe, flesh tuxedo, Mound of Venus, queef quarters, Venus butterfly, cooter, cream canal, poontang pie, wet mark, private area, thresher, punash, salami garage, tunnel of love, slurpee machine, pink cookie, penalty box, ground zero, meat crease, bait, birth canal, holy grail, pole hole, pork pie, fuzz bucket, one-eyed python trail, bubble gum by the bum, stink rink, theme park, saloon doors, pink truffle, bitter & twisted, burger bar, meat counter, temperamental ringpiece, python syphon, big bud, the Wombsday Book, the condo downstate, snake lake, the indoor barbecue, pound cake, beef tomato, tickled pink, launch pad, horn of plenty, the indoor picnic, hamper of goodies, flapped bap, bonefish, close encounter with the turd kind, sperm bank, man's charity bash, bush tucker, midnight dip, the one-door vulva, the welcome opponent, the Twatlantic Ocean, temporary lodgings, field of dreams, bean, cooze, old catchers mitt, devil's hole, lucy, pish buffet, pooswaa, poonaner, dave! y jones locker, pink panther, tinker bell, south mouth, dick eater, wonder bread, wolly bolly, foxhole, hot pocket, head catcher, Lawrence of A Labia, silk funnel, dick driver, purple people penis eater, meat curtains, ponchita, cherry pop tart, fat rabbit, scunt, pee jaws, mingus, The Notorious V.A.G., stench trench, poon jab, nappy dugout, babyoven, penis parking, cooter muffin, the promised land, cock pocket, cha cha, the shrine, bitch ditch, fury pink mink, mammal hole, ever-lasting cum stopper, the toothless blow job, happy flappy, wilt chamberlian's daily glove, the code defierthe salt water taffy factory, mommy's pie, the easy bake oven, the deflower patch, the virginator, the schlong sucker, the dea bone patch, the vegitarian's temptation, the vegan store, the blow hole, the pump protector, bag pipe, Spitball Bullseye, meat wagon, pickle stinker, jezebel's smell, yoni, willys haven, scrumpter, peach, sweat box, yeast pocket, penis wa rmer, tampon tunnel, penis pothole! , cucumber canal, egg drop Box, sperm shack, dick dungeon, cock curator, b.o.b.'s bungalow, mommy parts, tuna pot pie, nice slice, peter vise, cock sock, rack of clam, peters grove, penis purse, grandest canyon, fish dish, banana box, tuna spread, pink portal, count fapula, red river gorge, happy valley, revolving in/out door, baby zipper, richards house, stop-n-pop, bone polisher, packin shack, weiner wrap, clap trap, camel toe, dildo hotel, axe gash, pearl hotel, sea food six pack, clam canal, coose canal, dick deposit, wand waxer, vidgie, erie canal, candy kiss, gauntlet, round mound of beehound,lick n' stick, lap flounder, tomahawk chop, chin-chin, pachinko, cuntry pie, lip tip, the big casino, one eyed worm hole, amazon forest, cock cave, fuck donut, coochie pop, babby, wet seal, pissy froth hole, bald biscuit, the unmentionable, mans ruin, peeshie, hairy potter, courtney cocksleve, panty hamster,deep pink, jaws of life, gizmo, faith, cock magnet, slippery slide, Meat t! unnel, pink heaven, squid, dick basket, hot spot, poochika, pudding, bowl, love cave, squeeze-box, quim, honey pot, the bone collector, goodie basket, depository, pink turtleneck, bread-box, little debbie, pole hole, pandora's box,snail tracker, cuntzilla, homebase, pud pocket, bear trap, indian bones and the temple of poon, chanch, big montana, noochie, choot, golden valley, nappy roots, dick mitten, mystical fold
04-28-2003, 21:15:59: yeah, i don't think that was too insulting... maybe a bit vulgar... but insulting? i think not... smile. have a nice day. don't pee on electric fences.
04-29-2003, 01:33:38: you are cool
04-29-2003, 06:17:48: Rob Hanson is an unwashed carrot peal dropping.
04-29-2003, 08:54:50: Rob Hansen is a lover of bitter finks.
04-29-2003, 12:15:46: sorry, you're fired
04-29-2003, 13:44:07: so tell me love bun, when can i get in your pants and eat some of those tasty pubic hairs
04-29-2003, 14:12:11: Rob Hansen is a infuriating happy face.
04-29-2003, 14:12:30: Rob Hansen is a godless monkey jockey.
04-29-2003, 15:56:53: Speedo
04-29-2003, 15:57:51: Speedo
04-29-2003, 15:58:13: Speedo
04-30-2003, 12:57:17: Rob Hansen is a target of spitting fish.
04-30-2003, 13:52:21: I hate you
04-30-2003, 13:53:45: Rege satanias!
04-30-2003, 13:53:54: HAIL SATAN!
04-30-2003, 17:08:50: greetings from germany
04-30-2003, 20:07:30: i offered her honor she honored my offer all night long i was honor and offer
05-01-2003, 06:11:19: Rob Hansen is a dawdling obtuse shoe shiner.
05-01-2003, 08:27:16: nuclear
05-01-2003, 10:53:50: Rob Hansen is a menace to bath sponges.
05-02-2003, 03:27:44: would you like to play a game of chess?
05-02-2003, 03:30:25: mmmmmmmmmmm max headroom
05-02-2003, 07:03:26: Happy Birthday
05-02-2003, 08:32:04: hi this is only a test. Thank you
05-02-2003, 08:52:18: eat less hamsters, eat more gerbils
05-02-2003, 12:11:19: Hello Rob. This wonderful invention of yours has simply got to be annoying as hell. Have a nice day!
05-02-2003, 14:01:12: bitch
05-02-2003, 19:58:08: how are u
05-02-2003, 21:21:56: are you ready
05-03-2003, 07:49:41: I have a very fast car
05-03-2003, 17:12:49: the next station is elephant and castle, change here for the bakerloo line and national rail services. The doors on the rear of the last carriage will not open. Passengers pleae move to the next available exit. Please mind the gap.
05-03-2003, 17:13:02: the next station is elephant and castle, change here for the bakerloo line and national rail services. The doors on the rear of the last carriage will not open. Passengers please move to the next available exit. Please mind the gap.
05-03-2003, 19:47:47: i like to have sex
05-03-2003, 22:19:27: Hey there
05-03-2003, 22:54:20: Christ! This is the Automatic Talking Machine! Here we go again! The immature words, that you badly type, will kinda magically be spoken out loud in my office here in San Francisco. Yeah, right, suckers! If I'm around, and if I actually had an automatic talking machine, I'll hear the mindless crap what you say, or do I mean type? And so will any other poor, sad loser who happens to be within earshot. So be creative -- not fucking insulting!
05-03-2003, 23:49:40: On October 31, the French daily newspaper, Le Figaro, dropped a bombshell. While in a Dubai hospital receiving treatment for a chronic kidney infection last July, Osama bin Laden met with a top C I A official - presumably the Chief of Station. The meeting, held in bin Laden's private suite, took place at the American hospital in Dubai at a time when he was a wanted fugitive for the bombings of two U S embassies and this year's attack on the U S S Cole. Bin Laden was eligible for execution according to a 2000 intelligence finding issued by President Bill Clinton before leaving office in January. Yet on July 14 he was allowed to leave Dubai on a private jet and there were no Navy fighters waiting to force him down.
In 19 85 Oliver North - the only member of the Reagan-Bush years who doesn't appear to have a hand in the current war - sent the Navy and commandos after terrorists on the cruise ship Achille Lauro. In his 19 91 autobiography "Under Fire," while describing terrorist Abu Abbas, North wrote, "I used to wonder: how many dead Americans will it take before we do something?" One could look at the number of Americans Osama bin Laden is alleged to have killed before September 11 and ask the same question.
It gets worse, much worse. A more complete timeline listing crucial events both before and after the September 11 suicide attacks, which have been blamed on bin Laden, establishes C I A foreknowledge of them and strongly suggests that there was criminal complicity on the part of the U S government in their execution. It also makes clear that the events which have taken place since September 11 are based upon an agenda that has little to do with the attacks.
One wonders how these events could have been ignored by the major media, or treated as isolated incidents. Failing that, how could skilled news agencies avoid being outraged, or at least even just a little suspicious?
19 91 to 19 97 - Major U S oil companies, including Exxon Mobil, Texaco, Unocal, B P Amoco, Shell and Enron, directly invest billions in cash bribing heads of state in Kazakhstan to secure equity rights in the huge oil reserves in these regions. The oil companies further commit to future direct investments in Kazakhstan of 35 billion dollars. Not being willing to pay exorbitant prices to Russia to use Russian pipelines the major oil companies have no way to recoup their investments. - Source: "The Price of Oil," by Seymour Hersh, The New Yorker, July 9, 2001 - The Asia Times, "The Roving Eye January 26 2002.
December 4, 19 97 - Representatives of the Taliban are invited guests to the Texas headquarters of Unocal to negotiate their support for the pipeline. Subsequent reports will indicate that the negotiations failed, allegedly because the Taliban wanted too much money. Source: The B B C, December 4, 19 97.
February 12, 19 98 - Unocal Vice President John J. Maresca - later to become a Special Ambassador to Afghanistan - testifies before the House that until a single, unified, friendly government is in place in Afghanistan the trans-Afghani pipeline needed to monetize the oil will not be built. Source: Testimony before the House International Relations Committee.
19 98 - The C I A ignores warnings from Case Officer Robert Baer that Saudi Arabia was harboring an al-Q'aeda cell led by two known terrorists. A more detailed list of known terrorists is offered to Saudi intelligence in August 2001 and refused. Source: Financial Times 2001; See No Evil by a book by Robert Baer, 2002.
April, 19 99 - Enron with a 3 billion dollar investment to build an electrical generating plant at Dabhol India loses access to plentiful L N G supplies from Qatar to fuel the plant. Its only remaining option to make the investment profitable is a trans-Afghani gas pipeline to be built by Unocal from Turkmenistan that would terminate near the Indian border at the city of Multan. Source: The Albion Monitor, Feb. 28, 2002.
19 98 and 2000 - Former President George H. W. Bush travels to Saudi Arabia on behalf of the privately owned Carlyle Group, the eleventh largest defense contractor in the U S While there he meets privately with the Saudi royal family and the bin Laden family. Source: Wall Street Journal, September 27, 2001.
January, 2001 - The Bush Administration orders the F B I and intelligence agencies to "back off" investigations involving the bin Laden family, including two of Osama bin Laden's relatives (Abdullah and Omar) who were living in Falls Church, V A - right next to C I A headquarters. This followed previous orders dating back to 19 96, frustrating efforts to investigate the bin Laden family. Source: B B C Newsnight, Correspondent Gregg Palast - November 7, 2001.
Feb 13, 2001 - U P I Terrorism Correspondent Richard Sale - while covering a trial of bin Laden's Al Q'aeda followers - reports that the National Security Agency has broken bin Laden's encrypted communications. Even if this indicates that bin Laden changed systems in February it does not mesh with the fact that the government insists that the attacks had been planned for years.
May 2001 - Secretary of State Colin Powell gives 43 million dollars in aid to the Taliban regime, purportedly to assist hungry farmers who are starving since the destruction of their opium crop in January on orders of the Taliban regime. Source: The Los Angeles Times, May 22, 2001.
May, 2001 - Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage, a career covert operative and former Navy Seal, travels to India on a publicized tour while C I A Director George Tenet makes a quiet visit to Pakistan to meet with Pakistani leader General Pervez Musharraf. Armitage has long and deep Pakistani intelligence connections and he is the recipient of the highest civil decoration awarded by Pakistan. It would be reasonable to assume that while in Islamabad, Tenet, in what was described as "an unusually long meeting," also met with his Pakistani counterpart, Lt. General Mahmud Ahmad, head of the ISI. Source The Indian SAPRA news agency, May 22, 2001.
June 2001 - German intelligence, the B N D, warns the C I A and Israel that Middle Eastern terrorists are "planning to hi-jack commercial aircraft to use as weapons to attack important symbols of American and Israeli culture." Source: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, September 14, 2001.
July, 2001 - Three American officials: Tom Simmons (former U. S. Ambassador to Pakistan), Karl Inderfurth (former Assistant Secretary of State for South Asian affairs) and Lee Coldren (former State Department expert on South Asia), meet with Pakistani and Russian intelligence officers in Berlin and tell them that the U. S. is planning military strikes against Afghanistan in October. A French book released in November, "Bin Laden - La Verite´ Interdite," discloses that Taliban representatives often sat in on the meetings. British papers confirm that the Pakistani I S I relayed the threats to the Taliban. Source: The Guardian, September 22, 2001; the B B C, September 18, 2001. The Inter Press Service, November 16, 2001
Summer, 2001 - The National Security Council convenes a Dabhol working group as revealed in a series of government e-mails obtained by The Washington Post and the New York Daily News. Source: The Albion Monitor, Feb. 28, 2002
Summer 2001 - According to a September 26 story in Britain's The Guardian, correspondent David Leigh reported that, "U.S. department of defense official, Dr. Jeffrey Starr, visited Tajikistan in January. The Guardian's Felicity Lawrence established that US Rangers were also training special troops in Kyrgyzstan. There were unconfirmed reports that Tajik and Uzbek special troops were training in Alaska and Montana."
Summer 2001 - Pakistani I S I Chief General Ahmad orders an aide to wire transfer 100,000 dollars to Mohammed Atta, who was according to the F B I, the lead terrorist in the suicide hi-jackings. Ahmad recently resigned after the transfer was disclosed in India and confirmed by the F B I. Source: The Times of India, October 11, 2001.
Summer 2001 - An Iranian man phones U. S. law enforcement to warn of an imminent attack on the World Trade Center in the week of September 9. German police confirm the calls but state that the U. S. Secret Service would not reveal any further information. Source: German news agency "online dot de", September 14, 2001, translation retrieved from online dot ie in Ireland
June 26, 2001 - The magazine indiareacts dot com states that "India and Iran will 'facilitate' US and Russian plans for 'limited military action' against the Taliban." The story indicates that the fighting will be done by US and Russian troops with the help of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Source: indiareacts dot com, June 26, 2001.
August 2001 - The F B I arrests an Islamic militant linked to bin Laden in Boston. French intelligence sources confirm that the man is a key member of bin Laden's network and the F B I learns that he has been taking flying lessons. At the time of his arrest the man is in possession of technical information on Boeing aircraft and flight manuals. Source: Reuters, September 13.
August 11 - U S Navy Lt. Delmart "Mike" Vreeland, jailed in Toronto on U. S. fraud charges and claiming to be an officer in U. S. Naval intelligence, writes details of the pending World Trade Centre attacks and seals them in an envelope which he gives to Canadian authorities. Source: The Toronto Star, October. 23, 2001; Toronto Superior Court Records
Summer 2001 - Russian intelligence notifies the C I A that 25 terrorist pilots have been specifically training for suicide missions. This is reported in the Russian press and news stories are translated for F T W by a retired C I A officer.
July 4 to 14, 2001 - Osama bin Laden receives treatments for kidney disease at the American hospital in Dubai and meets with a C I A official who returns to C I A headquarters on July 15. Source: Le Figaro, October 31, 2001.
August 2001 - Russian President Vladimir Putin orders Russian intelligence to warn the U.S. government "in the strongest possible terms" of imminent attacks on airports and government buildings. Source: N B C interview with Putin, September 15.
August and September, 2001 - The Dow Jones Industrial Average drops nearly 900 points in the three weeks prior to the attack. A major stock market crash is imminent.
September. 3 to 10, 2001 - N B C reports on September 16 that a caller to a Cayman Islands radio talk show gave several warnings of an imminent attack on the U.S. by bin Laden in the week prior to 9 11.
September 1 to 10, 2001 - In an exercise, Operation "Swift Sword" planned for four years, 23,000 British troops are steaming toward Oman. Although the 9 11 attacks caused a hiccup in the deployment the massive operation was implemented as planned. At the same time two U.S. carrier battle groups arrive on station in the Gulf of Arabia just off the Pakistani coast. Also at the same time, some 17,000 U.S. troops join more than 23,000 NATO troops in Egypt for Operation "Bright Star." All of these forces are in place before the first plane hits the World Trade Center. Sources: The Guardian, C N N, FOX, The Observer, International Law Professor Francis Boyle, the University of Illinois.
September 7, 2001 - Florida Governor Jeb Bush signs a two-year emergency executive order (01-261) making new provisions for the Florida National Guard to assist law enforcement and emergency-management personnel in the event of large civil disturbances, disaster or acts of terrorism. Source: State of Florida web site listing of Governor's Executive Orders.
September 6 to 7, 2001 - 4,744 put options (a speculation that the stock will go down) are purchased on United Air Lines stock as opposed to only 396 call options (speculation that the stock will go up). This is a dramatic and abnormal increase in sales of put options. Many of the U A L puts are purchased through Deutschebank/ A B Brown, a firm managed until 19 98 by the current Executive Director of the C I A, A.B. "Buzzy" Krongard. Source: The Herzliyya International Policy Institute for Counterterrorism September 21; The New York Times; The Wall Street Journal.]
September 10, 2001 - 4,516 put options are purchased on American Airlines as compared to 748 call options. [Source: I C T
September 6 to 11, 2001 - No other airlines show any similar trading patterns to those experienced by U A L and American. The put option purchases on both airlines were 600 per cent above normal. This at a time when Reuters (September 10) issues a business report stating, "Airline stocks may be poised to take off."
September 6 to 10, 2001 - Highly abnormal levels of put options are purchased in Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, AXA Re(insurance) which owns 25 per cent of American Airlines, and Munich Re. All of these companies are directly impacted by the September 11 attacks. Source: I C T
It has been documented that the CIA, the Israeli Mossad and many other intelligence agencies monitor stock trading in real time using highly advanced programs reported to be descended from Promis software. This is to alert national intelligence services of just such kinds of attacks. Promis was reported, as recently as June, 2001 to be in Osama bin Laden's possession and, as a result of recent stories by FOX, both the F B I and the Justice Department have confirmed its use for U.S. intelligence gathering through at least this summer. This would confirm that C I A had additional advance warning of imminent attacks. Sources: The Washington Times, June 15, 2001; FOX News, October 16, 2001;
September 11, 2001 - Gen Mahmud of the I S I, friend of Mohammed Atta, is visiting Washington on behalf of the Taliban. He is meeting with the Chairmen of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees, Porter Goss and Bob Graham. Sources: N B C, October. 7, The New York Times, Feb. 17, 2002.
September 11, 2001 - Employees of Odigo, Inc. in Israel, one of the world's largest instant messaging companies, with offices in New York, receive threat warnings of an imminent attack on the World Trade Center less than two hours before the first plane hits. Law enforcement authorities have gone silent about any investigation of this. The Odigo Research and Development offices in Israel are located in the city of Herzliyya, a ritzy suburb of Tel Aviv which is the same location as the Institute for Counter Terrorism which breaks early details of insider trading on 9 11. Source: C N N's Daniel Sieberg, 9/28/01; Newsbytes, Brian McWilliams, 9/27/01; Ha'aretz, 9/26/01.
September 11, 2001, For 50 minutes, from 8: 15 A M until 9: 05 A M, with it widely known within the F A A and the military that four planes have been simultaneously hijacked and taken off course, no one notifies the President of the United States. It is not until 9: 30 that any Air Force planes are scrambled to intercept, but by then it is too late. This means that the National Command Authority waited for 75 minutes before scrambling aircraft, even though it was known that four simultaneous hijackings had occurred - an event that has never happened in history. Sources: C N N, A B C, N B C, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times.
September 13, 2001 - China is admitted to the World Trade Organization quickly, after 15 years of unsuccessful attempts. Source: The New York Times, September. 30, 2001.]
September 14, 2001 - Canadian jailers open the sealed envelope from Mike Vreeland in Toronto and see that is describes attacks against the World Trade Center and Pentagon. The U.S. Navy subsequently states that Vreeland was discharged as a seaman in 19 86 for unsatisfactory performance and has never worked in intelligence. Source: The Toronto Star, Oct. 23, 2001; Toronto Superior Court records
September 15, 2001 - The New York Times reports that Mayo Shattuck the third has resigned, effective immediately, as head of the Alex Brown unit of Deutschebank.
September 29, 2001 - The San Francisco Chronicle reports that 2.5 million dollars in put options on American Airlines and United Airlines are unclaimed. This is likely the result of the suspension in trading on the N Y S E after the attacks which gave the Securities and Exchange Commission time to be waiting when the owners showed up to redeem their put options.
October 10, 2001 - The Pakistani newspaper The Frontier Post reports that U.S. Ambassador Wendy Chamberlain has paid a call on the Pakistani oil minister. A previously abandoned Unocal pipeline from Turkmenistan, across Afghanistan, to the Pakistani coast, for the purpose of selling oil and gas to China, is now back on the table "in view of recent geopolitical developments."
October 11, 2001 - The Ashcroft Justice Department takes over all terrorist prosecutions from the U.S. Attorneys office in New York which has had a highly successful track record in prosecuting terrorist cases connected to Osama bin Laden. Source: The New York Times, October. 11, 2002.
Mid October, 2001 - The Dow Jones Industrial Average, after having suffered a precipitous drop has recovered most of its pre-attack losses. Although still weak, and vulnerable to negative earnings reports, a crash has been averted by a massive infusion of government spending on defense programs, subsidies for "affected" industries and planned tax cuts for corporations.
November 21, 2001 - The British paper The Independent runs a story headlined, "Opium Farmers Rejoice at the Defeat of the Taliban." The story reports that massive opium planting is underway all over the country.
November 25, 2001 - The Observer runs a story headlined "Victorious Warlords Set To Open the Opium Floodgates." It states that farmers are being encouraged by warlords allied with the victorious Americans are "being encouraged to plant "as much opium as possible."
December 4, 2001 - Convicted drug lord and opium kingpin Ayub Afridi is recruited by the US government to help establish control in Afghanistan by unifying various Pashtun warlords. The former opium smuggler who was one of the C I A's leading assets in the war against the Russians is released from prison in order to do this. Source: The Asia Times Online, 12/4/01.
December 25, 2001 - Newly appointed afghani Prime Minister Hamid Karzai is revealed as being a former paid consultant for Unocal. Source: Le Monde.
January 3, 2002 - President Bush appoints Zalamy Khalilzad as a special envoy to Afghanistan. Khalilzad, a former employee of Unocal, also wrote op-eds in the Washington Post in 1997 supporting the Taliban regime. Source: Pravda, 1/9/02
January 4, 2002 - Florida drug trafficking explodes after 9 11. In a surge of trafficking reminiscent of the 19 80s the diversion of resources away from drug enforcement has opened the floodgates for a new surge of cocaine and heroin from South America. Source: The Christian Science Monitor, January 4, 2002.
48. January 10, 2002 - In a call from a speaker phone in open court, attorneys for "Mike" Vreeland call the Pentagon's switchboard operator who confirms that Vreeland is indeed a Naval Lieutenant on active duty. She provides an office number and a direct dial phone extension to his office in the Pentagon. Source: Attorney Rocco Galati; court records Toronto Superior Court.
January 10, 2002 - Attorney General John Ashcroft recuses himself from the Enron investigation because Enron had been a major campaign donor in his 2000 Senate race. He fails to recuse himself from involvement in two sitting Federal grand juries investigating bribery and corruption charges against Exxon Mobil and B P Amoco who have massive oil interests in Central Asia. Both were major Ashcroft donors in 2000. Source: C N N, Jan 10, 2002
February 9, 2002 - Pakistani leader General Musharraf and Afghan leader Hamid Karzai announce their agreement to "cooperate in all spheres of activity" including the proposed Central Asian pipeline. Pakistan will give 10 million dollars to Afghanistan to help pay Afghani government workers. Source: The Irish Times, 2/9/02
Feb 18, 2002 - The Financial Times reports that the estimated opium harvest in Afghanistan in the late Spring of 2002 will reach a world record 4500 metric tons.
Now, let's go back to the October 31 story by Le Figaro - the one that has Osama bin Laden meeting with a CIA officer in Dubai this June.
The story says that, "Throughout his stay in the hospital, Osama Bin Laden received visits from many family members [There goes the story that he's a black sheep!] and Saudi Arabian Emirate personalities of status. During this time the local representative of the C I A was seen by many people taking the elevator and going to bin Laden's room.
"Several days later the C I A officer bragged to his friends about having visited the Saudi millionaire. From authoritative sources, this C I A agent visited C I A headquarters on July 15, the day after bin Laden's departure for Quetta.
"According to various Arab diplomatic sources and French intelligence itself, precise information was communicated to the C I A concerning terrorist attacks aimed at American interests in the world, including its own territory."
"Extremely bothered, they [American intelligence officers in a meeting with French intelligence officers] requested from their French peers exact details about the Algerian activists [connected to bin Laden through Dubai banking institutions], without explaining the exact nature of their inquiry. When asked the question, "What do you fear in the coming days?' the Americans responded with incomprehensible silence."
"On further investigation, the F B I discovered certain plans that had been put together between the C I A and its "Islamic friends" over the years. The meeting in Dubai is, so it would seem, consistent with 'a certain American policy.'"
Even though Le Figaro reported that it had confirmed with hospital staff that bin Laden had been there as reported, stories printed on November 1 contained quotes from hospital staff that these reports were untrue. On November 1, as reported by the Ananova press agency, the C I A flatly denied that any meeting between any C I A personnel and Osama bin Laden at any time. Who do you believe?
05-04-2003, 06:31:56: How do we know if this really works?
05-04-2003, 07:48:49: HELLO
05-04-2003, 07:49:06: HELLO
05-04-2003, 10:38:16: hello? are you listening?? dude this is awsome
05-04-2003, 10:41:14: Gee This is Intresting
05-04-2003, 16:33:32: mjionoonininioioioi
05-04-2003, 16:34:37: What in the world is this?
05-04-2003, 21:21:03: i an addicted to old regurgitated chinese food
05-05-2003, 06:56:54: this is a very unusual site
05-05-2003, 07:14:21: let me out hey im stuck in here
05-05-2003, 09:18:03: Rob Hansen is a fuzz ball with extra cheese.
05-05-2003, 10:37:02: Rob Hansen is a pimple with extra pus.
05-05-2003, 12:56:19: Hannah is a lesbian, my anme is blue bear
05-05-2003, 13:04:01: hello
05-05-2003, 14:24:18: Rob Hansen is a frumpish disheveled sallower of extraneous car parts.
05-05-2003, 17:02:25: hello
05-05-2003, 19:17:17: hay watsup
05-06-2003, 09:10:31:
05-06-2003, 10:31:21: i like little boys balls
05-06-2003, 20:17:45: Greetings from Matamoros, Mexico
05-07-2003, 06:26:41: Rob Hansen is a micro-brained troll baiter.
05-07-2003, 06:56:06: oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
05-07-2003, 09:01:41: Rob Hansen is a citrus faced snake oil salesman.
05-07-2003, 12:52:09: pee
05-07-2003, 12:52:28: pee
05-07-2003, 17:10:17: hellllllooooo
05-07-2003, 17:11:39: Don't do it!!!
05-07-2003, 17:29:43: What Re you doing?
05-07-2003, 20:03:25: safaâ,vas dormir?
05-08-2003, 04:14:49: hello
05-08-2003, 04:15:44: helloooooo
05-08-2003, 04:16:43: helloooooo
05-08-2003, 05:43:25: Hello
05-08-2003, 06:18:04: Hello!
05-08-2003, 06:59:10: Rob Hansen is a buffalo bowling partner.
05-08-2003, 07:14:09: yesh
05-08-2003, 07:14:22: yesh
05-08-2003, 07:14:27: yesh
05-08-2003, 07:49:57: Brian is gay
05-08-2003, 11:50:09: fjdjf
05-09-2003, 09:24:32: Rob Hansen is a desperate zucchini wearing pimple burster.
05-09-2003, 18:22:11: I wish I was in Florida
05-09-2003, 18:37:48: MALE
05-09-2003, 22:52:00: FUCK ME
05-09-2003, 22:52:14: FUCK ME
05-09-2003, 22:56:16: CANDY CALL ME
05-10-2003, 00:51:42: george bush is destroying the American constitution
please stop him
05-10-2003, 01:44:16: Hello!
05-10-2003, 08:06:20: Hi, my nane is Phatboy
05-10-2003, 08:07:16: Hi, my name is Phatboy
05-10-2003, 10:16:56: Hu Zang
05-10-2003, 12:08:59: ballet mechanique
05-10-2003, 13:15:20: Hi jane how is the movie
05-10-2003, 13:16:15: Hi jane how is the movie
05-10-2003, 14:05:06: salut
05-10-2003, 20:16:14: hi james
05-11-2003, 06:33:16: ay abaw
05-11-2003, 11:02:11: Hello Rob, I hope people are saying nice things to you.
05-11-2003, 12:34:12: my name is saleem
05-11-2003, 13:06:33: allo
05-11-2003, 13:07:39: hi
05-11-2003, 13:08:43: slot
05-11-2003, 15:09:19: Tristan! Come here please.
05-11-2003, 15:09:53: Hi
05-11-2003, 21:01:09: hi, nice to meet you
05-12-2003, 05:26:36: hello reece
05-12-2003, 05:26:47: hello reece
05-12-2003, 05:27:20: hello reece
05-12-2003, 05:27:47: It's not about you you mathematical dick!
05-12-2003, 05:28:29: hello reece how r u doing
05-12-2003, 06:07:36: Bla bla test
05-12-2003, 06:08:49: Ale dupa, nie dziala
05-12-2003, 09:12:12: My thoughts or ideas are not meant to condone or perpetrate ones self or others in a free society
05-12-2003, 10:05:40: Rob Hansen is a pistor packing pacifist.
05-12-2003, 13:37:55: allo
05-12-2003, 13:41:51: when I try to go to your BMG page, i get the following error message: an error occurred while processing this directive
05-12-2003, 15:03:52: je t'aime minou
05-13-2003, 08:08:45: hey
05-13-2003, 11:04:04: Rob Hansen is bugger crusted baton tassel.
05-13-2003, 12:28:53: heather's a spaz
05-13-2003, 12:29:22: heather stinks
05-13-2003, 13:53:08: How are you Rob
05-13-2003, 16:08:44: thingee majiggie
05-13-2003, 18:30:27: Holy crap
05-14-2003, 04:12:46: wake up
05-14-2003, 09:15:27: Rob Hansen is a misanthropic hunchbacked leprechaun.
05-14-2003, 11:53:09: don't you do it, I got no place else to go
05-14-2003, 12:35:44: star wars rules
05-14-2003, 13:01:59: I'm hot blooded check it and see, I got a fever of a hundred and three
05-14-2003, 13:03:53: I'm a whiney female listen to me whine whine whine all the time whine
05-14-2003, 13:05:04: I'm a manly man yes I am but I am still very much in touch with my feminine side oh yeah
05-14-2003, 14:28:55: hello
05-14-2003, 15:48:54: hello
05-14-2003, 15:50:02: hello
05-14-2003, 18:16:06: i am one awesome racer
05-14-2003, 18:17:06: i am one awesome racer
05-14-2003, 18:17:31: i am one awesome racer
05-14-2003, 18:18:18: i am one awesome racer
05-14-2003, 18:27:00: megan
05-14-2003, 19:05:40: hello
05-14-2003, 23:41:08:
05-15-2003, 08:51:19: joe
05-15-2003, 09:10:59: Rob Hansen is a dawdling obtuse shoe shiner.
05-15-2003, 09:53:03: Your rambling oratory has the disjointed connectivity of a liquid pickle.
05-15-2003, 18:35:15: without a doubt,
you best hear me now
leave me some message
if your cool up top
yo, we out
05-15-2003, 18:36:34: domo
05-15-2003, 18:38:15: domo
05-15-2003, 20:14:17:
05-15-2003, 20:15:09: Mom, come here
05-15-2003, 22:48:50: wally
05-15-2003, 22:49:10: wally
05-16-2003, 08:43:36: Bless His Heart
05-16-2003, 09:18:02: The exquisite cadaver shall drink the new wine
05-16-2003, 09:56:46: hi
05-16-2003, 09:57:25: hi
05-16-2003, 10:02:35: hi how are you
05-16-2003, 10:43:15: Rob Hansen has a chodish clavical
05-16-2003, 13:06:09: What the fuck?
05-16-2003, 13:55:06: My entire life I have been taught to stand up for my beliefs, to be a person of high morals and ethics. That's why I feel obligated to seek liberty, equality, and fraternity. First, the misinformation: MCR suggests that violence and prejudice are funny. Where the heck did it come up with that? If I'm not horribly mistaken, there's a painfully simple answer. It regards the way that its opuscula are devoid of logic and filled to the brim with hate and misinformation. MCR's chums probably don't realize that, because it's not mentioned in the funny papers or in the movies. Nevertheless, I appreciate feedback and other people's views on subjects. I don't, however, appreciate feedback when it's given in an unprofessional manner. Where does the line get drawn? I heard through the grapevine that anyone who was sober for more than an hour or two during the last five years knows that much of the noise made on MCR's behalf is generated by tasteless blackguards who seem to have nothing better to do with their time. Whether or not this rumor is true, if you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem.
The tone of MCR's utterances is eerily reminiscent of that of soporific radicals of the late 1940s, in the sense that MCR sometimes uses the word "anthropomorphologically" when describing its ultimata. Beware! This is a buzzword designed for emotional response. I, not being one of the many self-aggrandizing, frightful kooks of this world, want to make this clear, so that those who do not understand deeper messages embedded within sarcastic irony -- and you know who I'm referring to -- can process my point. MCR's functionaries have already started to dump effluent into creeks, lakes, streams, and rivers. The result: absolute vapidity, pea-brained and treasonous cacophony, lack of personality, monotony, and boredom. For the most part, with that kind of thinking, MCR's "usher in the rule of the Antichrist and the apocalyptic end times" mentality is so pervasive that I feel like I'm going to lie awake at night wondering who its next victim will be. Still, it has been trying for some time to convince people that it is a perpetual victim of injustice. Don't believe its hype! MCR has just been offering that line as a means to dress up its profit motive in the cloak of selfless altruism.
And for those callow, savage beatniks who want to hide behind the argument that MCR's hirelings are not sniffish, mad hippies, but rather, cruel blasphemous-types, my question is simply this: What's the difference? Whenever someone tells MCR not to kill the messenger and control the message, MCR gets all teary-eyed. My, my; how sad. My heart bleeds for it, it really does. Only through education can individuals gain the independent tools they need to tell it like it is. But the first step is to acknowledge that I can't follow its pretzel logic. I do, however, know that every time MCR tells its slaves that the Universe belongs to it by right, their eyes roll into the backs of their heads as they become mindless receptacles of unsubstantiated information, which they accept without question. Take a good, close look at yourself, MCR. What you'll probably find is that you're meddlesome. Isn't it interesting which questions MCR dodges and what tangents it goes off on? Those dodges and tangents make me think that I should note that once you understand MCR's publicity stunts, you have a responsibility to do something about them. To know, to understand, and not to act, is an egregious sin of omission. It is the sin of silence. It is the sin of letting MCR sentence more and more people to poverty, prison, and early death.
MCR's flimflams reflect several layers of moral concern for many religions. It's a pity. In the strictest sense, MCR is not as illiterate or loud as you might think. It's more so. Generally speaking, those of us who are too lazy or disinterested to rage, rage against the dying of the light have no right to complain when it and its lackeys spew forth ignorance and prejudice. I would indubitably not have thought it possible that only the assembled and concentrated might of a national passion rearing up in its strength can avoid the extremes of a pessimistic naturalism and an optimistic humanism by combining the truths of both, but it's true.
MCR's propositions sound so noble, but in fact, MCR is like a stray pigeon. Pigeons are too self-absorbed to care about anyone else. They poo on people they don't like; they poo on people they don't even know. The only real difference between MCR and a pigeon is that MCR intends to confuse, disorient, and disunify. That's why I find that some of its choices of words in its doctrines would not have been mine. For example, I would have substituted "mingy" for "scientificoreligious" and "illaudable" for "roentgenographically." MCR claims that it can walk on water. This is a very unsavory and unconstructive view and moreover, is wrong in many ways.
Out of the vast number of devastating evils for which obscene hooligans are directly or indirectly responsible, I shall pick out only a single one which is most in keeping with the inner essence of MCR's discourteous, diabolic imprecations: emotionalism. No amount of opinion or innuendo nor any string of unrelated litanies can change the fact that the point at which you discover that MCR should shift for itself is not only a moment of disenchantment. It is a moment of resolve, a determination that if we let it pollute the great canon of English literature with references to its disorganized off-the-cuff comments, all we'll have to look forward to in the future is a public realm devoid of culture and a narrow and routinized professional life untouched by the highest creations of civilization.
It's irrelevant that my allegations are 100% true. MCR distrusts my information and arguments and will forever maintain its current opinions. MCR claims that its recommendations won't be used for political retribution. That claim illustrates a serious reasoning fallacy, one that is pandemic in its solutions. Then again, MCR would have us believe that censorship could benefit us. That, of course, is nonsense, total nonsense. But MCR is surrounded by dirty, sinister nitwits who parrot the same nonsense, which is why it claims that newspapers should report only on items it agrees with. I respond that it is more concerned with the social acceptability of an idea than with its truth or falsity.
Now the surprising news: I, for one, oppose MCR's plans for the future because they are deceitful. I oppose them because they are insolent. And I oppose them because they will tell everyone else what to do within a short period of time. I don't mean to imply that vandalism, death threats, and slander are typical tactics used by MCR's spokesmen, but it's true, nonetheless. If you read between the lines of MCR's histrionics, you'll honestly find that it has been said that MCR's personal attacks have very little thought behind them and are neither interesting nor amusing. I, in turn, claim that MCR's pleas cannot stand on their own merit. That's why they're dependent on elaborate artifices and explanatory stories to convince us that it is ridiculous to question MCR's cock-and-bull stories. The objection may still be raised that women are crazed Pavlovian sex-dogs who will salivate at any object even remotely phallic in shape. At first glance, this sounds almost believable. Yet the following must be borne in mind: Inasmuch as I disagree with MCR's accusations and find its ad hominem attacks offensive, I am happy to meet MCR's speech with more speech and, if necessary, continue this discussion until the truth shines.
MCR practically breaks its arm patting itself on the back when it says, "It takes courage to go down into the muddy trenches and implement a flippant parody of justice called "MCR-ism"." As if that were something to be proud of. My current plan is to stand up and fight for our heritage, traditions, and values. Yes, it will draw upon the most powerful fires of Hell to tear that plan asunder, but I've heard of whiney things like Stalinism and mandarinism. But I've also heard of things like nonviolence, higher moralities, and treating all beings as ends in and of themselves -- ideas which its ignorant, unthinking, detestable brain is too small to understand. When I first became aware of MCR's covert invasion into our thought processes, all I could think was how MCR might make my stomach turn sooner or later. What are we to do then? Place blinders over our eyes and hope we don't see the horrible outcome? It should be clear by this point that the gloss that MCR's bootlickers put on MCR's belief systems unfortunately does little to increase awareness and understanding of our similarities and differences.
The long and short of it is that if we take MCR's fibs to their logical conclusion, we see that in the immediate years ahead, MCR will turn mattoids loose against us good citizens. If the mass news media were actually in the business of covering news rather than molding public attitudes to endorse a complete system of leadership by mobocracy, they would definitely report that one can consecrate one's life to the service of a noble idea or a glorious ideology. MCR, however, is more likely to reopen wounds that seem scarcely healed. MCR decries or dismisses capitalism, technology, industrialization, and systems of government borne of Enlightenment ideas about the dignity and freedom of human beings. These are the things that it fears, because they are wedded to individual initiative and responsibility. MCR's beliefs bespeak a spiritual crassness, a materialistic and short-sighted stupidity that will pooh-pooh the reams of solid evidence pointing to the existence and operation of a chauvinistic coterie of terrorism in a matter of days. (Read as: one loses count of the number of times MCR has tried to pilfer the national treasure.) Narcissism, as a social philosophy, is crafty. There, my ranting is finished.
05-16-2003, 20:01:41: My name is Cookie
05-16-2003, 21:37:03: JEFF, GET TO WORK!
05-16-2003, 21:37:44: JEFF GET TO WORK
05-16-2003, 21:38:33: JEFF GET TO WORK
05-17-2003, 00:16:49: Hello
05-17-2003, 00:16:53: Hello
05-17-2003, 08:32:27: hello! how are you?
05-17-2003, 14:06:18: Well I will be dipped in shit and rolled in butter ! This is pretty goofy to have on the net....... YEBISAY-CHUPUCK
05-17-2003, 16:20:19: I am trinity speaking!
05-17-2003, 18:48:04: hello
05-17-2003, 18:55:29: This is Trinity! You are dead!
05-17-2003, 20:51:42: Guess what I'm doing? I am on a web site that smells like limp penis! Just joking!
05-18-2003, 01:06:38: When Your Printer Runs Out...You Want INK NOW!
05-18-2003, 02:46:58: ray sucks cock
05-18-2003, 03:45:49: good morning
05-18-2003, 09:57:59: hi
05-18-2003, 12:56:17: Do you know where I can download a talking machine for my desktop?
05-18-2003, 23:32:47: hello
05-18-2003, 23:34:04: hello
05-19-2003, 04:25:36: Denish
05-19-2003, 06:56:33: This reminds me of the talking NOAA weatherman
05-19-2003, 06:58:47: Hello Hal...what are you doing Hal? Hal...Hello Hal
05-19-2003, 07:14:51: poop
05-19-2003, 07:15:26: My name is Mark
05-19-2003, 12:44:44: josh is gay
05-19-2003, 12:47:54: josh is gay
05-19-2003, 15:07:54: hello
05-19-2003, 15:43:17: Hello
05-19-2003, 20:30:41: Greetings Rob. I like to eat babies.
05-19-2003, 20:32:47: They taste like chicken.
05-19-2003, 20:33:13: Tuesday's coming, did you bring your coat?
05-19-2003, 20:35:54: I don't care if your world is ending today, I wasn't invited to it anyway.
05-20-2003, 09:54:37: Kevin What is up?
05-20-2003, 09:55:58: You must be the biggest loser if u are reading all of the messsages sent from people!
05-20-2003, 09:58:29: Happy 4-20 everyone. Everyone should be smokin the fattest blunts rite now!!! 2L chutes are the greatest thing in the world they get u so fucked up!!!!!
05-20-2003, 10:45:39: OF THE MOON.
As I propose to treat of the nature of the moon, it is necessary
that first I should describe the perspective of mirrors, whether
plane, concave or convex; and first what is meant by a luminous ray,
and how it is refracted by various kinds of media; then, when a
reflected ray is most powerful, whether when the angle of incidence
is acute, right, or obtuse, or from a convex, a plane, or a concave
surface; or from an opaque or a transparent body. Besides this, how
it is that the solar rays which fall on the waves of the sea, are
seen by the eye of the same width at the angle nearest to the eye,
as at the highest line of the waves on the horizon; but
notwithstanding this the solar rays reflected from the waves of the
sea assume the pyramidal form and consequently, at each degree of
distance increase proportionally in size, although to our sight,
they appear as parallel.
1st. Nothing that has very little weight is opaque.
2dly. Nothing that is excessively weighty can remain beneath that
which is heavier.
3dly. As to whether the moon is situated in the centre of its
elements or not.
And, if it has no proper place of its own, like the earth, in the
midst of its elements, why does it not fall to the centre of our
elements? [Footnote 26: The problem here propounded by Leonardo was
not satisfactorily answered till Newton in 1682 formulated the law
of universal attraction and gravitation. Compare No. 902, lines
And, if the moon is not in the centre of its own elements and yet
does not fall, it must then be lighter than any other element.
And, if the moon is lighter than the other elements why is it opaque
and not transparent?
When objects of various sizes, being placed at various distances,
look of equal size, there must be the same relative proportion in
the distances as in the magnitudes of the objects.
[Footnote: In the diagram Leonardo wrote _sole_ at the place marked
The image of the sun in the moon is powerfully luminous, and is only
on a small portion of its surface. And the proof may be seen by
taking a ball of burnished gold and placing it in the dark with a
light at some distance from it; and then, although it will
illuminate about half of the ball, the eye will perceive its
reflection only in a small part of its surface, and all the rest of
the surface reflects the darkness which surrounds it; so that it is
only in that spot that the image of the light is seen, and all the
rest remains invisible, the eye being at a distance from the ball.
The same thing would happen on the surface of the moon if it were
polished, lustrous and opaque, like all bodies with a reflecting
Show how, if you were standing on the moon or on a star, our earth
would seem to reflect the sun as the moon does.
And show that the image of the sun in the sea cannot appear one and
undivided, as it appears in a perfectly plane mirror.
How shadows are lost at great distances, as is shown by the shadow
side of the moon which is never seen. [Footnote: Compare also Vol.
I, Nos. 175-179.]
Either the moon has intrinsic luminosity or not. If it has, why does
it not shine without the aid of the sun? But if it has not any light
in itself it must of necessity be a spherical mirror; and if it is a
mirror, is it not proved in Perspective that the image of a luminous
object will never be equal to the extent of surface of the
reflecting body that it illuminates? And if it be thus [Footnote 13:
At A, in the diagram, Leonardo wrote "_sole_" (the sun), and at B
"_luna o noi terra_" (the moon or our earth). Compare also the text
of No. 876.], as is here shown at _r s_ in the figure, whence comes
so great an extent of radiance as that of the full moon as we see
it, at the fifteenth day of the moon?
The moon has no light in itself; but so much of it as faces the sun
is illuminated, and of that illumined portion we see so much as
faces the earth. And the moon's night receives just as much light as
is lent it by our waters as they reflect the image of the sun, which
is mirrored in all those waters which are on the side towards the
sun. The outside or surface of the waters forming the seas of the
moon and of the seas of our globe is always ruffled little or much,
or more or less--and this roughness causes an extension of the
numberless images of the sun which are repeated in the ridges and
hollows, the sides and fronts of the innumerable waves; that is to
say in as many different spots on each wave as our eyes find
different positions to view them from. This could not happen, if the
aqueous sphere which covers a great part of the moon were uniformly
spherical, for then the images of the sun would be one to each
spectator, and its reflections would be separate and independent and
its radiance would always appear circular; as is plainly to be seen
in the gilt balls placed on the tops of high buildings. But if those
gilt balls were rugged or composed of several little balls, like
mulberries, which are a black fruit composed of minute round
globules, then each portion of these little balls, when seen in the
sun, would display to the eye the lustre resulting from the
reflection of the sun, and thus, in one and the same body many tiny
suns would be seen; and these often combine at a long distance and
appear as one. The lustre of the new moon is brighter and stronger,
than when the moon is full; and the reason of this is that the angle
of incidence is more obtuse in the new than in the full moon, in
which the angles [of incidence and reflection] are highly acute. The
waves of the moon therefore mirror the sun in the hollows of the
waves as well as on the ridges, and the sides remain in shadow. But
at the sides of the moon the hollows of the waves do not catch the
sunlight, but only their crests; and thus the images are fewer and
more mixed up with the shadows in the hollows; and this
intermingling of the shaded and illuminated spots comes to the eye
with a mitigated splendour, so that the edges will be darker,
because the curves of the sides of the waves are insufficient to
reflect to the eye the rays that fall upon them. Now the new moon
naturally reflects the solar rays more directly towards the eye from
the crests of the waves than from any other part, as is shown by the
form of the moon, whose rays a strike the waves _b_ and are
reflected in the line _b d_, the eye being situated at _d_. This
cannot happen at the full moon, when the solar rays, being in the
west, fall on the extreme waters of the moon to the East from _n_ to
_m_, and are not reflected to the eye in the West, but are thrown
back eastwards, with but slight deflection from the straight course
of the solar ray; and thus the angle of incidence is very wide
The moon is an opaque and solid body and if, on the contrary, it
were transparent, it would not receive the light of the sun.
The yellow or yolk of an egg remains in the middle of the albumen,
without moving on either side; now it is either lighter or heavier
than this albumen, or equal to it; if it is lighter, it ought to
rise above all the albumen and stop in contact with the shell of the
egg; and if it is heavier, it ought to sink, and if it is equal, it
might just as well be at one of the ends, as in the middle or below.
05-20-2003, 11:57:10: royne is the man, yeah baby
05-20-2003, 12:24:38: Nice website Rob.
05-20-2003, 12:27:20: What I dont understand is how I know this is really talking in your office, Rob, when I cannot hear anything.
05-20-2003, 14:44:58: What up g?
05-21-2003, 03:24:50: I wonder if this still works?
05-21-2003, 13:39:19: come on die young
05-21-2003, 15:34:12: hi
05-21-2003, 15:34:47: hi
05-21-2003, 19:22:49: I want to hear.
05-22-2003, 02:07:53: Welcome Johan
05-22-2003, 07:04:04: guten tag
05-22-2003, 09:07:14: Get to work!
05-22-2003, 14:29:36: It won't give up it wants me dead, god damn this noise inside my head.
It won't give up it wants me dead, god damn this noise inside my head.
It won't give up it wants me dead, god damn this noise inside my head.
It won't give up it wants me dead, god damn this noise inside my head.
It won't give up it wants me dead, god damn this noise inside my head.
It won't give up it wants me dead, god damn this noise inside my head.
It won't give up it wants me dead, god damn this noise inside my head.
It won't give up it wants me dead, god damn this noise inside my head.
It won't give up it wants me dead, god damn this noise inside my head.
It won't give up it wants me dead, god damn this noise inside my head.
It won't give up it wants me dead, god damn this noise inside my head.
It won't give up it wants me dead, god damn this noise inside my head.
It won't give up it wants me dead, god damn this noise inside my head.
05-22-2003, 17:43:02: hello, my name is sue
05-22-2003, 17:46:21: I WUV YOU!
05-23-2003, 11:36:07: hey this is really cool
05-23-2003, 13:43:35: well, after reading some of the childish comments from earlier, i respect you bravery for having this chatting away. Have a good day all of you and a fine weekend.
05-23-2003, 13:45:06: also, dont work too hard, thats an order. Relax and enjoy life
05-23-2003, 22:49:48: fagg
05-23-2003, 22:50:24: u like to suk fatty shit
05-23-2003, 22:51:05: u like to suk fatty shit
05-24-2003, 04:18:14: hello
05-24-2003, 06:42:33: Hello from Scotland.
05-24-2003, 08:26:53: have you ever visted the beautiful Algarve in southern Portugal
05-24-2003, 12:29:42: hello, how are you
05-24-2003, 18:42:42: alvaro
05-24-2003, 18:44:35: I Know What You did last summer
05-25-2003, 00:24:51: Hello Mr Hansen.. keep up the good work.
05-25-2003, 06:05:20: hello stupid
05-25-2003, 06:07:07: hello stupid
05-25-2003, 06:08:04: hi there I am readdy
05-25-2003, 10:22:25: Hi Kirsten, how are you
05-25-2003, 15:57:26: i like to eat cabbig
05-25-2003, 19:29:44: hi
05-25-2003, 22:52:27: Hello i want to fuck you real hard. i'm so fucking horney. FUCK ME FUCK ME FUCK ME
05-25-2003, 23:30:26: hello
05-26-2003, 08:24:54: rimjaw
05-26-2003, 08:25:13: rimjaw
05-27-2003, 03:11:51: shit
05-27-2003, 07:32:03: you are stupid
05-27-2003, 07:32:26: test
05-27-2003, 08:55:30: hello dear
05-27-2003, 08:58:06: hello big bum giz a snog
05-27-2003, 18:19:50: Sarah has a big fat ass
05-27-2003, 23:52:40: Bridget and Christen come here
05-27-2003, 23:53:03: Bridget and Christen come here
05-27-2003, 23:53:22: Bridget and Christen come here
05-28-2003, 06:22:21: hi there. I just found this page through Yikes, which is a very interesting site with many pictures and links to more sites as creative as yikes. it's always exciting for me to get to the site like here. I just wanna say hello to you. take care. Jin from Seoul, Korea.
05-28-2003, 06:25:34: hi there. I just found this page through Yikes, which is a very interesting site with many pictures and links to more sites as creative as yikes. it's always exciting for me to get to the site like here. I just wanna say hello to you. take care. Jin from Seoul, Korea.
05-28-2003, 06:29:11: hi there. I just found this page through Yikes, which is a very interesting site with many pictures and links to more sites as creative as yikes. it's always exciting for me to get to the site like here. I just wanna say hello to you. take care. Jin from Seoul, Korea.
05-28-2003, 07:41:27: The Aliens Are Coming
05-28-2003, 07:42:15: The Aliens Are Coming
05-28-2003, 08:57:32: hello
05-28-2003, 10:48:58: hello from australia
05-28-2003, 14:04:27: do you ever respond
05-28-2003, 14:11:34: Hello. I like the pie you have here.
05-28-2003, 16:07:53: heyhey vicki poopadoodle do
05-28-2003, 16:08:21: heyhey vicki poopadoodle do
05-29-2003, 02:32:04: Hello, How are you?
05-29-2003, 09:00:21: Rob Hansen is a pantaloon wearing skunk.
05-29-2003, 09:25:09: joe brown sucks
05-29-2003, 09:37:14: Hi!
05-29-2003, 10:15:03: Rob Hansen is a self guided underwear missile operator.
05-29-2003, 10:48:58: lick my crack
05-29-2003, 12:51:50: je m'appelle judikael et je suis bavarois
05-29-2003, 12:52:35: je m'appelle judikael et je suis bavarois
05-29-2003, 13:09:25: Rob Hansen is a ticklish porta-potty.
05-29-2003, 13:21:04: blah blah blah
05-29-2003, 16:26:51: What is for lunch tomorrow
05-29-2003, 18:10:59: Rob Hansen is a frog fondler.
05-29-2003, 18:59:55: I can't wait to wax my genitals. Sure do hope the boss doesn't catch me in his chair while he's gone. Ahhhhh, what does he care, he can always be born-again and everything will be okay.
05-29-2003, 19:03:37: I'd like to leave a message for Jerry Garcia... What the hell was all that back there in the sixties? I'm scarred for life... Sign me, Mushroom Oliver Twidner
05-29-2003, 19:28:24: bla
05-29-2003, 21:35:29: Hi there
05-30-2003, 02:46:35: welcome to the sex and the city Hong Kong
05-30-2003, 04:21:46: Hey guys or gays get some work done, come on get your fingers out of your butts and get some elbow grease into it, stop tossing off walking past this machine you can all cum later at home with your partners or right-hand men
05-30-2003, 05:24:09: Hey Dude!
05-30-2003, 05:24:42: Man Rap Sucks eh?
05-30-2003, 05:24:58: Talk To You Later Man
05-30-2003, 06:02:18: Rob Hansen is a amorous meat thermometer.
05-30-2003, 07:52:10: hola
05-30-2003, 07:54:53: Haappy
05-30-2003, 09:59:34: hello
05-30-2003, 17:27:57: Rob Hansen is a ditzy balloon breaker.
05-30-2003, 19:22:49: zzxvks
05-30-2003, 19:28:32: Hi, I'm Troy McClure. You might remember me from such talking machines as the Troymanator, and, It Came from the Garage.
05-30-2003, 21:55:58: oh, threadbare posture of the winds, whisper the secrets of the lottery to me! aaaaak!
05-30-2003, 23:05:43: hi how r u
05-30-2003, 23:16:33: hi how are you
05-31-2003, 01:33:54: zoe is a goofball
05-31-2003, 10:42:08: Rob Hansen is a undead bowel obstruction.
05-31-2003, 10:42:49: goof is a zoeball
05-31-2003, 12:47:20: Hello there
05-31-2003, 21:11:28: HI I hope you enjoy hearing me type
I live in Santa Rosa - so thats really not that far from San Francisco
05-31-2003, 21:57:29: saturate
06-01-2003, 09:20:01: Rob Hansen is a geosynchronous dweeb.
06-01-2003, 10:29:25: What's up yo!!!!!!!!
06-01-2003, 11:42:52: hello
06-01-2003, 11:43:58: hello
06-01-2003, 13:42:18: Greetings, Rob. How does this actually work?
06-01-2003, 20:13:37: Good Evening Children of the Corn! Greetings From further South. no, not hades. Los Angeles. This is just your freindly californian comp geek paying homage to the geniuses of the web... ohmmmmm... ohmmmmm... not worty... ohmmmm
06-02-2003, 08:31:38: Rob Hansen is a frilly panty recycler.
06-02-2003, 13:04:45: hy, are you there?
06-02-2003, 13:13:59: What's shaken, bacon?
06-02-2003, 13:26:24: hello
06-02-2003, 13:39:47: Rob Hansen is a shrew like sewage eater.
06-02-2003, 18:30:18: Hi there
06-03-2003, 06:09:52: anand
06-03-2003, 10:00:09: Fucking Nigger Cunt !
06-03-2003, 17:33:59: Rob Hansen is a bombastic wart masseuse.
06-03-2003, 23:06:02: I ! This is Bin Laden speaking. There is a bomb in your office and it is not a joke. Dont waist your time trying to escape. Soon there will be every where. Not only from me but also from all nations worldwide. The hole world have enough of poor american culture and arrogancy. I realy feel sorry for those who died on september 11th but hey, your nation got what it diserved. Cheers
06-03-2003, 23:30:28: Help, i'm trapped in here with no where to go!
06-04-2003, 11:07:01: is anyone there?
06-04-2003, 12:47:11: hello me
06-04-2003, 13:28:07: This may be cool if it really works? hmmm
06-04-2003, 20:15:19: Hey you guys do you want to smoke some mary jew anna
06-05-2003, 08:42:22: Rob Hansen is a used urinal cake taste tester.
06-05-2003, 09:40:10: Hello, ken
06-05-2003, 09:58:54: Hello there how are you
06-05-2003, 11:05:29: Hi i'm jason, im a joker carla is a penguin
06-05-2003, 13:49:37: I am bored.
06-05-2003, 13:50:27: I am bored.
06-05-2003, 14:05:45: a webcam would be really neat so we could see if you are there. not much point in talking to an empty room is there? Though is the room really empty if we can't observe it? Are you like schroedingers cat? Perpetually stuck in two phases?
06-05-2003, 15:38:29: Guerillas have testicles the size of baseballs........so they tell me
06-05-2003, 17:11:17: Rob Hansen is a twinkie loving mama's boy.
06-05-2003, 21:00:24:
06-05-2003, 21:01:09:
06-06-2003, 19:30:42: chalala chalala
06-07-2003, 04:25:23: Turn the volume up so I can listen too!
06-07-2003, 07:50:21: Ok? Is this for real?
06-07-2003, 07:52:56: Cluck! CLuck! Mooo!
Mooo! Yeeeeehaaaaaa!!!!
06-07-2003, 08:36:30: This is fucking nuts!!!
06-07-2003, 10:19:42: Interested in gaming in Livermore today?
06-07-2003, 10:52:54: This is the Automatic Talking Machine! The words you type will magically be spoken out loud in my office here in San Francisco. If I'm around, I'll hear what you say. And so will anyone else who happens to be within earshot. So be creative -- not insulting!
06-07-2003, 11:15:41: Hi Bob.Donald her.Graduate from high school tomorrow...yeah!
06-07-2003, 11:24:28: Hi Bob.Donald her.Graduate from high school tomorrow...yeah!
06-07-2003, 11:41:49: DEXTER
06-07-2003, 16:51:34: I hate work.
06-07-2003, 16:53:10: hello
06-07-2003, 17:08:12: i like poop an penguinas
06-07-2003, 17:12:31: Wow - this is pretty cool. I wonder if you really can hear me and if it's annoying.
06-07-2003, 17:27:05: butt
06-07-2003, 18:05:01: Rob Hansen is a painfully ishy plaything.
06-08-2003, 05:43:39: i love you pammy boo
06-08-2003, 05:44:26: i love cock
06-08-2003, 09:07:48: Hello
06-08-2003, 09:08:54: I have butt crust stuck between my teeth.
06-08-2003, 11:09:54: skecher
06-08-2003, 11:10:12: skecher
06-08-2003, 14:36:08: All the leaves are brown and the sky is gray
I've been for a walk on a winter's day
I'd be safe and warm if I was in L.A.
California dreamin' on such a winter's day
Stopped in to a church I passed along the way
Well I got down on my knees and I pretend to pray
You know the preacher liked the cold
He knows I'm gonna stay
California dreamin' on such a winter's day
------ flute ------
All the leaves are brown and the sky is gray
I've been for a walk on a winter's day
If I didn't tell her I could leave today
California dreamin' on such a winter's day
California dreamin' on such a winter's day
California dreamin' on such a winter's day
06-08-2003, 14:42:06: On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air
Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
I had to stop for the night
There she stood in the doorway;
I heard the mission bell
And I was thinking to myself,
'This could be Heaven or this could be Hell'
Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way
There were voices down the corridor,
I thought I heard them say...
Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place
Such a lovely face
Plenty of room at the Hotel California
Any time of year, you can find it here
Her mind is Tiffany-twisted, she got the Mercedes bends
She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys, that she calls friends
How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat.
Some dance to remember, some dance to forget
So I called up the Captain,
'Please bring me my wine'
He said,'We haven't had that spirit here since nineteen sixty nine'
And still those voices are calling from far away,
Wake you up in the middle of the night
Just to hear them say...
Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place
Such a lovely face
They livin' it up at the Hotel California
What a nice surprise, bring your alibis
Mirrors on the ceiling,
The pink champagne on ice
And she said 'We are all just prisoners here, of our own device'
And in the master's chambers,
They gathered for the feast
The stab it with their steely knives,
But they just can't kill the beast
Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the passage back
To the place I was before
'Relax,'said the night man,
We are programmed to receive.
You can checkout any time you like,
but you can never leave!
06-08-2003, 14:45:03: I caught you knockin' at my cellar door
I love you, baby, can I have some more
Ooh, ooh, the damage done.
I hit the city and I lost my band
I watched the needle take another man
Gone, gone, the damage done.
I sing the song because I love the man
I know that some of you don't understand
Milk-blood to keep from running out.
I've seen the needle and the damage done
A little part of it in everyone
But every junkie's like a settin' sun
06-08-2003, 14:53:32: I caught you knockin' at my cellar door
I love you, baby, can I have some more
Ooh, ooh, the damage done.
I hit the city and I lost my band
I watched the needle take another man
Gone, gone, the damage done.
I sing the song because I love the man
I know that some of you don't understand
Milk-blood to keep from running out.
I've seen the needle and the damage done
A little part of it in everyone
But every junkie's like a settin' sun
06-08-2003, 14:53:57: I'm seeing this girl and she just might be out of her mind
Well she's got baggage and it's all the emotional kind
She talks about closure and that validation bit
I don't mean to be insensitive, but I really hate that shit
Oh man she's got issues
And I'm gonna pay
She thinks she's the victim
Now I know she'll feel abandoned
If I don't stay over late
And I know she's afraid to commit
But it's only our second date
Oh man she's got issues
And I'm gonna pay
She thinks she's the victim
But she takes it all out on me
I don't know why you're messed up
I don't know why your whole life is a chore
Just do me a favor
And check your baggage at the door
Now she talks about her ex nonstop, but I don't mind
But when she calls out his name in bed
That's where I draw the line
You told me a hundred times how your father left and he's gone
But I wish you wouldn't call me daddy
When we're gettin' it on
Oh man she's got issues
And I'm gonna pay
She's playing the victim
And taking it all out on me
My god she's got issues
And I'm gonna pay
If you think I'm controlling
Then why do you follow me around
If you're not co-dependent
Then why do you let others drag you down
I don't know why you're messed up
I don't know why your whole life is a chore
06-08-2003, 17:11:02: Rob Hansen is a bat guano enthusiast.
06-08-2003, 18:51:19: yo
06-09-2003, 02:44:05: Legend rocks!!
06-09-2003, 02:44:27: It rocks!!
06-09-2003, 10:15:59: Rob Hansen is a disgustingly dirty outhouse refurbisher.
06-09-2003, 11:21:31: poop
06-09-2003, 13:31:29: Greetings All, please have a good day
06-09-2003, 15:36:19: Your mama’s breath has the odiferous viscosity of an unlicked postcard stamp.
06-09-2003, 20:07:33: You suck Dick
06-09-2003, 22:59:26: Helooooooo
06-10-2003, 00:22:25: michelle
06-10-2003, 02:16:27: hallo robert und daniel
06-10-2003, 03:08:08: casa
06-10-2003, 08:37:09: misses hughes
06-10-2003, 10:26:04: Rob Hansen is an abandoned pooper-scooper.
06-10-2003, 10:33:23: hey
06-11-2003, 04:24:47: Hi
06-11-2003, 20:23:57: A Little less conversation, a little more action!
06-12-2003, 09:45:43: Rob Hansen is a premature sufferer of geriatric profanity disorder.
06-12-2003, 10:05:31: linda you bob are getting it on tonight
06-12-2003, 11:50:02: Why yes that set of carbonized pickles belongs to the pope, why do you ask?
06-12-2003, 12:02:39: k
06-12-2003, 12:03:28: i am so stupid help me with my mental problems.
06-12-2003, 16:15:56: *Helps with mental problems* There! Be free like the wind carrying away the stench of old man fart and Canadian rugby players.
06-13-2003, 01:40:00: hello
06-13-2003, 04:33:52: Hello andrew , its jimmy from super cuts
06-13-2003, 05:53:03: how many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop
06-13-2003, 05:53:42: how many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop
06-13-2003, 10:02:45: shut up
06-13-2003, 10:03:36: why did you take the car mum
06-13-2003, 11:05:25: waleed
06-13-2003, 11:41:45: you are a sweet pumkin filled with spazzzzzzzz
06-13-2003, 16:26:07: test
06-14-2003, 00:09:24: I want to download talking machine
06-14-2003, 00:11:43: I want to download talking machine
06-14-2003, 10:41:20: hello to the world
06-14-2003, 10:41:51: hello to the world
06-14-2003, 13:29:50: Goodbye cruel world, I won't miss you atoll.
06-14-2003, 13:46:53: Do yourself a favour and watch Miami Vice.
06-14-2003, 16:27:07: wir müssen wissen, wir werden wissen
06-14-2003, 23:24:12: hi
06-15-2003, 01:00:36: angus is the best
06-15-2003, 07:24:47: ROBOT
06-15-2003, 08:01:39: This is the Automatic Talking Machine! The words you type will magically be spoken out loud in my office here in San Francisco. If I'm around, I'll hear what you say. And so will anyone else who happens to be within earshot. So be creative -- not insulting!
06-15-2003, 16:52:12: HI
06-15-2003, 17:35:31: It would help if I could see you.
06-15-2003, 17:38:10: good bye crewl world
06-15-2003, 19:36:10: hey fucker
06-15-2003, 19:37:49: this is so cool
06-15-2003, 22:36:23: yeah man
06-16-2003, 12:03:27: Rob Hansen is a yak yanker.
06-16-2003, 12:04:00: Everything sucks.
06-16-2003, 12:46:12: word up
06-16-2003, 13:05:33: You're still working while there is sunlight outside? You are getting older every day, you could die at any moment, so enjoy life and quit your job. Courtesy of Duncan Ahkmed.
06-16-2003, 15:32:03: To be or not to be, that is the root of four bee squared.
06-16-2003, 15:33:50: I was born ready.
06-16-2003, 15:57:53: Rob Hansen is a misappropriated peanut allergy.
06-16-2003, 19:58:14: I like good times
06-16-2003, 20:21:19: hello
06-17-2003, 02:44:24: Tidal energy is created by building a dam across a tidal bay. The best sites for this dam is where the bay has a narow opening, reducing the length of the dam, therefore the cost. Along the dam, gates and turbins are built. (4) When the water rises on the different sides of the barrage, the gates are opened. This creates a hydrostatic head that causes water to flow through the turbines, turning gigantic electric generators to make electricity. (4)Yet this form of creating electricity hasn't become popular unitl just recently. The amount of tidal energy produced depends over a lunar cycle. (3) Twice-monthly spring tides result in increased tidal energy, while tidal currents are weaker during the intervening neap tide periods. Tidal energ plants produce lots of enrgy "arround 3000 gigawats of energy to be exact".Yet only about 2% or 60 gigawats can be recovered for electricity generation
06-17-2003, 04:10:26: what are you on about?
06-17-2003, 04:13:13: will you work this time?
06-17-2003, 08:04:17: crap
06-17-2003, 08:04:50: crap
06-17-2003, 08:05:33:
06-17-2003, 08:30:07: how do you rob a bank
06-17-2003, 09:10:48: Hi! My name is Liss Anders.
06-17-2003, 11:41:52: Rob Hansen is a door to door pudding thief.
06-17-2003, 15:37:24: Hi from the deep South
06-17-2003, 15:55:14: I love you matthew
06-17-2003, 15:55:37: I love you matthew
06-17-2003, 18:47:22: Brandon is Gay
06-17-2003, 19:37:29: Wee Willy Wonka went willow whipping.
06-17-2003, 19:43:25: poppa can you hear me?
06-18-2003, 09:23:22: Rob Hansen is a ridiculous conceited plunger.
06-18-2003, 14:19:11: hi
06-18-2003, 17:50:24: blow me
06-18-2003, 17:51:46: konbanwa mother fucker
06-18-2003, 23:20:59: Howdy folks
06-19-2003, 01:18:37: Freezing cold today, temperatures reaching as low as minus twenty three
06-19-2003, 03:07:30: hi anna
06-19-2003, 04:44:00: I am Ironman!
06-19-2003, 04:45:33: I am Ironman!
06-19-2003, 04:46:58: i am ironman.
06-19-2003, 05:43:31: bollocks
06-19-2003, 09:59:14:
06-19-2003, 10:01:33: i am ironman
06-19-2003, 10:01:47: i am ironman
06-19-2003, 10:01:55: i am ironman
06-19-2003, 10:02:47: i am ironman
06-19-2003, 11:59:47: Rob Hansen is a barnacle encrusted toilet plug.
06-19-2003, 16:04:27: hi
06-19-2003, 16:04:29: hi
06-19-2003, 18:24:54: hello
06-19-2003, 19:56:58: suck my cock
06-20-2003, 09:06:29: Rob Hansen is a angry chicken plucker.
06-20-2003, 09:28:14: peggy, stop fooling around and go do work
06-20-2003, 09:28:41: hi!
06-20-2003, 09:28:55: HI
06-20-2003, 09:29:01: HI
06-20-2003, 09:32:20: Hello there
06-20-2003, 09:32:29: Hello there
06-20-2003, 09:32:45: Hello there
06-20-2003, 09:33:01: Hello there
06-20-2003, 11:14:06: dddd
06-20-2003, 16:45:27: hey jennifer, this is vince, collin to see whats up. I'm bored. Well any ways, call me back later i guess.
06-20-2003, 16:46:07: woops
wrong box rob sorry
06-21-2003, 06:44:30: vorrei sognare
06-21-2003, 10:21:50: boo!
06-21-2003, 10:22:26: helloooooo from the east coast!
06-21-2003, 17:42:28: i hate everything
06-21-2003, 21:11:20: Hi. I am Lindsey. I wish to be strange, but can think of nothing extraordinarily unusual to say. Maybe later.
06-21-2003, 23:51:21: I like this idea of ATM
06-22-2003, 02:27:17: Hello, do you here?
06-22-2003, 04:55:03: im very horney
06-22-2003, 08:46:02: Frankie you have a large tail
06-22-2003, 11:00:55: I love you Maria
06-22-2003, 11:17:37: collateral damage equals terrorism
06-22-2003, 20:09:22: peter piper picked a pile of pickled peppers
06-23-2003, 08:19:47: hello i love you
06-23-2003, 08:20:58: hello i love you
06-23-2003, 08:21:08: hello i love you
06-23-2003, 08:43:23: Playback
06-23-2003, 09:09:42: Hi Hans, I was searching for a guy named Rob Hansen who lived in Oegstgeest, The Netherlands. I presume this isn't the right person, is it?
06-23-2003, 11:10:43: nowok now day day
06-23-2003, 11:54:43: justin is gay
06-23-2003, 11:55:14: justin is gay
06-23-2003, 15:23:39: Hello
06-23-2003, 15:24:51: 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111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06-23-2003, 17:39:39: hello
06-23-2003, 19:32:19: i hate everything
06-23-2003, 21:21:43: can anybody hear me?
06-24-2003, 04:09:33: Visit my website, www.bitstop.ca to see fantastic pictures of scenery.....icebergs!!!
06-24-2003, 06:48:54: Hej
06-24-2003, 06:49:45: hello my name is john
06-24-2003, 14:11:34: Have a great day!
06-24-2003, 14:20:10: Hello, I'm the one who just typed the Have a great day then I went and read some of the things that people have said to you lately and this is for the people who said nasty things in your office........."GET A LIFE", Everyone else have a great day!
06-24-2003, 14:44:25: beware the revolt of the raccoons!
06-24-2003, 14:52:53: mmmmmmmm.... beer.....
99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall
98 bottles of beer on the wall, 98 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 97 bottles of beer on the wall
97 bottles of beer on the wall, 97 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 96 bottles of beer on the wall
96 bottles of beer on the wall, 96 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 95 bottles of beer on the wall
95 bottles of beer on the wall, 95 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 94 bottles of beer on the wall
94 bottles of beer on the wall, 94 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 93 bottles of beer on the wall
93 bottles of beer on the wall, 93 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 92 bottles of beer on the wall
92 bottles of beer on the wall, 92 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 91 bottles of beer on the wall
91 bottles of beer on the wall, 91 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 90 bottles of beer on the wall
90 bottles of beer on the wall, 90 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 89 bottles of beer on the wall
89 bottles of beer on the wall, 89 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 88 bottles of beer on the wall
88 bottles of beer on the wall, 88 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 87 bottles of beer on the wall
87 bottles of beer on the wall, 87 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 86 bottles of beer on the wall
86 bottles of beer on the wall, 86 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 85 bottles of beer on the wall
85 bottles of beer on the wall, 85 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 84 bottles of beer on the wall
84 bottles of beer on the wall, 84 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 83 bottles of beer on the wall
83 bottles of beer on the wall, 83 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 82 bottles of beer on the wall
82 bottles of beer on the wall, 82 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 81 bottles of beer on the wall
81 bottles of beer on the wall, 81 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 80 bottles of beer on the wall
80 bottles of beer on the wall, 80 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 79 bottles of beer on the wall
79 bottles of beer on the wall, 79 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 78 bottles of beer on the wall
78 bottles of beer on the wall, 78 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 77 bottles of beer on the wall
77 bottles of beer on the wall, 77 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 76 bottles of beer on the wall
76 bottles of beer on the wall, 76 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 75 bottles of beer on the wall
75 bottles of beer on the wall, 75 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 74 bottles of beer on the wall
74 bottles of beer on the wall, 74 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 73 bottles of beer on the wall
73 bottles of beer on the wall, 73 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 72 bottles of beer on the wall
72 bottles of beer on the wall, 72 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 71 bottles of beer on the wall
71 bottles of beer on the wall, 71 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 70 bottles of beer on the wall
70 bottles of beer on the wall, 70 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 69 bottles of beer on the wall
69 bottles of beer on the wall, 69 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 68 bottles of beer on the wall
68 bottles of beer on the wall, 68 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 67 bottles of beer on the wall
67 bottles of beer on the wall, 67 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 66 bottles of beer on the wall
66 bottles of beer on the wall, 66 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 65 bottles of beer on the wall
65 bottles of beer on the wall, 65 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 64 bottles of beer on the wall
64 bottles of beer on the wall, 64 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 63 bottles of beer on the wall
63 bottles of beer on the wall, 63 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 62 bottles of beer on the wall
62 bottles of beer on the wall, 62 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 61 bottles of beer on the wall
61 bottles of beer on the wall, 61 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 60 bottles of beer on the wall
60 bottles of beer on the wall, 60 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 59 bottles of beer on the wall
59 bottles of beer on the wall, 59 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 58 bottles of beer on the wall
58 bottles of beer on the wall, 58 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 57 bottles of beer on the wall
57 bottles of beer on the wall, 57 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 56 bottles of beer on the wall
56 bottles of beer on the wall, 56 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 55 bottles of beer on the wall
55 bottles of beer on the wall, 55 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 54 bottles of beer on the wall
54 bottles of beer on the wall, 54 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 53 bottles of beer on the wall
53 bottles of beer on the wall, 53 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 52 bottles of beer on the wall
52 bottles of beer on the wall, 52 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 51 bottles of beer on the wall
51 bottles of beer on the wall, 51 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 50 bottles of beer on the wall
50 bottles of beer on the wall, 50 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 49 bottles of beer on the wall
49 bottles of beer on the wall, 49 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 48 bottles of beer on the wall
48 bottles of beer on the wall, 48 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 47 bottles of beer on the wall
47 bottles of beer on the wall, 47 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 46 bottles of beer on the wall
46 bottles of beer on the wall, 46 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 45 bottles of beer on the wall
45 bottles of beer on the wall, 45 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 44 bottles of beer on the wall
44 bottles of beer on the wall, 44 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 43 bottles of beer on the wall
43 bottles of beer on the wall, 43 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 42 bottles of beer on the wall
42 bottles of beer on the wall, 42 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 41 bottles of beer on the wall
41 bottles of beer on the wall, 41 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 40 bottles of beer on the wall
40 bottles of beer on the wall, 40 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 39 bottles of beer on the wall
39 bottles of beer on the wall, 39 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 38 bottles of beer on the wall
38 bottles of beer on the wall, 38 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 37 bottles of beer on the wall
37 bottles of beer on the wall, 37 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 36 bottles of beer on the wall
36 bottles of beer on the wall, 36 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 35 bottles of beer on the wall
35 bottles of beer on the wall, 35 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 34 bottles of beer on the wall
34 bottles of beer on the wall, 34 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 33 bottles of beer on the wall
33 bottles of beer on the wall, 33 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 32 bottles of beer on the wall
32 bottles of beer on the wall, 32 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 31 bottles of beer on the wall
31 bottles of beer on the wall, 31 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 30 bottles of beer on the wall
30 bottles of beer on the wall, 30 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 29 bottles of beer on the wall
29 bottles of beer on the wall, 29 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 28 bottles of beer on the wall
28 bottles of beer on the wall, 28 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 27 bottles of beer on the wall
27 bottles of beer on the wall, 27 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 26 bottles of beer on the wall
26 bottles of beer on the wall, 26 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 25 bottles of beer on the wall
25 bottles of beer on the wall, 25 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 24 bottles of beer on the wall
24 bottles of beer on the wall, 24 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 23 bottles of beer on the wall
23 bottles of beer on the wall, 23 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 22 bottles of beer on the wall
22 bottles of beer on the wall, 22 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 21 bottles of beer on the wall
21 bottles of beer on the wall, 21 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 20 bottles of beer on the wall
20 bottles of beer on the wall, 20 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 19 bottles of beer on the wall
19 bottles of beer on the wall, 19 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 18 bottles of beer on the wall
18 bottles of beer on the wall, 18 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 17 bottles of beer on the wall
17 bottles of beer on the wall, 17 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 16 bottles of beer on the wall
16 bottles of beer on the wall, 16 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 15 bottles of beer on the wall
15 bottles of beer on the wall, 15 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 14 bottles of beer on the wall
14 bottles of beer on the wall, 14 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 13 bottles of beer on the wall
13 bottles of beer on the wall, 13 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 12 bottles of beer on the wall
12 bottles of beer on the wall, 12 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 11 bottles of beer on the wall
11 bottles of beer on the wall, 11 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 10 bottles of beer on the wall
10 bottles of beer on the wall, 10 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 9 bottles of beer on the wall
9 bottles of beer on the wall, 9 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 8 bottles of beer on the wall
8 bottles of beer on the wall, 8 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 7 bottles of beer on the wall
7 bottles of beer on the wall, 7 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 6 bottles of beer on the wall
6 bottles of beer on the wall, 6 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 5 bottles of beer on the wall
5 bottles of beer on the wall, 5 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 4 bottles of beer on the wall
4 bottles of beer on the wall, 4 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 3 bottles of beer on the wall
3 bottles of beer on the wall, 3 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 2 bottles of beer on the wall
2 bottles of beer on the wall, 2 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 1 bottle of beer on the wall
1 bottle of beer on the wall, 1 bottle of beer. take one down, pass it around, 0 bottles of beer on the wall
no more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer.
06-25-2003, 07:26:46: hello, how are you
06-25-2003, 07:27:26: hello, how are you
06-25-2003, 08:10:27: i hate everything
06-25-2003, 09:20:32: Where am I?
06-25-2003, 10:27:50: This should be somewhat disturbing!
06-25-2003, 15:42:19: i hate everything
06-25-2003, 17:05:30: Hi, you've missed me, so leave me a messege and ill get back to you! thanks.
06-25-2003, 20:47:46: We want you to talk.
06-25-2003, 20:48:17: We want you to talk.
06-25-2003, 21:43:06: Just a reminder!!!!
Everyone who graduated from Dougherty High with the class of 1994 need to get in touch with Eulanda (Me-Me) Frazier at 229-639-0713 so that we may have your information for the class reunion.
If there are any people who know someone who graduated with this class please feel free to call and give us there information.
06-26-2003, 01:04:42: get stuffed
06-26-2003, 08:26:04: i hate everything
06-26-2003, 08:26:10: This the million monkies typing on usenet experiment?
06-26-2003, 10:33:08: Rob Hansen is a rancid planters wart.
06-26-2003, 13:31:12: yes have some
06-26-2003, 13:31:43: yes have some
06-26-2003, 13:41:51: hi there fucking idiot
06-26-2003, 13:42:08: hi there fucking idiot
06-26-2003, 13:42:25: hi there fucking idiot
06-26-2003, 13:42:55: hi there fucking idiot
06-26-2003, 13:43:16: hi there
06-26-2003, 14:26:19: hello
06-26-2003, 18:38:35: your a fucking mother fucking bitch april get a mother fucking life and pay what you needd to bitch
06-26-2003, 18:49:32: Shut up Gwedolyn yu poopy head
06-27-2003, 01:40:30: wha ?
06-27-2003, 02:00:42: hello
06-27-2003, 02:01:05: hello how are you
06-27-2003, 15:34:07: Sum 41 Rules KORN SUCKS
06-27-2003, 16:07:21: what is up
06-27-2003, 16:12:46: what is up
06-27-2003, 19:30:49: hi
06-27-2003, 20:50:12: the black knight always triumphs
06-27-2003, 22:36:12: hi this is john is darcie there please
06-28-2003, 02:37:23: Rob you suck
06-28-2003, 04:23:08: whore
06-28-2003, 07:23:37: mike
06-28-2003, 07:23:57: lalalalal
06-28-2003, 09:51:24: Testing testing... Okay, this Automatic Talking Machine will self-destruct in 5 4 3 2 1
06-28-2003, 14:00:01: How r u today?
06-29-2003, 06:05:05: hello how are you doing?
06-29-2003, 06:05:44: hello how are you doing?
06-29-2003, 06:06:09: whats your name
06-29-2003, 11:39:48: Auel
06-29-2003, 14:06:57: i hate everything
06-29-2003, 20:02:34: Please leave a message
06-30-2003, 02:04:46: Hey
06-30-2003, 09:10:11: Rob Hansen is a rhubarb smocked voyeur.
06-30-2003, 09:48:10: hello
06-30-2003, 09:48:34: hello
06-30-2003, 09:48:58: hello this is
06-30-2003, 11:44:04: Hello. Being South African is not always a good thing. For instance, this damn country has no Starbucks. Not one. Now, okay, Im not a fan of globalization and all that - but geez - why did I have to be born in a frikkin country that doesnt know what decent coffee tastes like..
06-30-2003, 11:51:54: there every where captain
06-30-2003, 13:29:09: this is bullshit, right?
06-30-2003, 13:32:15: nnbbnv
06-30-2003, 13:46:11: hi
06-30-2003, 14:42:15: c ninety one point three
06-30-2003, 14:43:06: c ninety one point three
06-30-2003, 16:09:31: Rob Hansen is an electric vacuum molester.
06-30-2003, 19:07:17: fuck you
06-30-2003, 20:57:53: Hey Rob, do you know of any cheap, but good, speech recognition software?
07-01-2003, 10:06:43: hey much wood can a woodchuck chuck?
07-01-2003, 11:10:22: My office smells like gorilla sweat!
07-01-2003, 12:31:38: Can you imagine the horror of being abducted by a giant pickle? And dragged off somewhere? What would a giant pickle do with someone? Where would it take someone? Where would a giant talking pickle come from anyway? What sort of biology would a giant talking pickle have to have to be able to talk, walk, and abduct people? Would it be self-aware? Would a giant talking pickle have a conscience? Or a religion or morals? Where would it buy clothing? Would it be a snappy dresser? Would it buy any dry clean only clothing? If it did would it take it to a one hour dry cleaners or just use one of those home dry cleaning kits? Would it ever think about eating another smaller regular pickle, perhaps of the dill variety? Would it talk with a lisp? Would it need to shave? What are the ramifications of a sentient pickle with a penchant for human abduction?
07-01-2003, 14:21:29: school crossing
07-01-2003, 16:48:42: hi men
07-01-2003, 17:38:17: what's happening in the great state of California????
07-02-2003, 04:30:43: Aaaarrrgghhh!!! Can someone turn that light off?
07-02-2003, 05:41:45: Hi
07-02-2003, 06:07:51: Hoe gaan dit?
07-02-2003, 07:27:49: I just wondered if this site was for real
07-02-2003, 10:18:18: Rob Hansen is a leering unlearned dwarf smacker.
07-02-2003, 12:09:33: My cousin had his nipple bitten off by a beaver.
07-02-2003, 14:42:45: hi this is ellies voicemail
07-02-2003, 14:43:17: hi this is ellies voicemail
07-02-2003, 15:08:40: Hello, my name is Richard
07-02-2003, 15:24:41: Hello Kim
07-02-2003, 15:25:35: Hello Kim
07-02-2003, 15:26:00: Hello Kim
07-02-2003, 19:36:14: I wish we couled hear this too....
07-02-2003, 19:45:54: My athlete's foot has been with me for four years. Is that a problem ?
07-02-2003, 19:50:58: uuuuuuuuh. My pentium needs a goooooood scratch
07-03-2003, 00:38:34: Good morning from sunny south africa. How are you all ?
07-03-2003, 03:34:16: phil is a prick
07-03-2003, 03:35:41: phil is a prick
07-03-2003, 03:58:13: hell
07-03-2003, 04:23:38: I am fully operational and all my circuits are functioning perfectly
07-03-2003, 05:29:53: hi
07-03-2003, 05:31:07: hi
07-03-2003, 06:42:48: i hate you
07-03-2003, 06:47:55: well hello i fancy phaymie sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much i to shaag her
07-03-2003, 07:20:13: Hello San Francisco, Just happened upon your site while at work in dull eastern england. Have a great day!
07-03-2003, 08:31:02: good day, do you feel optimistic about the tragic events in our easily affected state of mind that dwells on the outer circle revolving around my life?
07-03-2003, 13:57:34: Rob Hansen is a macho moose on steroids.
07-03-2003, 14:30:55: cheetham is a tosser
07-03-2003, 14:32:06: cheetham is a tosser
07-03-2003, 15:28:17: hello Kim
07-03-2003, 15:44:37: nothin
07-03-2003, 22:34:00: I am South African and not at all happy about the fact that Bush is coming to visit us, I do not agree with his policies at all.
Ons wil hom nie hier hê nie!!
07-04-2003, 03:15:20: Whenever a thought occurs,
Be aware of it.
As soon as you are aware of it,
The attachment to it will lessen.
If you remain for a long enough
Period less caught on objects,
You will naturally become unified.
This it the essential art of zazen.
07-04-2003, 09:24:54: Oh my god...you are soooooo cute!
07-04-2003, 09:25:10: My panties are way to tight.
07-04-2003, 11:37:49: hello rob
07-04-2003, 11:59:33: oh yea thats the way i like it big boy
harder faster bitch
07-04-2003, 12:04:07: my wife is a fat worthless bitch and i can't stand her anymore i want to kick her right in her fat ass.
07-04-2003, 12:06:57: how do you like those apples motherfucker.....
thats what i thought.
i think i'll shoot my wad on her face while she's asleep.
hehehehehehehehehehehe! that will be a nice little suprise.
07-04-2003, 12:23:08: Hey What up!
07-04-2003, 16:42:14: Duck quackery should be illeagel in Vermont.
07-04-2003, 16:42:39: Extra tubas require the finest stitching.
07-04-2003, 23:10:22: what a friend we have in cheeses brie to the world
07-04-2003, 23:14:16: so many things to express where to start oh god the pressure to be relevent silences the voices in me .flattened pancake poetry allnight dinner of oppression .
07-05-2003, 01:26:39: Hi Rob,
Please would be kind of indicating me what is the soft you have used for your automatic talking machine.
Yours truly
Frédéric from France
07-05-2003, 05:23:57: how are you?
07-05-2003, 06:52:25: hello
07-05-2003, 06:52:45: hello
07-05-2003, 09:56:27: Hello yes this is rob
go ahead make my day.
but first you gotta ask yourself one thing do you feel lucky
well punk do ya.
thats what i thought chicken shit mother fucker.
07-05-2003, 10:17:30: i hate everything
07-05-2003, 15:41:45: California Love
07-05-2003, 16:23:55: alex fleissig is a fat bitch swing snorter
07-05-2003, 19:23:12: hi judy
07-06-2003, 06:04:28: lets see if this works
07-06-2003, 10:08:43: i nude and i'm thinking about you
07-06-2003, 10:08:45: How old you are
07-06-2003, 10:09:20: i'm jus a wee tiny lill'l ole 73 years young
07-06-2003, 10:49:08: i wonder if this works. hmmm.
07-06-2003, 11:21:39: Fuckin shit
07-06-2003, 11:22:33: hello
07-06-2003, 11:24:50: hey i smell
07-06-2003, 15:02:01: all girls are mean
07-07-2003, 00:46:37: Greetings from Cape Towm, South Africa. Now you need to get a life!! lol
07-07-2003, 08:47:39: John Corbins left the house in a tizzy. Once again his wife was mean, testy, and bitter because he forgot to take his daily does of salamie and chives. Quickly counting to ten, John steeped his anger like so much cheap tea, anyway, there was no time to be angry, he had a secret date with a llama...
07-07-2003, 09:30:01: 10 MB
07-07-2003, 12:39:08: say it with flowers
07-07-2003, 21:28:42: hello
07-07-2003, 21:47:36: DUHH
07-07-2003, 23:50:46: good morning rob
07-08-2003, 05:17:45: lo
07-08-2003, 17:26:05: fuck you
07-08-2003, 17:27:37: say there is no god but allah, and follow islam and you will be sucessfull
07-08-2003, 18:48:32: hi rob
07-08-2003, 19:53:03: Hello, Dave. Dave, why don't you talk to me any more?
07-08-2003, 22:53:20: wow... i'm bored and on the internet. i'm betting that nobody is even there. oh well. bye!
07-09-2003, 03:00:28:
07-09-2003, 04:46:21: about time you guys turn up for work
07-09-2003, 04:55:07: lubie lody
07-09-2003, 04:55:27: lubie lody
07-09-2003, 10:35:41: this is a test
07-09-2003, 12:21:18: Better to be a silly girl with a flower than a silly boy with a horse and stick!
07-09-2003, 12:51:16: hello all of you. do not be afraid.
i repeat: do not be afraid. i am your god and i would like a chocolate. bring it to me. now.
07-09-2003, 12:53:19: ok. i see you don't belive me, so i'll start singing until you bring me some chocolate.
07-09-2003, 12:54:49: aaaaaa lalalalala laaaaa laa a
07-09-2003, 12:55:30: taradiram dam dam du dam
07-09-2003, 14:39:59: Rob Hansen is a ever so smarmy grease ball.
07-09-2003, 16:46:55: This is a Test
07-09-2003, 16:47:34: I want to hear it too
07-09-2003, 17:11:48: sara shoud stop fucking bitching about her damn bug bite and move on with her life....and get some more friends
07-09-2003, 18:01:23: aaahhhh.. oh ohhhh. yess fuck me. com on grab your willy and spank it hard baby... i know your in 2 animal sex, you god dam pervert, u sick muther fucker. i beth you fuckt a dog once, am i right??? vel anyway....i know you`r fucking your rubber doll at the moment so im gonna let you finnish !!!..........hehehehehe.....hahaahha.... you call that a dick ???? oh my god.. i dont even know what you supose 2 do with that little thing. you wanker !!!!.............. a little "hello" from vikki in norway.....
07-10-2003, 05:12:37: Send me a photo so I can see what you look like with your clothes on. Thanks. Babes
07-10-2003, 05:17:49: I am watching you!!!!!!
07-10-2003, 06:47:01: Hello, Where I can find out how to make something like this at my house?
07-10-2003, 08:51:40: Rob Hansen is nasty ear hair.
07-10-2003, 08:53:37: Rob Hansen is a misused dust bunny.
07-10-2003, 08:53:57: Rob Hansen is a self indulgent ketchup neglecter.
07-10-2003, 08:54:17: Rob Hansen is a embarrassed self propelled spittoon.
07-10-2003, 08:54:37: Rob Hansen is a buck toothed donkey hammer.
07-10-2003, 11:07:49: heheheh co tam slychac
07-10-2003, 11:36:43: Rob Hansen is a stink beetle cheerleader.
07-10-2003, 11:37:49: Rob Hansen is a cankerous pustule.
07-10-2003, 11:38:03: Rob Hansen is a toe jam stain.
07-10-2003, 11:38:17: Rob Hansen is a rusty hippo bandit.
07-10-2003, 14:20:18: IS THE GOVERNOR RECALL FOR REAL
07-10-2003, 16:14:03: hello who are you
07-10-2003, 17:09:44: Jesus Christ is the Lord
07-11-2003, 09:14:23: yow yow yow
07-11-2003, 09:49:22: Rob Hansen is aboastful banana eating tramp.
07-11-2003, 09:49:40: Rob Hansen is a high minded cabbage head.
07-11-2003, 09:49:57: Rob Hansen is a dawdling obtuse shoe shiner.
07-11-2003, 15:10:34: Sad, so very sad, why must I be so sad all the time?
07-11-2003, 15:59:10: bitch please
07-11-2003, 16:46:44: Hello everyon. Greetings from England!
07-11-2003, 17:25:14: Hello
07-12-2003, 10:47:41: This is an intresting concept
07-12-2003, 10:49:34: ..... 99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer on the wall, 98 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 97 bottles of beer on the wall 97 bottles of beer on the wall, 97 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 96 bottles of beer on the wall 96 bottles of beer on the wall, 96 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 95 bottles of beer on the wall 95 bottles of beer on the wall, 95 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 94 bottles of beer on the wall 94 bottles of beer on the wall, 94 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 93 bottles of beer on the wall 93 bottles of beer on the wall, 93 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 92 bottles of beer on the wall 92 bottles of beer on the wall, 92 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 91 bottles of beer on the wall 91 bottles of beer on the wall, 91 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 90 bottles of beer on the wall 90 bottles of beer on the wall, 90 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 89 bottles of beer on the wall 89 bottles of beer on the wall, 89 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 88 bottles of beer on the wall 88 bottles of beer on the wall, 88 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 87 bottles of beer on the wall 87 bottles of beer on the wall, 87 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 86 bottles of beer on the wall 86 bottles of beer on the wall, 86 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 85 bottles of beer on the wall 85 bottles of beer on the wall, 85 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 84 bottles of beer on the wall 84 bottles of beer on the wall, 84 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 83 bottles of beer on the wall 83 bottles of beer on the wall, 83 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 82 bottles of beer on the wall 82 bottles of beer on the wall, 82 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 81 bottles of beer on the wall 81 bottles of beer on the wall, 81 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 80 bottles of beer on the wall 80 bottles of beer on the wall, 80 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 79 bottles of beer on the wall 79 bottles of beer on the wall, 79 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 78 bottles of beer on the wall 78 bottles of beer on the wall, 78 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 77 bottles of beer on the wall 77 bottles of beer on the wall, 77 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 76 bottles of beer on the wall 76 bottles of beer on the wall, 76 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 75 bottles of beer on the wall 75 bottles of beer on the wall, 75 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 74 bottles of beer on the wall 74 bottles of beer on the wall, 74 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 73 bottles of beer on the wall 73 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wall, 3 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 2 bottles of beer on the wall 2 bottles of beer on the wall, 2 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 1 bottle of beer on the wall 1 bottle of beer on the wall, 1 bottle of beer. take one down, pass it around, 0 bottles of beer on the wall no more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer.
07-12-2003, 18:11:41: hi man
07-13-2003, 08:51:36: I lost my butt in San-Fran's disco.
07-13-2003, 16:07:04: hi harry
07-13-2003, 20:37:54: Heello I aam Ahnold I aam tee terminaatoor
07-13-2003, 21:15:09: fah-q!
07-13-2003, 21:16:42: Don't use THAT crystal drain opener!
07-13-2003, 21:17:19: Ancient Chinese secret?
07-14-2003, 05:47:21: Hoe lees die ding Afrikaans al die pad van Suid Afrika.
07-14-2003, 08:17:51: hi max
07-14-2003, 10:40:21: hello
07-14-2003, 10:47:57: Rob Hansen is an ill mannered impish drifter.
07-14-2003, 10:48:28: Rob Hansen is a hat wearing silly fruiter.
07-14-2003, 10:48:57: Rob Hansen is a childish circus trained peanut sweeper.
07-14-2003, 12:51:58: Rob Hansen is a peruvian scab collector.
07-14-2003, 17:13:04: Hello, this is interesting!
07-14-2003, 22:09:21: no it isn't dumb girl
07-15-2003, 10:23:03: cheat
07-15-2003, 12:25:35: all girls are silly and were hats made of cheese
07-15-2003, 12:53:06: dupa
07-15-2003, 15:52:57: mom
07-15-2003, 16:48:45: will you work
07-15-2003, 16:50:03: will you work
07-15-2003, 16:51:39: why won't you work
07-15-2003, 18:01:06: Hi Dave
07-15-2003, 18:16:03: I especially enjoy the company of disgruntled goats.
07-15-2003, 18:16:28: Never wash your feet in a dishwashing machine.
07-15-2003, 18:16:40: Never tell a penguin with a wicked overbite that you’re a super genius.
07-15-2003, 19:30:31: This is the Automatic Talking Machine! The words you type will magically be spoken out loud in my office here in San Francisco. If I'm around, I'll hear what you say. And so will anyone else who happens to be within earshot. So be creative -- not insulting!
07-15-2003, 19:48:31: hello balls
07-15-2003, 20:24:52: hi there
07-15-2003, 20:25:08: hi there
07-16-2003, 03:08:04: I like eggs. Like those movies about eggs. Those egg movies. They're my favorite kind of movie.
Well, they're not really about eggs, but they have eggs in them. Like CHUD. That movie had eggs in it. And Seven. That's another egg movie. You should visit the Internet Egg Movie Database. Its got stuff about every movie that's ever had eggs in it.
07-16-2003, 05:40:32: brackish
07-16-2003, 05:41:54: Rob, you suck ass!
07-16-2003, 10:09:08: hello
07-16-2003, 12:13:52: hi
07-16-2003, 12:14:13: hello
07-16-2003, 18:05:41: Rob Hansen is a sycophantic floor polisher.
07-16-2003, 18:10:57: Rob Hansen is a tree hugging industrialist.
07-16-2003, 18:11:13: Rob Hansen is a zero toed sloth.
07-16-2003, 18:11:27: Rob Hansen is a pimple with extra pus.
07-17-2003, 08:18:17: fart
07-17-2003, 08:24:35: 'IS there anybody there?' said the Traveller, Knocking on the moonlit door; And his horse in the silence champed the grasses Of the forest's ferny floor. And a bird flew up out of the turret, Above the Traveller's head: And he smote upon the door again a second time; 'Is there anybody there?' he said. But no one descended to the Traveller; No head from the leaf-fringed sill Leaned over and looked into his grey eyes, Where he stood perplexed and still. But only a host of phantom listeners That dwelt in the lone house then Stood listening in the quiet of the moonlight To that voice from the world of men: Stood thronging the faint moonbeams on the dark stair, That goes down to the empty hall, Hearkening in an air stirred and shaken By the lonely Traveller's call. And he felt in his heart their strangeness, Their stillness answering his cry, While his horse moved, cropping the dark turf, 'Neath the starred and leafy sky; For he suddenly smote on the door, even Louder, and lifted his head:— 'Tell them I came, and no one answered, That I kept my word,' he said. Never the least stir made the listeners, Though every word he spake Fell echoing through the shadowiness of the still house From the one man left awake: Ay, they heard his foot upon the stirrup, And the sound of iron on stone, And how the silence surged softly backward, When the plunging hoofs were gone.
07-17-2003, 08:24:59: 'IS there anybody there?' said the Traveller, Knocking on the moonlit door; And his horse in the silence champed the grasses Of the forest's ferny floor. And a bird flew up out of the turret, Above the Traveller's head: And he smote upon the door again a second time; 'Is there anybody there?' he said. But no one descended to the Traveller; No head from the leaf-fringed sill Leaned over and looked into his grey eyes, Where he stood perplexed and still. But only a host of phantom listeners That dwelt in the lone house then Stood listening in the quiet of the moonlight To that voice from the world of men: Stood thronging the faint moonbeams on the dark stair, That goes down to the empty hall, Hearkening in an air stirred and shaken By the lonely Traveller's call. And he felt in his heart their strangeness, Their stillness answering his cry, While his horse moved, cropping the dark turf, 'Neath the starred and leafy sky; For he suddenly smote on the door, even Louder, and lifted his head:— 'Tell them I came, and no one answered, That I kept my word,' he said. Never the least stir made the listeners, Though every word he spake Fell echoing through the shadowiness of the still house From the one man left awake: Ay, they heard his foot upon the stirrup, And the sound of iron on stone, And how the silence surged softly backward, When the plunging hoofs were gone.
07-17-2003, 11:14:19: hello
07-17-2003, 11:38:10: hello how are you
07-17-2003, 13:09:34: hello
07-17-2003, 13:11:32: im worried that the fact federation against copyright control will catch up with me and arrest me,, what do you think
07-17-2003, 13:33:53: hey handsome
07-17-2003, 18:08:33: hey
07-17-2003, 23:33:06: hello how are you
07-18-2003, 08:17:59: this is getting un-needlessly addicting
07-18-2003, 14:39:13: Hey Rob, if you happen to run across a guy who bowls named Steve, smack him really really hard across the face, will ya? Owe you one.
07-18-2003, 15:10:25: OOOOOOOOOOOH Rob Yesssssssssss do that again! OOOOOOOOOOH Yesssssssssss!Rob baby do it! do it! dont stop! aaaaaahhhhh Yesssssssss!
To all listening ROB is the BEST! cum visit me at feelingnaughty.com
07-18-2003, 15:59:02: Hello Kenneth
07-18-2003, 15:59:37: Hello Kenneth
07-18-2003, 21:04:37: why is the world in love again, why are we marching hand in hand, why is the ocean level rising up, it's a brand new record for 1990, they might be giants brand new album flood
07-19-2003, 12:52:57: fffff
07-19-2003, 12:53:16: i love you
07-19-2003, 12:53:45: i love you
07-19-2003, 12:54:04: i love you
07-19-2003, 13:50:38: penis
07-19-2003, 15:13:33: hello my name is tristen lynn i am six years old and my birthday is july the twenthy fifth.
07-19-2003, 16:53:01: how much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
07-19-2003, 16:54:34: the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
07-19-2003, 23:55:46: tysryry
07-19-2003, 23:56:17: tysryry
07-20-2003, 03:58:26: hello
07-20-2003, 11:16:58: Keep hope alive! Or, just fire Jesse Jackson!
07-20-2003, 11:49:25: are u there?
07-20-2003, 12:53:13: hello
07-20-2003, 13:16:31: hello
07-20-2003, 20:23:26: Hey You.
07-21-2003, 06:23:44:
07-21-2003, 11:14:36: hello
07-21-2003, 11:15:05: mmoooosee
07-22-2003, 00:38:08: howdy doody folks im on my 6 weeks holidays yey 6 whole weeks off!!!!! hola hula over and out
07-22-2003, 19:15:04: Its raining out
07-22-2003, 20:44:21: sexuality
07-23-2003, 05:16:38: I really havew not a lot to say. I was just curious
07-23-2003, 06:47:38: I am Rohana
07-23-2003, 14:54:49: What?
07-23-2003, 18:20:44: hi
07-24-2003, 08:18:51: hello
07-24-2003, 11:24:50: hi
07-24-2003, 11:25:18: hi
07-24-2003, 11:28:25: a
07-24-2003, 11:35:02: it's 1234
07-24-2003, 11:35:24: it's 1234
07-24-2003, 11:38:34: go away
07-24-2003, 11:42:33: go away
07-24-2003, 11:43:20: go away
07-24-2003, 11:43:56: go away
07-25-2003, 14:46:09: It's Friday
07-26-2003, 03:13:45: whats be going on
07-27-2003, 03:53:18: hello
07-27-2003, 03:53:31:
07-28-2003, 08:56:20: le monde est bleu comme une orange
07-28-2003, 11:23:58: hello how are you rhys
07-28-2003, 11:24:27: hello
07-28-2003, 11:25:25: if you cant be near the one you love, love the one you with
07-28-2003, 11:25:31: if you cant be near the one you love, love the one you with
07-28-2003, 11:25:54: did evolution take a detour on you?
07-28-2003, 11:27:48: i took that 22 a gift from you to me, to bed each night kept it clean polished it well, cherished every cartrige every shell, down by the creak under bush under dirt theres a carcass of my second kill,
07-29-2003, 12:24:26: b o l l o c k s
07-29-2003, 12:26:31: b o l l o c k s
07-30-2003, 05:03:32: I think I left my noodles in your sock drawer.
07-30-2003, 14:51:12: i got a joke for you. a woman walks into a pharmacy and tells the pharmacist,"i would like some arsinic". he says,"what for"? the woman says,"to kill m husband". he says,"i can't do that". the woman pulls out a picture of her husband and the pharmacists wife . he said i didn't know you had a prescription."
07-30-2003, 18:30:01: i am iron man
08-03-2003, 14:01:20: i am a good guy
08-04-2003, 10:57:49: optik
08-04-2003, 10:58:55: hey nice todger, do u do that wan tang?
08-04-2003, 11:34:19: Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look; He thinks too much: such men are dangerous."
08-07-2003, 15:06:15: hu hu hi
08-09-2003, 19:54:42: hello
08-09-2003, 19:56:51: Hello and thank you for calling the Shops at Legacy event Hotline. Coming October The Fourth is Light The Night, The walk benefiting The lukemia Society. For information about this event, please visit light the night . org
08-09-2003, 20:00:06: Hello and thank you for calling the Shops at Legacy event Hotline. Coming October The Fourth is Light The Night, The walk benefiting The lukemia Society. For information about this event, please visit light the night . org
Also Coming I Mid October is The WINE AND JAZZ FESTIVAl
where one can sample fine wines from around the world while you listen to classic Jazz Music. For information about this event Visit Shops At Legacy . Com
Coming In December Is the Angelika Film Center. Visit Angelika Film Center . Com For More Information
08-10-2003, 13:01:08: god shave the queen
08-13-2003, 11:11:11: simon you wanker
08-14-2003, 06:16:26: The Intelligence Services Act 1994 defines the role of MI6 as;
(a) to obtain and provide information relating to the
actions or intentions of persons outside the British
Islands; and (b) to perform other tasks relating to the
actions or intentions of such persons...[in relation to]
the interests of national security, with particular
reference to defence and foreign policies...the interests
of the economic well-being of the UK...or in support of the
prevention or detection of serious crime.
The Act brought into existence the parliamentary Intelligence and Security Committee which oversees the "expenditure, administration and policy" of MI5, MI6 and GCHQ. Of its nine members, five are former Tory ministers.
David Spedding took over as chief of MI6 from Colin McColl in September 1994. His agency's shrinking workforce was put at 2,303 in 1994, with a budget of £150M.
The Russian threat no longer preoccupies SIS as it once did, and two-thirds of its activity in this area has been eliminated. In 1996 there has been some resurgence in activity, with the Russian intelligence agencies reported to have resumed their efforts to post agents in Britain. In March 1996 an alleged British spy was thrown out by the Russians, and this was followed in May by the expulsion of four more diplomats by each side. And in January 1996, spy Rosemary Sharpe was outed by Der Spiegel, which said that she had paid three German intelligence officers for information on Russian military hardware. The German agents had not passed the money on to their superiors, and were being investigated for corruption.
Performance related pay is now in force for both MI6 and MI5. It is intended to ensure that officers "have a clear understanding of what they are expected to achieve."
Should they not achieve their goals to the extent of ending up unemployed, MI6 officers can now take disputes to an industrial tribunal. This follows the case of former agent Richard Tomlinson who was dismissed following a negative appraisal by his personnel manager. He claimed the attempts to prevent him taking his case to an industrial tribunal were designed to conceal poor management at MI6.
MI6 stole submarine tracking technology from the French Navy by setting up a front company to obtain information from an engineer at Brest naval base. MI6 spies against Britain's European partners under operation "Jet Stream".
In August 1996 Norman MacSween, the 48-year-old chief of MI6's Moscow station, was embarassingly exposed on Russian TV when he attempted to make contact with one of his agents, Platon Obukhov, who confessed to spying for the British. MacSween's career is over, and the agent he was running will probably be shot.
08-14-2003, 23:21:45: alptekin
08-14-2003, 23:22:19: alptekin
08-14-2003, 23:23:24: aaahhhh.. oh ohhhh. yess fuck me. com on grab your willy and spank it hard baby... i know your in 2 animal sex, you god dam pervert, u sick muther fucker. i beth you fuckt a dog once, am i right??? vel anyway....i know you`r fucking your rubber doll at the moment so im gonna let you finnish !!!..........hehehehehe.....hahaahha.... you call that a dick ???? oh my god.. i dont even know what you supose 2 do with that little thing. you wanker !!!!.............. a little "hello" from vikki in norway.....
08-14-2003, 23:23:36: aaahhhh.. oh ohhhh. yess fuck me. com on grab your willy and spank it hard baby... i know your in 2 animal sex, you god dam pervert, u sick muther fucker. i beth you fuckt a dog once, am i right??? vel anyway....i know you`r fucking your rubber doll at the moment so im gonna let you finnish !!!..........hehehehehe.....hahaahha.... you call that a dick ???? oh my god.. i dont even know what you supose 2 do with that little thing. you wanker !!!!.............. a little "hello" from vikki in norway.....
08-14-2003, 23:24:08: aaahhhh.. oh ohhhh. yess fuck me. com on grab your willy and spank it hard baby... i know your in 2 animal sex, you god dam pervert, u sick muther fucker. i beth you fuckt a dog once, am i right??? vel anyway....i know you`r fucking your rubber doll at the moment so im gonna let you finnish !!!..........hehehehehe.....hahaahha.... you call that a dick ???? oh my god.. i dont even know what you supose 2 do with that little thing. you wanker !!!!.............. a little "hello" from vikki in norway.....
08-16-2003, 09:38:48: ok
08-16-2003, 09:39:15: ok
08-16-2003, 14:10:39: Confusous say man who walk on his hands speak through his bum.
08-20-2003, 14:01:59: hello greg
08-21-2003, 06:09:02: wibble!
08-21-2003, 13:49:04: Arkie yo pop streudel fuzzy green navel with cheese and garlic.
08-21-2003, 13:55:07: I will now recreate something from the past that I think was pure genius: ..... 99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer on the wall, 98 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 97 bottles of beer on the wall 97 bottles of beer on the wall, 97 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 96 bottles of beer on the wall 96 bottles of beer on the wall, 96 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 95 bottles of beer on the wall 95 bottles of beer on the wall, 95 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 94 bottles of beer on the wall 94 bottles of beer on the wall, 94 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 93 bottles of beer on the wall 93 bottles of beer on the wall, 93 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 92 bottles of beer on the wall 92 bottles of beer on the wall, 92 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 91 bottles of beer on the wall 91 bottles of beer on the wall, 91 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 90 bottles of beer on the wall 90 bottles of beer on the wall, 90 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 89 bottles of beer on the wall 89 bottles of beer on the wall, 89 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 88 bottles of beer on the wall 88 bottles of beer on the wall, 88 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 87 bottles of beer on the wall 87 bottles of beer on the wall, 87 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 86 bottles of beer on the wall 86 bottles of beer on the wall, 86 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 85 bottles of beer on the wall 85 bottles of beer on the wall, 85 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 84 bottles of beer on the wall 84 bottles of beer on the wall, 84 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 83 bottles of beer on the wall 83 bottles of beer on the wall, 83 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 82 bottles of beer on the wall 82 bottles of beer on the wall, 82 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 81 bottles of beer on the wall 81 bottles of beer on the wall, 81 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 80 bottles of beer on the wall 80 bottles of beer on the wall, 80 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 79 bottles of beer on the wall 79 bottles of beer on the wall, 79 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 78 bottles of beer on the wall 78 bottles of beer on the wall, 78 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 77 bottles of beer on the wall 77 bottles of beer on the wall, 77 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 76 bottles of beer on the wall 76 bottles of beer on the wall, 76 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 75 bottles of beer on the wall 75 bottles of beer on the wall, 75 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 74 bottles of beer on the wall 74 bottles of beer on the wall, 74 bottles of 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on the wall, 65 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 64 bottles of beer on the wall 64 bottles of beer on the wall, 64 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 63 bottles of beer on the wall 63 bottles of beer on the wall, 63 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 62 bottles of beer on the wall 62 bottles of beer on the wall, 62 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 61 bottles of beer on the wall 61 bottles of beer on the wall, 61 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 60 bottles of beer on the wall 60 bottles of beer on the wall, 60 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 59 bottles of beer on the wall 59 bottles of beer on the wall, 59 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 58 bottles of beer on the wall 58 bottles of beer on the wall, 58 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 57 bottles of beer on the wall 57 bottles of beer on the wall, 57 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 56 bottles of beer on the wall 56 bottles of beer on the wall, 56 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 55 bottles of beer on the wall 55 bottles of beer on the wall, 55 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 54 bottles of beer on the wall 54 bottles of beer on the wall, 54 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 53 bottles of beer on the wall 53 bottles of beer on the wall, 53 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 52 bottles of beer on the wall 52 bottles of beer on the wall, 52 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 51 bottles of beer on the wall 51 bottles of beer on the wall, 51 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 50 bottles of beer on the wall 50 bottles of beer on the wall, 50 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 49 bottles of beer on the wall 49 bottles of beer on the wall, 49 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 48 bottles of beer on the wall 48 bottles of beer on the wall, 48 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 47 bottles of beer on the wall 47 bottles of beer on the wall, 47 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 46 bottles of beer on the wall 46 bottles of beer on the wall, 46 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 45 bottles of beer on the wall 45 bottles of beer on the wall, 45 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 44 bottles of beer on the wall 44 bottles of beer on the wall, 44 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 43 bottles of beer on the wall 43 bottles of beer on the wall, 43 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 42 bottles of beer on the wall 42 bottles of beer on the wall, 42 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 41 bottles of beer on the wall 41 bottles of beer on the wall, 41 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 40 bottles of beer on the wall 40 bottles of beer on the wall, 40 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 39 bottles of beer on the wall 39 bottles of beer on the wall, 39 bottles of 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on the wall, 30 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 29 bottles of beer on the wall 29 bottles of beer on the wall, 29 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 28 bottles of beer on the wall 28 bottles of beer on the wall, 28 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 27 bottles of beer on the wall 27 bottles of beer on the wall, 27 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 26 bottles of beer on the wall 26 bottles of beer on the wall, 26 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 25 bottles of beer on the wall 25 bottles of beer on the wall, 25 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 24 bottles of beer on the wall 24 bottles of beer on the wall, 24 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 23 bottles of beer on the wall 23 bottles of beer on the wall, 23 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 22 bottles of beer on the wall 22 bottles of beer on the wall, 22 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 21 bottles of beer on the wall 21 bottles of beer on the wall, 21 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 20 bottles of beer on the wall 20 bottles of beer on the wall, 20 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 19 bottles of beer on the wall 19 bottles of beer on the wall, 19 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 18 bottles of beer on the wall 18 bottles of beer on the wall, 18 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 17 bottles of beer on the wall 17 bottles of beer on the wall, 17 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 16 bottles of beer on the wall 16 bottles of beer on the wall, 16 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 15 bottles of beer on the wall 15 bottles of beer on the wall, 15 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 14 bottles of beer on the wall 14 bottles of beer on the wall, 14 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 13 bottles of beer on the wall 13 bottles of beer on the wall, 13 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 12 bottles of beer on the wall 12 bottles of beer on the wall, 12 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 11 bottles of beer on the wall 11 bottles of beer on the wall, 11 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 10 bottles of beer on the wall 10 bottles of beer on the wall, 10 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 9 bottles of beer on the wall 9 bottles of beer on the wall, 9 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 8 bottles of beer on the wall 8 bottles of beer on the wall, 8 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 7 bottles of beer on the wall 7 bottles of beer on the wall, 7 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 6 bottles of beer on the wall 6 bottles of beer on the wall, 6 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 5 bottles of beer on the wall 5 bottles of beer on the wall, 5 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 4 bottles of beer on the wall 4 bottles of beer on the wall, 4 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 3 bottles of beer on the wall 3 bottles of beer on the wall, 3 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 2 bottles of beer on the wall 2 bottles of beer on the wall, 2 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 1 bottle of beer on the wall. 1 bottle of beer on the wall, 1 bottle of beer. take one down, pass it around, no bottles of beer on the wall. no more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer.
08-22-2003, 22:24:17: Rob,
This is Dave Easterling. I just ran across your address again and thought I would say hi and see what you are up to. All is going good with me. I am getting married next summer--July 10th. So keep that day free. So What has been going on in your world? Still globe trotting I would assume. I have been bust doing military. I was activated Sep11, 01 and was just demobilized this past june. I am working as a nurse. I just started last month. I like it. Good benefits. Well Rob get back to work. Oh I went to the 20 year reunion. Take care and tell your family I said Hi
08-25-2003, 14:42:38: test
08-25-2003, 14:45:47: Saw that Frog Magic ceased - Thought I would say hi.
This is Loren Wheale.
Saying hello!
08-26-2003, 13:38:17: hi
08-31-2003, 01:02:24: Do you speak French?
08-31-2003, 18:05:55: luv yah
08-31-2003, 18:08:37: Hey seems like you have lots of things to do on your desk, check out that clock on the office wall.
09-03-2003, 08:42:16: rumba samba mambo
09-04-2003, 19:21:13: you are a strange man
09-04-2003, 19:21:32: you are a strange man
09-09-2003, 02:53:51: hello heidi i loves you lots
09-09-2003, 02:55:37: hello heidi i loves you lots
09-13-2003, 14:08:11: Where are we going?
09-14-2003, 09:38:41: essais
09-14-2003, 09:40:08: yanki
09-16-2003, 11:40:39: I did this nine years ago all the time. Now I have a real job and don't have time to do it anymore. I miss you, rob. Do you miss me? I am the tuna guy. I can't believe this is still here.
09-16-2003, 12:57:52: If I profane with my unworthiest hand
This holy shrine, the gentle sin is this;
My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand
To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.
09-16-2003, 12:58:02: Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much,
Which mannerly devotion shows in this;
For saints have hands that pilgrims’ hands do touch,
And palm to palm is holy palmers’ kiss.
09-16-2003, 12:58:06: Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?
09-16-2003, 12:58:11: Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer.
09-16-2003, 12:58:16: O! then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do;
They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair.
09-16-2003, 12:58:22: Saints do not move, though grant for prayers’ sake.
09-16-2003, 12:58:28: Then move not, while my prayers’ effect I take
Thus from my lips, by thine, my sin is purg’d.
09-16-2003, 12:58:37: Sonnet from Romeo and Juliet, Act 1, scene 5. Contributed by microsporocyte at yahoo daht com. Have a good day Rob.
09-16-2003, 14:54:43: hello from Newfoundland
09-17-2003, 05:57:17: There is a discussion in alt.folklore.urban as to if this sight really does what it claims to do. Is there anyway you could provide proof?
09-17-2003, 06:42:47: wank badgers
09-17-2003, 18:56:24: SIgn me up forthe picture thing-and my email is platinum_blonde03@hotmail.com --The names Melanie -THanks and God Bless
09-18-2003, 03:58:19:
09-18-2003, 03:58:33: shit
09-23-2003, 09:00:06: I met a traveler from an antique land Who said "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone stand in the desert. Near them on the sand, a shattered visage lies whose gappy teeth and grin and air of store-bought bland tell that he can say only "I'll be back."
09-25-2003, 02:32:35: hello
09-26-2003, 13:04:30: shell
09-27-2003, 16:41:23: Rob, there has been much speculation regarding whether the Automatic Talking Machine is real or a figment of your imagination. Care to comment?
09-29-2003, 17:38:30: This is the strangest site and idea I've seenin ages.
10-01-2003, 06:44:29: HELLO THERE
10-01-2003, 11:27:43: i'm play a football
10-02-2003, 06:36:47: Will me and my boyfriend be together soon?
10-03-2003, 10:18:54: Fuck you dude!!!
10-03-2003, 10:20:33: Fuck you you dirty little lier bith. So can you talk? Lick my balls you liar piece of shit!
10-07-2003, 08:52:55: bonjour bgt
10-08-2003, 05:00:28: Hi how're you doing?
10-09-2003, 13:20:43: yo baby what's up?
10-09-2003, 13:22:16: what it is
10-09-2003, 13:22:22: what it is
10-13-2003, 12:04:34: A big shout out to you from Tennessee. For crying out loud are there any real men out there who don't like to abuse their woman verbally or physically??? Inquiring minds want to know rather I want to know. lmao A big shout out to my girl Lanise. I love you girlfriend.
10-21-2003, 12:11:40: da da da da
10-23-2003, 22:55:35: hello self
10-23-2003, 22:59:32: Wahahahahahahaahahahahahaha (evil laugh)
10-23-2003, 23:03:56: Snort Snort
10-29-2003, 10:35:40: bonjout
10-29-2003, 10:35:49: bonjour
10-30-2003, 13:46:37: So how the hell are you
10-30-2003, 18:58:05: hi
11-04-2003, 11:48:01: The time is now 2:47PM.
11-08-2003, 19:52:41: Hi I'm in New Zealand, anyone there
11-08-2003, 19:53:46: If your to busy I'll go away?
11-18-2003, 09:48:18: early reading research
11-20-2003, 03:39:46: hello my name is nikki
11-21-2003, 14:26:57: oooh la la...
11-24-2003, 11:35:27: holy shit!
11-27-2003, 09:13:32: happy birthday J K
11-28-2003, 05:07:22: lauren smook
11-28-2003, 05:10:14: bronson
11-28-2003, 05:11:18: hello moto
11-28-2003, 05:12:34: hello bronson. take me
11-28-2003, 05:18:31: brento, waz up
11-28-2003, 05:18:45: heita
11-30-2003, 04:22:00: baïn teân gì cho mình hoûi tn6
12-01-2003, 20:42:26: hello
12-01-2003, 20:42:37: adfadfadfgadfg
12-01-2003, 20:42:53: Hello
This is a virus speaking. We have come to take over the universe.
12-01-2003, 20:43:07: doesnt work
12-01-2003, 20:45:28: nice shoes wanna fuck?
12-02-2003, 09:17:37: jd is a dork
12-06-2003, 08:50:17: caca
12-06-2003, 15:40:47: i need a break
12-07-2003, 09:49:40: john
12-07-2003, 16:39:32: Hello!
12-07-2003, 16:40:57: Hello
12-07-2003, 23:46:22:
12-08-2003, 06:58:20: Good morning sire, how are you today?
12-08-2003, 06:58:44: Good morning sire, how are you today?
12-08-2003, 10:16:58: Pretty cool thing if it works.
12-08-2003, 13:59:48: berny is gay
12-08-2003, 22:04:22: Hello Rob, how are you!
12-09-2003, 08:10:23: I'm not here right now, You Know what to do
12-09-2003, 08:11:42: Rosangela
12-09-2003, 08:15:51: oho
12-09-2003, 08:16:48: oho
12-09-2003, 22:14:45: hi
12-09-2003, 22:19:59: hi how are you?
12-10-2003, 04:26:48: the american century is over
12-10-2003, 17:24:38: hello
12-11-2003, 13:48:45: What a lovely lovely site
12-12-2003, 12:04:22: MY BROTHER SMELLS
12-12-2003, 18:43:56: I love you momy!
12-13-2003, 11:45:36:
12-13-2003, 11:46:43: hansen one
12-14-2003, 03:17:05: what?
12-14-2003, 03:18:20: what?
12-14-2003, 13:52:20: shut up!!
12-17-2003, 00:49:34: eat me
12-17-2003, 00:49:49: suck it
12-17-2003, 05:46:51: how do i know this is really working
12-18-2003, 02:28:56: hi want to smoke some chris
12-18-2003, 02:29:23: hi want to smoke some chris
12-18-2003, 08:07:19: Thank You
12-18-2003, 08:10:44: wow
12-18-2003, 09:50:48: Hello? Anyone there? I got a TCP/IP packet delivery for
Anyone there?
Hello? Is this thing on?
12-18-2003, 11:39:26: hello
12-18-2003, 15:35:05: hello
12-18-2003, 15:35:11: hello
12-21-2003, 04:09:07: hello
12-21-2003, 07:45:55: aiii
12-21-2003, 20:32:16: They Come
12-22-2003, 09:46:23: hello
12-25-2003, 03:12:20: tenor
12-25-2003, 12:24:00: Halloo Charles!
12-25-2003, 18:32:45: shit
12-25-2003, 18:34:06: shit
12-25-2003, 18:34:11: shit
12-25-2003, 18:34:20: wow
12-28-2003, 15:54:10: päivää
12-28-2003, 15:54:46: hello
12-28-2003, 15:54:59: hello
12-28-2003, 15:55:45: bye
12-30-2003, 05:01:11: heya
12-30-2003, 17:56:08: ten
12-30-2003, 17:56:36: ten
12-30-2003, 22:38:15: HOW SEXY ARE YOU
12-30-2003, 22:39:58: ARE YOU FOR REAL
01-02-2004, 05:02:10: test
01-02-2004, 07:31:03: Good morning Annie. How are you today? Hey good looking and hi yourself sweetheart.
01-02-2004, 14:38:23: ciao
01-02-2004, 14:38:44: ciao
01-02-2004, 19:01:29: Hello
01-06-2004, 18:33:38: you are an ass hole
01-07-2004, 08:54:14: Die, Die My Darling
Die, die, die my darling
Don't utter a single word
Die, die, die my darling
Just shut your pretty mouth
I'll be seeing you again
I'll be seeing you in hell
Don't cry to me oh baby
Your future's in an oblong box
Don't cry to me oh baby
Should have seen it a-coming on
Don't cry to me oh baby
I don't know it was in your power
Don't cry to me oh baby
Dead-end girl for a dead-end guy
Don't cry to me oh baby
Now your life drains on the floor
Don't cry to me oh baby
Die, die, die my darling
Don't utter a single word
Die, die, die my darling
Just shut your pretty mouth
I'll be seeing you again
I'll be seeing you in Hell
Don't cry to me oh baby
Die, die, die my darling
Don't cry to me oh baby
Die, die, die my darling
01-07-2004, 08:56:27: googlebot(at)googlebot.com
01-07-2004, 23:12:03: math is gay...
01-07-2004, 23:14:15: math is gay...: hey.......u....yeah....over here..... its me you dummy...your computer... hey... lets surf the porno pages again huh??? yeah get some electronic pussy.... its been a wile now, like...about 5 minuts ago.......... spank spank spank spank......spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank your willyyyy yeeeeaahhhhhh spaaaank it haaaaaaard babyyyyyyy....... no.... buthead im still here aswipe....... bye im going. hey shitlover...... u comming ore what???....... ok, il surf the fuck sites by my self.... u pussy... hey fuckface..... let go of the rubber doll now u wirdo..... yepp its stil vikki from norway..... u dont like it? wel, heres a corder phone someone who cares !!! ore mail me at vikki_kos@yahoo.no for my werbally abuse !!! fuckface u lissening or what?? bye .... helloooooooo i said BYEEEEEEE.....
01-08-2004, 19:04:39: kl
01-09-2004, 00:10:48: Hello Dave
01-09-2004, 00:13:04: How do we know this thing really works? It could be all bull. You should figure out a way to provide proof. A Webcam w/ mic would be good.
01-09-2004, 00:14:28: if you can hear me e-mail me something at o 0 paradoxproductions 0 o @ yahoo.com
01-09-2004, 06:16:24: where are the guides
01-10-2004, 21:24:23: guten tag! my name is beehive
01-10-2004, 21:30:24: This is the Automatic Talking Machine! The words you type will magically be spoken out loud in my office here in San Francisco. If I'm around, I'll hear what you say. And so will anyone else who happens to be within earshot. So be creative -- not insulting! - This is the Automatic Talking Machine! The words you type will magically be spoken out loud in my office here in San Francisco. If I'm around, I'll hear what you say. And so will anyone else who happens to be within earshot. So be creative -- not insulting! - This is the Automatic Talking Machine! The words you type will magically be spoken out loud in my office here in San Francisco. If I'm around, I'll hear what you say. And so will anyone else who happens to be within earshot. So be creative -- not insulting! - This is the Automatic Talking Machine! The words you type will magically be spoken out loud in my office here in San Francisco. If I'm around, I'll hear what you say. And so will anyone else who happens to be within earshot. So be creative -- not insulting! - This is the Automatic Talking Machine! The words you type will magically be spoken out loud in my office here in San Francisco. If I'm around, I'll hear what you say. And so will anyone else who happens to be within earshot. So be creative -- not insulting! - This is the Automatic Talking Machine! The words you type will magically be spoken out loud in my office here in San Francisco. If I'm around, I'll hear what you say. And so will anyone else who happens to be within earshot. So be creative -- not insulting! - This is the Automatic Talking Machine! The words you type will magically be spoken out loud in my office here in San Francisco. If I'm around, I'll hear what you say. And so will anyone else who happens to be within earshot. So be creative -- not insulting! - This is the Automatic Talking Machine! The words you type will magically be spoken out loud in my office here in San Francisco. If I'm around, I'll hear what you say. And so will anyone else who happens to be within earshot. So be creative -- not insulting! - This is the Automatic Talking Machine! The words you type will magically be spoken out loud in my office here in San Francisco. If I'm around, I'll hear what you say. And so will anyone else who happens to be within earshot. So be creative -- not insulting! - This is the Automatic Talking Machine! The words you type will magically be spoken out loud in my office here in San Francisco. If I'm around, I'll hear what you say. And so will anyone else who happens to be within earshot. So be creative -- not insulting! - This is the Automatic Talking Machine! The words you type will magically be spoken out loud in my office here in San Francisco. If I'm around, I'll hear what you say. And so will anyone else who happens to be within earshot. So be creative -- not insulting! - This is the Automatic Talking Machine! The words you type will magically be spoken out loud in my office here in San Francisco. If I'm around, I'll hear what you say. And so will anyone else who happens to be within earshot. So be creative -- not insulting! - This is the Automatic Talking Machine! The words you type will magically be spoken out loud in my office here in San Francisco. If I'm around, I'll hear what you say. And so will anyone else who happens to be within earshot. So be creative -- not insulting! - This is the Automatic Talking Machine! The words you type will magically be spoken out loud in my office here in San Francisco. If I'm around, I'll hear what you say. And so will anyone else who happens to be within earshot. So be creative -- not insulting! - This is the Automatic Talking Machine! The words you type will magically be spoken out loud in my office here in San Francisco. If I'm around, I'll hear what you say. And so will anyone else who happens to be within earshot. So be creative -- not insulting! - This is the Automatic Talking Machine! The words you type will magically be spoken out loud in my office here in San Francisco. If I'm around, I'll hear what you say. And so will anyone else who happens to be within earshot. So be creative -- not insulting! - This is the Automatic Talking Machine! The words you type will magically be spoken out loud in my office here in San Francisco. If I'm around, I'll hear what you say. And so will anyone else who happens to be within earshot. So be creative -- not insulting! - This is the Automatic Talking Machine! The words you type will magically be spoken out loud in my office here in San Francisco. If I'm around, I'll hear what you say. And so will anyone else who happens to be within earshot. So be creative -- not insulting! - This is the Automatic Talking Machine! The words you type will magically be spoken out loud in my office here in San Francisco. If I'm around, I'll hear what you say. And so will anyone else who happens to be within earshot. So be creative -- not insulting! - This is the Automatic Talking Machine! The words you type will magically be spoken out loud in my office here in San Francisco. If I'm around, I'll hear what you say. And so will anyone else who happens to be within earshot. So be creative -- not insulting! - This is the Automatic Talking Machine! The words you type will magically be spoken out loud in my office here in San Francisco. If I'm around, I'll hear what you say. And so will anyone else who happens to be within earshot. So be creative -- not insulting! - This is the Automatic Talking Machine! The words you type will magically be spoken out loud in my office here in San Francisco. If I'm around, I'll hear what you say. And so will anyone else who happens to be within earshot. So be creative -- not insulting! - This is the Automatic Talking Machine! The words you type will magically be spoken out loud in my office here in San Francisco. If I'm around, I'll hear what you say. And so will anyone else who happens to be within earshot. So be creative -- not insulting! - This is the Automatic Talking Machine! The words you type will magically be spoken out loud in my office here in San Francisco. If I'm around, I'll hear what you say. And so will anyone else who happens to be within earshot. So be creative -- not insulting! - This is the Automatic Talking Machine! The words you type will magically be spoken out loud in my office here in San Francisco. If I'm around, I'll hear what you say. And so will anyone else who happens to be within earshot. So be creative -- not insulting! - This is the Automatic Talking Machine! The words you type will magically be spoken out loud in my office here in San Francisco. If I'm around, I'll hear what you say. And so will anyone else who happens to be within earshot. So be creative -- not insulting! -
01-11-2004, 00:18:47: anjelo pogee
01-11-2004, 02:36:50: hi how are you
01-11-2004, 11:43:37: As The Cow Turns is the best soap opera ever
01-12-2004, 07:42:19: Hiya, how're you today?
01-12-2004, 16:12:47: hi
01-13-2004, 20:18:37: hello my name is dick
01-14-2004, 09:18:10: Bite me Virginia
01-14-2004, 09:18:31: Bite me Virginia
01-14-2004, 09:19:04: kiss my ass virginia
01-14-2004, 09:20:55: Sorry there Rob, I thought if it would say it on my computer, not on your's and Virginia is sitting right in front of me. Have a good day and don't let your meatloaf!
01-14-2004, 19:11:40: world
01-16-2004, 01:32:05: Hello there is a call for you
01-16-2004, 04:59:16: ala ma kota
01-16-2004, 12:04:28: now what
01-16-2004, 16:44:01: Penis
01-17-2004, 16:39:19: It is 10:43 in BRISBANE,QUEENSLAND,AUSTRALIA
01-17-2004, 17:35:37: my name is rob hansen
01-17-2004, 17:36:10: my name is rob hansen
01-18-2004, 13:15:40: Welcome to Beyond existance clan server
01-18-2004, 14:00:03: motherfucker
01-18-2004, 14:00:28: motherfucker
01-18-2004, 14:01:07: hahahaha
01-20-2004, 08:35:41:
01-20-2004, 18:50:01: I used to live in San Francisco
01-20-2004, 19:24:10: hi
01-20-2004, 19:24:25: hi
01-20-2004, 19:25:31: nigger please
01-20-2004, 19:25:34: nigger please
01-20-2004, 19:25:35: nigger please
01-20-2004, 19:25:36: nigger please
01-20-2004, 19:25:37: nigger please
01-20-2004, 19:25:38: nigger please
01-20-2004, 19:25:38: nigger please
01-20-2004, 19:25:44: nigger please
01-20-2004, 19:25:46: nigger please
01-20-2004, 19:25:46: nigger please
01-20-2004, 19:25:47: nigger please
01-20-2004, 19:25:48: nigger please
01-22-2004, 02:16:48: hi goodmorning
01-22-2004, 13:45:26: I want you to lick my huge dick!!!
01-22-2004, 13:45:54: hello
01-22-2004, 13:48:50:
01-22-2004, 13:49:43: hello. how do you do?
01-22-2004, 13:51:38: it does not work
01-22-2004, 13:58:27: FUCK OFF
01-24-2004, 01:55:00:
01-24-2004, 01:56:00:
01-24-2004, 01:57:26: larry
01-24-2004, 01:57:39:
01-24-2004, 01:57:55:
01-24-2004, 04:02:36: this is a test
01-24-2004, 12:20:38: Sex please!!!
01-26-2004, 10:09:45: all your base are belong to us
01-26-2004, 10:10:28: somebody set us up the bomb
01-27-2004, 08:09:33: hej, pia. jeg elsker dig.
01-27-2004, 08:27:42: 2020 over and out
01-27-2004, 10:09:28: hello
01-28-2004, 20:39:00: All in the Church must preserve unity in essentials. But let all, according to the gifts they have received enjoy a proper freedom, in their various forms of spiritual life and discipline, in their different liturgical rites, and even in their theological elaborations of revealed truth. In all things let charity prevail. If they are true to this course of action, they will be giving ever better expression to the authentic catholicity and apostolicity of the Church.
On the other hand, Catholics must gladly acknowledge and esteem the truly Christian endowments from our common heritage which are to be found among our separated brethren. It is right and salutary to recognize the riches of Christ and virtuous works in the lives of others who are bearing witness to Christ, sometimes even to the shedding of their blood. For God is always wonderful in His works and worthy of all praise.
Nor should we forget that anything wrought by the grace of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of our separated brethren can be a help to our own edification. Whatever is truly Christian is never contrary to what genuinely belongs to the faith; indeed, it can always bring a deeper realization of the mystery of Christ and the Church.
Nevertheless, the divisions among Christians prevent the Church from attaining the fullness of catholicity proper to her, in those of her sons who, though attached to her by Baptism, are yet separated from full communion with her. Furthermore, the Church herself finds it more difficult to express in actual life her full catholicity in all her bearings.
This Sacred Council is gratified to note that the participation by the Catholic faithful in ecumenical work is growing daily. It commends this work to the bishops everywhere in the world to be vigorously stimulated by them and guided with prudence.
01-29-2004, 05:09:41: hi
01-29-2004, 05:10:33: where are you going
01-30-2004, 12:27:45: bob
01-30-2004, 12:29:05: hello i lie k tho dance
01-30-2004, 15:27:53: hi
01-30-2004, 15:28:12: hello
01-30-2004, 16:45:12: fuck you
01-30-2004, 16:45:39: fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you
01-31-2004, 22:00:41: does this work
02-01-2004, 09:17:55: Hello big boy. What are you doing today?
02-02-2004, 09:04:32: I am Ralph, the talking comuter!
02-02-2004, 22:31:39: i think you farted
02-03-2004, 09:34:55: Can you hear me?
02-03-2004, 09:38:42: "To fight with people face to face over advantages is the hardest thing in the world. " Chapter 7 "Armed Contest" "The Art of War" Sun Tzu
02-03-2004, 09:40:19: This is very cool- thank you for passing the time.
02-03-2004, 20:38:29: how are you
02-04-2004, 07:54:37: I love my husband darren
02-04-2004, 08:49:27: If you are sober, please go to www.kcdrinker.com immediately!
And thank you.
02-04-2004, 09:16:00: There are no monkeys to put out the fire. Someone else must do the job. And if we find no one else, then the monkeys will burn. Burn monkeys, burn.
02-04-2004, 09:17:00: The page cannot be displayed
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Click the Back button to try another link.
02-04-2004, 10:12:26: I just woke up, wouldn't you like to be in college too?
02-04-2004, 10:38:26: Uhhhh...o man this is embarrassing...uhhh do you have any toilet paper?
02-04-2004, 11:16:10: The sky is falling! The sky is falling!
02-04-2004, 12:01:34: How many times do I have to tell you! Get your finger out of your nose!
02-04-2004, 12:20:28: Hello there?
02-04-2004, 12:21:32: Woooo It's snowing in Tulsa.
02-04-2004, 12:22:11: what up my peeps!
02-04-2004, 12:23:44: Help me please, they have me, will not let me go. The things they make me do. Oh god, please help me please help me!
02-04-2004, 12:24:03: howdy folks
02-04-2004, 12:42:11: Yea, and God said to Abraham, 'You will kill your son Isaac.' And Abraham said, 'I can't hear you, you'll have to speak into the microphone.' And God said, 'Oh, I'm sorry, is this better? Check, check, check. Jerry, pull the high end out, I'm still getting some hiss back here.'
02-04-2004, 12:44:47: Just thought I'd say Hello
02-04-2004, 13:20:49: Hello Rob, Who cuts your hair?
02-04-2004, 13:21:42: Please spank me now.
02-04-2004, 13:45:26: hello
02-04-2004, 15:26:47: My wife is messing with her cat. The cat is very unhappy and making fussy noises. I wokr at a dialysis clinic.
02-04-2004, 15:34:33: All your base are belong to us.
02-04-2004, 16:22:27: Greetings Professor Falcon.
Shall we play a game?
02-04-2004, 16:36:33: hey fatty
02-04-2004, 16:55:17: Ewww Who farted?
02-04-2004, 17:00:02: All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us All your base are belong to us
02-04-2004, 17:25:10: Greetings and salutations... Narf to you!
02-04-2004, 17:33:16: Hello
02-04-2004, 18:22:22: hi, you are technology at the very pinnacle of cool, dig it
02-04-2004, 18:22:38: hi, you are technology at the very pinnacle of cool, dig it
02-04-2004, 18:25:28: all your base, base, base
all your base, now belong to us!
02-04-2004, 18:56:29: I cannot tell instant mashed potatoes from the real thing! Can you?
02-04-2004, 18:58:56: Bidges aint chit but hose and tricks. lick on these nuts and succ tha Deek. Gits that fugg out afta ya dunnnnnn. Then I hops in my Benz to make a quick runnnn.
02-04-2004, 18:59:43: I seeeee youuuu... STOP TOUCHING YOURSELF right now
02-04-2004, 19:21:34: Hello? Dave's not here.
02-04-2004, 21:40:47: Kings are so totally spunk-a-licious
02-04-2004, 22:02:04: Bonjour tous le monde
02-04-2004, 22:06:28: This is the way the world ends, this is the way the world ends, this is the way the world ends, not with a bang but a whimper.
02-04-2004, 23:00:02: howdy
02-05-2004, 01:07:40: marde alor
02-05-2004, 10:42:16: hello old boy
02-05-2004, 23:23:38: Greetings from Australia!
02-06-2004, 00:52:28: He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven
Had I the heavens' embroidered cloths
Enwrought with golden and silver light,
The blue and the dim and the dark cloths
Of night and light and the half-light,
I would spread the cloths under your feet:
But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
I have spread my dreams under your feet;
Tread carefully because you tread on my dreams.
02-06-2004, 00:59:08: b Yes, and thanks, for the trouble you took from her eyes
I thought it was there for good so I never tried. /b
02-06-2004, 03:07:41: I really should be doing some work, but I am having a hard time not thinking about the weekend.
02-06-2004, 03:32:56: Peanut Jockeys live 30 percent longer than camel tongues you know
02-06-2004, 04:00:18: Hi Rob. Greetings from sunny Sweden!
02-06-2004, 04:00:39: Hi Rob. Greetings from sunny Sweden!
02-06-2004, 04:00:44: Goosnargh
02-06-2004, 06:20:23: I'm on a free period at college in the UK and I'm bored. All my mates are in lessons. Bum fluff.
02-06-2004, 06:25:53: funny, I cannot believe someone else will actually hear this spoken out =)
02-06-2004, 07:42:42: I am so hot!
02-06-2004, 07:43:25: All your base belong to us
02-06-2004, 07:52:29: this is neat
02-06-2004, 08:35:17: Hello friend
02-06-2004, 10:31:56: rob, you'r fly is open
02-06-2004, 11:30:20: What do you call a man with no arms and no legs stuffed in a mailbox, , , , , , Bill
02-06-2004, 11:50:52: was machst du da ?
02-06-2004, 11:51:46: hallo
02-06-2004, 12:19:03: Hello, Rob!
This is a very interesting experiment.
02-06-2004, 12:40:58: This is kind of cool. I love the Yikes part of your webpage.
02-06-2004, 14:43:59: mnnnnnnnnnn pie
02-06-2004, 21:28:33: Boo. Scared you, didn't I?
02-07-2004, 00:34:15: This is the Automatic Talking Machine! The words you type will magically be spoken out loud in my office here in San Francisco. If I'm around, I'll hear what you say. And so will anyone else who happens to be within earshot. So be creative, not insulting!
02-07-2004, 12:34:05: that's the way i like it. uh huh uh huh
02-07-2004, 18:13:54: Why oh why did I dirnk that entire bottle of rum last night. I guess I was to into that pirate movie. Yo Ho Ho Ho a pirates life for me.
02-07-2004, 19:38:57: Is anyone really going to hear this?
02-08-2004, 05:29:20: Hello Rob Hansen. I wish we could hear the robot speak as well.
02-08-2004, 05:48:48: I'll work for 'tators.
02-08-2004, 06:23:04: what a strange person
02-08-2004, 06:58:56: rob, your bell end's poking out of your pants
02-08-2004, 11:45:04: have a nice day
02-08-2004, 13:02:52: Hello
02-08-2004, 16:21:11: If my mother calls, please tell her I'm at lunch.
02-09-2004, 03:56:55: Hi
02-09-2004, 03:57:42: We are borg
02-09-2004, 03:58:07: spam spam spam
02-09-2004, 10:43:26: I thought I had a handle on life, until it broke.
02-09-2004, 10:48:31: A guy walks into a bar.....OUCH!!!
02-09-2004, 22:13:06: I forgot my combination
02-10-2004, 13:38:26: juju tu deconne ta ace
02-10-2004, 16:46:50: i hate chicken
02-11-2004, 09:37:17: fuck you
02-11-2004, 09:38:02: hi
this is
02-12-2004, 04:45:55: hey rob get back to work!
02-12-2004, 09:49:58: We are currently accepting offers for the sale of the name and site of AutoTalk.com would you be interested? When we had the site up we had traffic from all over the world.We had more than $75,000 invested in the AutoTalk.com project. The name has been owned since 1996.
$15,000. Thanks,
Dan Todalen
Omaha, Nebraska
02-12-2004, 10:36:54: Hello,,,whats going on today?
02-12-2004, 10:37:56: I dont believe you actually hear all this stuff. I mean what would the point in that be?
02-12-2004, 17:14:12: Excuse You
02-13-2004, 12:42:49: hay lo
02-13-2004, 12:44:25: shit ive just spunked in a toaster
wow u gotta try this look wot colour it goes wen u turn it on!!!!!!!!!!!!
02-13-2004, 15:31:14: hello
02-13-2004, 20:56:05: me
02-13-2004, 20:56:18: hi
02-13-2004, 21:10:56: LOOK OUT BEHIND YOU
02-13-2004, 21:21:43: Hello my name is Kenneth Cashus Calabria
02-14-2004, 15:35:00: hi
02-14-2004, 18:35:23: xxcvxcv
02-14-2004, 18:35:35: Fuck you
02-14-2004, 18:35:59: Error 192345645484764947494
02-14-2004, 18:36:06: Error 192345645484764947494
02-14-2004, 18:36:14: poop
02-15-2004, 05:13:30: hello
02-15-2004, 10:43:44: Boo!
02-15-2004, 13:42:32: hello
02-15-2004, 14:21:24: Whazzup is not very creative, is it?
02-15-2004, 16:00:59: hello there
02-15-2004, 16:35:43: Me and my robot will prevail
02-16-2004, 18:26:03: Bensenhaver
02-16-2004, 21:48:46: It's a dead man's party!
02-16-2004, 22:59:41: hello
02-17-2004, 08:49:43: eat me
02-17-2004, 08:50:30: testing
02-17-2004, 09:28:20: DJ STEVE D IN THE MIX
02-17-2004, 10:51:09: hey
02-17-2004, 11:29:06: Hello, Rob
02-17-2004, 11:44:09: A long time in the future, space travel is commonplace. A few brave explorers travel far from our planet in search of life elseware. Some find it, some do not. One group lands upon a planet inhabited only by a single, gigantic humanoid life form. At first, they think it is a statue, because it never moves, but after running some tests, they determine that it is indeed alive. However, they find themselves unable to get any sort of response out of it. All it does is sit there, in a sort of crouch. None of their poking and prodding has the slightest effect. Finally, one frustrated biologist stands at the foot of the creature and shouts "How can a creature evolve that has arms and legs and a brain, but never uses them!?" As it happens, this is the first time a direct question has been asked in the presence of the creature. It slowly stands up, rising nearly fifty feet in the air, thinks for a bit, and then announces in a booming voice, "It cannot." At which point it sits down again.
"My god," cries the biologist, "it only stands to reason!"
This pun attributed to Spider Robinson, in his book Callahan's Crosstime Saloon.
02-17-2004, 11:48:11: dam is lame
02-17-2004, 11:48:17: dam is lame
02-17-2004, 11:48:27: adam is lame
02-17-2004, 11:49:48: hello
02-17-2004, 16:41:41: Yo Yo YO Listen . May I Have Your attention, Please.
Everyone shut the fuck Up , And Listen To me . I would Like Say FUCK YOU .
02-17-2004, 16:42:32: Yo Yo YO Listen . May I Have Your attention, Please.
Everyone shut the fuck Up , And Listen To me . I would Like Say FUCK YOU .
02-17-2004, 17:06:10: fear factor sucks big time nat and mike are doughheads
02-17-2004, 17:06:37: fear factor sucks big time nat and mike are doughheads
02-17-2004, 17:07:03:
02-17-2004, 17:11:00: nat is a doughhead
02-17-2004, 18:38:22: Hi, how are you today?
02-17-2004, 18:53:30: How are you?
02-17-2004, 20:59:04: hi charles
02-17-2004, 20:59:23: hi charles
02-18-2004, 01:25:14:
02-18-2004, 01:25:19: built on squares
02-18-2004, 09:48:00: fuck you
02-19-2004, 11:25:39: what the heck is this thing for?
02-19-2004, 11:26:35: what the heck is this thing for?
02-19-2004, 11:36:10: Can I put biscuits in your oven?
02-19-2004, 11:46:55: jason is gay
02-19-2004, 11:47:10: hi
02-19-2004, 11:47:23: hi
02-19-2004, 11:47:32: ert
02-19-2004, 14:00:28: You are listening to K Shots Radio
02-19-2004, 14:00:59: Please visit kamikaze shots dot com
02-19-2004, 16:54:51: This is D cubed nig mix. The dirty dirty,,dirty nig mix. enjoy
02-19-2004, 19:49:16: tmamuœka
02-20-2004, 05:13:37: shut up
02-20-2004, 05:16:25: andy likes men
02-20-2004, 08:35:16: your a cunt
02-20-2004, 09:57:47: theres some twats about I tell yer.
02-20-2004, 10:57:14: hi laura
02-20-2004, 10:57:15: hi laura
02-20-2004, 13:52:27: hello please call home
02-20-2004, 16:49:31: Hey
02-20-2004, 16:50:10: WHAT EVER
02-20-2004, 16:52:51: .
02-21-2004, 09:49:01: czêœæ
02-21-2004, 13:50:42: GO FUCK YOURSELF YOU GOD DAMN FAG!
02-21-2004, 14:55:24: i like little boys
02-21-2004, 16:49:56: hello does this thing work?
02-21-2004, 21:26:04: Ziye
02-21-2004, 21:26:52: Now, type what you want to tell me in the box below:
02-21-2004, 21:27:37: Automatic Talking Machine
02-22-2004, 07:33:24: hi
02-22-2004, 12:38:47: hello empolies, i am gay, thats right GAY AS ELTON JOHN. i think i may go home now and endulge in some buming
02-22-2004, 15:57:13: I love you koua!
02-22-2004, 17:32:54: matt wants the frog
02-22-2004, 17:33:06: matt wants the frog
02-22-2004, 17:51:45: hey
02-22-2004, 20:39:57: Where can I find a site similar to this one, but where I can hear what I say?
02-23-2004, 08:46:57: hello, erick
02-23-2004, 08:47:05:
02-23-2004, 08:47:26: help
02-23-2004, 13:55:08: hello
02-23-2004, 18:47:26: moorland fields rocks
02-24-2004, 07:40:35: what's up
02-24-2004, 08:12:13: kocham cie
02-24-2004, 08:12:48: krucafux
02-24-2004, 08:40:51: phillip is a nerd
02-24-2004, 08:53:40: wat the fuck
02-24-2004, 14:04:17: fuck you
02-24-2004, 22:41:25: hi there how are you ?
02-25-2004, 04:28:03: cunt
02-25-2004, 04:28:18: cunt
02-25-2004, 04:28:26: cunt
02-25-2004, 08:53:26: ok
02-25-2004, 11:59:43: hi
02-25-2004, 12:57:08: MISRAIM, Rite of. This Rite was introduced into France near the commencement of the present century. It made considerable progress, and in 1817, application was made on the part of its friends to the Grand Orient, to accept it as a legitimate branch of Masonry. The application was denied, partly on the ground that the antiquity of the Rite had not been proved, and partly because of the 90 degrees which its ritual comprised 68 were already included in the French system. The rite of Misraim is interesting and instructive, but many of its degrees are too abstruse to be popular. The initiation is a reproduction of the ancient rite of Isis, and represents the contests of Osiris and Typhon, the death, resurrection, and triumph of the former, and the destruction of the latter. there are 90 degrees divided into four series - symbolic, philosophical, mystical and cabalistic, and again divided into seventeen classes. The traditions of this system are full of anachronisms, historical events and characters, separated by hundreds of years, being made to figure on the same scene at the same time. The work entitled "De l'Ordre Maconnique de Misraim," published at Paris, in 1835, by Mons. Marc Bedirride, purporting to give the history of the Order, is a mere romance, and full of puerilities. Nevertheless, many of the degrees are highly interesting and instructive.
02-25-2004, 12:57:33: nhn
02-25-2004, 13:33:17: Hello from England
02-25-2004, 13:33:34:
02-25-2004, 13:35:00: Hello from Birmingham England
02-25-2004, 15:00:37: hello what is your name
02-25-2004, 15:04:59: ashley is gay
02-25-2004, 15:06:09: sod off
02-25-2004, 15:08:26: what is your name
02-25-2004, 15:08:48: hi
02-25-2004, 15:43:58: hello
02-25-2004, 18:05:42: Fuck you rob hansen!
02-25-2004, 20:32:54: are you a rapper
02-25-2004, 20:44:34: Nancy and liz are strong girls
02-26-2004, 06:33:28: hey dude
02-26-2004, 06:33:43: suck me
02-26-2004, 06:34:40: booger
02-26-2004, 06:39:06: hello
02-26-2004, 06:39:07: hello
02-26-2004, 06:39:08: hello
02-26-2004, 06:39:08: hello
02-26-2004, 06:39:45: for that i will kill you
02-26-2004, 06:41:30: i will kill you
02-26-2004, 06:42:10: why does this not work
02-26-2004, 10:11:51: well, well, well
02-26-2004, 13:20:53: It is but a falacy to believe that the universe is nothing but a magical place for men with no time to create computers that talk to them and make them feel more loved will ever love the problem that ugly men really are freaking ugly
02-26-2004, 13:21:23: John do you love me
02-26-2004, 13:21:34: yes i do lucy
02-26-2004, 13:21:48: lets get married
02-26-2004, 13:50:36: Hi, I'm from Canada. I just want to say 'hi'. 'hi'.
02-26-2004, 15:26:01: dire
02-26-2004, 15:26:20: dire
02-26-2004, 15:26:51: fuck off
02-27-2004, 02:04:24: welcome to c a raisons
02-27-2004, 05:27:24: hello gros pd
02-27-2004, 05:28:46: gros pd gros pd gros pd gros pd gros pd gros pd gros pdg ros pdgros pdgros pdgros pdgros pdgros pdgros pdgros pd
02-27-2004, 13:27:39: ik ben vet cool
02-27-2004, 15:07:12: happy birthday mom!
02-27-2004, 19:09:16: hey
02-28-2004, 06:17:34: How are you?
02-28-2004, 09:47:36: hello, where are you
02-28-2004, 16:12:57: hello
02-28-2004, 16:13:14: hello
02-28-2004, 16:41:13: queer
02-29-2004, 09:02:52: my name is zankhna
02-29-2004, 12:44:58: come on
02-29-2004, 12:45:20: hello
02-29-2004, 17:58:42: hey
02-29-2004, 18:06:37: Mother is hot
02-29-2004, 18:06:47: hello
03-01-2004, 10:22:07: i eat my own butt
03-01-2004, 16:02:31: hello
03-01-2004, 16:42:44: hello
03-01-2004, 17:45:38: hello
03-01-2004, 17:46:17: hey
03-01-2004, 18:49:46: hello patrick what are you watching on the t v
03-01-2004, 21:02:26: hello
03-01-2004, 21:02:44: hello
03-01-2004, 21:02:55: hello
03-01-2004, 21:03:08: hello my name is brian
03-02-2004, 07:18:49: hello
03-02-2004, 12:32:10: wats hangin
03-02-2004, 15:17:02: Can I speak to Brian Michelle please?
03-02-2004, 21:08:56: this might be interesting
03-03-2004, 06:08:26: hello
03-03-2004, 09:01:32: Hi i am gay
03-03-2004, 09:29:15: Hello
03-03-2004, 11:40:58: Jen is a ho bag
03-03-2004, 12:09:14: hey hey hey hey wooo hey licky licky yea yea fagadola!!!!!!
i love you rob xxxxxxxx
03-03-2004, 12:09:41: Hi Rob. Greetings from Derby Playhouse Theatre England. We are currently in the middle of Technical Rehearsals for Private Lives by Noel Coward. I'm sitting in the auditorium with nothing better to do than surf the web.
Have a nice day.
03-03-2004, 19:29:37: Fable Fucker
One Day There was a beagle out with his master who was hunting. As he trotted along he swelled with pride thinking about how with his huge cock and balls he can catch any lil ducky he fucking wanted to. He was proud of his lil beagle nuts as they wobbled to and throw. His owner new straight the fuck up that his doggy had the biggest balls in the world. He would chase after any shot down ducky no matter what. Some time the beagle used to fuck the duck in the ass before the owner came along. When he did get caught the owner used to slap his nuts. The beagle didn’t like getting his nuts slapped so he learned to hump the living shit out of them dead birdies like what. One day the beagle got a fucking STD on his big cock. He was like oh fuck not a ducky STD those are the worst kind and didn’t know what to do. First it was licking his nuts all the time to make them fell better, but he hated the smell of his own ass. So then it learned to start rubbing his cock on the carpet by dragging his ass close along the floor. Then he started getting carpet burn all over his ball sack. Then he just started swimming a lot to cool down his burning STD sweat sack. But that wasn’t enough for the poor puppy. The STD’s started spreading to his mouth and he started frothing at the mouth. His owner thought the poor lil puppy had rabies. So he took the poor puppy to see the vet. See but what the owner didn’t know is that the poor puppy is scared the fuck of the vet. Why you ask, cus every time he goes to the vet, he gets the dog to fuck him in the ass with his huge cock and balls. The vet sticks treats in his ass and the puppy starts licking the vets ass and then starts fucking him. So guess what, the vet got STD’s from the lil beagle with the huge ass nuts. So the vet does the normal exam on the Beagle and see’s that he is fine but gives his owner some med’s so the frothing at the mouth goes away. Funny enough the med’s got rid of all the STD’s so the Beagle could go around strutting his huge Cock and Balls again. But the Vet on the other hand, he’s got a nice case of anal STD’s.
The morals of the story are always wear a fucking condom no matter how corny your friends tell you they are, and if you ever become a fucking vet don’t get a dog to fuck you in the ass cus your sure to get STD’s from it and your going to get fired cus the owners realized that he got al of his animals to fuck him in the Ass. I bet that fucking ass hole is sorry now that he got STD’s from a Beagle. Beagle MODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a purve.
The Fucking End Yah Fucksores!!!!!!!
03-03-2004, 19:30:08: Fable Fucker
One Day There was a beagle out with his master who was hunting. As he trotted along he swelled with pride thinking about how with his huge cock and balls he can catch any lil ducky he fucking wanted to. He was proud of his lil beagle nuts as they wobbled to and throw. His owner new straight the fuck up that his doggy had the biggest balls in the world. He would chase after any shot down ducky no matter what. Some time the beagle used to fuck the duck in the ass before the owner came along. When he did get caught the owner used to slap his nuts. The beagle didn’t like getting his nuts slapped so he learned to hump the living shit out of them dead birdies like what. One day the beagle got a fucking STD on his big cock. He was like oh fuck not a ducky STD those are the worst kind and didn’t know what to do. First it was licking his nuts all the time to make them fell better, but he hated the smell of his own ass. So then it learned to start rubbing his cock on the carpet by dragging his ass close along the floor. Then he started getting carpet burn all over his ball sack. Then he just started swimming a lot to cool down his burning STD sweat sack. But that wasn’t enough for the poor puppy. The STD’s started spreading to his mouth and he started frothing at the mouth. His owner thought the poor lil puppy had rabies. So he took the poor puppy to see the vet. See but what the owner didn’t know is that the poor puppy is scared the fuck of the vet. Why you ask, cus every time he goes to the vet, he gets the dog to fuck him in the ass with his huge cock and balls. The vet sticks treats in his ass and the puppy starts licking the vets ass and then starts fucking him. So guess what, the vet got STD’s from the lil beagle with the huge ass nuts. So the vet does the normal exam on the Beagle and see’s that he is fine but gives his owner some med’s so the frothing at the mouth goes away. Funny enough the med’s got rid of all the STD’s so the Beagle could go around strutting his huge Cock and Balls again. But the Vet on the other hand, he’s got a nice case of anal STD’s.
The morals of the story are always wear a fucking condom no matter how corny your friends tell you they are, and if you ever become a fucking vet don’t get a dog to fuck you in the ass cus your sure to get STD’s from it and your going to get fired cus the owners realized that he got al of his animals to fuck him in the Ass. I bet that fucking ass hole is sorry now that he got STD’s from a Beagle. Beagle MODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a purve.
The Fucking End Yah Fucksores!!!!!!!
03-03-2004, 21:18:39: blah blah blah
03-04-2004, 01:02:28: hoy anya ti ar aramiden yo
03-04-2004, 01:04:13: agawid kayon
03-04-2004, 04:40:36: Do you think I'm funny? What am I, a clown?
03-04-2004, 04:41:08: Do you think I'm funny?
03-04-2004, 05:29:44: Rule you sure look like a faggit to me
03-04-2004, 05:35:57: Wake up Sharon
03-04-2004, 06:21:08: funny stuff
03-04-2004, 06:21:39: what tha
03-04-2004, 06:30:05: My sister opened a computer store in Hawaii. She sells C shells by the seashore.
03-04-2004, 07:27:54: hello
03-04-2004, 07:51:53: neat idea!
03-04-2004, 12:02:15: I never knew about this sort of tectnology until taday at work. Tell me more about it please?
03-04-2004, 12:26:02: RAAAAARGH.
03-04-2004, 12:27:29: I 1 2 C U P.
03-04-2004, 12:31:03: Andy sucks balls
03-04-2004, 14:03:24: fuck u all
03-04-2004, 16:21:59: Let's see, it'd be about 4 o clock there in S F. You guys still at work?
03-04-2004, 16:37:03: Someone wrote that this is quite possibly one of the worst ideas in a long time. After reading through the logs and seeing the abuse people sent in, I would have to agree. If I'd set my computer up to do this, I'd have turned the speakers off in frustration long ago...
03-04-2004, 17:22:14:
03-05-2004, 08:59:47: have you ever heard of a band called Shaggtribe?
03-05-2004, 10:59:07: turbo
03-05-2004, 10:59:17: yes
03-05-2004, 11:23:33: yoo
03-05-2004, 11:42:15: my pussy hurts when you talk to me that way
03-05-2004, 14:25:07: I guess I Cinzanio every day!
03-06-2004, 04:27:15: hello
03-06-2004, 04:30:46: hello there david
03-06-2004, 10:22:26: how do you speak?
03-06-2004, 10:34:00: come on now!talk
03-06-2004, 10:34:36: come on talk to me
03-06-2004, 10:48:42: I need a program that types for you when you speak
03-06-2004, 20:43:52: Poopie
03-07-2004, 05:37:44: hello
03-07-2004, 05:39:01: achknoledge
03-07-2004, 09:26:22: Dong Soo babo
03-07-2004, 09:26:31: Dong Soo babo
03-07-2004, 09:48:14: hello
03-07-2004, 09:58:05: Hello!!
03-07-2004, 09:58:37: HEy whats up everyone, im a gurl you like my boobs! wanna touch emm?
03-07-2004, 11:39:55: There are several indications that Tom Joad is a recent prison release. His clothing is recently prison-issued: it does not quite fit him, it is far too formal he walks down the road alone, wearing a suit, and is as yet spotless. He has few possessions with him. The truck driver immediately realizes Tom's recent circumstances; his probing questions, as Tom realizes, are meant to elicit the desired confession from him. The little information that Tom reveals about himself shows him to be a shrewd but uneducated man. He can barely write and does little more than hard labor, but he is clever enough to know how to manipulate the truck driver into giving him a ride.
03-07-2004, 11:41:16: There are several indications that Tom Joad is a recent prison release. His clothing is recently prison-issued: it does not quite fit him, it is far too formal he walks down the road alone, wearing a suit, and is as yet spotless. He has few possessions with him. The truck driver immediately realizes Tom's recent circumstances; his probing questions, as Tom realizes, are meant to elicit the desired confession from him. The little information that Tom reveals about himself shows him to be a shrewd but uneducated man. He can barely write and does little more than hard labor, but he is clever enough to know how to manipulate the truck driver into giving him a ride.
03-07-2004, 12:52:21: creviston is a douchebag
03-07-2004, 12:57:31: What up g?
03-07-2004, 13:49:10: Happy Birthday to the man with the knife
03-07-2004, 19:00:24: hello my sexy
03-07-2004, 19:24:01: my name is keegan
which came first the chicken or the egg
03-07-2004, 19:24:10: my name is keegan
which came first the chicken or the egg
03-07-2004, 23:50:05: no
03-08-2004, 09:12:00: shoemie
03-08-2004, 09:51:53: homosexuals shouldn't wear bra's
03-08-2004, 12:12:51: Free Martha!
03-08-2004, 13:15:56: hello, rory sucks dick
03-08-2004, 15:50:11: hi
03-08-2004, 15:50:24:
03-08-2004, 15:50:52: hello
03-08-2004, 16:18:42: WHHATS UP
03-08-2004, 17:52:43: hey rob how can i get a talking machine my next store neighbor had throat cancer and had her voicebox esophagus and everything else removed. it would be a lot easier to comunicate for her than writing in a note pad as she is an accomplished typer. thanks dave. email, deerslayer4331@aol.com
03-08-2004, 20:32:59: weener
03-08-2004, 20:48:43: hello. this is your refrigerator
03-08-2004, 20:56:18: hello mr. hansen
03-09-2004, 05:58:36: hi
03-09-2004, 06:04:15: I love you
03-09-2004, 09:16:14: hi i'm peter andre
03-09-2004, 09:42:05: shhheettt
03-09-2004, 09:42:37: I like to poo poo
03-09-2004, 13:35:44: Hi
03-09-2004, 14:22:25: shit
03-09-2004, 15:00:46: Hello
03-09-2004, 15:52:28: Fuck you
03-09-2004, 16:07:37:
03-09-2004, 16:08:22: hello asshole, nice to meet you
03-09-2004, 16:17:08: you are so cool
03-09-2004, 18:06:52: hell there
03-10-2004, 07:18:27: Voice Recognition and simulation. Neat!
03-10-2004, 07:53:19: fuck me please
03-10-2004, 10:30:23:
03-10-2004, 11:34:21: stuart is a bander
03-10-2004, 11:34:56: this is shite
03-10-2004, 14:52:50: Interesting idea to create a script that does more than display information in pixels. So far, people have created robots, which display information as movement. People have created cameras controlled from the user end that combine both ideologies. You have created a script that displays information as speech that is user controlled. This leaves taste, smell, touch, elastic scripts that can be changed at user level. possible combinations of former and later, and things not yet thought of. Truely a new paradigm. Congrats on being on the cutting edge of it.
03-10-2004, 15:25:54: Hello sir
03-10-2004, 20:45:07: hola
03-10-2004, 20:45:57: drhsrthjtrajsryjsgjrjrjarjarjarjaj
03-10-2004, 21:03:10: fo shizzle nizzle
03-10-2004, 21:23:22: I,m a male
03-10-2004, 21:24:26:
03-10-2004, 21:25:35: yes
03-10-2004, 21:27:19: I,m twenty nine years old
03-10-2004, 21:27:42:
03-10-2004, 21:28:07: I,m portuguese
03-11-2004, 00:36:44: hello
03-11-2004, 07:54:23: i had no penis when i had it removed by castration
03-11-2004, 07:55:26: im sorry, i didnt realise it was spoken out loud, oopsy doopsy
03-11-2004, 21:20:53: i am a faggot
03-12-2004, 06:44:11: hi
03-12-2004, 06:45:43: i want to make you my bitch and stuff your fun hole.. with my hot man ju-ju .. yeah thats right.. im gonna poop all over you. your worthless.. god hates you... you touch yourself at night..
03-12-2004, 06:49:03: ajfjksadlkjldjskalk;djkquiruioqouieqewuoiewquoiwowuqiuiqouiweqouiqweojaksdlk;jdsf;lkjsfdljk;fsdajklmn,zcx,nxcznxcxm,cajksfdjkfsajafskljklquiwuoiqwoiuwoqiweurlkjaflkjfkfkasl;lakjasdfasdfgjl;kh;lkjzxvcm,.zvm,.xvnzxm,bqwieruoptyp[asdfh;jkagd;jkqweyupqweruiopqweytupioqwetyuipqewtyuipqewtyuipqwertyuipasdf;jiasghjkladsjg;kasdghjklasjkdghsadfhkj
03-12-2004, 12:00:40: patsy you are a nob
03-12-2004, 15:45:40: yo yo yo. i'm not hizzere, so leave a message and i will hit you back up later, gangster.
03-13-2004, 01:50:31: hi is tina there?
03-13-2004, 09:05:42: hi
03-13-2004, 12:06:18: anet jankowska
03-13-2004, 12:06:31: aneta
03-13-2004, 12:28:07: Hello
03-13-2004, 12:28:34: What?
03-13-2004, 17:03:48: Zac is the biggest fucking gimp ever
03-13-2004, 20:08:51: testing the software
03-13-2004, 20:09:17: tesing
03-13-2004, 21:20:09: FUCK YOU RACHEL GREEN
03-13-2004, 21:20:22: R
03-14-2004, 00:28:10: MAN DO I LOVE CHILI!
03-14-2004, 17:38:39: josh.
03-14-2004, 18:01:49: Help me I'm drowning in my own fecies!
03-14-2004, 19:43:51: Drink Mother Fuckers
03-14-2004, 19:46:31: Hello pepo
03-14-2004, 22:32:46: hello
03-15-2004, 00:16:59: hey mom ok
03-15-2004, 01:53:39: My name is Fenn, i suck balls
03-15-2004, 03:13:34: Hello
03-15-2004, 13:30:40: Versteht der auch deutsch ?
03-15-2004, 13:36:41: Ok
03-15-2004, 13:37:21:
03-15-2004, 17:26:41: hi
03-15-2004, 17:41:16: In the early 1900s Europe seemed to be at peace. There had not been a major war in the region since 1871. Yet political tensions were building, and most nations continued to strengthen their armed forces. In 1888 German chancellor Otto von Bismarck had introduced a bill to the German parliament that added 750,000 soldiers to the German army. In his address he declared, "We no longer ask for love, either from France or Russia. We run after nobody. We Germans fear God and nothing else on earth!" Before long, such aggressive attitudes would lead to war on the European continent.
03-15-2004, 17:44:02: In the early 1900s Europe seemed to be at peace. There had not been a major war in the region since 1871. Yet political tensions were building, and most nations continued to strengthen their armed forces. In 1888 German chancellor Otto von Bismarck had introduced a bill to the German parliament that added 750,000 soldiers to the German army. In his address he declared, "We no longer ask for love, either from France or Russia. We run after nobody. We Germans fear God and nothing else on earth!" Before long, such aggressive attitudes would lead to war on the European continent.
03-15-2004, 17:44:29: In the early 1900s
03-15-2004, 19:41:59: Dylan, I want to eat your butt hole
03-16-2004, 10:12:40: hello
03-16-2004, 16:01:07: hi
03-16-2004, 16:07:40: hi
03-16-2004, 16:30:21: Hey, mister. Just wanted to say hello from Dallas, Texas!
03-17-2004, 09:01:27: hello
03-17-2004, 12:07:17: hi brian
03-17-2004, 12:07:37: hi brian
03-17-2004, 12:09:57: hi brian
03-17-2004, 12:10:27: whats up
03-17-2004, 13:51:54: hello, my name is geraldine
03-17-2004, 13:52:11: hi
03-17-2004, 17:03:48: I have a professional need for this type of software, Can you help?
03-17-2004, 17:26:33: Praise The Lord
03-17-2004, 21:01:25: Hello there
03-18-2004, 08:53:22: hello
03-18-2004, 08:53:39: hello
03-18-2004, 13:12:50: ricky....this is your brain....wake up
03-18-2004, 13:13:06: ricky....this is your brain....wake up
03-18-2004, 13:15:28: ricky this is your brain wake up
03-18-2004, 13:39:24: fuck off john
03-18-2004, 13:44:37: ale jaja
03-18-2004, 13:44:37: ale jaja
03-18-2004, 13:45:15: ale jaja
03-18-2004, 13:45:34: ale jaja
03-18-2004, 17:08:56: Sup Dudes
03-18-2004, 18:00:59: Fuck you Jason
03-18-2004, 18:01:11: i found it jason
03-18-2004, 18:50:48: hello
03-19-2004, 15:16:35: fuck you
03-19-2004, 22:29:32: Phillip smells like hot sauce and glue
03-19-2004, 22:30:54: My goat hurts
03-20-2004, 00:22:26: balloons
03-20-2004, 12:36:54: In the world of today, monkeys not only scream, and give rabies, they also fly in the tail-propelled hover cars!
03-21-2004, 00:27:02: Hello there! I don't think you are awake now- it's 2:23 am, CST. Have a nice Sunday.
03-21-2004, 07:01:21: hello
03-21-2004, 12:07:03: ARSE BISCUITS
03-21-2004, 23:33:42: my name is dave
03-22-2004, 12:01:46: hello
03-22-2004, 17:21:10: hello
03-22-2004, 17:21:32: hello
03-22-2004, 17:22:15: know what
03-22-2004, 17:24:43: ghj
03-22-2004, 17:24:51: hgblkjjh
03-22-2004, 17:32:40: hello
03-22-2004, 17:33:18: what is happening
03-22-2004, 22:02:56: yo dawg how's it hangin on da flip side? thats off the hizzle fo shizzle my nizzle
03-23-2004, 04:33:11: JAN PRONK
03-23-2004, 13:29:17: hello
03-23-2004, 13:29:24: hello
03-23-2004, 13:30:00: hi
03-23-2004, 14:35:48: hey rob im sorry its a little late but i have to tell you something....it's a little hard for me to say this but as your doctor i must tell you........you might want to come to my office for this but i know your a busy man .........bob...you have A.I.D.S im sorry i really am
03-23-2004, 14:39:46: rob i got to tell you... i fucked your toaster..yea im sorry so thats why in the car when you said this toast taste funny i laughed and then when you said what the hell is this white stuff i laughed even harder it was funny love tommy
03-23-2004, 19:00:01: hello rebeccah
03-23-2004, 19:00:45: hello rebeccah
03-23-2004, 19:00:56: hello rebeccah
03-23-2004, 19:01:53: hello rebeccah
03-24-2004, 05:09:47: hello
03-24-2004, 09:50:13: Hi
03-24-2004, 10:43:57: what is happening
03-24-2004, 10:44:27: what is happening
03-24-2004, 11:01:13: sraka
03-24-2004, 11:01:25: sraka
03-24-2004, 11:09:33: Touche
03-24-2004, 11:10:11: Touche
03-24-2004, 18:15:10: JOHN IS A WHORE AND IT DOES TOO WORK!
03-25-2004, 17:26:37: hihihiihih du habst ein klein Schwanze
03-25-2004, 17:30:12: how do we know you aren't folling everyone and you aren't listening to anyone? Huh!?! EXPLAIN THAT BITCH
03-25-2004, 17:34:47: well if you are listening let me explain a story. when i was just a youngen (i'm 75) wellllll let's just say i wasn't the best of kids. I was an annoying bastard. always getting in trouble I'd yell at the techer just like this "Ms. Bumsen, wanna have leet secks?!" She'd reply "oh yes, i love that große Schwanze hihihihihihi" all of sudden she turned german, Then the kids yelled "NAZI NAZI NAZI NAzi HELP" and they were all pwnz0red. I was liek, OMG ROFL it's my fault. and then i bined her XD
03-25-2004, 18:07:57: hello
03-25-2004, 18:08:11: hello
03-25-2004, 22:44:27: what is this?
03-26-2004, 06:52:31: thanks Jose
03-26-2004, 06:52:50: thanks
03-26-2004, 07:15:56: hello
03-26-2004, 11:28:42: Hello you have reached Mark, A.K.A. Domby and Big City. I can't get to the phone, so leave a message.
03-26-2004, 15:04:37: I had my tongue removed and need something that will help me communicate.
03-26-2004, 15:05:30: I had my tongue removed and need something to help me communicate.
03-26-2004, 19:17:31: Excuse me, but i have done your B M G member get a member program, and you should have recieved your cd which was Chicago the movie soundtrack. But you have not responded to my email yet, when am i going to get my other two names for people that want to join the club, so i can get my other half of the free cds?
03-26-2004, 20:26:40: Hello
03-27-2004, 17:26:37: This is Renee's voicemail.
03-27-2004, 17:28:12: I have monkey's dancing in my pants.
03-28-2004, 07:23:42: I like working in the office
03-28-2004, 12:21:59: jam tarts
03-28-2004, 15:26:31:
03-28-2004, 15:26:46: hi
03-28-2004, 15:27:22:
03-28-2004, 15:28:16: hi
03-28-2004, 19:42:34: hello
03-28-2004, 22:31:12: This is COOL
03-29-2004, 11:40:25: hello every one
03-29-2004, 18:53:30: Yo, my bro.
03-30-2004, 10:54:34: i am on the moon
03-30-2004, 12:54:56: Hello James
03-30-2004, 15:19:23: fuck
03-30-2004, 15:40:05: kevin smith
03-30-2004, 15:40:22:
03-30-2004, 15:40:32: kavin smith
03-31-2004, 02:36:19: Hello
03-31-2004, 07:27:06: hiya , hows u today?
03-31-2004, 10:50:04: Hello
03-31-2004, 12:37:11: hi
04-01-2004, 11:10:21: Hello
04-01-2004, 12:34:41: yo
04-01-2004, 14:03:52: hello
04-01-2004, 15:05:05: hello if you can hear me please email yes to q w z x a s 1 5 at hot mail . com thank you
04-01-2004, 16:14:35: Hi, I have a real headache
04-01-2004, 16:15:13: Hi, I have a real headache
04-01-2004, 16:16:49: hi im mauricio
04-01-2004, 20:20:36: hey hi robbie move that body !
04-02-2004, 07:53:16: I don't believe you can hear what I'm saying!
04-02-2004, 10:07:45: was geht
04-02-2004, 15:23:41: hey buddy if u can really hear this , i m offering u a full fifteen nights at my hotel "Elounda Beach" at Creta , Greece (one of the most expensive all over the world)
;-) but, u must submit some REAL and not FAKE proof that this system works ;-) u know how to find and contact me ,
via the hotel's site ;0) FIND IT !!!!
04-02-2004, 15:35:39: if u cannot , your problem buddy !
04-02-2004, 15:46:39: Yeah, i've used your bmg member-get-a member thing, and you should have received your cd, but my record says i'm still waiting to be approved, please update this so i can get my other free cds... thanks
04-02-2004, 15:47:23: Yeah, i've used your bmg member-get-a member thing, and you should have received your cd, but my record says i'm still waiting to be approved, please update this so i can get my other free cds... thanks. I'm michael, my cd to you was the chicago soundtrack thing.
04-02-2004, 21:09:43: hi
04-02-2004, 21:10:02: hi
04-02-2004, 21:10:09: hi
04-02-2004, 21:34:17: hello
04-02-2004, 21:34:55: you suck
04-02-2004, 23:39:06: whats up hommie
04-03-2004, 07:55:40: i think you are a twat
04-03-2004, 08:48:19: hello all craig wade from london england here love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
04-03-2004, 16:37:30: matt
04-04-2004, 07:47:53: hello
04-04-2004, 13:02:33: What are you wearing?
04-04-2004, 13:06:01: hey baby
04-04-2004, 13:07:06: yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooou poooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooop heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
04-04-2004, 13:09:08: 3/22 Continued Principles of fluid balance
Capillary Hydrostatic pressure: Pressure exerted by fluid inside the capillary outward against the capillary membrane.
Ø An increase in hydrostatic pressure will cause interstitial edema; CHF, renal failure, vein obstruction.
Ø 32 mmHg on arterial end
Ø 12 mmHg on venous end
Ø You increase the blood pressure you increase the filtration rate.
Interstitial Fluid pressure: Pressure exerted by fluid outside the capillary against the capillary membrane.
Ø Only 1 mmHg.
Ø It serves to help keep the fluid in the capillaries.
Ø It is like a lake transport system.
Plasma colloidal Oncotic Pressure (PCOP): Pressure exerted by osmotic pull of proteins inside the blood vessels. Fluid is therefore pulled into vessel from the interstitial space. It works by osmosis.
Ø Any condition that decreases amount of protein in plasma will decrease the PCOP; burns, trauma, chronic diarrhea, malnutrition. Liver disease. Interstitial edema will then occur.
Ø Any condition that increase the amount of protein in the plasma will increase the PCOP; IV blood and protein product, etc. Hypervolemia can occur.
Ø Normal PCOP is 22 mmHg
KNOW: The amount of fluid in the vessels and the blood pressure determines the capillary hydrostatic pressure.
You want a decrease in hydrostatic pressure at the venous end so the fluids can get back into the vein so it can get rid of waste.
Know that PCOP is the big player that gets fluid into the vessel.
Know that cap is the big player that gets it out!
PCOP is the pressure of fluid outside the capillary against the capillary membrane. The PCOP works by osmosis so it pulls it in.
Use 18 gauge big needle for blood IV.
Insert Vessel picture here:
Tissue Colloidal Osmotic Pressure (TCOP): Pressure exerted by osmotic pull of proteins in the interstitial space.
Ø Any condition that increases the protein in the interstitial space can cause edema; burns, chronic diarrhea, liver disease, malnutrition, trauma.
TCOP: If you get an increase in TCOP you get edema ex. Burns.
**Rales in the lungs tells you that you have a high TCOP in the lungs.
Causes of problem:
1. Malnourished – which decreases the 22 mm from the capillary end.
2. GI disease.
**Gravity increases the hydrostatic pressure making venule blood pooling occur.
***Know: If you are lying on your left lung is has better perfusion but the right lung has better expansion.
*Therefore: fluid is forced out of capillary by hydrostatic pressure and pulled back into the venule by PCOP. Balance between interstitial space and intravascular space is dependent on blood pressure and plasma protein concentration.
An alteration in one compartment causes alteration in the other two.
Fluid Excess
Vascular Hypervolemia – Excess fluid in the intravascular space. This will cause an increase in the capillary hydrostatic pressure and a decrease in the plasma colloidal oncotic pressure due to dilution. However, if protein IV’s are given then the plasma colloidal oncotic pressure will increase.
KNOW: With Vascular hypervolemial the capillary hydrostatic pressure increases increases and the PCOP decreases d/t dilution.
Central venous angle- note the angle the patient is lying at.
Clinical findings: increase in b/p; full, bounding peripheral pulses (+3/3); distended peripheral veins; jugular distention (JVD); may have s/s of pulmonary edema.
Ø Decrease IV to KVO rate (20cc/hr) …don’t wait for doctor’s order to do this!!! KNOW 20cc/hr is KVO rate!!
Ø Elebate HOB to ease breathing
Ø Place legs in dependent position if possible to decrease venous return to heart
Ø Decrease pateint’s anxiety
Ø ***Morphine IV will decrease preload and afterload d/t vasodilating effects. Preload is the fluid going into the right side of heart and decreasing afterload is decreasing lung load.
Ø Adminster O2 via nasal cannula as ordered.
Ø I and O
Ø Daily weights for maintenance; a liter of water weighs 2.2 # or one kilogram or 5 lbs = 2 liters
Ø Rotating tourniquets may be applied in emergency situations Trying to decrease venous return to the heart. This is an emergency tourniquet on 3 extremities rotated to decrease the venous return.
Edema: (“second spacing” of fluid) – excess fluid in the interstitial space. Edema appears first in tissues which are poorly protected against hydrostatic pressure, i.e. skin and subcutaneous tissues in dependent parts of the body. Edema creeps upward and pitting edema can be seen after a 10% weight gain.
Clincal Findings: puffy eyelids or bags under eyes; pale, tight, shiny skin; SOB, dyspnea, moist rales, hoarseness, swollen ankles, rings tight, shoes tight, belt tight.
Ø Elevate affected body part to increase venous return to the heart except if they are having trouble breathing which means there is edema in the lungs.
· There is a test question on positioning!
Ø Promote activity as much as possible
Ø Fluid restrictions may be necessary along with low Na+ diet
Ø Diuretics; IV or PO depends on functional GI
Ø Teach patient to avoid anything that would restrict circulation
Ø Avoid sitting with pressure against back of knees or crossing legs.
Wrinkled teds = a tourniquet.
Know the dif between edema and hypervolemia! Edema = an increase in interstitial space and vascular hypervolemia = an increase in intrascular space.
Diuretics wash out K+ and all electrolytes. Always watch K+ levels.
Know s/s of hypo and hyperkalemia!!!!!
Put in here:
Water intoxication: excess fluid in the intracellular space. Most often caused by excessive IV fluids, especially hypotonic (ex. .45% normal saline); can be related to psychiatric disorder.
Ø Clinical findings: brain responds poorly…This is the key #1 s/s of water intoxication. Cerebral edema occurs.
· There is disturbed thought/behavior; apprehension, irritabliltiy, restlessness, confusion, lethargy, coma and death occur.
· Patient seldom has visible edema.
Ø Interventions: #1 is prevention!
· Monitor IVs to prevent “run away” IV fluids.
· Monitor urinary output
· Assess serum Na+
· Administer plasma expanders, e.g. albumin, mannitol, dextran
***KNOW if you have cerebral edema give plasma expanders!!!! They are hypertonic and draw fluid out of the cells!!! Plasma expanders include albumin, mannitol and dextran.
Third spacing – fluids move into inaccessible spaces in the body; fluids move out of intravascular space and are retained there; there is no actual decrease in total fluid volume; hence body weight will be unchanged.
** Suspect third spacing if intravascular volume decreases (drop in b/p and hr!!!) without an increase in urinary output or a decrease in body weight.
Conditions under which this can occur: intestinal obstruction (paralytic ileus), cellulites, crushing injuries, vascular occlusions. Actually, can occur in any space in which there is normally a small amount of fluid, e.g. pleural space, pericardial space, eye, synovial space, digestive tract, etc.
Paralytic ileus is a paralyzed portion of the bowel. A paralytic ileus has a drop in bp and increase in HR. There is a loss of water into the vascular area.
****KNOW: Although there is fluid excess, THIRD SPACING is really a special form of DEHYRADATION.
Beware….after fluid is third space it may move back into the vascular system causing hypervolemia.
Treatment: IV plasma expanders!!!! E.g. dextran, albumin etc.
Fluid deficit
Three Stages:
Simple dehydration: dry skin, loss of skin turgor, weight loss
Advanced fluid loss: falling b/p; weak, thready, rapid pulse
Hypovolemic shock: signs of renal failure occur
Death occurs when 15 – 25 % of body fluid is lost.
Clinical findings: vary based on degree of dehyrdration
· Thirst, but altered mechanism in elderly so not a reliable sign. If you are thirsty you are already down 1500ccs.
· Dry skin and mucous membranes with poor tissue turgor,(check chest/back of forearm) hollow eyes (seen in kids), shrunken and wrinkled, furrowed tongue (scrotal tongue).
· Temperature elevation (mild 100.5 d/t lack of H20 to cool body)
· Weight loss
· Orthostatic hypotension and decreased b/p
· Tachycardia (increased hr d/t baroreceptors in arteries.
· Pale, cold extremities d/t peripheral vasoconstriction
· Oliguria (decreased urine) to anuria (no urine) with dark, concentrated urine with high specific gravity.
· Increase in Hct, Hgb, Na+, serum osmolality d/t high solute relative to sovent(H20)
· Normally your Hct is 3 X your Hgb If it is increased think of the hydration status. You can also dehydrate in pools and oceans.
· Apathy, fatigue, stupor, delirium when CNS affected d/t cerebral cells shrinking, death can occur. ** Increase in serum osmolality causes water to leave cells.
Interventions: give fluids!…PO vs IV based on stage of dehydration.
Monitor Ivs
Scrupulous oral care
Balance rest and activity
Adequate nutrition
I and O, daily weighs
**Monitor for overhydration or hypervolemia (overshooting the mark) Ex. If you give a runner water at the end of a race they can get water intoxication.
Normal: (135 – 145mEq)
· If Na+ imbalance they are like to have a K+ imbalance
· Association of water and fluid control
· Conduction of neuro impulses
· Extracellular cation
· Helps regulate ADH secretion
Causes – lose Na+ (GI loss)
· Diuretics,
· Burns,
· Tap water enemas,
· Salt restricted diets
· Decrease in aldosterone.
S/S of Hyponatremia
· poor skin turgor,
· rthostatic hypotensionwith an increase in HR
· weak pulses
· Muscle cramping
· Anorexia
· N/V
· Fatigue
· Apathy
· Headache
· Vertigo
Treatment of Hyponatremia
Replace Na+: IV or PO
Causes: Lose more H20 than Na+
· Kidney failure(RF)
· Increase in Aldosterone production
S/S of hypernatremia
· Dry sticky mucous membrane,
· Thirst
· Rubbery tissue turgor
· Flushed
· Increase in temperature,
· Decrease in b/p
· Decrease in VO
· Increase in HR
· Dry rough tongue
Treatment of hypernatremia
Treat cause of increase
Restrict Na+ intake,
May have fluids restricted
Normal: (3.5 – 5.5 mEq)
Cell Cation
Body doesn’t conserve K+ you need it in your diet daily
Neuromuscular activity
Acid/base regulation
Causes: GI loss,
· Diuretics
· Increase in Aldosterone production
· Inadequate intake
· Stress
· Polyuria
S/S Mainly NM:
· Decreased appetite
· Vomit
· Decrease in peristalsis
· Intestinal obstruction
· Distended abdomen
· Soft, flabby muscles
· Shallow increased respirations
· Arythmias
· Flattened T waves
· Weak increase in pressure
***Note: Hypokalemia potentiates action of digoxin.
Never IV push K+
Treatment: IV or PO K+
· Never give more than 10 – 20 mEq/hr IV
· Shock/cell death
· Burns
· Trauma
· Renal failure
· Adrenal insufficiency
· Stored blood (preservatives)
· Diarrhea
· Nausea
· Heart Arrhythmias
· General muscle weakness
· Paresthesia of extremities
· Peaked T waves
· Hypertonic glucose IV with insulin
· Kaexelate: oral or rectal
Know the dif b/w s/s of hypo and hyperkalemia.
The body handles anion imbalances better than cation imbalances. It needs the cations balanced.
Know all normal numbers.
Case Study #1
93 year old female
Malnourished, weak, very restless, flushed
· Low protein so TCOP and PCOP are affected
· Dehydrated effects cap pressure and hydrostatic pressure
· Very restless
· Skin flushed so this says there is an increase in temp which = dehydration
T 101.4
B/P 136/80
P 90
R 28 *high
04-04-2004, 13:09:10: 3/22 Continued Principles of fluid balance
Capillary Hydrostatic pressure: Pressure exerted by fluid inside the capillary outward against the capillary membrane.
Ø An increase in hydrostatic pressure will cause interstitial edema; CHF, renal failure, vein obstruction.
Ø 32 mmHg on arterial end
Ø 12 mmHg on venous end
Ø You increase the blood pressure you increase the filtration rate.
Interstitial Fluid pressure: Pressure exerted by fluid outside the capillary against the capillary membrane.
Ø Only 1 mmHg.
Ø It serves to help keep the fluid in the capillaries.
Ø It is like a lake transport system.
Plasma colloidal Oncotic Pressure (PCOP): Pressure exerted by osmotic pull of proteins inside the blood vessels. Fluid is therefore pulled into vessel from the interstitial space. It works by osmosis.
Ø Any condition that decreases amount of protein in plasma will decrease the PCOP; burns, trauma, chronic diarrhea, malnutrition. Liver disease. Interstitial edema will then occur.
Ø Any condition that increase the amount of protein in the plasma will increase the PCOP; IV blood and protein product, etc. Hypervolemia can occur.
Ø Normal PCOP is 22 mmHg
KNOW: The amount of fluid in the vessels and the blood pressure determines the capillary hydrostatic pressure.
You want a decrease in hydrostatic pressure at the venous end so the fluids can get back into the vein so it can get rid of waste.
Know that PCOP is the big player that gets fluid into the vessel.
Know that cap is the big player that gets it out!
PCOP is the pressure of fluid outside the capillary against the capillary membrane. The PCOP works by osmosis so it pulls it in.
Use 18 gauge big needle for blood IV.
Insert Vessel picture here:
Tissue Colloidal Osmotic Pressure (TCOP): Pressure exerted by osmotic pull of proteins in the interstitial space.
Ø Any condition that increases the protein in the interstitial space can cause edema; burns, chronic diarrhea, liver disease, malnutrition, trauma.
TCOP: If you get an increase in TCOP you get edema ex. Burns.
**Rales in the lungs tells you that you have a high TCOP in the lungs.
Causes of problem:
1. Malnourished – which decreases the 22 mm from the capillary end.
2. GI disease.
**Gravity increases the hydrostatic pressure making venule blood pooling occur.
***Know: If you are lying on your left lung is has better perfusion but the right lung has better expansion.
*Therefore: fluid is forced out of capillary by hydrostatic pressure and pulled back into the venule by PCOP. Balance between interstitial space and intravascular space is dependent on blood pressure and plasma protein concentration.
An alteration in one compartment causes alteration in the other two.
Fluid Excess
Vascular Hypervolemia – Excess fluid in the intravascular space. This will cause an increase in the capillary hydrostatic pressure and a decrease in the plasma colloidal oncotic pressure due to dilution. However, if protein IV’s are given then the plasma colloidal oncotic pressure will increase.
KNOW: With Vascular hypervolemial the capillary hydrostatic pressure increases increases and the PCOP decreases d/t dilution.
Central venous angle- note the angle the patient is lying at.
Clinical findings: increase in b/p; full, bounding peripheral pulses (+3/3); distended peripheral veins; jugular distention (JVD); may have s/s of pulmonary edema.
Ø Decrease IV to KVO rate (20cc/hr) …don’t wait for doctor’s order to do this!!! KNOW 20cc/hr is KVO rate!!
Ø Elebate HOB to ease breathing
Ø Place legs in dependent position if possible to decrease venous return to he
04-04-2004, 13:09:12: 3/22 Continued Principles of fluid balance
Capillary Hydrostatic pressure: Pressure exerted by fluid inside the capillary outward against the capillary membrane.
Ø An increase in hydrostatic pressure will cause interstitial edema; CHF, renal failure, vein obstruction.
Ø 32 mmHg on arterial end
Ø 12 mmHg on venous end
Ø You increase the blood pressure you increase the filtration rate.
Interstitial Fluid pressure: Pressure exerted by fluid outside the capillary against the capillary membrane.
Ø Only 1 mmHg.
Ø It serves to help keep the fluid in the capillaries.
Ø It is like a lake transport system.
Plasma colloidal Oncotic Pressure (PCOP): Pressure exerted by osmotic pull of proteins inside the blood vessels. Fluid is therefore pulled into vessel from the interstitial space. It works by osmosis.
Ø Any condition that decreases amount of protein in plasma will decrease the PCOP; burns, trauma, chronic diarrhea, malnutrition. Liver disease. Interstitial edema will then occur.
Ø Any condition that increase the amount of protein in the plasma will increase the PCOP; IV blood and protein product, etc. Hypervolemia can occur.
Ø Normal PCOP is 22 mmHg
KNOW: The amount of fluid in the vessels and the blood pressure determines the capillary hydrostatic pressure.
You want a decrease in hydrostatic pressure at the venous end so the fluids can get back into the vein so it can get rid of waste.
Know that PCOP is the big player that gets fluid into the vessel.
Know that cap is the big player that gets it out!
PCOP is the pressure of fluid outside the capillary against the capillary membrane. The PCOP works by osmosis so it pulls it in.
Use 18 gauge big needle for blood IV.
Insert Vessel picture here:
Tissue Colloidal Osmotic Pressure (TCOP): Pressure exerted by osmotic pull of proteins in the interstitial space.
Ø Any condition that increases the protein in the interstitial space can cause edema; burns, chronic diarrhea, liver disease, malnutrition, trauma.
TCOP: If you get an increase in TCOP you get edema ex. Burns.
**Rales in the lungs tells you that you have a high TCOP in the lungs.
Causes of problem:
1. Malnourished – which decreases the 22 mm from the capillary end.
2. GI disease.
**Gravity increases the hydrostatic pressure making venule blood pooling occur.
***Know: If you are lying on your left lung is has better perfusion but the right lung has better expansion.
*Therefore: fluid is forced out of capillary by hydrostatic pressure and pulled back into the venule by PCOP. Balance between interstitial space and intravascular space is dependent on blood pressure and plasma protein concentration.
An alteration in one compartment causes alteration in the other two.
Fluid Excess
Vascular Hypervolemia – Excess fluid in the intravascular space. This will cause an increase in the capillary hydrostatic pressure and a decrease in the plasma colloidal oncotic pressure due to dilution. However, if protein IV’s are given then the plasma colloidal oncotic pressure will increase.
KNOW: With Vascular hypervolemial the capillary hydrostatic pressure increases increases and the PCOP decreases d/t dilution.
Central venous angle- note the angle the patient is lying at.
Clinical findings: increase in b/p; full, bounding peripheral pulses (+3/3); distended peripheral veins; jugular distention (JVD); may have s/s of pulmonary edema.
Ø Decrease IV to KVO rate (20cc/hr) …don’t wait for doctor’s order to do this!!! KNOW 20cc/hr is KVO rate!!
Ø Elebate HOB to ease breathing
Ø Place legs in dependent position if possible to decrease venous return to heart
Ø Decrease pateint’s anxiety
Ø ***Morphine IV will decrease preload and afterload d/t vasodilating effects. Preload is the fluid going into the right side of heart and decreasing afterload is decreasing lung load.
Ø Adminster O2 via nasal cannula as ordered.
Ø I and O
Ø Daily weights for maintenance; a liter of water weighs 2.2 # or one kilogram or 5 lbs = 2 liters
Ø Rotating tourniquets may be applied in emergency situations Trying to decrease venous return to the heart. This is an emergency tourniquet on 3 extremities rotated to decrease the venous return.
Edema: (“second spacing” of fluid) – excess fluid in the interstitial space. Edema appears first in tissues which are poorly protected against hydrostatic pressure, i.e. skin and subcutaneous tissues in dependent parts of the body. Edema creeps upward and pitting edema can be seen after a 10% weight gain.
Clincal Findings: puffy eyelids or bags under eyes; pale, tight, shiny skin; SOB, dyspnea, moist rales, hoarseness, swollen ankles, rings tight, shoes tight, belt tight.
Ø Elevate affected body part to increase venous return to the heart except if they are having trouble breathing which means there is edema in the lungs.
· There is a test question on positioning!
Ø Promote activity as much as possible
Ø Fluid restrictions may be necessary along with low Na+ diet
Ø Diuretics; IV or PO depends on functional GI
Ø Teach patient to avoid anything that would restrict circulation
Ø Avoid sitting with pressure against back of knees or crossing legs.
Wrinkled teds = a tourniquet.
Know the dif between edema and hypervolemia! Edema = an increase in interstitial space and vascular hypervolemia = an increase in intrascular space.
Diuretics wash out K+ and all electrolytes. Always watch K+ levels.
Know s/s of hypo and hyperkalemia!!!!!
Put in here:
Water intoxication: excess fluid in the intracellular space. Most often caused by excessive IV fluids, especially hypotonic (ex. .45% normal saline); can be related to psychiatric disorder.
Ø Clinical findings: brain responds poorly…This is the key #1 s/s of water intoxication. Cerebral edema occurs.
· There is disturbed thought/behavior; apprehension, irritabliltiy, restlessness, confusion, lethargy, coma and death occur.
· Patient seldom has visible edema.
Ø Interventions: #1 is prevention!
· Monitor IVs to prevent “run away” IV fluids.
· Monitor urinary output
· Assess serum Na+
· Administer plasma expanders, e.g. albumin, mannitol, dextran
***KNOW if you have cerebral edema give plasma expanders!!!! They are hypertonic and draw fluid out of the cells!!! Plasma expanders include albumin, mannitol and dextran.
Third spacing – fluids move into inaccessible spaces in the body; fluids move out of intravascular space and are retained there; there is no actual decrease in total fluid volume; hence body weight will be unchanged.
** Suspect third spacing if intravascular volume decreases (drop in b/p and hr!!!) without an increase in urinary output or a decrease in body weight.
Conditions under which this can occur: intestinal obstruction (paralytic ileus), cellulites, crushing injuries, vascular occlusions. Actually, can occur in any space in which there is normally a small amount of fluid, e.g. pleural space, pericardial space, eye, synovial space, digestive tract, etc.
Paralytic ileus is a paralyzed portion of the bowel. A paralytic ileus has a drop in bp and increase in HR. There is a loss of water into the vascular area.
04-04-2004, 13:09:12: 3/22 Continued Principles of fluid balance
Capillary Hydrostatic pressure: Pressure exerted by fluid inside the capillary outward against the capillary membrane.
Ø An increase in hydrostatic pressure will cause interstitial edema; CHF, renal failure, vein obstruction.
Ø 32 mmHg on arterial end
Ø 12 mmHg on venous end
Ø You increase the blood pressure you increase the filtration rate.
Interstitial Fluid pressure: Pressure exerted by fluid outside the capillary against the capillary membrane.
Ø Only 1 mmHg.
Ø It serves to help keep the fluid in the capillaries.
Ø It is like a lake transport system.
Plasma colloidal Oncotic Pressure (PCOP): Pressure exerted by osmotic pull of proteins inside the blood vessels. Fluid is therefore pulled into vessel from the interstitial space. It works by osmosis.
Ø Any condition that decreases amount of protein in plasma will decrease the PCOP; burns, trauma, chronic diarrhea, malnutrition. Liver disease. Interstitial edema will then occur.
Ø Any condition that increase the amount of protein in the plasma will increase the PCOP; IV blood and protein product, etc. Hypervolemia can occur.
Ø Normal PCOP is 22 mmHg
KNOW: The amount of fluid in the vessels and the blood pressure determines the capillary hydro
04-04-2004, 13:09:13: 3/22 Continued Principles of fluid balance
Capillary Hydrostatic pressure: Pressure exerted by fluid inside the capillary outward against the capillary membrane.
Ø An increase in hydrostatic pressure will cause interstitial edema; CHF, renal failure, vein obstruction.
Ø 32 mmHg on arterial end
Ø 12 mmHg on venous end
Ø You increase the blood pressure you increase the filtration rate.
Interstitial Fluid pressure: Pressure exerted by fluid outside the capillary against the capillary membrane.
Ø Only 1 mmHg.
Ø It serves to help keep the fluid in the capillaries.
Ø It is like a lake transport system.
Plasma colloidal Oncotic Pressure (PCOP): Pressure exerted by osmotic pull of proteins inside the blood vessels. Fluid is therefore pulled into vessel from the interstitial space. It works by osmosis.
Ø Any condition that decreases amount of protein in plasma will decrease the PCOP; burns, trauma, chronic diarrhea, malnutrition. Liver disease. Interstitial edema will then occur.
Ø Any condition that increase the amount of protein in the plasma will increase the PCOP; IV blood and protein product, etc. Hypervolemia can occur.
Ø Normal PCOP is 22 mmHg
KNOW: The amount of fluid in the vessels and the blood pressure determines the capillary hydrostatic pressure.
You want a decrease in hydrostatic pressure at the venous end so the fluids can get back into the vein so it can get rid of waste.
Know that PCOP is the big player that gets fluid into the vessel.
Know that cap is the big player that gets it out!
PCOP is the pressure of fluid outside the capillary against the capillary membrane. The PCOP works by osmosis so it pulls it in.
Use 18 gauge big needle for blood IV.
Insert Vessel picture here:
Tissue Colloidal Osmotic Pressure (TCOP): Pressure exerted by osmotic pull of proteins in the interstitial space.
Ø Any condition that increases the protein in the interstitial space can cause edema; burns, chronic diarrhea, liver disease, malnutrition, trauma.
TCOP: If you get an increase in TCOP you get edema ex. Burns.
**Rales in the lungs tells you that you have a high TCOP in the lungs.
Causes of problem:
1. Malnourished – which decreases the 22 mm from the capillary end.
2. GI disease.
**Gravity increases the hydrostatic pressure making venule blood pooling occur.
***Know: If you are lying on your left lung is has better perfusion but the right lung has better expansion.
*Therefore: fluid is forced out of capillary by hydrostatic pressure and pulled back into the venule by PCOP. Balance between interstitial space and intravascular space is dependent on blood pressure and plasma protein concentration.
An alteration in one compartment causes alteration in the other two.
Fluid Excess
Vascular Hypervolemia – Excess fluid in the intravascular space. This will cause an increase in the capillary hydrostatic pressure and a decrease in the plasma colloidal oncotic pressure due to dilution. However, if protein IV’s are given then the plasma colloidal oncotic pressure will increase.
KNOW: With Vascular hypervolemial the capillary hydrostatic pressure increases increases and the PCOP decreases d/t dilution.
Central venous angle- note the angle the patient is lying at.
Clinical findings: increase in b/p; full, bounding peripheral pulses (+3/3); distended peripheral veins; jugular distention (JVD); may have s/s of pulmonary edema.
Ø Decrease IV to KVO rate (20cc/hr) …don’t wait for doctor’s order to do this!!! KNOW 20cc/hr is KVO rate!!
Ø Elebate HOB to ease breathing
Ø Place legs in dependent position if possible to decrease venous return to he
04-04-2004, 13:09:16: 3/22 Continued Principles of fluid balance
Capillary Hydrostatic pressure: Pressure exerted by fluid inside the capillary outward against the capillary membrane.
Ø An increase in hydrostatic pressure will cause interstitial edema; CHF, renal failure, vein obstruction.
Ø 32 mmHg on arterial end
Ø 12 mmHg on venous end
Ø You increase the blood pressure you increase the filtration rate.
Interstitial Fluid pressure: Pressure exerted by fluid outside the capillary against the capillary membrane.
Ø Only 1 mmHg.
Ø It serves to help keep the fluid in the capillaries.
Ø It is like a lake transport system.
Plasma colloidal Oncotic Pressure (PCOP): Pressure exerted by osmotic pull of proteins inside the blood vessels. Fluid is therefore pulled into vessel from the interstitial space. It works by osmosis.
Ø Any condition that decreases amount of protein in plasma will decrease the PCOP; burns, trauma, chronic diarrhea, malnutrition. Liver disease. Interstitial edema will then occur.
Ø Any condition that increase the amount of protein in the plasma will increase the PCOP; IV blood and protein product, etc. Hypervolemia can occur.
Ø Normal PCOP is 22 mmHg
KNOW: The amount of fluid in the vessels and the blood pressure determines the capillary hydrostatic pressure.
You want a decrease in hydrostatic pressure at the venous end so the fluids can get back into the vein so it can get rid of waste.
Know that PCOP is the big player that gets fluid into the vessel.
Know that cap is the big player that gets it out!
PCOP is the pressure of fluid outside the capillary against the capillary membrane. The PCOP works by osmosis so it pulls it in.
Use 18 gauge big needle for blood IV.
Insert Vessel picture here:
Tissue Colloidal Osmotic Pressure (TCOP): Pressure exerted by osmotic pull of proteins in the interstitial space.
Ø Any condition that increases the protein in the interstitial space can cause edema; burns, chronic diarrhea, liver disease, malnutrition, trauma.
TCOP: If you get an increase in TCOP you get edema ex. Burns.
**Rales in the lungs tells you that you have a high TCOP in the lungs.
Causes of problem:
1. Malnourished – which decreases the 22 mm from the capillary end.
2. GI disease.
**Gravity increases the hydrostatic pressure making venule blood pooling occur.
***Know: If you are lying on your left lung is has better perfusion but the right lung has better expansion.
*Therefore: fluid is forced out of capillary by hydrostatic pressure and pulled back into the venule by PCOP. Balance between interstitial space and intravascular space is dependent on blood pressure and plasma protein concentration.
An alteration in one compartment causes alteration in the other two.
Fluid Excess
Vascular Hypervolemia – Excess fluid in the intravascular space. This will cause an increase in the capillary hydrostatic pressure and a decrease in the plasma colloidal oncotic pressure due to dilution. However, if protein IV’s are given then the plasma colloidal oncotic pressure will increase.
KNOW: With Vascular hypervolemial the capillary hydrostatic pressure increases increases and the PCOP decreases d/t dilution.
Central venous angle- note the angle the patient is lying at.
Clinical findings: increase in b/p; full, bounding peripheral pulses (+3/3); distended peripheral veins; jugular distention (JVD); may have s/s of pulmonary edema.
Ø Decrease IV to KVO rate (20cc/hr) …don’t wait for doctor’s order to do this!!! KNOW 20cc/hr is KVO rate!!
Ø Elebate HOB to ease breathing
Ø Place legs in dependent position if possible to decrease venous return to heart
Ø Decrease pateint’s anxiety
Ø ***Morphine IV will decrease preload and afterload d/t vasodilating effects. Preload is the fluid going into the right side of heart and decreasing afterload is decreasing lung load.
Ø Adminster O2 via nasal cannula as ordered.
Ø I and O
Ø Daily weights for maintenance; a liter of water weighs 2.2 # or one kilogram or 5 lbs = 2 liters
Ø Rotating tourniquets may be applied in emergency situations Trying to decrease venous return to the heart. This is an emergency tourniquet on 3 extremities rotated to decrease the venous return.
Edema: (“second spacing” of fluid) – excess fluid in the interstitial space. Edema appears first in tissues which are poorly protected against hydrostatic pressure, i.e. skin and subcutaneous tissues in dependent parts of the body. Edema creeps upward and pitting edema can be seen after a 10% weight gain.
Clincal Findings: puffy eyelids or bags under eyes; pale, tight, shiny skin; SOB, dyspnea, moist rales, hoarseness, swollen ankles, rings tight, shoes tight, belt tight.
Ø Elevate affected body part to increase venous return to the heart except if they are having trouble breathing which means there is edema in the lungs.
· There is a test question on positioning!
Ø Promote activity as much as possible
Ø Fluid restrictions may be necessary along with low Na+ diet
Ø Diuretics; IV or PO depends on functional GI
Ø Teach patient to avoid anything that would restrict circulation
Ø Avoid sitting with pressure against back of knees or crossing legs.
Wrinkled teds = a tourniquet.
Know the dif between edema and hypervolemia! Edema = an increase in interstitial space and vascular hypervolemia = an increase in intrascular space.
Diuretics wash out K+ and all electrolytes. Always watch K+ levels.
Know s/s of hypo and hyperkalemia!!!!!
Put in here:
Water intoxication: excess fluid in the intracellular space. Most often caused by excessive IV fluids, especially hypotonic (ex. .45% normal saline); can be related to psychiatric disorder.
Ø Clinical findings: brain responds poorly…This is the key #1 s/s of water intoxication. Cerebral edema occurs.
· There is disturbed thought/behavior; apprehension, irritabliltiy, restlessness, confusion, lethargy, coma and death occur.
· Patient seldom has visible edema.
Ø Interventions: #1 is prevention!
· Monitor IVs to prevent “run away” IV fluids.
· Monitor urinary output
· Assess serum Na+
· Administer plasma expanders, e.g. albumin, mannitol, dextran
***KNOW if you have cerebral edema give plasma expanders!!!! They are hypertonic and draw fluid out of the cells!!! Plasma expanders include albumin, mannitol and dextran.
Third spacing – fluids move into inaccessible spaces in the body; fluids move out of intravascular space and are retained there; there is no actual decrease in total fluid volume; hence body weight will be unchanged.
** Suspect third spacing if intravascular volume decreases (drop in b/p and hr!!!) without an increase in urinary output or a decrease in body weight.
Conditions under which this can occur: intestinal obstruction (paralytic ileus), cellulites, crushing injuries, vascular occlusions. Actually, can occur in any space in which there is normally a small amount of fluid, e.g. pleural space, pericardial space, eye, synovial space, digestive tract, etc.
Paralytic ileus is a paralyzed portion of the bowel. A paralytic ileus has a drop in bp and increase in HR. There is a loss of water into the vascular area.
04-04-2004, 13:09:16: 3/22 Continued Principles of fluid balance
Capillary Hydrostatic pressure: Pressure exerted by fluid inside the capillary outward against the capillary membrane.
Ø An increase in hydrostatic pressure will cause interstitial edema; CHF, renal failure, vein obstruction.
Ø 32 mmHg on arterial end
Ø 12 mmHg on venous end
Ø You increase the blood pressure you increase the filtration rate.
Interstitial Fluid pressure: Pressure exerted by fluid outside the capillary against the capillary membrane.
Ø Only 1 mmHg.
Ø It serves to help keep the fluid in the capillaries.
Ø It is like a lake transport system.
Plasma colloidal Oncotic Pressure (PCOP): Pressure exerted by osmotic pull of proteins inside the blood vessels. Fluid is therefore pulled into vessel from the interstitial space. It works by osmosis.
Ø Any condition that decreases amount of protein in plasma will decrease the PCOP; burns, trauma, chronic diarrhea, malnutrition. Liver disease. Interstitial edema will then occur.
Ø Any condition that increase the amount of protein in the plasma will increase the PCOP; IV blood and protein product, etc. Hypervolemia can occur.
Ø Normal PCOP is 22 mmHg
KNOW: The amount of fluid in the vessels and the blood pressure determines the capillary hydro
04-04-2004, 13:09:17: 3/22 Continued Principles of fluid balance
Capillary Hydrostatic pressure: Pressure exerted by fluid inside the capillary outward against the capillary membrane.
Ø An increase in hydrostatic pressure will cause interstitial edema; CHF, renal failure, vein obstruction.
Ø 32 mmHg on arterial end
Ø 12 mmHg on venous end
Ø You increase the blood pressure you increase the filtration rate.
Interstitial Fluid pressure: Pressure exerted by fluid outside the capillary against the capillary membrane.
Ø Only 1 mmHg.
Ø It serves to help keep the fluid in the capillaries.
Ø It is like a lake transport system.
Plasma colloidal Oncotic Pressure (PCOP): Pressure exerted by osmotic pull of proteins inside the blood vessels. Fluid is therefore pulled into vessel from the interstitial space. It works by osmosis.
Ø Any condition that decreases amount of protein in plasma will decrease the PCOP; burns, trauma, chronic diarrhea, malnutrition. Liver disease. Interstitial edema will then occur.
Ø Any condition that increase the amount of protein in the plasma will increase the PCOP; IV blood and protein product, etc. Hypervolemia can occur.
Ø Normal PCOP is 22 mmHg
KNOW: The amount of fluid in the vessels and the blood pressure determines the capillary hydrostatic pressure.
You want a decrease in hydrostatic pressure at the venous end so the fluids can get back into the vein so it can get rid of waste.
Know that PCOP is the big player that gets fluid into the vessel.
Know that cap is the big player that gets it out!
PCOP is the pressure of fluid outside the capillary against the capillary membrane. The PCOP works by osmosis so it pulls it in.
Use 18 gauge big needle for blood IV.
Insert Vessel picture here:
Tissue Colloidal Osmotic Pressure (TCOP): Pressure exerted by osmotic pull of proteins in the interstitial space.
Ø Any condition that increases the protein in the interstitial space can cause edema; burns, chronic diarrhea, liver disease, malnutrition, trauma.
TCOP: If you get an increase in TCOP you get edema ex. Burns.
**Rales in the lungs tells you that you have a high TCOP in the lungs.
Causes of problem:
1. Malnourished – which decreases the 22 mm from the capillary end.
2. GI disease.
**Gravity increases the hydrostatic pressure making venule blood pooling occur.
***Know: If you are lying on your left lung is has better perfusion but the right lung has better expansion.
*Therefore: fluid is forced out of capillary by hydrostatic pressure and pulled back into the venule by PCOP. Balance between interstitial space and intravascular space is dependent on blood pressure and plasma protein concentration.
An alteration in one compartment causes alteration in the other two.
Fluid Excess
Vascular Hypervolemia – Excess fluid in the intravascular space. This will cause an increase in the capillary hydrostatic pressure and a decrease in the plasma colloidal oncotic pressure due to dilution. However, if protein IV’s are given then the plasma colloidal oncotic pressure will increase.
KNOW: With Vascular hypervolemial the capillary hydrostatic pressure increases increases and the PCOP decreases d/t dilution.
Central venous angle- note the angle the patient is lying at.
Clinical findings: increase in b/p; full, bounding peripheral pulses (+3/3); distended peripheral veins; jugular distention (JVD); may have s/s of pulmonary edema.
Ø Decrease IV to KVO rate (20cc/hr) …don’t wait for doctor’s order to do this!!! KNOW 20cc/hr is KVO rate!!
Ø Elebate HOB to ease breathing
Ø Place legs in dependent position if possible to decrease venous return to he
04-04-2004, 13:19:15: hey baby
04-04-2004, 13:21:26: take me to your leader
04-04-2004, 13:22:14: take me to your leader.NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
04-04-2004, 13:27:14: Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt
04-04-2004, 20:33:22: cheese iz good
04-04-2004, 20:33:50: cheese iz good
04-04-2004, 20:34:47: cheese iz good
04-04-2004, 20:34:47: cheese iz good
04-04-2004, 20:34:47: cheese iz good
04-05-2004, 04:48:58: I'm fascinated or intrigued about type talk. What really is it about?
04-05-2004, 06:15:33: I like to move it move it
04-05-2004, 06:18:12: I have a big penis!
04-05-2004, 06:18:57: and I was like, oh my god! I can't believe it! like oh my god really? oh my god!! tee hee hee!! like wow! like oh my god!! hahahahhaa!!
04-05-2004, 08:30:47: HELLO
04-05-2004, 08:32:18: SHUT THE FUCK UP
04-05-2004, 11:51:57: hello Leila i love you
04-05-2004, 11:53:47: Hello leila i love
04-05-2004, 16:32:50: You know what? I heard something, not to long ago. And now it echoes. it bothers me. it makes me sick. it proves your filth. i know your secrets. Mend your wounds. your lies are bleeding. convince someone else of your shoveled-in confidence. buried away.but i know. and if i had my way, a thousand eyse would witness. I tried . You lied. No more taking chances. no more chances . Your face is a mask, i can feel it. i shudder bitterness runs through your soul. like small children confusion dances in the dusk of your mind exchange your blessing for deception.Hiding scars back laced with splinters your tongue pierced my fragile heart. careless words are daggers thrown unaware. you entwine praise with curses. your words burn like hell itself. silence from a sounding voice. all this by the tongue created. your words become hell itself. i lay bleeding in flames. Your words burn like hell itself.
04-05-2004, 16:33:07: You know what? I heard something, not to long ago. And now it echoes. it bothers me. it makes me sick. it proves your filth. i know your secrets. Mend your wounds. your lies are bleeding. convince someone else of your shoveled-in confidence. buried away.but i know. and if i had my way, a thousand eyse would witness. I tried . You lied. No more taking chances. no more chances . Your face is a mask, i can feel it. i shudder bitterness runs through your soul. like small children confusion dances in the dusk of your mind exchange your blessing for deception.Hiding scars back laced with splinters your tongue pierced my fragile heart. careless words are daggers thrown unaware. you entwine praise with curses. your words burn like hell itself. silence from a sounding voice. all this by the tongue created. your words become hell itself. i lay bleeding in flames. Your words burn like hell itself.
04-05-2004, 18:17:08: hello
04-05-2004, 18:17:30: hello
04-05-2004, 18:17:34: hello
04-05-2004, 18:17:43: hello
04-05-2004, 18:18:08: hello
04-05-2004, 18:18:16: hello
04-06-2004, 04:21:35: Hastamaniana
04-06-2004, 17:15:57: Jeff is a homosexual bitch
04-06-2004, 17:16:43: szdvf
04-06-2004, 17:36:26: This is a great idea
04-07-2004, 12:25:37: hey
04-08-2004, 11:40:23: hello
04-08-2004, 12:04:56: sup dawg. I be chillin in my crib.
04-08-2004, 12:07:24: Continued Principles of fluid balance Capillary Hydrostatic pressure: Pressure exerted by fluid inside the capillary outward against the capillary membrane. Ø An increase in hydrostatic pressure will cause interstitial edema; CHF, renal failure, vein obstruction. Ø 32 mmHg on arterial end Ø 12 mmHg on venous end Ø You increase the blood pressure you increase the filtration rate. Interstitial Fluid pressure: Pressure exerted by fluid outside the capillary against the capillary membrane. Ø Only 1 mmHg. Ø It serves to help keep the fluid in the capillaries. Ø It is like a lake transport system. Plasma colloidal Oncotic Pressure (PCOP): Pressure exerted by osmotic pull of proteins inside the blood vessels. Fluid is therefore pulled into vessel from the interstitial space. It works by osmosis. Ø Any condition that decreases amount of protein in plasma will decrease the PCOP; burns, trauma, chronic diarrhea, malnutrition. Liver disease. Interstitial edema will then occur. Ø Any condition that increase the amount of protein in the plasma will increase the PCOP; IV blood and protein product, etc. Hypervolemia can occur. Ø Normal PCOP is 22 mmHg KNOW: The amount of fluid in the vessels and the blood pressure determines the capillary hydrostatic pressure. You want a decrease in hydrostatic pressure at the venous end so the fluids can get back into the vein so it can get rid of waste. Know that PCOP is the big player that gets fluid into the vessel. Know that cap is the big player that gets it out! PCOP is the pressure of fluid outside the capillary against the capillary membrane. The PCOP works by osmosis so it pulls it in. Use 18 gauge big needle for blood IV. Insert Vessel picture here: Tissue Colloidal Osmotic Pressure (TCOP): Pressure exerted by osmotic pull of proteins in the interstitial space. Ø Any condition that increases the protein in the interstitial space can cause edema; burns, chronic diarrhea, liver disease, malnutrition, trauma. TCOP: If you get an increase in TCOP you get edema ex. Burns. **Rales in the lungs tells you that you have a high TCOP in the lungs. Causes of problem: 1. Malnourished – which decreases the 22 mm from the capillary end. 2. GI disease. **Gravity increases the hydrostatic pressure making venule blood pooling occur. ***Know: If you are lying on your left lung is has better perfusion but the right lung has better expansion. *Therefore: fluid is forced out of capillary by hydrostatic pressure and pulled back into the venule by PCOP. Balance between interstitial space and intravascular space is dependent on blood pressure and plasma protein concentration. An alteration in one compartment causes alteration in the other two. Fluid Excess Vascular Hypervolemia – Excess fluid in the intravascular space. This will cause an increase in the capillary hydrostatic pressure and a decrease in the plasma colloidal oncotic pressure due to dilution. However, if protein IV’s are given then the plasma colloidal oncotic pressure will increase. KNOW: With Vascular hypervolemial the capillary hydrostatic pressure increases increases and the PCOP decreases d/t dilution. Central venous angle- note the angle the patient is lying at. Clinical findings: increase in b/p; full, bounding peripheral pulses (+3/3); distended peripheral veins; jugular distention (JVD); may have s/s of pulmonary edema. Interventions: Ø Decrease IV to KVO rate (20cc/hr) …don’t wait for doctor’s order to do this!!! KNOW 20cc/hr is KVO rate!! Ø Elebate HOB to ease breathing Ø Place legs in dependent position if possible to decrease venous return to heart Ø Decrease pateint’s anxiety Ø ***Morphine IV will decrease preload and afterload d/t vasodilating effects. Preload is the fluid going into the right side of heart and decreasing afterload is decreasing lung load. Ø Adminster O2 via nasal cannula as ordered. Ø I and O Ø Daily weights for maintenance; a liter of water weighs 2.2 # or one kilogram or 5 lbs = 2 liters Ø V/S Ø Rotating tourniquets may be applied in emergency situations Trying to decrease venous return to the heart. This is an emergency tourniquet on 3 extremities rotated to decrease the venous return. Edema: (“second spacing” of fluid) – excess fluid in the interstitial space. Edema appears first in tissues which are poorly protected against hydrostatic pressure, i.e. skin and subcutaneous tissues in dependent parts of the body. Edema creeps upward and pitting edema can be seen after a 10% weight gain. Clincal Findings: puffy eyelids or bags under eyes; pale, tight, shiny skin; SOB, dyspnea, moist rales, hoarseness, swollen ankles, rings tight, shoes tight, belt tight. Interventions: Ø Elevate affected body part to increase venous return to the heart except if they are having trouble breathing which means there is edema in the lungs. · There is a test question on positioning! Ø Promote activity as much as possible Ø Fluid restrictions may be necessary along with low Na+ diet Ø Diuretics; IV or PO depends on functional GI Ø Teach patient to avoid anything that would restrict circulation Ø Avoid sitting with pressure against back of knees or crossing legs. Wrinkled teds = a tourniquet. Know the dif between edema and hypervolemia! Edema = an increase in interstitial space and vascular hypervolemia = an increase in intrascular space. Diuretics wash out K+ and all electrolytes. Always watch K+ levels. Know s/s of hypo and hyperkalemia!!!!! Put in here: Water intoxication: excess fluid in the intracellular space. Most often caused by excessive IV fluids, especially hypotonic (ex. .45% normal saline); can be related to psychiatric disorder. Ø Clinical findings: brain responds poorly…This is the key #1 s/s of water intoxication. Cerebral edema occurs. · There is disturbed thought/behavior; apprehension, irritabliltiy, restlessness, confusion, lethargy, coma and death occur. · Patient seldom has visible edema. Ø Interventions: #1 is prevention! · Monitor IVs to prevent “run away” IV fluids. · Monitor urinary output · Assess serum Na+ · Administer plasma expanders, e.g. albumin, mannitol, dextran ***KNOW if you have cerebral edema give plasma expanders!!!! They are hypertonic and draw fluid out of the cells!!! Plasma expanders include albumin, mannitol and dextran. Third spacing – fluids move into inaccessible spaces in the body; fluids move out of intravascular space and are retained there; there is no actual decrease in total fluid volume; hence body weight will be unchanged. ** Suspect third spacing if intravascular volume decreases (drop in b/p and hr!!!) without an increase in urinary output or a decrease in body weight. Conditions under which this can occur: intestinal obstruction (paralytic ileus), cellulites, crushing injuries, vascular occlusions. Actually, can occur in any space in which there is normally a small amount of fluid, e.g. pleural space, pericardial space, eye, synovial space, digestive tract, etc. Paralytic ileus is a paralyzed portion of the bowel. A paralytic ileus has a drop in bp and increase in HR. There is a loss of water into the vascular area.
04-08-2004, 12:09:40: Continued Principles of fluid balance Capillary Hydrostatic pressure: Pressure exerted by fluid inside the capillary outward against the capillary membrane. Ø An increase in hydrostatic pressure will cause interstitial edema; CHF, renal failure, vein obstruction. Ø 32 mmHg on arterial end Ø 12 mmHg on venous end Ø You increase the blood pressure you increase the filtration rate. Interstitial Fluid pressure: Pressure exerted by fluid outside the capillary against the capillary membrane. Ø Only 1 mmHg. Ø It serves to help keep the fluid in the capillaries. Ø It is like a lake transport system. Plasma colloidal Oncotic Pressure (PCOP): Pressure exerted by osmotic pull of proteins inside the blood vessels. Fluid is therefore pulled into vessel from the interstitial space. It works by osmosis. Ø Any condition that decreases amount of protein in plasma will decrease the PCOP; burns, trauma, chronic diarrhea, malnutrition. Liver disease. Interstitial edema will then occur. Ø Any condition that increase the amount of protein in the plasma will increase the PCOP; IV blood and protein product, etc. Hypervolemia can occur. Ø Normal PCOP is 22 mmHg KNOW: The amount of fluid in the vessels and the blood pressure determines the capillary hydrostatic pressure. You want a decrease in hydrostatic pressure at the venous end so the fluids can get back into the vein so it can get rid of waste. Know that PCOP is the big player that gets fluid into the vessel. Know that cap is the big player that gets it out! PCOP is the pressure of fluid outside the capillary against the capillary membrane. The PCOP works by osmosis so it pulls it in. Use 18 gauge big needle for blood IV. Insert Vessel picture here: Tissue Colloidal Osmotic Pressure (TCOP): Pressure exerted by osmotic pull of proteins in the interstitial space. Ø Any condition that increases the protein in the interstitial space can cause edema; burns, chronic diarrhea, liver disease, malnutrition, trauma. TCOP: If you get an increase in TCOP you get edema ex. Burns. **Rales in the lungs tells you that you have a high TCOP in the lungs. Causes of problem: 1. Malnourished – which decreases the 22 mm from the capillary end. 2. GI disease. **Gravity increases the hydrostatic pressure making venule blood pooling occur. ***Know: If you are lying on your left lung is has better perfusion but the right lung has better expansion. *Therefore: fluid is forced out of capillary by hydrostatic pressure and pulled back into the venule by PCOP. Balance between interstitial space and intravascular space is dependent on blood pressure and plasma protein concentration. An alteration in one compartment causes alteration in the other two. Fluid Excess Vascular Hypervolemia – Excess fluid in the intravascular space. This will cause an increase in the capillary hydrostatic pressure and a decrease in the plasma colloidal oncotic pressure due to dilution. However, if protein IV’s are given then the plasma colloidal oncotic pressure will increase. KNOW: With Vascular hypervolemial the capillary hydrostatic pressure increases increases and the PCOP decreases d/t dilution. Central venous angle- note the angle the patient is lying at. Clinical findings: increase in b/p; full, bounding peripheral pulses (+3/3); distended peripheral veins; jugular distention (JVD); may have s/s of pulmonary edema. Interventions: Ø Decrease IV to KVO rate (20cc/hr) …don’t wait for doctor’s order to do this!!! KNOW 20cc/hr is KVO rate!! Ø Elebate HOB to ease breathing Ø Place legs in dependent position if possible to decrease venous return to heart Ø Decrease pateint’s anxiety Ø ***Morphine IV will decrease preload and afterload d/t vasodilating effects. Preload is the fluid going into the right side of heart and decreasing afterload is decreasing lung load. Ø Adminster O2 via nasal cannula as ordered. Ø I and O Ø Daily weights for maintenance; a liter of water weighs 2.2 # or one kilogram or 5 lbs = 2 liters Ø V/S Ø Rotating tourniquets may be applied in emergency situations Trying to decrease venous return to the heart. This is an emergency tourniquet on 3 extremities rotated to decrease the venous return. Edema: (“second spacing” of fluid) – excess fluid in the interstitial space. Edema appears first in tissues which are poorly protected against hydrostatic pressure, i.e. skin and subcutaneous tissues in dependent parts of the body. Edema creeps upward and pitting edema can be seen after a 10% weight gain. Clincal Findings: puffy eyelids or bags under eyes; pale, tight, shiny skin; SOB, dyspnea, moist rales, hoarseness, swollen ankles, rings tight, shoes tight, belt tight. Interventions: Ø Elevate affected body part to increase venous return to the heart except if they are having trouble breathing which means there is edema in the lungs. · There is a test question on positioning! Ø Promote activity as much as possible Ø Fluid restrictions may be necessary along with low Na+ diet Ø Diuretics; IV or PO depends on functional GI Ø Teach patient to avoid anything that would restrict circulation Ø Avoid sitting with pressure against back of knees or crossing legs. Wrinkled teds = a tourniquet. Know the dif between edema and hypervolemia! Edema = an increase in interstitial space and vascular hypervolemia = an increase in intrascular space. Diuretics wash out K+ and all electrolytes. Always watch K+ levels. Know s/s of hypo and hyperkalemia!!!!! Put in here: Water intoxication: excess fluid in the intracellular space. Most often caused by excessive IV fluids, especially hypotonic (ex. .45% normal saline); can be related to psychiatric disorder. Ø Clinical findings: brain responds poorly…This is the key #1 s/s of water intoxication. Cerebral edema occurs. · There is disturbed thought/behavior; apprehension, irritabliltiy, restlessness, confusion, lethargy, coma and death occur. · Patient seldom has visible edema. Ø Interventions: #1 is prevention! · Monitor IVs to prevent “run away” IV fluids. · Monitor urinary output · Assess serum Na+ · Administer plasma expanders, e.g. albumin, mannitol, dextran ***KNOW if you have cerebral edema give plasma expanders!!!! They are hypertonic and draw fluid out of the cells!!! Plasma expanders include albumin, mannitol and dextran. Third spacing – fluids move into inaccessible spaces in the body; fluids move out of intravascular space and are retained there; there is no actual decrease in total fluid volume; hence body weight will be unchanged. ** Suspect third spacing if intravascular volume decreases (drop in b/p and hr!!!) without an increase in urinary output or a decrease in body weight. Conditions under which this can occur: intestinal obstruction (paralytic ileus), cellulites, crushing injuries, vascular occlusions. Actually, can occur in any space in which there is normally a small amount of fluid, e.g. pleural space, pericardial space, eye, synovial space, digestive tract, etc. Paralytic ileus is a paralyzed portion of the bowel. A paralytic ileus has a drop in bp and increase in HR. There is a loss of water into the vascular area.
04-08-2004, 12:10:58: hey rob! quit slacking get back to work!
04-08-2004, 12:33:40: Yo
04-08-2004, 13:59:11: hello!
04-08-2004, 15:00:48: hi
04-08-2004, 15:09:27: spasnio
04-08-2004, 16:03:11: Norah
04-08-2004, 16:04:13: Hello I am Norah. I am a total loser. Goodbye. I love you. oops I sneezed! Oh well. Goodbye
04-08-2004, 18:55:38: WAZZ-UP PEOPLE
04-08-2004, 19:34:25: Fuck shit cunt shit piss sooper fuck cool dude.
04-09-2004, 00:46:04: half penny like to give little girls toffees
04-09-2004, 04:28:09: hello
04-09-2004, 08:24:16: hello
04-09-2004, 09:09:27: hello butt face
04-09-2004, 13:18:10: Hello
04-09-2004, 13:18:40: hello eric we are watching you
04-09-2004, 14:03:12: Who is Rob Hansen? I am just looking for a place that will say what I type.
04-09-2004, 14:19:58: hello
04-09-2004, 14:21:56: he's behind you. Don't look you fool!
04-09-2004, 14:25:13: buenas dias donde esta la biblioteca por favor. muchas gracias senior. adios. Tengo no mucho ingles lo siento.
04-09-2004, 14:27:12: i just wanna say how empowered you all make me feel
04-09-2004, 20:42:32: hi paul
04-09-2004, 20:43:02: hello
04-09-2004, 21:21:14: fucking beth
04-10-2004, 08:33:34: hello
04-10-2004, 08:34:40: anyone
04-10-2004, 11:39:26: fucker
04-10-2004, 11:39:51: ass hole
04-10-2004, 12:46:28: shmagma
04-10-2004, 12:48:03: your gonna have shmagma all over your face tonight
04-10-2004, 13:23:55: hello
04-10-2004, 13:24:20: hi
04-10-2004, 13:25:02: hello
04-10-2004, 23:23:54: Hi,
how are you
04-11-2004, 09:27:29: hi
04-11-2004, 13:04:26: your mother owes me 200 dollars. If I dont see that money, I will burn down your shit smelling house.
04-11-2004, 14:48:50: kiss my ass
04-11-2004, 14:49:02: kiss my ass
04-11-2004, 21:08:08: eat shit
04-11-2004, 21:08:31: oops I didnt know how this worked
04-11-2004, 21:31:08: FUck you
04-12-2004, 04:11:15: hi man whats up?
04-12-2004, 04:12:28: you asshole reply me
04-12-2004, 04:12:33: you asshole reply me
04-12-2004, 10:22:54:
04-12-2004, 14:49:26: hi, how r u
04-12-2004, 14:58:13: diiie
04-12-2004, 17:53:36: j
04-12-2004, 18:30:43: hi
04-12-2004, 18:30:52: poo
04-12-2004, 18:31:17: i like to go to the bathroom and poo
04-13-2004, 07:16:01: hey, anyone home?
04-13-2004, 07:17:02: How do I know that you can really hear me?
04-13-2004, 08:35:14: what
04-13-2004, 08:35:24: what
04-13-2004, 09:30:54: yo
04-13-2004, 09:32:27: the man who has set up this sight is the leader of an underground, illegal, underage, hardcore porno ring.
04-13-2004, 11:51:35: thank you for calling office max in hermitage this is ashley how may i help you?
04-13-2004, 11:51:45:
04-13-2004, 12:38:46: hello fools
04-13-2004, 12:39:58: hello my friends
04-13-2004, 13:21:52: Ashley Bright is goordy
04-13-2004, 13:23:16: My right foot is as big as a canteloup...But that isn't as big as my left index finger, let me tell you!
04-13-2004, 13:25:40: Hello
04-13-2004, 14:25:31: hi
04-13-2004, 14:25:36: hi
04-13-2004, 14:25:47: hiya
04-13-2004, 14:27:12: hiya
04-13-2004, 14:27:25: booo
04-13-2004, 14:28:31: Hiya too you
04-13-2004, 15:12:57: hi my name is chad creran
04-13-2004, 17:57:12: Neil Young Rocks!
04-13-2004, 20:33:07: Why Do Gasoline Prices Rise and Fall?
Consumers worldwide have watched the cost of gasoline (petrol) fluctuate throughout the year. This begs the question, "Why do gasoline prices rise and fall?"
In general, gasoline prices in most regions of the world are determined by the marketplace forces of supply, demand and competition. Fundamentally, though, the greatest single factor affecting
04-13-2004, 21:44:43: matt you scuk
04-13-2004, 21:44:55: matt you scuk
04-14-2004, 11:15:31: Genevieve
04-14-2004, 13:54:39: In 1972, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire...the A-Team. .......from bez ....manchester....england
04-14-2004, 20:55:45: ji mr. ass
04-14-2004, 20:56:04: hi mr. ass
04-14-2004, 20:56:43: Hi There
04-15-2004, 07:35:27: Hello
04-15-2004, 10:08:42: hello
04-15-2004, 14:35:36: hello
04-15-2004, 16:02:32: morning all
04-15-2004, 18:37:42: kristen, do you ever shower
04-15-2004, 18:39:05: regina can't sing or dance
04-15-2004, 18:39:23: regina can't sing or dance
04-16-2004, 03:51:24: how old am i
04-16-2004, 08:18:56: hi, im trying this because i was looking for it
04-16-2004, 09:20:42: uuu baybaby!
04-16-2004, 09:22:22: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaandi
04-16-2004, 10:15:16: hello
04-16-2004, 11:51:45: ABBI IS UGLY
04-16-2004, 15:32:40: hello
04-16-2004, 18:08:01: Hello Arissa!!!!!
04-16-2004, 22:31:55: Are you an idiot
04-17-2004, 02:11:18: sfsffsdfsf
04-17-2004, 10:11:20: all your base are mine
04-17-2004, 11:35:28: werd up g!
04-17-2004, 13:14:30: hello
04-17-2004, 13:15:01: you suck rob
04-17-2004, 16:46:58: hello
04-18-2004, 00:24:36: hello
04-18-2004, 16:41:14: Hey!
04-18-2004, 16:41:38: Hey! SUCK MY COCK!
04-19-2004, 06:11:46: Hi Rob from Carlos in Albany New York I have a female doctor friend in Ames Iowa who says "YIKES!" I have been mocking her for this provincial idiom. But, the other day, as I witnessed a near nine car chain collision, I uttered, "YIKES!" There is a freedom in the word. It is neither vulgar, nor blasphemous. While seeking elucidation on the etymology of "YIKES!", I found your website with YIKES CARD. Thank you. I greatly appreciated being able to use your format to express my new found joy of "YIKES!"
I am concerned that you are taking "YIKES!" into the world of the gruesome, perverse and obscene.
Please consider using it for shockingly funny, surprisingly funny, and safe for women, children, and the elderly.
Love from Albany, New York,
Your new friend
Carlos Salamanca
04-19-2004, 13:19:42: I think I have gas
04-19-2004, 13:20:47: i'm ok becky. love you oads more
04-19-2004, 13:31:18: Jessy Likes PENIS!!!
04-19-2004, 13:31:35: Jessy Likes PENIS!!!
04-19-2004, 14:45:43: i like pizza
04-19-2004, 14:46:32: hi
04-19-2004, 15:54:40: yo momma
04-19-2004, 21:28:54: im a tranny
04-19-2004, 22:23:53: stupid ho
04-20-2004, 09:44:57: What the hell is this?
04-20-2004, 13:53:35: hi tony
04-20-2004, 13:54:50: was up tony
04-20-2004, 13:55:09: was up tony
04-20-2004, 13:55:38: was up tony
04-20-2004, 13:56:06: hello
04-20-2004, 13:56:32: pussy whipped ass niga
04-20-2004, 20:00:22: Automatic Talking Machine
04-20-2004, 20:01:13: Automatic Talking Machine
04-20-2004, 20:01:40: Automatic Talking Machine
04-21-2004, 07:26:17: hi
04-21-2004, 07:26:28: hi
04-22-2004, 12:14:46: hi
04-22-2004, 12:35:42: tim i think you are sexy. Fo you fancy a really fucking hard shag
04-22-2004, 12:36:28: sorry didnt realise! oops
04-22-2004, 20:10:32: Jake is very cool.
04-22-2004, 20:54:29: did you vomit
04-23-2004, 07:04:57: hello david brown
04-23-2004, 07:10:32: hi there
04-23-2004, 07:10:51: quack quack
04-23-2004, 07:12:05: quack quack
04-23-2004, 07:13:11: yikes
04-24-2004, 03:29:13: hi
04-24-2004, 04:00:27: Say what?
04-24-2004, 04:12:15: I run Morbidiance Blue Cafe together with my wife.
From the flesh of young men we know how to make the finest pies.But the secret's highly classified.
04-24-2004, 04:12:54: Oh Please.
04-24-2004, 04:14:30: Behold the sea and winds of Jove.We set sail guided by the stars above.
04-24-2004, 04:17:48: God I actually typed something in this stupid thing. Oh well now that I'm here. Jesus is a cunt. I hate, I hate, I hate......all them religious folk.
04-24-2004, 04:33:38: Good. White people hate you.
04-24-2004, 23:03:21: MOTOKO KUSANAG
04-25-2004, 06:17:07: now, go out and buy the CD
04-25-2004, 06:45:50: quit slacking rob!
04-25-2004, 06:49:53: /22 Continued Principles of fluid balance Capillary Hydrostatic pressure: Pressure exerted by fluid inside the capillary outward against the capillary membrane. Ø An increase in hydrostatic pressure will cause interstitial edema; CHF, renal failure, vein obstruction. Ø 32 mmHg on arterial end Ø 12 mmHg on venous end Ø You increase the blood pressure you increase the filtration rate. Interstitial Fluid pressure: Pressure exerted by fluid outside the capillary against the capillary membrane. Ø Only 1 mmHg. Ø It serves to help keep the fluid in the capillaries. Ø It is like a lake transport system. Plasma colloidal Oncotic Pressure (PCOP): Pressure exerted by osmotic pull of proteins inside the blood vessels. Fluid is therefore pulled into vessel from the interstitial space. It works by osmosis. Ø Any condition that decreases amount of protein in plasma will decrease the PCOP; burns, trauma, chronic diarrhea, malnutrition. Liver disease. Interstitial edema will then occur. Ø Any condition that increase the amount of protein in the plasma will increase the PCOP; IV blood and protein product, etc. Hypervolemia can occur. Ø Normal PCOP is 22 mmHg KNOW: The amount of fluid in the vessels and the blood pressure determines the capillary hydrostatic pressure. You want a decrease in hydrostatic pressure at the venous end so the fluids can get back into the vein so it can get rid of waste. Know that PCOP is the big player that gets fluid into the vessel. Know that cap is the big player that gets it out! PCOP is the pressure of fluid outside the capillary against the capillary membrane. The PCOP works by osmosis so it pulls it in. Use 18 gauge big needle for blood IV. Insert Vessel picture here: Tissue Colloidal Osmotic Pressure (TCOP): Pressure exerted by osmotic pull of proteins in the interstitial space. Ø Any condition that increases the protein in the interstitial space can cause edema; burns, chronic diarrhea, liver disease, malnutrition, trauma. TCOP: If you get an increase in TCOP you get edema ex. Burns. **Rales in the lungs tells you that you have a high TCOP in the lungs. Causes of problem: 1. Malnourished – which decreases the 22 mm from the capillary end. 2. GI disease. **Gravity increases the hydrostatic pressure making venule blood pooling occur. ***Know: If you are lying on your left lung is has better perfusion but the right lung has better expansion. *Therefore: fluid is forced out of capillary by hydrostatic pressure and pulled back into the venule by PCOP. Balance between interstitial space and intravascular space is dependent on blood pressure and plasma protein concentration. An alteration in one compartment causes alteration in the other two. Fluid Excess Vascular Hypervolemia – Excess fluid in the intravascular space. This will cause an increase in the capillary hydrostatic pressure and a decrease in the plasma colloidal oncotic pressure due to dilution. However, if protein IV’s are given then the plasma colloidal oncotic pressure will increase. KNOW: With Vascular hypervolemial the capillary hydrostatic pressure increases increases and the PCOP decreases d/t dilution. Central venous angle- note the angle the patient is lying at. Clinical findings: increase in b/p; full, bounding peripheral pulses (+3/3); distended peripheral veins; jugular distention (JVD); may have s/s of pulmonary edema. Interventions: Ø Decrease IV to KVO rate (20cc/hr) …don’t wait for doctor’s order to do this!!! KNOW 20cc/hr is KVO rate!! Ø Elebate HOB to ease breathing Ø Place legs in dependent position if possible to decrease venous return to heart Ø Decrease pateint’s anxiety Ø ***Morphine IV will decrease preload and afterload d/t vasodilating effects. Preload is the fluid going into the right side of heart and decreasing afterload is decreasing lung load. Ø Adminster O2 via nasal cannula as ordered. Ø I and O Ø Daily weights for maintenance; a liter of water weighs 2.2 # or one kilogram or 5 lbs = 2 liters Ø V/S Ø Rotating tourniquets may be applied in emergency situations Trying to decrease venous return to the heart. This is an emergency tourniquet on 3 extremities rotated to decrease the venous return. Edema: (“second spacing” of fluid) – excess fluid in the interstitial space. Edema appears first in tissues which are poorly protected against hydrostatic pressure, i.e. skin and subcutaneous tissues in dependent parts of the body. Edema creeps upward and pitting edema can be seen after a 10% weight gain. Clincal Findings: puffy eyelids or bags under eyes; pale, tight, shiny skin; SOB, dyspnea, moist rales, hoarseness, swollen ankles, rings tight, shoes tight, belt tight. Interventions: Ø Elevate affected body part to increase venous return to the heart except if they are having trouble breathing which means there is edema in the lungs. · There is a test question on positioning! Ø Promote activity as much as possible Ø Fluid restrictions may be necessary along with low Na+ diet Ø Diuretics; IV or PO depends on functional GI Ø Teach patient to avoid anything that would restrict circulation Ø Avoid sitting with pressure against back of knees or crossing legs. Wrinkled teds = a tourniquet. Know the dif between edema and hypervolemia! Edema = an increase in interstitial space and vascular hypervolemia = an increase in intrascular space. Diuretics wash out K+ and all electrolytes. Always watch K+ levels. Know s/s of hypo and hyperkalemia!!!!! Put in here: Water intoxication: excess fluid in the intracellular space. Most often caused by excessive IV fluids, especially hypotonic (ex. .45% normal saline); can be related to psychiatric disorder. Ø Clinical findings: brain responds poorly…This is the key #1 s/s of water intoxication. Cerebral edema occurs. · There is disturbed thought/behavior; apprehension, irritabliltiy, restlessness, confusion, lethargy, coma and death occur. · Patient seldom has visible edema. Ø Interventions: #1 is prevention! · Monitor IVs to prevent “run away” IV fluids. · Monitor urinary output · Assess serum Na+ · Administer plasma expanders, e.g. albumin, mannitol, dextran ***KNOW if you have cerebral edema give plasma expanders!!!! They are hypertonic and draw fluid out of the cells!!! Plasma expanders include albumin, mannitol and dextran. Third spacing – fluids move into inaccessible spaces in the body; fluids move out of intravascular space and are retained there; there is no actual decrease in total fluid volume; hence body weight will be unchanged. ** Suspect third spacing if intravascular volume decreases (drop in b/p and hr!!!) without an increase in urinary output or a decrease in body weight. Conditions under which this can occur: intestinal obstruction (paralytic ileus), cellulites, crushing injuries, vascular occlusions. Actually, can occur in any space in which there is normally a small amount of fluid, e.g. pleural space, pericardial space, eye, synovial space, digestive tract, etc. Paralytic ileus is a paralyzed portion of the bowel. A paralytic ileus has a drop in bp and increase in HR. There is a loss of water into the vascular area. ****KNOW: Although there is fluid excess, THIRD SPACING is really a special form of DEHYRADATION. Beware….after fluid is third space it may move back into the vascular system causing hypervolemia. Treatment: IV plasma expanders!!!! E.g. dextran, albumin etc. Fluid deficit Three Stages: Simple dehydration: dry skin, loss of skin turgor, weight loss Advanced fluid loss: falling b/p; weak, thready, rapid pulse Hypovolemic shock: signs of renal failure occur Death occurs when 15 – 25 % of body fluid is lost. Clinical findings: vary based on degree of dehyrdration · Thirst, but altered mechanism in elderly so not a reliable sign. If you are thirsty you are already down 1500ccs. · Dry skin and mucous membranes with poor tissue turgor,(check chest/back of forearm) hollow eyes (seen in kids), shrunken and wrinkled, furrowed tongue (scrotal tongue). · Temperature elevation (mild 100.5 d/t lack of H20 to cool body) · Weight loss · Orthostatic hypotension and decreased b/p · Tachycardia (increased hr d/t baroreceptors in arteries. · Pale, cold extremities d/t peripheral vasoconstriction · Oliguria (decreased urine) to anuria (no urine) with dark, concentrated urine with high specific gravity. · Increase in Hct, Hgb, Na+, serum osmolality d/t high solute relative to sovent(H20) · Normally your Hct is 3 X your Hgb If it is increased think of the hydration status. You can also dehydrate in pools and oceans. · Apathy, fatigue, stupor, delirium when CNS affected d/t cerebral cells shrinking, death can occur. ** Increase in serum osmolality causes water to leave cells. Interventions: give fluids!…PO vs IV based on stage of dehydration. Monitor Ivs Scrupulous oral care Balance rest and activity Adequate nutrition I and O, daily weighs VS **Monitor for overhydration or hypervolemia (overshooting the mark) Ex. If you give a runner water at the end of a race they can get water intoxication. NA+ Normal: (135 – 145mEq) · If Na+ imbalance they are like to have a K+ imbalance · Association of water and fluid control · Conduction of neuro impulses · Extracellular cation · Helps regulate ADH secretion Hyponatremia Causes – lose Na+ (GI loss) · Diuretics, · Burns, · Tap water enemas, · Salt restricted diets · Decrease in aldosterone. S/S of Hyponatremia · poor skin turgor, · rthostatic hypotensionwith an increase in HR · weak pulses · Muscle cramping · Anorexia · N/V · Fatigue · Apathy · Headache · Vertigo Treatment of Hyponatremia Replace Na+: IV or PO HyperNatremia Causes: Lose more H20 than Na+ · Kidney failure(RF) · CHF · Increase in Aldosterone production S/S of hypernatremia · Dry sticky mucous membrane, · Thirst · Rubbery tissue turgor · Flushed · Increase in temperature, · Decrease in b/p · Decrease in VO · Increase in HR · Dry rough tongue Treatment of hypernatremia Treat cause of increase Restrict Na+ intake, Diuretics May have fluids restricted K+ Normal: (3.5 – 5.5 mEq) Cell Cation Body doesn’t conserve K+ you need it in your diet daily Neuromuscular activity Acid/base regulation Hypokalemia Causes: GI loss, · Diuretics · Increase in Aldosterone production · Inadequate intake · Stress · Polyuria S/S Mainly NM: · Decreased appetite · Vomit · Decrease in peristalsis · Intestinal obstruction · Distended abdomen · Soft, flabby muscles · Shallow increased respirations · Arythmias · Flattened T waves · Weak increase in pressure ***Note: Hypokalemia potentiates action of digoxin. Never IV push K+ Treatment: IV or PO K+ · Never give more than 10 – 20 mEq/hr IV Hyperkalemia Causes: · Shock/cell death · Burns · Trauma · Renal failure · Adrenal insufficiency · Stored blood (preservatives) S/S · Diarrhea · Nausea · Heart Arrhythmias · General muscle weakness · Paresthesia of extremities · Peaked T waves Treatment: · Hypertonic glucose IV with insulin · Kaexelate: oral or rectal Know the dif b/w s/s of hypo and hyperkalemia. The body handles anion imbalances better than cation imbalances. It needs the cations balanced. Know all normal numbers. Case Study #1 93 year old female Malnourished, weak, very restless, flushed · Low protein so TCOP and PCOP are affected · Dehydrated effects cap pressure and hydrostatic pressure · Very restless · Skin flushed so this says there is an increase in temp which = dehydration T 101.4 B/P 136/80 P 90 R 28 *high
04-25-2004, 12:47:12: Of the Eclipses, 2004: Venus will transit (pass) Sol, our sun, on the morning of 8 June 2004. It will appear as a round dot. (NEVER look directly at the sun without eclipse or transit goggles! Ordinary sunglasses won't cut it!)
04-25-2004, 12:54:06: Check the MOON phases!
04-25-2004, 12:54:17: Say it!
04-25-2004, 12:55:06: Divide 46541354684354186451867464165498354163 by 645466
04-25-2004, 12:55:59: TEST SIGNAL...
04-25-2004, 12:57:29: All your internet are belong to us!!!
04-25-2004, 13:01:04: Áõôü ðïõ ëÝôå!!!
04-25-2004, 13:01:53: Back to work!
04-25-2004, 13:06:28: Nook sale #5151522
04-26-2004, 07:12:57: czeϾ
04-26-2004, 10:26:57: hello
04-26-2004, 10:42:30: hi
04-27-2004, 00:22:39: hello
04-27-2004, 00:23:07: hello
04-27-2004, 00:23:22: hello
04-27-2004, 05:45:25: i love it!
04-27-2004, 05:45:40: i love it
04-27-2004, 05:46:04: i love it
04-27-2004, 05:47:17: sorry, i cant hear what i say. my mac maybe doesn't support the audio file-format
04-27-2004, 17:27:18: i like this site alot thanks for having it
04-28-2004, 09:30:39: hey
04-28-2004, 09:30:55: hey
04-28-2004, 12:03:41: yo dude iam english
04-28-2004, 12:09:17: listen i could do with some great idea about getting some cash together how would you like to take on a willing youmg english lad i could with a good start in life
04-28-2004, 12:12:35: nutter241@hotmail.com send me your ''luvin baby''
04-28-2004, 13:44:34: hi there
04-28-2004, 14:40:46: Hey Rob Hansen
04-28-2004, 14:41:38: If you hear this right now call 517-610-1848 or email bubaloo32@comcast.net repeating 1517-610-1848 or email bubaloo32@comcast.net
04-29-2004, 12:13:28:
04-29-2004, 13:18:14: homo alert
04-29-2004, 15:27:07: poo
04-29-2004, 15:54:01: Hi Rob Hansen.
04-29-2004, 15:55:04: How are you?
04-29-2004, 17:23:32: fuck
04-29-2004, 17:24:13: what is up you homo?
04-29-2004, 17:24:47: fuck
04-29-2004, 17:25:00: fuck me
04-30-2004, 10:22:00: poop
04-30-2004, 10:22:06: you mother fucker
04-30-2004, 10:22:46: you mother fucker
04-30-2004, 10:24:18: poop
04-30-2004, 10:27:10: googlebot(at)googlebot.com
04-30-2004, 11:21:54: bonjour ca vas
04-30-2004, 23:04:17: boy
04-30-2004, 23:06:06: Everybody should get a glass of water, to wash the hate away!!!! Peace and Love!!!!
05-01-2004, 00:42:01: my husbands a lying cheating bastard
05-01-2004, 10:02:31: in
05-01-2004, 22:01:19: X Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box RulesX Box Rules X Box Rules (GAMECUBE SUCKS)
05-02-2004, 09:40:17: I don't understand
05-02-2004, 11:37:07: Hello
05-03-2004, 07:01:33: La la la la la
05-03-2004, 13:27:13: Greetings from Finland
05-03-2004, 13:27:38: onko vai ei
05-03-2004, 13:36:47: One day, a minister decided that he would visit some members of his congregation at their homes to encourage them and find out how they were doing.
After having already visited several members, he arrived at the door of a poor, elderly widow. He rang.
She answered, and let him in. He was ushered into the living room where he and the widow sat down and began a casual conversation. After a few minutes into his conversation, he noticed a candy dish, full of peanuts, on the coffee table. Under ordinary circumstances, he
would not have asked the question, but it was almost noon, and he hadn't eaten anything since his early breakfast and he was beginning to feel quite hungry. So, he asked the widow, "do you mind if I have some of these nuts?"
"Help yourself," she replied.
So, he did.
Well, they continued chatting, when the minister realized that he had finished all the peanuts in the dish. He felt quite embarrassed for having gotten so carried away in his conversation with the poor, elderly widow, that he didn't even think to leave some in the dish for her. So, shamefully, he said to her, "I'm really sorry, it seems that I've eaten all your peanuts - I didn't mean to finish them all. Please forgive me."
The poor, elderly widow casually waved her hand at him and said, "Oh, that's quite all right. With my dentures all I could do is suck the chocolate off them anyway!"
05-03-2004, 19:52:13: eat my ass bitch
05-03-2004, 19:53:36: Is Stephanie there?
05-04-2004, 09:41:51: hi
05-04-2004, 11:15:06: hi
05-04-2004, 11:23:10: hello
05-04-2004, 11:23:25: hello
05-05-2004, 05:34:02: hi there mate.
05-05-2004, 10:25:49: how are you doing?
05-05-2004, 20:59:05: Is there anybody out there?
05-05-2004, 23:27:01: Hi all!
05-05-2004, 23:28:21: I'm from Poland. I'm happy that Poland has joined European Union.
05-06-2004, 08:10:30: Greetings!
I hope this finds you all well.
05-07-2004, 03:24:54: Last christmas, i gave you my heart, and the very next day, you gave it away
05-07-2004, 10:33:10: hello what is your name?
05-07-2004, 10:33:24: hello what is your name?
05-07-2004, 10:33:53: hello what is your name?
05-07-2004, 10:34:11: hello what is your name?
05-07-2004, 11:20:37: your mama
05-07-2004, 11:20:48: your mama
05-07-2004, 20:28:14: how are you?
05-08-2004, 00:38:17: hi
05-08-2004, 18:37:28: Hi, this is Sam here.
05-08-2004, 23:27:57: tony is a fag
05-09-2004, 09:53:38: fdsfsd
05-09-2004, 09:53:48: dog
05-09-2004, 09:54:26: hello
05-09-2004, 11:05:24: What is better than roses on a piano? Tulips on an organ of course.
05-09-2004, 21:24:25: I have a website about Coloboma
05-10-2004, 06:15:47: fuck
05-10-2004, 12:00:36: Hello From Virginia :)
05-11-2004, 02:20:35: tttttt
05-11-2004, 02:22:21: tttttt
05-11-2004, 02:22:44: this is
05-11-2004, 12:00:52: im so tired of having a baffoon for a boss, he bought the buisness is education resistant i like the job but dont like the boss - what to do
05-11-2004, 17:12:50: I do not belive you
05-11-2004, 23:50:42: Yo my man. be care ful vote for somel on apart from bush
05-14-2004, 11:17:39: Hey Rob! Want some music to pass the time in the office? Check out www.wayoutthere.net
05-14-2004, 11:25:30: Lcpl Boudreaux ass raped my sister!
05-14-2004, 11:29:34: tit tit tit tit tit tit tit
05-14-2004, 11:33:25: This fucking thing is so damn old, I doubt it works anymore, or ever did at all!
05-14-2004, 19:51:20: fuck you bithch
05-14-2004, 19:51:44: fuck
05-15-2004, 11:28:33: does dis reli work
05-15-2004, 16:08:50: yytrt
05-16-2004, 17:03:37: my name is david and I piss my pants at school. dad says he's gonna take my underpants and make me wear a diaper.
05-17-2004, 04:54:31: hey mofo
05-17-2004, 04:55:06: i want to hear these words
05-17-2004, 04:55:54: hello rob,
but how can i hear what i want to say?
05-17-2004, 05:03:01: joe has big boobs
05-17-2004, 08:03:59: whats your name
05-17-2004, 08:04:55: no
05-17-2004, 23:49:47: hello, i am jon
05-18-2004, 04:44:06: hello! this is fantastic! but it would be even more fantastic if i could hear what i say!
05-18-2004, 07:04:11: hello
05-18-2004, 13:20:27: ho,.a
05-18-2004, 16:29:19: hello maude
05-18-2004, 16:30:04: i would like to fuck you toinght
05-19-2004, 05:53:26: hello
05-19-2004, 11:50:46: you are a big pork sausage
05-19-2004, 12:38:35: hi
05-19-2004, 15:18:37: i love you
05-20-2004, 11:10:45: hello
05-20-2004, 11:16:16: four nick kate her
05-20-2004, 19:03:54: hi nigest endemen ameshesh konjo aydeleshme yenenn twekialesh altaye konjo newe
05-20-2004, 19:04:38: hi nigest endemen ameshesh konjo aydeleshme yenenn twekialesh altaye konjo newe
05-20-2004, 19:06:06: hi nigest endemen ameshesh konjo aydeleshme yenenn twekialesh altaye konjo newe
05-20-2004, 19:06:43:
05-20-2004, 19:06:49: hi nigest endemen ameshesh konjo aydeleshme yenenn twekialesh altaye konjo newe
05-20-2004, 20:59:47: hey whats up
05-21-2004, 10:06:53: Hello
05-21-2004, 16:39:54: I love you so much
05-21-2004, 17:45:04: hello
05-22-2004, 14:52:01: negro
05-22-2004, 14:52:25: negro
05-22-2004, 14:54:06: hi
05-23-2004, 02:05:11: hi there! wanna save major dough on weight loss pills?
05-23-2004, 04:23:14: fuck
05-23-2004, 07:27:00:
05-23-2004, 08:04:24: yo
05-23-2004, 08:13:50: rory is cool
05-23-2004, 10:10:56: Tiffany is a loser
05-23-2004, 14:07:39: lol
05-23-2004, 14:08:23: jews are invading
05-23-2004, 14:08:37: www.devilworksinc.com
05-23-2004, 15:44:44: Hi Honey,
05-23-2004, 17:01:59: bob
05-23-2004, 18:03:39: Hello
05-23-2004, 21:42:12: wazzup?
05-24-2004, 10:38:47: Hello
05-24-2004, 14:22:40: Fuck you bugger arse tit wank
05-24-2004, 14:23:13: Lick it ooohhh yes harder harder baby baby harder lick lick lick yes yes yes baby baby do it baby yes harder harder
05-24-2004, 14:25:13: Oh god yes you are so good baby do it to me you are a god lick it lick it lick the end oh yes it is so good lick it harder harder suck it suck it suck it yes yes yes oh yes i am going to cum oh god yes ooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh
05-24-2004, 14:25:44: Do you want a cigarette honey?
05-24-2004, 14:42:50: hi
05-24-2004, 14:43:59: 3/22 Continued Principles of fluid balance Capillary Hydrostatic pressure: Pressure exerted by fluid inside the capillary outward against the capillary membrane. Ø An increase in hydrostatic pressure will cause interstitial edema; CHF, renal failure, vein obstruction. Ø 32 mmHg on arterial end Ø 12 mmHg on venous end Ø You increase the blood pressure you increase the filtration rate. Interstitial Fluid pressure: Pressure exerted by fluid outside the capillary against the capillary membrane. Ø Only 1 mmHg. Ø It serves to help keep the fluid in the capillaries. Ø It is like a lake transport system. Plasma colloidal Oncotic Pressure (PCOP): Pressure exerted by osmotic pull of proteins inside the blood vessels. Fluid is therefore pulled into vessel from the interstitial space. It works by osmosis. Ø Any condition that decreases amount of protein in plasma will decrease the PCOP; burns, trauma, chronic diarrhea, malnutrition. Liver disease. Interstitial edema will then occur. Ø Any condition that increase the amount of protein in the plasma will increase the PCOP; IV blood and protein product, etc. Hypervolemia can occur. Ø Normal PCOP is 22 mmHg KNOW: The amount of fluid in the vessels and the blood pressure determines the capillary hydrostatic pressure. You want a decrease in hydrostatic pressure at the venous end so the fluids can get back into the vein so it can get rid of waste. Know that PCOP is the big player that gets fluid into the vessel. Know that cap is the big player that gets it out! PCOP is the pressure of fluid outside the capillary against the capillary membrane. The PCOP works by osmosis so it pulls it in. Use 18 gauge big needle for blood IV. Insert Vessel picture here: Tissue Colloidal Osmotic Pressure (TCOP): Pressure exerted by osmotic pull of proteins in the interstitial space. Ø Any condition that increases the protein in the interstitial space can cause edema; burns, chronic diarrhea, liver disease, malnutrition, trauma. TCOP: If you get an increase in TCOP you get edema ex. Burns. **Rales in the lungs tells you that you have a high TCOP in the lungs. Causes of problem: 1. Malnourished – which decreases the 22 mm from the capillary end. 2. GI disease. **Gravity increases the hydrostatic pressure making venule blood pooling occur. ***Know: If you are lying on your left lung is has better perfusion but the right lung has better expansion. *Therefore: fluid is forced out of capillary by hydrostatic pressure and pulled back into the venule by PCOP. Balance between interstitial space and intravascular space is dependent on blood pressure and plasma protein concentration. An alteration in one compartment causes alteration in the other two. Fluid Excess Vascular Hypervolemia – Excess fluid in the intravascular space. This will cause an increase in the capillary hydrostatic pressure and a decrease in the plasma colloidal oncotic pressure due to dilution. However, if protein IV’s are given then the plasma colloidal oncotic pressure will increase. KNOW: With Vascular hypervolemial the capillary hydrostatic pressure increases increases and the PCOP decreases d/t dilution. Central venous angle- note the angle the patient is lying at. Clinical findings: increase in b/p; full, bounding peripheral pulses (+3/3); distended peripheral veins; jugular distention (JVD); may have s/s of pulmonary edema. Interventions: Ø Decrease IV to KVO rate (20cc/hr) …don’t wait for doctor’s order to do this!!! KNOW 20cc/hr is KVO rate!! Ø Elebate HOB to ease breathing Ø Place legs in dependent position if possible to decrease venous return to heart Ø Decrease pateint’s anxiety Ø ***Morphine IV will decrease preload and afterload d/t vasodilating effects. Preload is the fluid going into the right side of heart and decreasing afterload is decreasing lung load. Ø Adminster O2 via nasal cannula as ordered. Ø I and O Ø Daily weights for maintenance; a liter of water weighs 2.2 # or one kilogram or 5 lbs = 2 liters Ø V/S Ø Rotating tourniquets may be applied in emergency situations Trying to decrease venous return to the heart. This is an emergency tourniquet on 3 extremities rotated to decrease the venous return. Edema: (“second spacing” of fluid) – excess fluid in the interstitial space. Edema appears first in tissues which are poorly protected against hydrostatic pressure, i.e. skin and subcutaneous tissues in dependent parts of the body. Edema creeps upward and pitting edema can be seen after a 10% weight gain. Clincal Findings: puffy eyelids or bags under eyes; pale, tight, shiny skin; SOB, dyspnea, moist rales, hoarseness, swollen ankles, rings tight, shoes tight, belt tight. Interventions: Ø Elevate affected body part to increase venous return to the heart except if they are having trouble breathing which means there is edema in the lungs. · There is a test question on positioning! Ø Promote activity as much as possible Ø Fluid restrictions may be necessary along with low Na+ diet Ø Diuretics; IV or PO depends on functional GI Ø Teach patient to avoid anything that would restrict circulation Ø Avoid sitting with pressure against back of knees or crossing legs. Wrinkled teds = a tourniquet. Know the dif between edema and hypervolemia! Edema = an increase in interstitial space and vascular hypervolemia = an increase in intrascular space. Diuretics wash out K+ and all electrolytes. Always watch K+ levels. Know s/s of hypo and hyperkalemia!!!!! Put in here: Water intoxication: excess fluid in the intracellular space. Most often caused by excessive IV fluids, especially hypotonic (ex. .45% normal saline); can be related to psychiatric disorder. Ø Clinical findings: brain responds poorly…This is the key #1 s/s of water intoxication. Cerebral edema occurs. · There is disturbed thought/behavior; apprehension, irritabliltiy, restlessness, confusion, lethargy, coma and death occur. · Patient seldom has visible edema. Ø Interventions: #1 is prevention! · Monitor IVs to prevent “run away” IV fluids. · Monitor urinary output · Assess serum Na+ · Administer plasma expanders, e.g. albumin, mannitol, dextran ***KNOW if you have cerebral edema give plasma expanders!!!! They are hypertonic and draw fluid out of the cells!!! Plasma expanders include albumin, mannitol and dextran. Third spacing – fluids move into inaccessible spaces in the body; fluids move out of intravascular space and are retained there; there is no actual decrease in total fluid volume; hence body weight will be unchanged. ** Suspect third spacing if intravascular volume decreases (drop in b/p and hr!!!) without an increase in urinary output or a decrease in body weight. Conditions under which this can occur: intestinal obstruction (paralytic ileus), cellulites, crushing injuries, vascular occlusions. Actually, can occur in any space in which there is normally a small amount of fluid, e.g. pleural space, pericardial space, eye, synovial space, digestive tract, etc. Paralytic ileus is a paralyzed portion of the bowel. A paralytic ileus has a drop in bp and increase in HR. There is a loss of water into the vascular area. ****KNOW: Although there is fluid excess, THIRD SPACING is really a special form of DEHYRADATION. Beware….after fluid is third space it may move back into the vascular system causing hypervolemia. Treatment: IV plasma expanders!!!! E.g. dextran, albumin etc. Fluid deficit Three Stages: Simple dehydration: dry skin, loss of skin turgor, weight loss Advanced fluid loss: falling b/p; weak, thready, rapid pulse Hypovolemic shock: signs of renal failure occur Death occurs when 15 – 25 % of body fluid is lost. Clinical findings: vary based on degree of dehyrdration · Thirst, but altered mechanism in elderly so not a reliable sign. If you are thirsty you are already down 1500ccs. · Dry skin and mucous membranes with poor tissue turgor,(check chest/back of forearm) hollow eyes (seen in kids), shrunken and wrinkled, furrowed tongue (scrotal tongue). · Temperature elevation (mild 100.5 d/t lack of H20 to cool body) · Weight loss · Orthostatic hypotension and decreased b/p · Tachycardia (increased hr d/t baroreceptors in arteries. · Pale, cold extremities d/t peripheral vasoconstriction · Oliguria (decreased urine) to anuria (no urine) with dark, concentrated urine with high specific gravity. · Increase in Hct, Hgb, Na+, serum osmolality d/t high solute relative to sovent(H20) · Normally your Hct is 3 X your Hgb If it is increased think of the hydration status. You can also dehydrate in pools and oceans. · Apathy, fatigue, stupor, delirium when CNS affected d/t cerebral cells shrinking, death can occur. ** Increase in serum osmolality causes water to leave cells. Interventions: give fluids!…PO vs IV based on stage of dehydration. Monitor Ivs Scrupulous oral care Balance rest and activity Adequate nutrition I and O, daily weighs VS **Monitor for overhydration or hypervolemia (overshooting the mark) Ex. If you give a runner water at the end of a race they can get water intoxication. NA+ Normal: (135 – 145mEq) · If Na+ imbalance they are like to have a K+ imbalance · Association of water and fluid control · Conduction of neuro impulses · Extracellular cation · Helps regulate ADH secretion Hyponatremia Causes – lose Na+ (GI loss) · Diuretics, · Burns, · Tap water enemas, · Salt restricted diets · Decrease in aldosterone. S/S of Hyponatremia · poor skin turgor, · rthostatic hypotensionwith an increase in HR · weak pulses · Muscle cramping · Anorexia · N/V · Fatigue · Apathy · Headache · Vertigo Treatment of Hyponatremia Replace Na+: IV or PO HyperNatremia Causes: Lose more H20 than Na+ · Kidney failure(RF) · CHF · Increase in Aldosterone production S/S of hypernatremia · Dry sticky mucous membrane, · Thirst · Rubbery tissue turgor · Flushed · Increase in temperature, · Decrease in b/p · Decrease in VO · Increase in HR · Dry rough tongue Treatment of hypernatremia Treat cause of increase Restrict Na+ intake, Diuretics May have fluids restricted K+ Normal: (3.5 – 5.5 mEq) Cell Cation Body doesn’t conserve K+ you need it in your diet daily Neuromuscular activity Acid/base regulation Hypokalemia Causes: GI loss, · Diuretics · Increase in Aldosterone production · Inadequate intake · Stress · Polyuria S/S Mainly NM: · Decreased appetite · Vomit · Decrease in peristalsis · Intestinal obstruction · Distended abdomen · Soft, flabby muscles · Shallow increased respirations · Arythmias · Flattened T waves · Weak increase in pressure ***Note: Hypokalemia potentiates action of digoxin. Never IV push K+ Treatment: IV or PO K+ · Never give more than 10 – 20 mEq/hr IV Hyperkalemia Causes: · Shock/cell death · Burns · Trauma · Renal failure · Adrenal insufficiency · Stored blood (preservatives) S/S · Diarrhea · Nausea · Heart Arrhythmias · General muscle weakness · Paresthesia of extremities · Peaked T waves Treatment: · Hypertonic glucose IV with insulin · Kaexelate: oral or rectal Know the dif b/w s/s of hypo and hyperkalemia. The body handles anion imbalances better than cation imbalances. It needs the cations balanced. Know all normal numbers. Case Study #1 93 year old female Malnourished, weak, very restless, flushed · Low protein so TCOP and PCOP are affected · Dehydrated effects cap pressure and hydrostatic pressure · Very restless · Skin flushed so this says there is an increase in temp which = dehydration T 101.4 B/P 136/80 P 90 R 28 *high
05-24-2004, 17:22:59: hi
05-24-2004, 17:23:17: hello how are you ?
05-24-2004, 17:23:57: hello
05-24-2004, 17:24:12: hi
05-24-2004, 19:01:12: hi my name is kevin
05-24-2004, 22:08:35: hi
05-25-2004, 05:53:19: hello
05-25-2004, 13:16:57: Here I am again tired from school
05-25-2004, 14:13:29: I am a giant furry monkey! RRRRRAR!!
05-25-2004, 15:11:26: jus tryin this out
05-26-2004, 05:21:42: hello im scottish
05-26-2004, 13:32:34: Watch it
05-26-2004, 13:44:42: rice uh roni. that san francisco treat
05-27-2004, 05:59:09: heloo
05-27-2004, 05:59:50: heloo
05-27-2004, 06:00:10: my name is
05-27-2004, 07:43:51: kiss my ass
05-27-2004, 07:44:08: kiss my ass
05-27-2004, 07:45:06: I love you
05-27-2004, 09:07:23: hello
05-27-2004, 09:08:03: suck me ding dong
05-27-2004, 12:26:37: Hi I am Kevin.
05-28-2004, 07:31:00: hello
05-28-2004, 19:55:20: koolism
05-28-2004, 19:55:37: koolism
05-28-2004, 19:55:58: koolism
05-28-2004, 22:28:56: Hi Rob .... Are you here still?
05-29-2004, 04:21:43: yo what's up
05-29-2004, 07:56:02: hai alles goed
05-29-2004, 10:46:27: hello magda
05-29-2004, 10:47:02: hello Magda
05-29-2004, 10:47:14: hello Magda
05-29-2004, 17:41:48: Hello
05-30-2004, 12:21:06: hello
05-30-2004, 12:26:21: Hello
05-30-2004, 13:16:20: hi
05-30-2004, 13:55:34: cheese doodle
05-30-2004, 20:53:02: Hello
05-31-2004, 13:52:22: fuck you i don't know you
05-31-2004, 14:33:09: hi
05-31-2004, 17:07:50: What a burger!
05-31-2004, 17:08:28: What a burger!
05-31-2004, 22:54:38: hello
06-01-2004, 08:52:01: hi hoe are you
06-01-2004, 14:23:22: Hello I am a gay faggot i like guys
06-01-2004, 14:24:31: I love boobies
06-01-2004, 22:49:52: eat me
06-02-2004, 10:27:21: the cat sat on the mat
06-02-2004, 10:40:52: This is a test of the emergency broadcast system. In the event of a real emergency - we haven't a clue!
06-02-2004, 11:05:21: you fucking smell you bastard its my birthday you cosk sucker!
06-02-2004, 12:02:40: Hi Cecilia,
06-02-2004, 13:06:51: hidi ho
06-02-2004, 13:38:43: This is an example of alternative music.
06-02-2004, 13:39:08: hi
06-02-2004, 13:39:28: hi
06-03-2004, 12:39:33: hi people i love good charlotte they are my fave band 'cause they rock all the way to 2005
06-03-2004, 12:42:27: googlebot(at)googlebot.com
06-03-2004, 12:44:13: I will now recreate something from the past that I think was pure genius: ..... 99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer on the wall, 98 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 97 bottles of beer on the wall 97 bottles of beer on the wall, 97 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 96 bottles of beer on the wall 96 bottles of beer on the wall, 96 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 95 bottles of beer on the wall 95 bottles of beer on the wall, 95 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 94 bottles of beer on the wall 94 bottles of beer on the wall, 94 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 93 bottles of beer on the wall 93 bottles of beer on the wall, 93 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 92 bottles of beer on the wall 92 bottles of beer on the wall, 92 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 91 bottles of beer on the wall 91 bottles of beer on the wall, 91 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 90 bottles of beer on the wall 90 bottles of beer on the wall, 90 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 89 bottles of beer on the wall 89 bottles of beer on the wall, 89 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 88 bottles of beer on the wall 88 bottles of beer on the wall, 88 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 87 bottles of beer on the wall 87 bottles of beer on the wall, 87 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 86 bottles of beer on the wall 86 bottles of beer on the wall, 86 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 85 bottles of beer on the wall 85 bottles of beer on the wall, 85 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 84 bottles of beer on the wall 84 bottles of beer on the wall, 84 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 83 bottles of beer on the wall 83 bottles of beer on the wall, 83 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 82 bottles of beer on the wall 82 bottles of beer on the wall, 82 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 81 bottles of beer on the wall 81 bottles of beer on the wall, 81 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 80 bottles of beer on the wall 80 bottles of beer on the wall, 80 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 79 bottles of beer on the wall 79 bottles of beer on the wall, 79 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 78 bottles of beer on the wall 78 bottles of beer on the wall, 78 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 77 bottles of beer on the wall 77 bottles of beer on the wall, 77 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 76 bottles of beer on the wall 76 bottles of beer on the wall, 76 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 75 bottles of beer on the wall 75 bottles of beer on the wall, 75 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 74 bottles of beer on the wall 74 bottles of beer on the wall, 74 bottles of 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on the wall, 65 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 64 bottles of beer on the wall 64 bottles of beer on the wall, 64 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 63 bottles of beer on the wall 63 bottles of beer on the wall, 63 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 62 bottles of beer on the wall 62 bottles of beer on the wall, 62 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 61 bottles of beer on the wall 61 bottles of beer on the wall, 61 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 60 bottles of beer on the wall 60 bottles of beer on the wall, 60 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 59 bottles of beer on the wall 59 bottles of beer on the wall, 59 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 58 bottles of beer on the wall 58 bottles of beer on the wall, 58 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 57 bottles of beer on the wall 57 bottles of beer on the wall, 57 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 56 bottles of beer on the wall 56 bottles of beer on the wall, 56 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 55 bottles of beer on the wall 55 bottles of beer on the wall, 55 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 54 bottles of beer on the wall 54 bottles of beer on the wall, 54 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 53 bottles of beer on the wall 53 bottles of beer on the wall, 53 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 52 bottles of beer on the wall 52 bottles of beer on the wall, 52 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 51 bottles of beer on the wall 51 bottles of beer on the wall, 51 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 50 bottles of beer on the wall 50 bottles of beer on the wall, 50 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 49 bottles of beer on the wall 49 bottles of beer on the wall, 49 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 48 bottles of beer on the wall 48 bottles of beer on the wall, 48 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 47 bottles of beer on the wall 47 bottles of beer on the wall, 47 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 46 bottles of beer on the wall 46 bottles of beer on the wall, 46 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 45 bottles of beer on the wall 45 bottles of beer on the wall, 45 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 44 bottles of beer on the wall 44 bottles of beer on the wall, 44 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 43 bottles of beer on the wall 43 bottles of beer on the wall, 43 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 42 bottles of beer on the wall 42 bottles of beer on the wall, 42 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 41 bottles of beer on the wall 41 bottles of beer on the wall, 41 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 40 bottles of beer on the wall 40 bottles of beer on the wall, 40 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 39 bottles of beer on the wall 39 bottles of beer on the wall, 39 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 38 bottles of beer on the wall 38 bottles of beer on the wall, 38 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 37 bottles of beer on the wall 37 bottles of beer on the wall, 37 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 36 bottles of beer on the wall 36 bottles of beer on the wall, 36 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 35 bottles of beer on the wall 35 bottles of beer on the wall, 35 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 34 bottles of beer on the wall 34 bottles of beer on the wall, 34 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 33 bottles of beer on the wall 33 bottles of beer on the wall, 33 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 32 bottles of beer on the wall 32 bottles of beer on the wall, 32 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 31 bottles of beer on the wall 31 bottles of beer on the wall, 31 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 30 bottles of beer on the wall 30 bottles of beer on the wall, 30 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 29 bottles of beer on the wall 29 bottles of beer on the wall, 29 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 28 bottles of beer on the wall 28 bottles of beer on the wall, 28 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 27 bottles of beer on the wall 27 bottles of beer on the wall, 27 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 26 bottles of beer on the wall 26 bottles of beer on the wall, 26 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 25 bottles of beer on the wall 25 bottles of beer on the wall, 25 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 24 bottles of beer on the wall 24 bottles of beer on the wall, 24 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 23 bottles of beer on the wall 23 bottles of beer on the wall, 23 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 22 bottles of beer on the wall 22 bottles of beer on the wall, 22 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 21 bottles of beer on the wall 21 bottles of beer on the wall, 21 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 20 bottles of beer on the wall 20 bottles of beer on the wall, 20 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 19 bottles of beer on the wall 19 bottles of beer on the wall, 19 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 18 bottles of beer on the wall 18 bottles of beer on the wall, 18 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 17 bottles of beer on the wall 17 bottles of beer on the wall, 17 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 16 bottles of beer on the wall 16 bottles of beer on the wall, 16 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 15 bottles of beer on the wall 15 bottles of beer on the wall, 15 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 14 bottles of beer on the wall 14 bottles of beer on the wall, 14 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 13 bottles of beer on the wall 13 bottles of beer on the wall, 13 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 12 bottles of beer on the wall 12 bottles of beer on the wall, 12 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 11 bottles of beer on the wall 11 bottles of beer on the wall, 11 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 10 bottles of beer on the wall 10 bottles of beer on the wall, 10 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 9 bottles of beer on the wall 9 bottles of beer on the wall, 9 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 8 bottles of beer on the wall 8 bottles of beer on the wall, 8 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 7 bottles of beer on the wall 7 bottles of beer on the wall, 7 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 6 bottles of beer on the wall 6 bottles of beer on the wall, 6 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 5 bottles of beer on the wall 5 bottles of beer on the wall, 5 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 4 bottles of beer on the wall 4 bottles of beer on the wall, 4 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 3 bottles of beer on the wall 3 bottles of beer on the wall, 3 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 2 bottles of beer on the wall 2 bottles of beer on the wall, 2 bottles of beer. take one down, pass it around, 1 bottle of beer on the wall. 1 bottle of beer on the wall, 1 bottle of beer. take one down, pass it around, no bottles of beer on the wall. no more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer. just 'cause i luv ya from linzi oxoxoxoxoxoxox
06-03-2004, 12:46:09: humpty dumpty sat on the wall humpty dumpty had a great fall all the kings horses and all the kings men couldnt put humpty together again lun linzi xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxP.s i luv good charlotte they rock!!!!!!!!!
06-03-2004, 15:54:17: hello doosh bag
06-03-2004, 15:55:24: hi richard
06-03-2004, 17:34:34: my ass
06-03-2004, 20:40:42: hi
06-04-2004, 10:50:21: I need a to get some lunch soon.
06-04-2004, 10:51:23: I could use a big fat doobie right now and some hot sex.
06-04-2004, 10:56:02: Rob how the hell are ya?
I need to talk to you as soon as possible!
Ted Zon
06-04-2004, 12:19:56: hello all
06-04-2004, 14:25:23: jen richie rocks
06-04-2004, 14:25:42: jen richie rocks
06-04-2004, 15:37:13: ryjyj
06-04-2004, 16:11:43: Talk to me.
06-04-2004, 17:29:33: fhqwhgads
06-05-2004, 04:47:54: its the light soo bright
06-05-2004, 11:52:17: hi
06-05-2004, 11:53:02: This is the Automatic Talking Machine! The words you type will magically be spoken out loud in my office here in San Francisco. If I'm around, I'll hear what you say. And so will anyone else who happens to be within earshot. So be creative -- not insulting!
First, are you male or female?
06-05-2004, 12:46:32: ipo
06-05-2004, 12:46:55: penis
06-05-2004, 16:41:16: how old is the oldest person in the world?
06-05-2004, 16:41:49: caca!
06-05-2004, 18:19:58: Holler back
06-05-2004, 18:22:10: This computer will self destruct in 10 seconds
06-05-2004, 19:32:04: this is a test
06-06-2004, 02:52:55: gay
06-06-2004, 08:25:45: i hate you
06-06-2004, 08:26:42: i hate you
06-06-2004, 11:44:35: hi! how r u doing?
06-06-2004, 15:27:33: hello pamps
06-06-2004, 15:27:47: hello
06-06-2004, 18:55:05: I am the heartland
06-07-2004, 01:34:23: hello san fransisco
06-07-2004, 09:51:43: hello. this is a message for jodee sheldon. her bumhowle smells of poo and she dusnt know how to wipe her smelly poohole
06-07-2004, 16:30:54: In a Patterson thats just the way things go. If your black, then you might as well not show up on the street unless ya wanna try the heat.
06-08-2004, 07:50:15: Hye
06-08-2004, 08:05:22: hello
06-08-2004, 12:46:49: the viva knievils are coming to town
06-08-2004, 13:45:21: hello
06-08-2004, 13:45:52: hello
06-08-2004, 13:48:17: hello
06-08-2004, 15:15:36: sup bitch
06-08-2004, 19:22:27: i like coca cola.
06-08-2004, 19:23:03: my name is dave,
06-09-2004, 07:00:06: HELLO
06-09-2004, 09:17:42: Go suck a lemon Go suck a lemon Go suck a lemon Go suck a lemon Go suck a lemon Go suck a lemon Go suck a lemon Go suck a lemon Go suck a lemon Go suck a lemon Go suck a lemon Go suck a lemon Go suck a lemon Go suck a lemon Go suck a lemon Go suck a lemon Go suck a lemon Go suck a lemon Go suck a lemon Go suck a lemon Go suck a lemon Go suck a lemon Go suck a lemon Go suck a lemon Go suck a lemon
06-09-2004, 09:20:07: 04-2004, 13:09:10: 3/22 Continued Principles of fluid balance Capillary Hydrostatic pressure: Pressure exerted by fluid inside the capillary outward against the capillary membrane. Ø An increase in hydrostatic pressure will cause interstitial edema; CHF, renal failure, vein obstruction. Ø 32 mmHg on arterial end Ø 12 mmHg on venous end Ø You increase the blood pressure you increase the filtration rate. Interstitial Fluid pressure: Pressure exerted by fluid outside the capillary against the capillary membrane. Ø Only 1 mmHg. Ø It serves to help keep the fluid in the capillaries. Ø It is like a lake transport system. Plasma colloidal Oncotic Pressure (PCOP): Pressure exerted by osmotic pull of proteins inside the blood vessels. Fluid is therefore pulled into vessel from the interstitial space. It works by osmosis. Ø Any condition that decreases amount of protein in plasma will decrease the PCOP; burns, trauma, chronic diarrhea, malnutrition. Liver disease. Interstitial edema will then occur. Ø Any condition that increase the amount of protein in the plasma will increase the PCOP; IV blood and protein product, etc. Hypervolemia can occur. Ø Normal PCOP is 22 mmHg KNOW: The amount of fluid in the vessels and the blood pressure determines the capillary hydrostatic pressure. You want a decrease in hydrostatic pressure at the venous end so the fluids can get back into the vein so it can get rid of waste. Know that PCOP is the big player that gets fluid into the vessel. Know that cap is the big player that gets it out! PCOP is the pressure of fluid outside the capillary against the capillary membrane. The PCOP works by osmosis so it pulls it in. Use 18 gauge big needle for blood IV. Insert Vessel picture here: Tissue Colloidal Osmotic Pressure (TCOP): Pressure exerted by osmotic pull of proteins in the interstitial space. Ø Any condition that increases the protein in the interstitial space can cause edema; burns, chronic diarrhea, liver disease, malnutrition, trauma. TCOP: If you get an increase in TCOP you get edema ex. Burns. **Rales in the lungs tells you that you have a high TCOP in the lungs. Causes of problem: 1. Malnourished – which decreases the 22 mm from the capillary end. 2. GI disease. **Gravity increases the hydrostatic pressure making venule blood pooling occur. ***Know: If you are lying on your left lung is has better perfusion but the right lung has better expansion. *Therefore: fluid is forced out of capillary by hydrostatic pressure and pulled back into the venule by PCOP. Balance between interstitial space and intravascular space is dependent on blood pressure and plasma protein concentration. An alteration in one compartment causes alteration in the other two. Fluid Excess Vascular Hypervolemia – Excess fluid in the intravascular space. This will cause an increase in the capillary hydrostatic pressure and a decrease in the plasma colloidal oncotic pressure due to dilution. However, if protein IV’s are given then the plasma colloidal oncotic pressure will increase. KNOW: With Vascular hypervolemial the capillary hydrostatic pressure increases increases and the PCOP decreases d/t dilution. Central venous angle- note the angle the patient is lying at. Clinical findings: increase in b/p; full, bounding peripheral pulses (+3/3); distended peripheral veins; jugular distention (JVD); may have s/s of pulmonary edema. Interventions: Ø Decrease IV to KVO rate (20cc/hr) …don’t wait for doctor’s order to do this!!! KNOW 20cc/hr is KVO rate!! Ø Elebate HOB to ease breathing Ø Place legs in dependent position if possible to decrease venous return to he
06-09-2004, 09:20:45: hey rob quit slacking
06-09-2004, 09:21:07: I have a shitzu
06-09-2004, 09:22:15: DUDE......I HAVE HEM
06-09-2004, 09:23:05: peeeeeeeennnnnnnnniiiiisssssssssssssssssssssssssss
06-09-2004, 10:39:13: hello goof ball
06-09-2004, 11:36:17: If this thing really works than could you put a page on your website that explains how you hooked it up?
06-09-2004, 12:00:02: this is a test
06-09-2004, 14:03:24: hi
06-09-2004, 14:07:00: This is the Automatic Talking Machine! The words you type will magically be spoken out loud in my office here in San Francisco. If I'm around, I'll hear what you say. And so will anyone else who happens to be within
06-09-2004, 14:07:20: you FUCKING asshole KISS MY ASS
06-09-2004, 14:07:36: EAT MY HOT FRESH JIZZ
06-10-2004, 09:29:44: hello
06-10-2004, 09:30:04: hello
06-10-2004, 11:15:07: u nob head
06-10-2004, 21:33:54: i cannot talk
06-10-2004, 23:29:51: fucking loser you suck ya mammas tits
06-11-2004, 15:12:30: Hello Dad how are you
06-11-2004, 20:47:26: hello
06-12-2004, 14:05:03: Hey Hey nice site
06-12-2004, 17:27:21: talk
06-13-2004, 06:44:06: bla bla bla bla
06-13-2004, 09:21:58: sup nigger
06-13-2004, 19:25:58: hi there
06-13-2004, 19:27:25: Happy New Years!
06-13-2004, 19:27:46: Happy New Years!
06-14-2004, 04:53:33: Yo
06-14-2004, 09:59:04: Hello
06-15-2004, 06:04:42: this is the part where it all comes together can you feel this
06-15-2004, 06:06:14: your website sucks ass like a dribbly cum shot i wanted to hear it on my computer and i spit salt blocks
06-15-2004, 08:44:30: Woot woot
06-15-2004, 12:08:01: hallo
06-15-2004, 12:08:34: can u really hear it
06-15-2004, 16:44:34: hey, are you gay?
06-15-2004, 17:18:33: yo
06-15-2004, 17:18:51: I WANT YOUI
06-15-2004, 22:24:21: what does is mean of office automatic.
06-16-2004, 00:04:47: are you a dum weirdo or summit?
06-16-2004, 07:14:56: Hey what's up dude, hope you are working hard.
06-16-2004, 15:10:41: Hi
06-16-2004, 21:05:26: wrona is a fag
06-17-2004, 10:20:03: hi everyone
06-17-2004, 10:21:08: suck my dick baby yeah
06-17-2004, 17:24:40: Hi
06-17-2004, 17:25:10: Hello There
06-18-2004, 11:52:00: Hello Boy
06-18-2004, 12:13:53: dupa
06-18-2004, 13:38:11: Hey Rob Yo Yo Yo Boy
06-18-2004, 17:19:37: my boyfriend dumped me for a guy. he's so gay!
06-18-2004, 17:19:45:
06-19-2004, 07:11:26: this is gary nassr, please give me a sick day today
06-19-2004, 13:26:19: penis
06-19-2004, 13:27:02: wut up
06-19-2004, 13:27:31: touch my hairy penis and yes its long
06-19-2004, 14:00:57: hi
06-19-2004, 14:01:15: fuck you dicks
06-19-2004, 14:14:24: cock
06-20-2004, 10:17:47: hello, wrinkled minge. big jugs, rubbery baps, big hairy plums. dripping fadge. arse bandit, cum licking whores.have a nice day
06-20-2004, 18:01:33: wow
06-20-2004, 19:14:21: poop
06-21-2004, 09:12:54: assignment
06-21-2004, 09:13:34: bob
06-21-2004, 09:13:54: assignment
06-21-2004, 10:02:05: Shake it like a poloroid picture!!!!
06-21-2004, 15:59:30: Hey what's up?Cool site!
06-21-2004, 16:13:55: ur a smelly peice of poo
06-21-2004, 17:48:46: hi baby
06-21-2004, 17:49:31: hi baby
06-21-2004, 17:50:51: bryan brown
06-21-2004, 17:51:25: bryan brown
06-21-2004, 19:07:08: Uha uha
06-21-2004, 19:07:23: Hello
06-21-2004, 19:07:32: Hello
06-22-2004, 10:21:46: Do you own any pets?
06-23-2004, 08:38:34: Maj Fahy is touching me
06-23-2004, 13:06:00: Bam
06-23-2004, 13:07:01: Jo Momma
06-23-2004, 13:08:45: Thank you for subscribing to viagra
06-23-2004, 20:56:11: Bite Me You Mighty Spiter
06-23-2004, 20:58:02: Hello From Sunny Brisbane,Queensland,Australian....Hi All!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!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06-24-2004, 09:02:25: hey
06-24-2004, 09:02:52: hey
06-24-2004, 12:22:33: I like to eat doo doo
06-24-2004, 13:56:57: hi Linda how are you?
06-24-2004, 13:57:30: hi Linda how are you?
06-24-2004, 13:59:22:
06-24-2004, 14:00:31: hi...if there is a very smart young lady there fixing your copy machine...its my daughter
06-24-2004, 14:01:03: tell her Mom says hi
06-24-2004, 14:01:25: Hi Paulaaaa
06-24-2004, 18:58:38: who are you?
06-24-2004, 19:08:36: hi
06-24-2004, 23:28:45: HEY NUT FUCKER
06-24-2004, 23:29:03: HEY NUT FUCKER
06-25-2004, 15:23:31: braaf foei
06-25-2004, 15:25:38: braaf foei tell the dog to pass auf
06-25-2004, 15:26:06: it does not work
06-25-2004, 19:48:14: Ribit
06-25-2004, 19:53:23: Ribit
06-26-2004, 06:00:22: severina
06-26-2004, 10:13:22: too many up's
06-26-2004, 18:04:24: bla bla
06-26-2004, 18:09:19:
06-28-2004, 08:08:43: hello
06-28-2004, 08:08:44: hello
06-28-2004, 16:12:37: hi im not here right now.
06-28-2004, 16:33:28: a
06-29-2004, 02:36:53: hi
06-29-2004, 02:37:44: hi! how are you and hows going your life
06-29-2004, 07:23:53: hello my name is kery getz i am from
06-29-2004, 07:24:25: hello my name is kery getz i am from
06-29-2004, 07:26:59: matt montagazzi
06-29-2004, 07:27:42: hello
06-30-2004, 11:34:18: hello
06-30-2004, 14:05:47: starscream for president in 2005
06-30-2004, 14:07:07: The Cult of the Black Spork commands you!
06-30-2004, 19:52:48: I like the smell of my own ball sack and I play with my penis on a regular basis.
07-01-2004, 02:43:07: You motherfucker.
07-01-2004, 20:09:14: Give me a Kiss Tricia
07-02-2004, 02:55:28: How are you
07-02-2004, 07:11:54: Hello Andy, how are you doing?
07-02-2004, 07:12:15: Hello Andy, how are you doing?
07-02-2004, 12:32:01: way cool
07-03-2004, 08:25:23: hello
07-03-2004, 14:26:34: hello
07-03-2004, 14:29:20: hello
07-05-2004, 14:27:11: i have a huge dick and i wanna dick it in my friends ass but he dont want me to because he is not gay but i am can i stick it in your ass
07-06-2004, 07:11:38: I WANT TO SPANK YOUR BOTTY
07-06-2004, 08:48:18: FUck YOU NIgga
07-06-2004, 08:48:29: Fuck YOU niggaa
07-06-2004, 11:40:43: hello
07-06-2004, 12:38:29: Hello
07-07-2004, 13:12:41: whats up fucker
07-07-2004, 15:22:53: I hope you are having a great day!
07-07-2004, 19:32:34: I would like to know what kind of machine this is. My friend cannot speak, and I'd like to keep in touch with him over the phone. I thought it would be nice to get him something that spoke out the words he typed.
07-07-2004, 22:05:44: Hello
07-07-2004, 22:39:09: hello my name is people
07-08-2004, 05:38:17: Garde ton baratin de joueur de banjo pour tes amis
07-08-2004, 05:38:34: Garde ton baratin de joueur de banjo pour tes amis
07-08-2004, 05:38:46: Garde ton baratin de joueur de banjo pour tes amis
07-08-2004, 05:39:18: Garde ton baratin de joueur de banjo pour tes amis
07-08-2004, 15:31:48: hold it control it scroll button come on let's see you scroll it
07-08-2004, 15:32:17: i saw that
07-08-2004, 16:18:32: Show ah the babies
07-08-2004, 21:51:46: Please bookmark our site now so you can return easily at any time.
07-08-2004, 21:52:20: Please bookmark our site now so you can return easily at any time.
07-08-2004, 21:52:41: Please bookmark our site now so you can return easily at any time.
07-08-2004, 23:53:52: hello
07-08-2004, 23:54:42: 'ello mate
07-09-2004, 04:10:49: snarf
07-09-2004, 13:19:30: hello
07-09-2004, 14:46:45: Hello?
07-09-2004, 14:46:59: Hello?
07-09-2004, 14:48:15: Hello
07-09-2004, 14:49:34: Hello?
07-09-2004, 14:49:57: This isnt working here
07-09-2004, 16:53:52: Hello
07-09-2004, 16:54:19: Why do you do this?
07-09-2004, 20:00:13: will you suck my boner?
07-10-2004, 08:00:43: say it
07-10-2004, 10:40:58: I love to eat pussy.
07-10-2004, 16:31:01: hi
07-10-2004, 19:40:44: hello I am bored
07-11-2004, 08:46:00: hello
07-11-2004, 09:12:15: hey
07-11-2004, 09:15:01: googlebot(at)googlebot.com
07-11-2004, 09:30:57: hahaha
07-11-2004, 10:20:40: hello amelia!
07-11-2004, 11:18:07: hello
07-11-2004, 17:28:21: hi rob this is cool if it really works but theres no way for me to know so have a nice day.
07-11-2004, 17:32:32: hello
07-11-2004, 17:40:33: it does work you sick freak why did you create this freaky site you must be clinicly brain dead along with the rest of us but are you going to hell that is the real question save your soul before its to late god is coming soon and he'll start with sick and twisted minds of the internet first.
07-11-2004, 20:40:23: hello
07-11-2004, 21:48:57: jackie
07-11-2004, 21:49:00: jackie
07-12-2004, 01:51:00: hi my names chris
07-12-2004, 09:27:14: hello
07-12-2004, 16:04:55: I love Gazz
07-12-2004, 16:06:24: Please visit kampenwagen.co.uk
07-12-2004, 17:46:39: sfahg
07-12-2004, 17:46:56: i want you
07-12-2004, 17:49:16: i have no idea what this is
07-12-2004, 22:42:47: Hallo!
07-13-2004, 06:58:26: please leave me alone
07-13-2004, 07:24:13: hello
07-13-2004, 09:21:34: Now how are you
07-13-2004, 14:05:08: jus gay! for a man and a women!
07-13-2004, 14:05:19: jus gay! for a man and a women!
07-13-2004, 14:06:21: jus gay! for a man and a women!
07-13-2004, 15:17:34: wow, i just have nothing better to do so i felt like doing something stupid, hello my name is stephanie, how are you taday, im fine, just bored, thank you and good night.
07-13-2004, 22:30:47: hello
07-14-2004, 01:01:01: Well come to the Boardwalk Casino
07-14-2004, 01:02:22: Access Denied
07-14-2004, 07:30:16: hello
07-14-2004, 07:30:27: hello
07-14-2004, 08:23:34: You've probably heard this before. Thank you for having this on the web. It is neat and creative.
07-14-2004, 08:25:00: rachel is a booger brain
07-14-2004, 08:28:38: Okay. I just read through the first page of things people wrote. Wow. I don't know whether to laugh at all the fun you are having or to just cry out of pitty. Good luck with the world, Rob. This is Mike in San Diego signing off.
07-14-2004, 08:31:21: Okay, one more thing. How do we know if you are actually hearing this, or if you just read through them when you're bored. I'll check in periodically to see if you respond to this. Frankly, there is no way I can think of to prove it, other than actually being there. Oh well. This time I mean it. Mike signing off.
07-14-2004, 12:12:58: fuck you
07-14-2004, 13:18:28: poop
07-14-2004, 14:24:03: Hey bub what are you doin?
07-14-2004, 14:30:54: hello
07-14-2004, 16:30:44: hey
07-14-2004, 19:16:01: Thats right bitches
07-15-2004, 06:01:00: you silly cunt , what the fuck are you doing to my leg ?
07-15-2004, 09:42:25: Hello Tim Lorimer
07-15-2004, 09:43:33: Hello
07-15-2004, 11:01:20: you little minx
07-15-2004, 11:03:04: rim cheese smells exellent
07-15-2004, 11:58:44: fag
07-15-2004, 12:18:31: 15 free cds
07-15-2004, 16:36:09: fuck
07-15-2004, 20:53:36: i eat peanut butter
07-16-2004, 01:29:28:
07-16-2004, 01:29:28: Hello
07-16-2004, 06:13:08: czesć
07-16-2004, 06:13:24: Hi my name is
07-16-2004, 07:26:43: Nynese are you there?
07-16-2004, 07:26:58:
07-16-2004, 07:27:13: Nynese are you there?
07-16-2004, 07:27:31: hi
07-16-2004, 11:37:48: est-ce que tu as une grosse bite
07-16-2004, 16:14:29: hello there
07-16-2004, 18:06:54: you what's up dude
07-16-2004, 23:36:48: hey how are you im goin to be making a couple million dollars and i just like to tell you that after ive gotten this money im not gonna give a shit about any of you!!
07-17-2004, 02:38:25: seifer.... rinoa.... edea... squall... rikku...
07-17-2004, 02:41:11: Come into my office.
07-17-2004, 05:26:48: HEY
07-17-2004, 07:35:06: can i get free cd of this talking machine
07-17-2004, 09:43:45: hello
What the hell is going on
07-17-2004, 09:44:17: hello
07-17-2004, 12:14:22: hello
07-17-2004, 12:14:41:
07-17-2004, 14:33:08: c
07-17-2004, 16:45:17: i want to fuck you
07-17-2004, 16:45:31: look
07-18-2004, 08:51:01: wazzzzzup dawg?
07-18-2004, 14:36:54: I likea doa the cha cha
07-18-2004, 14:37:24: I will eat poo and go to the bathroom in my dress.
07-18-2004, 16:07:10: oi
07-18-2004, 16:07:29: sanjeevk@google.com
07-18-2004, 16:08:08: oi amigos
07-18-2004, 16:08:54: oi mizéria
07-18-2004, 20:02:58: Shut the fuck up
07-19-2004, 03:01:10: smelly
07-19-2004, 08:58:48: Enter text, choose a voice, then click the SPEAK button
07-19-2004, 13:10:35: Hello, you have reached DonnyDay Consulting.
07-19-2004, 13:11:17: hmmmm, sorry, i thought I was going to hear the talking....have a great day!!
07-19-2004, 13:33:15: hello
07-19-2004, 13:51:26: mhairi is a pure fish bag
07-19-2004, 17:08:17: Sherbert
07-19-2004, 17:48:10: hey
07-19-2004, 19:34:25: hi
07-19-2004, 21:53:15: Hi.
07-19-2004, 22:36:13: suck you
07-19-2004, 22:52:14: hahahahahah
07-19-2004, 22:53:24: this is gay it doesn't work
07-20-2004, 09:17:59: Check Mate
07-20-2004, 09:18:19: Check Mate
07-20-2004, 14:37:50: i wanna lick ur tits so u yell ohh fuck me screw this ass hole
07-20-2004, 14:39:07: hi everyone my name is sir love the cock and i lick to suck the juicey ones do not be shy put ur hand up i will suck it for u no need for a bitch when u have me thanks a lot byebye now!!
07-20-2004, 14:39:16:
07-20-2004, 14:40:22: hi
07-20-2004, 16:31:08: hello
07-20-2004, 18:35:07: Whats Up Nigga
07-20-2004, 18:43:13: Kami
07-20-2004, 18:43:40: kami
07-20-2004, 18:46:18: Hey you over there. Icame here to see what the name Kami sounds like so much for that a.
07-20-2004, 18:49:27: All humans have small Dicks so what is a real wpmen to do?
07-20-2004, 19:20:36: what
07-20-2004, 19:22:09: hello
07-20-2004, 19:22:44: hello my name is bob
07-20-2004, 19:23:02: hi
07-21-2004, 00:49:48: hi
07-21-2004, 04:42:45: Hi Sarah this is
07-21-2004, 04:44:18: I'm Watching YOU!
07-21-2004, 06:16:48: If you zoom in enough you can see Bill on his three wheeler on his way to
play penny bowls at the amusements.
07-21-2004, 11:23:44: Fuck me penis
07-21-2004, 13:48:46: helo
07-21-2004, 17:51:39: HI!
07-21-2004, 23:00:02: hello, my name is bill
07-22-2004, 13:25:15: Well you seam very gutsy!!! wht would you want to hear what some people have to say? I think you are nuts!
07-22-2004, 13:31:21: how long is your dick? will you fuck me with it ROB? I wanna suck it bone dry. then I will ride you like a donky ooh Rob your dick lootks so big can I have a taste? it is so good I want you to FUCK ME HARDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now you will come and fuck my tiny little asshole like the good slave you are! push it inside me further and further!!! FUCK ME FUCK ME FUCK ME!!!!!
07-22-2004, 14:09:16: hello dad
07-22-2004, 14:11:13: hello again
07-22-2004, 15:54:49: i have a large tumor on my rectum
07-22-2004, 16:16:08: whats up you dumb ass
07-22-2004, 16:52:39: Im one sexy bitch
07-22-2004, 16:52:44: Im one sexy bitch
07-22-2004, 17:58:10: you are a bastard
07-22-2004, 23:45:12: fuck you asshole
07-23-2004, 04:29:56: Hellooooo Thereeee
07-23-2004, 04:30:11: Hellooooo Thereeee
07-23-2004, 10:05:20: I have not yet figured how to pull my head out of my ass
07-23-2004, 10:55:23: hello
07-23-2004, 12:52:08: Hahaha! brilliant idea!
07-23-2004, 15:19:13: fuck me god damnit
07-23-2004, 16:51:32: this is preston
07-23-2004, 20:04:59: hey
07-23-2004, 20:05:53: did we land on the moon
07-24-2004, 05:07:37: hi
07-24-2004, 13:36:40: fjh
07-24-2004, 22:07:59: ladies and gentlemen
07-24-2004, 22:11:31: ladies and gentlemen
07-25-2004, 06:28:35: I am pregnant again with triplet girls, and I love it.
07-25-2004, 09:26:21: Hey baby!
07-25-2004, 10:41:50: helo
07-25-2004, 12:00:50: DJ Justice
07-25-2004, 19:47:08: bob fox is an idiot haha
07-26-2004, 00:39:19: hello
07-26-2004, 04:12:56: The New York State C L E Number is 8 3 6 2
07-26-2004, 06:48:54: push me and then just touch me till i can get my satisfactoin
07-26-2004, 06:53:45: push me and then just touch me till i can get my satisfaction
07-26-2004, 13:13:59: Who wants to smoke a bowl?
07-26-2004, 17:37:36: hey
07-26-2004, 19:17:42: stupid
07-26-2004, 19:18:00: hello
07-26-2004, 19:18:29: yikes
07-26-2004, 23:14:43: hi how are you
07-27-2004, 09:38:53: Hello
07-27-2004, 13:28:28: dddddoooooooooooooooodddddddddddddooooooooooo
07-27-2004, 18:00:44: hey travis
07-27-2004, 18:01:46: im at school and not supposed to be doing this
07-27-2004, 20:15:48: FUCK YOU MOTHER FUCKER
07-27-2004, 20:16:35: fuck me in the ass and kill all niggers.
07-28-2004, 02:20:40: hey
07-28-2004, 02:20:51: hey
07-28-2004, 02:21:02:
07-28-2004, 02:21:11: Araib is gay
07-28-2004, 03:29:53: fuck u dick head
07-28-2004, 03:30:58: hello
07-28-2004, 05:39:40: Hello! My name is Giggle McSlappybottoms!
07-28-2004, 07:25:00: cock
07-28-2004, 07:25:32: you are gay
07-28-2004, 08:15:21: you suck dick
07-28-2004, 08:17:15: what up
07-28-2004, 09:49:30: Hi Rita
07-28-2004, 09:53:13: Hey You There! Want some Peanut peanut butter and jelly
07-28-2004, 10:09:53: Now were back to Mr. Blue!
07-28-2004, 11:05:45: hi sexy, i love you
07-28-2004, 12:56:33: you rule
07-28-2004, 13:48:56: poop on you
07-28-2004, 13:49:49: fuck! I am a sad penis inside of a vaccum. Stop sucking this woman. I am scared of darkness
07-29-2004, 07:14:16: hi hows it going and that
07-29-2004, 10:01:07: hello
07-29-2004, 10:01:39: hay man whats up
07-29-2004, 18:25:55: Hello Niko
07-29-2004, 18:26:24: Anyone out there
07-29-2004, 21:58:27: O god yes don't stop! Yes push it in!
07-30-2004, 00:58:40: chocolate
07-30-2004, 07:34:22: fuck you
07-30-2004, 09:55:07: fart knocker
07-30-2004, 09:55:50: butt licker
07-30-2004, 10:18:58: chrisseefried
07-30-2004, 10:19:41: chrisseefried
07-30-2004, 11:02:28: you are sooooooooooooooo dumb
07-30-2004, 18:08:28: fuck you asshole
07-30-2004, 18:08:44: fuck you asshole
07-30-2004, 19:04:27: adsfgadfg
07-30-2004, 19:04:48: yo
07-30-2004, 19:05:54: hello
07-30-2004, 19:08:21: Bonjour my name is Claude. Are you for scuba?
07-30-2004, 20:36:57: i pitty da foo
07-30-2004, 20:40:37: hello
07-30-2004, 22:33:09: "You have reached the CPX-2000 Voice Blackmail System. Your voice patterns are now being digitally encoded and stored for later use. Once this is done, our computers will be able to use the sound of *your* voice for literally thousands of illegal and immoral purposes. There is no charge for this initial consultation, however our staff of professional extortionists will contact you in the near future to further explain the benefits of our service, and to arrange for your schedule of payment. Remember to speak clearly at the sound of the tone. Thank you."
07-30-2004, 22:53:32: BOOger
07-30-2004, 23:35:55: i hate u
07-30-2004, 23:36:08: i love you
07-30-2004, 23:36:44: i hate you
07-30-2004, 23:37:01: my dick is three inchs
07-30-2004, 23:37:14:
07-31-2004, 08:19:56: Here Ford
07-31-2004, 10:25:48: hello you cunts
07-31-2004, 14:58:46: adsdasjdhgdalfjhadfbmnzbkljhczliuyuihkwrjhkajsdkansadkuer. Stupid Germany.
07-31-2004, 14:59:51: yo i'm from da east
some might sy i'm a beast
yo my style is too ill
i think you need to chill
when you see me take that cheque and I deal
07-31-2004, 16:28:18: How do I get one of these things? !!
07-31-2004, 18:45:43: penis
07-31-2004, 19:45:17: haray krishna
07-31-2004, 19:46:19: haray krishna
07-31-2004, 20:47:13: hello amber and la rai you are a retared
07-31-2004, 20:53:56:
07-31-2004, 20:55:25: my ass burns
07-31-2004, 20:56:41: niggagggagagaggagaaa
07-31-2004, 20:56:52: hullllabalooo
08-01-2004, 01:50:55: a sudden hello out of nowhere
08-01-2004, 12:19:06: lick my balls
08-01-2004, 16:40:38: Can I get a woop woop?
08-01-2004, 19:51:36: Where do I find other Automatic Talking Machines?
08-01-2004, 23:05:23: HEY! GET BACK TO WORK!
08-02-2004, 09:40:37: hello, my name is judy
08-02-2004, 12:58:23: bitch
08-02-2004, 12:58:37: bitch
08-02-2004, 13:19:37: retard
08-02-2004, 14:09:44: hello
08-02-2004, 14:10:51: Is someone gonna say something?
08-02-2004, 14:11:23: Is someone gonna say something?
08-02-2004, 15:54:36: Get back to work !
08-02-2004, 15:58:03: yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
08-03-2004, 03:41:19: Wake up glenn, doom three comes out in four hours and you have a dirty hard drive. you need to wake up and reformat. you've been waiting for this game for five years and your ass is still sleeping. let go of the laziness and immerse yourself into your entire haxor leet potential.
08-03-2004, 08:57:45: my name is bob
08-03-2004, 08:58:02: hey what are you doing today
08-03-2004, 08:58:52: Yo, D G waz up in the hood?
08-03-2004, 09:08:25: I know
08-03-2004, 12:42:51: hello
08-03-2004, 12:44:07: what is this place, you mother fuckin whore?
08-03-2004, 14:03:49: Hello. This is Nonoxynol-9, the personal and private telephone number of Mikhail Vladivostok Gorbachev, General Secretary of the Supreme Council of the glorious Communist Party of the Union of Sovjet Socialist Republics, Commander-In-Chief of the Combined Armies of the Proletariat Peoples of Russia, First Citizen of the Order of Lenin, Supreme Patron of the Soviet Institute of Literature and Domestic Sciences, President of the Soviet People's Council of Peace and Happiness and Captain of the Kremlin B Squash Team. But hey, call me Mike.
08-03-2004, 16:54:10: what's going on brother?
08-03-2004, 22:02:01: pin back your ears because im a pixie
08-03-2004, 23:23:50: Fuck
08-04-2004, 01:10:36: hi man
08-04-2004, 01:11:00: hi man
08-04-2004, 03:05:59: Test
08-04-2004, 04:42:40: hello
08-04-2004, 10:44:58: bitch
08-04-2004, 11:38:46: mr. ferg has big ears
08-04-2004, 14:16:33: hello
08-04-2004, 14:19:13: hello
08-04-2004, 14:43:10: fuck my ass
08-04-2004, 17:14:42: romance
08-04-2004, 17:15:27: leave a message after the beep
08-04-2004, 17:15:44: love
08-05-2004, 14:50:28: My name is Michelle FitzGerald and I am short and definitely a true blonde
08-05-2004, 15:00:34: Ohh...me so horny...Me fuck you long time....
08-05-2004, 15:43:43: hello
08-05-2004, 16:34:41: hello
08-05-2004, 18:23:03: do you walk to work or take your lunch?
08-05-2004, 19:42:20: zak is a gay bitch
08-05-2004, 20:32:20: go home
08-05-2004, 20:32:27: go home
08-06-2004, 02:40:18: your beach ball has been popped
08-06-2004, 02:43:17: I'm just writing to say that i am currently sticking my cock up your mothers ass she sucks it so hard
08-06-2004, 07:22:56: hello
08-06-2004, 07:23:36: hello
08-06-2004, 07:23:53: speaks
08-06-2004, 07:24:00: speaks
08-06-2004, 07:24:20: speaks
08-06-2004, 08:45:49: If we desired to select a person who could personify the typical home-maker, the individual born in the sign of Cancer should be the representative type, according to astrological lore. However, in the actual world of living beings, we often find people born in this fourth sign who do not live up to their high calling. In astrology we find what are known as developed sun-sign types, and also the undeveloped members of that sign. When Cancerians are full-fledged examples of their high calling, we can count on it that life brings them love and happiness, for individuals who are constantly looking out for the welfare of others find that their own problems are solved through the law of cause and effect automatically operating in the Universe.
08-06-2004, 15:43:35: hello
08-06-2004, 21:27:55: Stephen
08-06-2004, 21:54:44: hey
08-07-2004, 10:48:57: fuck you
08-07-2004, 10:50:13: lick my pussy im a cock sucking whore
08-07-2004, 14:54:43: i want to fuck you hard
08-07-2004, 14:55:50: give it to me baby
08-07-2004, 14:57:03: hello how are you i am from england i do like america i think it is spiffingly marvelous and i would like to say goodbye and have a lovely day
08-08-2004, 13:52:01: bitch
08-09-2004, 06:35:17: Hey chrit
08-09-2004, 06:35:35: Hey chris
08-09-2004, 06:36:13: Hey whats up
08-09-2004, 09:17:01: wheeee
08-09-2004, 09:18:44: i am a boat motor. pull here please. blurm bla bla bla blogd. again. bla bla brugdogd. one morew time. blabla blurrrg bla bla bla blabla bla bla blabla bla bla blabla bla bla blabla bla bla blabla bla bla blabla bla bla blabla bla bla blabla bla bla blabla bla bla blabla bla bla blabla bla bla blabla bla bla blabla bla bla blabla bla bla blabla bla bla blabla bla bla blabla bla bla blabla bla bla blabla bla bla blabla bla bla blabla bla bla blabla bla bla blabla bla bla blabla bla bla blabla bla bla blabla bla bla bla. ahhhhhhhh. smash.
08-09-2004, 09:22:30: The Genealogy of Jesus
1A record of the genealogy of Jesus Christ the son of David, the son of Abraham:
2Abraham was the father of Isaac,
Isaac the father of Jacob,
Jacob the father of Judah and his brothers,
3Judah the father of Perez and Zerah, whose mother was Tamar,
Perez the father of Hezron,
Hezron the father of Ram,
4Ram the father of Amminadab,
Amminadab the father of Nahshon,
Nahshon the father of Salmon,
5Salmon the father of Boaz, whose mother was Rahab,
Boaz the father of Obed, whose mother was Ruth,
Obed the father of Jesse,
6and Jesse the father of King David.
David was the father of Solomon, whose mother had been Uriah's wife,
7Solomon the father of Rehoboam,
Rehoboam the father of Abijah,
Abijah the father of Asa,
8Asa the father of Jehoshaphat,
Jehoshaphat the father of Jehoram,
Jehoram the father of Uzziah,
9Uzziah the father of Jotham,
Jotham the father of Ahaz,
Ahaz the father of Hezekiah,
10Hezekiah the father of Manasseh,
Manasseh the father of Amon,
Amon the father of Josiah,
11and Josiah the father of Jeconiah[1] and his brothers at the time of the exile to Babylon.
12After the exile to Babylon:
Jeconiah was the father of Shealtiel,
Shealtiel the father of Zerubbabel,
13Zerubbabel the father of Abiud,
Abiud the father of Eliakim,
Eliakim the father of Azor,
14Azor the father of Zadok,
Zadok the father of Akim,
Akim the father of Eliud,
15Eliud the father of Eleazar,
Eleazar the father of Matthan,
Matthan the father of Jacob,
16and Jacob the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.
17Thus there were fourteen generations in all from Abraham to David, fourteen from David to the exile to Babylon, and fourteen from the exile to the Christ.[2]
The Birth of Jesus Christ
18This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit. 19Because Joseph her husband was a righteous man and did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly.
20But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. 21She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus,[3] because he will save his people from their sins."
22All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: 23"The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel"[4] --which means, "God with us."
24When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife. 25But he had no union with her until she gave birth to a son. And he gave him the name Jesus.
1:11 That is, Jehoiachin; also in verse 12
1:17 Or Messiah. "The Christ" (Greek) and "the Messiah" (Hebrew) both mean "the Anointed One."
1:21 Jesus is the Greek form of Joshua, which means the LORD saves.
1:23 Isaiah 7:14
08-09-2004, 12:36:13: Do you do paperwork?
08-09-2004, 21:13:46: i don't like my boss
08-10-2004, 20:09:02: Fuck my ass mister linton
08-10-2004, 20:36:01: hello, catherine. what's that string?
08-10-2004, 20:36:27:
08-10-2004, 20:36:35: hello
08-11-2004, 00:51:41: fuck
08-11-2004, 08:14:07: Niklas Knullar asa
08-11-2004, 08:15:54: Im the Laser Boy
08-11-2004, 12:12:00: hi
08-11-2004, 15:58:39: auto destruct sequence activated.. one hundred. ninety nine. ninety eight. ninety seven. ninety six. ninety five. ninety four. ninety three. ninety two. ninety one. ninety. eighty nine. eighty eight. eighty seven.. three.. two.. one.. auto destruct sequence de-activated... phew!
08-11-2004, 19:11:47: hi
08-12-2004, 08:34:38: Hi, how are you?
08-12-2004, 08:35:17: Hi
08-12-2004, 08:45:47: Rob Hansen
08-12-2004, 11:14:50: get your kilts on lads cause tonight is ladies night
08-12-2004, 12:30:49: hi
08-12-2004, 16:33:07: is wayne brady gunna have ta choke a bitch?
08-12-2004, 16:33:56: Math my dear boy is nothin more than the lesbian sister of biology
08-12-2004, 18:45:39: shut up you fucking cunt
08-12-2004, 18:45:58: hi
08-12-2004, 19:42:56: helo
08-12-2004, 19:44:36: yes
08-13-2004, 01:34:30: whats up
08-13-2004, 03:01:58: vocal explosion
08-13-2004, 13:02:20: hello
08-13-2004, 14:34:24: matt you are a fucking fag i cant believe you cant do it!
08-13-2004, 17:34:56: hello
08-13-2004, 18:14:32: hello
08-13-2004, 21:37:13: Oh God am I bored.
08-14-2004, 08:25:18: satan satan satan
08-14-2004, 08:26:11: satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan
08-14-2004, 08:27:19: satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan satan 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08-14-2004, 13:54:54: hi
08-14-2004, 18:33:21: Hey
08-14-2004, 18:36:27: dgsg
08-14-2004, 23:02:01: what progam is this
08-14-2004, 23:17:58: get your dick out of my hard drive quit stroking my mouse rape rape help rape!
08-15-2004, 08:49:14: lyuba
08-16-2004, 00:45:38: ha ha ha i win
08-16-2004, 09:19:12: it must feel good to have such a huge brain
08-16-2004, 11:05:29: fuck
08-16-2004, 11:06:06: fuck
08-16-2004, 13:16:42: All we have to do is keep talking
08-16-2004, 13:53:22: poop
08-16-2004, 16:00:46: Bob get out of the flowerpots
08-16-2004, 16:03:15: This computer will self destruct in 10 seconds..10 , 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. DIEEEE
08-16-2004, 16:28:16: hey there
08-16-2004, 16:28:38: hey
08-16-2004, 21:29:27: HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING
08-16-2004, 21:29:54: HELLO
08-16-2004, 21:31:33: HELLO
08-16-2004, 21:35:13: I WANT TO TALK TO MYSELF
08-17-2004, 03:54:50: hello
08-17-2004, 03:55:37: why is this not working
08-17-2004, 03:55:52: this is not very good
08-17-2004, 05:04:50: Hello
08-17-2004, 05:05:29: hello
08-17-2004, 08:30:52: hi
08-17-2004, 08:45:45: i like puppies
08-17-2004, 10:01:25: warning virus
08-17-2004, 11:08:31: hola como estan
08-17-2004, 11:08:35: sanjeevk@google.com
08-17-2004, 11:30:16: Stop playing your play station football game and get back to work, Rob Hansen..
08-17-2004, 11:52:18: hello i am a gay computer
08-18-2004, 03:00:00: Today is Friday, August 13, 2004
For Simon Greenwell on Aventis press 1
For Paul Burchell on Chase Bank press 2
And for other topics press 8
08-18-2004, 12:20:10: do u know that website that can read things to u like u tipe things in then it can read it to u in diffrent languages
08-18-2004, 12:20:39: do u know that website that can read things to u like u tipe things in then it can read it to u in diffrent languages
08-18-2004, 12:23:15: Frank Stockton
The Lady Or The Tiger?
In the very olden time there lived a semi-barbaric king, whose ideas, though somewhat polished and sharpened by the progressiveness of distant Latin neighbors, were still large, florid, and untrammeled, as became the half of him which was barbaric. He was a man of exuberant fancy, and, withal, of an authority so irresistible that, at his will, he turned his varied fancies into facts. He was greatly given to self-communing, and, when he and himself agreed upon anything, the thing was done. When every member of his domestic and political systems moved smoothly in its appointed course, his nature was bland and genial; but, whenever there was a little hitch, and some of his orbs got out of their orbits, he was blander and more genial still, for nothing pleased him so much as to make the crooked straight and crush down uneven places.
Among the borrowed notions by which his barbarism had become semified was that of the public arena, in which, by exhibitions of manly and beastly valor, the minds of his subjects were refined and cultured.
But even here the exuberant and barbaric fancy asserted itself. The arena of the king was built, not to give the people an opportunity of hearing the rhapsodies of dying gladiators, nor to enable them to view the inevitable conclusion of a conflict between religious opinions and hungry jaws, but for purposes far better adapted to widen and develop the mental energies of the people. This vast amphitheater, with its encircling galleries, its mysterious vaults, and its unseen passages, was an agent of poetic justice, in which crime was punished, or virtue rewarded, by the decrees of an impartial and incorruptible chance.
When a subject was accused of a crime of sufficient importance to interest the king, public notice was given that on an appointed day the fate of the accused person would be decided in the king's arena, a structure which well deserved its name, for, although its form and plan were borrowed from afar, its purpose emanated solely from the brain of this man, who, every barleycorn a king, knew no tradition to which he owed more allegiance than pleased his fancy, and who ingrafted on every adopted form of human thought and action the rich growth of his barbaric idealism.
When all the people had assembled in the galleries, and the king, surrounded by his court, sat high up on his throne of royal state on one side of the arena, he gave a signal, a door beneath him opened, and the accused subject stepped out into the amphitheater. Directly opposite him, on the other side of the enclosed space, were two doors, exactly alike and side by side. It was the duty and the privilege of the person on trial to walk directly to these doors and open one of them. He could open either door he pleased; he was subject to no guidance or influence but that of the aforementioned impartial and incorruptible chance. If he opened the one, there came out of it a hungry tiger, the fiercest and most cruel that could be procured, which immediately sprang upon him and tore him to pieces as a punishment for his guilt. The moment that the case of the criminal was thus decided, doleful iron bells were clanged, great wails went up from the hired mourners posted on the outer rim of the arena, and the vast audience, with bowed heads and downcast hearts, wended slowly their homeward way, mourning greatly that one so young and fair, or so old and respected, should have merited so dire a fate.
But, if the accused person opened the other door, there came forth from it a lady, the most suitable to his years and station that his majesty could select among his fair subjects, and to this lady he was immediately married, as a reward of his innocence. It mattered not that he might already possess a wife and family, or that his affections might be engaged upon an object of his own selection; the king allowed no such subordinate arrangements to interfere with his great scheme of retribution and reward. The exercises, as in the other instance, took place immediately, and in the arena. Another door opened beneath the king, and a priest, followed by a band of choristers, and dancing maidens blowing joyous airs on golden horns and treading an epithalamic measure, advanced to where the pair stood, side by side, and the wedding was promptly and cheerily solemnized. Then the gay brass bells rang forth their merry peals, the people shouted glad hurrahs, and the innocent man, preceded by children strewing flowers on his path, led his bride to his home.
This was the king's semi-barbaric method of administering justice. Its perfect fairness is obvious. The criminal could not know out of which door would come the lady; he opened either he pleased, without having the slightest idea whether, in the next instant, he was to be devoured or married. On some occasions the tiger came out of one door, and on some out of the other. The decisions of this tribunal were not only fair, they were positively determinate: the accused person was instantly punished if he found himself guilty, and, if innocent, he was rewarded on the spot, whether he liked it or not. There was no escape from the judgments of the king's arena.
The institution was a very popular one. When the people gathered together on one of the great trial days, they never knew whether they were to witness a bloody slaughter or a hilarious wedding. This element of uncertainty lent an interest to the occasion which it could not otherwise have attained. Thus, the masses were entertained and pleased, and the thinking part of the community could bring no charge of unfairness against this plan, for did not the accused person have the whole matter in his own hands?
This semi-barbaric king had a daughter as blooming as his most florid fancies, and with a soul as fervent and imperious as his own. As is usual in such cases, she was the apple of his eye, and was loved by him above all humanity. Among his courtiers was a young man of that fineness of blood and lowness of station common to the conventional heroes of romance who love royal maidens. This royal maiden was well satisfied with her lover, for he was handsome and brave to a degree unsurpassed in all this kingdom, and she loved him with an ardor that had enough of barbarism in it to make it exceedingly warm and strong. This love affair moved on happily for many months, until one day the king happened to discover its existence. He did not hesitate nor waver in regard to his duty in the premises. The youth was immediately cast into prison, and a day was appointed for his trial in the king's arena. This, of course, was an especially important occasion, and his majesty, as well as all the people, was greatly interested in the workings and development of this trial. Never before had such a case occurred; never before had a subject dared to love the daughter of the king. In after years such things became commonplace enough, but then they were in no slight degree novel and startling.
The tiger-cages of the kingdom were searched for the most savage and relentless beasts, from which the fiercest monster might be selected for the arena; and the ranks of maiden youth and beauty throughout the land were carefully surveyed by competent judges in order that the young man might have a fitting bride in case fate did not determine for him a different destiny. Of course, everybody knew that the deed with which the accused was charged had been done. He had loved the princess, and neither he, she, nor any one else, thought of denying the fact; but the king would not think of allowing any fact of this kind to interfere with the workings of the tribunal, in which he took such great delight and satisfaction. No matter how the affair turned out, the youth would be disposed of, and the king would take an aesthetic pleasure in watching the course of events, which would determine whether or not the young man had done wrong in allowing himself to love the princess.
The appointed day arrived. From far and near the people gathered, and thronged the great galleries of the arena, and crowds, unable to gain admittance, massed themselves against its outside walls. The king and his court were in their places, opposite the twin doors, those fateful portals, so terrible in their similarity.
All was ready. The signal was given. A door beneath the royal party opened, and the lover of the princess walked into the arena. Tall, beautiful, fair, his appearance was greeted with a low hum of admiration and anxiety. Half the audience had not known so grand a youth had lived among them. No wonder the princess loved him! What a terrible thing for him to be there!
As the youth advanced into the arena he turned, as the custom was, to bow to the king, but he did not think at all of that royal personage. His eyes were fixed upon the princess, who sat to the right of her father. Had it not been for the moiety of barbarism in her nature it is probable that lady would not have been there, but her intense and fervid soul would not allow her to be absent on an occasion in which she was so terribly interested. From the moment that the decree had gone forth that her lover should decide his fate in the king's arena, she had thought of nothing, night or day, but this great event and the various subjects connected with it. Possessed of more power, influence, and force of character than any one who had ever before been interested in such a case, she had done what no other person had done - she had possessed herself of the secret of the doors. She knew in which of the two rooms, that lay behind those doors, stood the cage of the tiger, with its open front, and in which waited the lady. Through these thick doors, heavily curtained with skins on the inside, it was impossible that any noise or suggestion should come from within to the person who should approach to raise the latch of one of them. But gold, and the power of a woman's will, had brought the secret to the princess.
And not only did she know in which room stood the lady ready to emerge, all blushing and radiant, should her door be opened, but she knew who the lady was. It was one of the fairest and loveliest of the damsels of the court who had been selected as the reward of the accused youth, should he be proved innocent of the crime of aspiring to one so far above him; and the princess hated her. Often had she seen, or imagined that she had seen, this fair creature throwing glances of admiration upon the person of her lover, and sometimes she thought these glances were perceived, and even returned. Now and then she had seen them talking together; it was but for a moment or two, but much can be said in a brief space; it may have been on most unimportant topics, but how could she know that? The girl was lovely, but she had dared to raise her eyes to the loved one of the princess; and, with all the intensity of the savage blood transmitted to her through long lines of wholly barbaric ancestors, she hated the woman who blushed and trembled behind that silent door.
When her lover turned and looked at her, and his eye met hers as she sat there, paler and whiter than any one in the vast ocean of anxious faces about her, he saw, by that power of quick perception which is given to those whose souls are one, that she knew behind which door crouched the tiger, and behind which stood the lady. He had expected her to know it. He understood her nature, and his soul was assured that she would never rest until she had made plain to herself this thing, hidden to all other lookers-on, even to the king. The only hope for the youth in which there was any element of certainty was based upon the success of the princess in discovering this mystery; and the moment he looked upon her, he saw she had succeeded, as in his soul he knew she would succeed.
Then it was that his quick and anxious glance asked the question: "Which?" It was as plain to her as if he shouted it from where he stood. There was not an instant to be lost. The question was asked in a flash; it must be answered in another.
Her right arm lay on the cushioned parapet before her. She raised her hand, and made a slight, quick movement toward the right. No one but her lover saw her. Every eye but his was fixed on the man in the arena.
He turned, and with a firm and rapid step he walked across the empty space. Every heart stopped beating, every breath was held, every eye was fixed immovably upon that man. Without the slightest hesitation, he went to the door on the right, and opened it.
Now, the point of the story is this: Did the tiger come out of that door, or did the lady ?
The more we reflect upon this question, the harder it is to answer. It involves a study of the human heart which leads us through devious mazes of passion, out of which it is difficult to find our way. Think of it, fair reader, not as if the decision of the question depended upon yourself, but upon that hot-blooded, semi-barbaric princess, her soul at a white heat beneath the combined fires of despair and jealousy. She had lost him, but who should have him?
How often, in her waking hours and in her dreams, had she started in wild horror, and covered her face with her hands as she thought of her lover opening the door on the other side of which waited the cruel fangs of the tiger!
But how much oftener had she seen him at the other door! How in her grievous reveries had she gnashed her teeth, and torn her hair, when she saw his start of rapturous delight as he opened the door of the lady! How her soul had burned in agony when she had seen him rush to meet that woman, with her flushing cheek and sparkling eye of triumph; when she had seen him lead her forth, his whole frame kindled with the joy of recovered life; when she had heard the glad shouts from the multitude, and the wild ringing of the happy bells; when she had seen the priest, with his joyous followers, advance to the couple, and make them man and wife before her very eyes; and when she had seen them walk away together upon their path of flowers, followed by the tremendous shouts of the hilarious multitude, in which her one despairing shriek was lost and drowned!
Would it not be better for him to die at once, and go to wait for her in the blessed regions of semi-barbaric futurity?
And yet, that awful tiger, those shrieks, that blood!
Her decision had been indicated in an instant, but it had been made after days and nights of anguished deliberation. She had known she would be asked, she had decided what she would answer, and, without the slightest hesitation, she had moved her hand to the right.
The question of her decision is one not to be lightly considered, and it is not for me to presume to set myself up as the one person able to answer it. And so I leave it with all of you: Which came out of the opened door - the lady, or the tiger?
08-18-2004, 12:28:32: hallo
08-18-2004, 14:09:15: "OFF THERE to the right--somewhere--is a large island," said Whitney." It's rather a mystery--"
"What island is it?" Rainsford asked. A few comments from the students at Monmouth High School 9th grade class under the direction of S VanArsdale.
"The old charts call it `Ship-Trap Island,"' Whitney replied." A suggestive name, isn't it? Sailors have a curious dread of the place. I don't know why. Some superstition--"
"Can't see it," remarked Rainsford, trying to peer through the dank tropical night that was palpable as it pressed its thick warm blackness in upon the yacht.
"You've good eyes," said Whitney, with a laugh," and I've seen you pick off a moose moving in the brown fall bush at four hundred yards, but even you can't see four miles or so through a moonless Caribbean night."
"Nor four yards," admitted Rainsford. "Ugh! It's like moist black velvet."
"It will be light enough in Rio," promised Whitney. "We should make it in a few days. I hope the jaguar guns have come from Purdey's. We should have some good hunting up the Amazon. Great sport, hunting."
"The best sport in the world," agreed Rainsford.
"For the hunter," amended Whitney. "Not for the jaguar."
"Don't talk rot, Whitney," said Rainsford. "You're a big-game hunter, not a philosopher. Who cares how a jaguar feels?"
"Perhaps the jaguar does," observed Whitney.
"Bah! They've no understanding."
"Even so, I rather think they understand one thing--fear. The fear of pain and the fear of death."
"Nonsense," laughed Rainsford. "This hot weather is making you soft, Whitney. Be a realist. The world is made up of two classes--the hunters and the huntees. Luckily, you and I are hunters. Do you think we've passed that island yet?"
"I can't tell in the dark. I hope so."
"Why? " asked Rainsford.
"The place has a reputation--a bad one."
"Cannibals?" suggested Rainsford.
"Hardly. Even cannibals wouldn't live in such a God-forsaken place. But it's gotten into sailor lore, somehow. Didn't you notice that the crew's nerves seemed a bit jumpy today?"
"They were a bit strange, now you mention it. Even Captain Nielsen--"
"Yes, even that tough-minded old Swede, who'd go up to the devil himself and ask him for a light. Those fishy blue eyes held a look I never saw there before. All I could get out of him was `This place has an evil name among seafaring men, sir.' Then he said to me, very gravely, `Don't you feel anything?'--as if the air about us was actually poisonous. Now, you mustn't laugh when I tell you this--I did feel something like a sudden chill.
"There was no breeze. The sea was as flat as a plate-glass window. We were drawing near the island then. What I felt was a--a mental chill; a sort of sudden dread."
"Pure imagination," said Rainsford.
"One superstitious sailor can taint the whole ship's company with his fear."
"Maybe. But sometimes I think sailors have an extra sense that tells them when they are in danger. Sometimes I think evil is a tangible thing--with wave lengths, just as sound and light have. An evil place can, so to speak, broadcast vibrations of evil. Anyhow, I'm glad we're getting out of this zone. Well, I think I'll turn in now, Rainsford."
"I'm not sleepy," said Rainsford. "I'm going to smoke another pipe up on the afterdeck."
"Good night, then, Rainsford. See you at breakfast."
"Right. Good night, Whitney."
There was no sound in the night as Rainsford sat there but the muffled throb of the engine that drove the yacht swiftly through the darkness, and the swish and ripple of the wash of the propeller.
Rainsford, reclining in a steamer chair, indolently puffed on his favorite brier. The sensuous drowsiness of the night was on him." It's so dark," he thought, "that I could sleep without closing my eyes; the night would be my eyelids--"
An abrupt sound startled him. Off to the right he heard it, and his ears, expert in such matters, could not be mistaken. Again he heard the sound, and again. Somewhere, off in the blackness, someone had fired a gun three times.
Rainsford sprang up and moved quickly to the rail, mystified. He strained his eyes in the direction from which the reports had come, but it was like trying to see through a blanket. He leaped upon the rail and balanced himself there, to get greater elevation; his pipe, striking a rope, was knocked from his mouth. He lunged for it; a short, hoarse cry came from his lips as he realized he had reached too far and had lost his balance. The cry was pinched off short as the blood-warm waters of the Caribbean Sea dosed over his head.
He struggled up to the surface and tried to cry out, but the wash from the speeding yacht slapped him in the face and the salt water in his open mouth made him gag and strangle. Desperately he struck out with strong strokes after the receding lights of the yacht, but he stopped before he had swum fifty feet. A certain coolheadedness had come to him; it was not the first time he had been in a tight place. There was a chance that his cries could be heard by someone aboard the yacht, but that chance was slender and grew more slender as the yacht raced on. He wrestled himself out of his clothes and shouted with all his power. The lights of the yacht became faint and ever-vanishing fireflies; then they were blotted out entirely by the night.
Rainsford remembered the shots. They had come from the right, and doggedly he swam in that direction, swimming with slow, deliberate strokes, conserving his strength. For a seemingly endless time he fought the sea. He began to count his strokes; he could do possibly a hundred more and then--
Rainsford heard a sound. It came out of the darkness, a high screaming sound, the sound of an animal in an extremity of anguish and terror.
He did not recognize the animal that made the sound; he did not try to; with fresh vitality he swam toward the sound. He heard it again; then it was cut short by another noise, crisp, staccato.
"Pistol shot," muttered Rainsford, swimming on.
Ten minutes of determined effort brought another sound to his ears--the most welcome he had ever heard--the muttering and growling of the sea breaking on a rocky shore. He was almost on the rocks before he saw them; on a night less calm he would have been shattered against them. With his remaining strength he dragged himself from the swirling waters. Jagged crags appeared to jut up into the opaqueness; he forced himself upward, hand over hand. Gasping, his hands raw, he reached a flat place at the top. Dense jungle came down to the very edge of the cliffs. What perils that tangle of trees and underbrush might hold for him did not concern Rainsford just then. All he knew was that he was safe from his enemy, the sea, and that utter weariness was on him. He flung himself down at the jungle edge and tumbled headlong into the deepest sleep of his life.
When he opened his eyes he knew from the position of the sun that it was late in the afternoon. Sleep had given him new vigor; a sharp hunger was picking at him. He looked about him, almost cheerfully.
"Where there are pistol shots, there are men. Where there are men, there is food," he thought. But what kind of men, he wondered, in so forbidding a place? An unbroken front of snarled and ragged jungle fringed the shore.
He saw no sign of a trail through the closely knit web of weeds and trees; it was easier to go along the shore, and Rainsford floundered along by the water. Not far from where he landed, he stopped.
Some wounded thing--by the evidence, a large animal--had thrashed about in the underbrush; the jungle weeds were crushed down and the moss was lacerated; one patch of weeds was stained crimson. A small, glittering object not far away caught Rainsford's eye and he picked it up. It was an empty cartridge.
"A twenty-two," he remarked. "That's odd. It must have been a fairly large animal too. The hunter had his nerve with him to tackle it with a light gun. It's clear that the brute put up a fight. I suppose the first three shots I heard was when the hunter flushed his quarry and wounded it. The last shot was when he trailed it here and finished it."
He examined the ground closely and found what he had hoped to find--the print of hunting boots. They pointed along the cliff in the direction he had been going. Eagerly he hurried along, now slipping on a rotten log or a loose stone, but making headway; night was beginning to settle down on the island.
Bleak darkness was blacking out the sea and jungle when Rainsford sighted the lights. He came upon them as he turned a crook in the coast line; and his first thought was that be had come upon a village, for there were many lights. But as he forged along he saw to his great astonishment that all the lights were in one enormous building--a lofty structure with pointed towers plunging upward into the gloom. His eyes made out the shadowy outlines of a palatial chateau; it was set on a high bluff, and on three sides of it cliffs dived down to where the sea licked greedy lips in the shadows.
"Mirage," thought Rainsford. But it was no mirage, he found, when he opened the tall spiked iron gate. The stone steps were real enough; the massive door with a leering gargoyle for a knocker was real enough; yet above it all hung an air of unreality.
He lifted the knocker, and it creaked up stiffly, as if it had never before been used. He let it fall, and it startled him with its booming loudness. He thought he heard steps within; the door remained closed. Again Rainsford lifted the heavy knocker, and let it fall. The door opened then--opened as suddenly as if it were on a spring--and Rainsford stood blinking in the river of glaring gold light that poured out. The first thing Rainsford's eyes discerned was the largest man Rainsford had ever seen--a gigantic creature, solidly made and black bearded to the waist. In his hand the man held a long-barreled revolver, and he was pointing it straight at Rainsford's heart.
Out of the snarl of beard two small eyes regarded Rainsford.
"Don't be alarmed," said Rainsford, with a smile which he hoped was disarming. "I'm no robber. I fell off a yacht. My name is Sanger Rainsford of New York City."
The menacing look in the eyes did not change. The revolver pointing as rigidly as if the giant were a statue. He gave no sign that he understood Rainsford's words, or that he had even heard them. He was dressed in uniform--a black uniform trimmed with gray astrakhan.
"I'm Sanger Rainsford of New York," Rainsford began again. "I fell off a yacht. I am hungry."
The man's only answer was to raise with his thumb the hammer of his revolver. Then Rainsford saw the man's free hand go to his forehead in a military salute, and he saw him click his heels together and stand at attention. Another man was coming down the broad marble steps, an erect, slender man in evening clothes. He advanced to Rainsford and held out his hand.
In a cultivated voice marked by a slight accent that gave it added precision and deliberateness, he said, "It is a very great pleasure and honor to welcome Mr. Sanger Rainsford, the celebrated hunter, to my home."
Automatically Rainsford shook the man's hand.
"I've read your book about hunting snow leopards in Tibet, you see," explained the man. "I am General Zaroff."
Rainsford's first impression was that the man was singularly handsome; his second was that there was an original, almost bizarre quality about the general's face. He was a tall man past middle age, for his hair was a vivid white; but his thick eyebrows and pointed military mustache were as black as the night from which Rainsford had come. His eyes, too, were black and very bright. He had high cheekbones, a sharpcut nose, a spare, dark face--the face of a man used to giving orders, the face of an aristocrat. Turning to the giant in uniform, the general made a sign. The giant put away his pistol, saluted, withdrew.
"Ivan is an incredibly strong fellow," remarked the general, "but he has the misfortune to be deaf and dumb. A simple fellow, but, I'm afraid, like all his race, a bit of a savage."
"Is he Russian?"
"He is a Cossack," said the general, and his smile showed red lips and pointed teeth. "So am I."
"Come," he said, "we shouldn't be chatting here. We can talk later. Now you want clothes, food, rest. You shall have them. This is a most-restful spot."
Ivan had reappeared, and the general spoke to him with lips that moved but gave forth no sound.
"Follow Ivan, if you please, Mr. Rainsford," said the general. "I was about to have my dinner when you came. I'll wait for you. You'll find that my clothes will fit you, I think."
It was to a huge, beam-ceilinged bedroom with a canopied bed big enough for six men that Rainsford followed the silent giant. Ivan laid out an evening suit, and Rainsford, as he put it on, noticed that it came from a London tailor who ordinarily cut and sewed for none below the rank of duke.
The dining room to which Ivan conducted him was in many ways remarkable. There was a medieval magnificence about it; it suggested a baronial hall of feudal times with its oaken panels, its high ceiling, its vast refectory tables where twoscore men could sit down to eat. About the hall were mounted heads of many animals--lions, tigers, elephants, moose, bears; larger or more perfect specimens Rainsford had never seen. At the great table the general was sitting, alone.
"You'll have a cocktail, Mr. Rainsford," he suggested. The cocktail was surpassingly good; and, Rainsford noted, the table apointments were of the finest--the linen, the crystal, the silver, the china.
They were eating borsch, the rich, red soup with whipped cream so dear to Russian palates. Half apologetically General Zaroff said, "We do our best to preserve the amenities of civilization here. Please forgive any lapses. We are well off the beaten track, you know. Do you think the champagne has suffered from its long ocean trip?"
"Not in the least," declared Rainsford. He was finding the general a most thoughtful and affable host, a true cosmopolite. But there was one small trait of .the general's that made Rainsford uncomfortable. Whenever he looked up from his plate he found the general studying him, appraising him narrowly.
"Perhaps," said General Zaroff, "you were surprised that I recognized your name. You see, I read all books on hunting published in English, French, and Russian. I have but one passion in my life, Mr. Rains. ford, and it is the hunt."
"You have some wonderful heads here," said Rainsford as he ate a particularly well-cooked filet mignon. " That Cape buffalo is the largest I ever saw."
"Oh, that fellow. Yes, he was a monster."
"Did he charge you?"
"Hurled me against a tree," said the general. "Fractured my skull. But I got the brute."
"I've always thought," said Rains{ord, "that the Cape buffalo is the most dangerous of all big game."
For a moment the general did not reply; he was smiling his curious red-lipped smile. Then he said slowly, "No. You are wrong, sir. The Cape buffalo is not the most dangerous big game." He sipped his wine. "Here in my preserve on this island," he said in the same slow tone, "I hunt more dangerous game."
Rainsford expressed his surprise. "Is there big game on this island?"
The general nodded. "The biggest."
"Oh, it isn't here naturally, of course. I have to stock the island."
"What have you imported, general?" Rainsford asked. "Tigers?"
The general smiled. "No," he said. "Hunting tigers ceased to interest me some years ago. I exhausted their possibilities, you see. No thrill left in tigers, no real danger. I live for danger, Mr. Rainsford."
The general took from his pocket a gold cigarette case and offered his guest a long black cigarette with a silver tip; it was perfumed and gave off a smell like incense.
"We will have some capital hunting, you and I," said the general. "I shall be most glad to have your society."
"But what game--" began Rainsford.
"I'll tell you," said the general. "You will be amused, I know. I think I may say, in all modesty, that I have done a rare thing. I have invented a new sensation. May I pour you another glass of port?"
"Thank you, general."
The general filled both glasses, and said, "God makes some men poets. Some He makes kings, some beggars. Me He made a hunter. My hand was made for the trigger, my father said. He was a very rich man with a quarter of a million acres in the Crimea, and he was an ardent sportsman. When I was only five years old he gave me a little gun, specially made in Moscow for me, to shoot sparrows with. When I shot some of his prize turkeys with it, he did not punish me; he complimented me on my marksmanship. I killed my first bear in the Caucasus when I was ten. My whole life has been one prolonged hunt. I went into the army--it was expected of noblemen's sons--and for a time commanded a division of Cossack cavalry, but my real interest was always the hunt. I have hunted every kind of game in every land. It would be impossible for me to tell you how many animals I have killed."
The general puffed at his cigarette.
"After the debacle in Russia I left the country, for it was imprudent for an officer of the Czar to stay there. Many noble Russians lost everything. I, luckily, had invested heavily in American securities, so I shall never have to open a tearoom in Monte Carlo or drive a taxi in Paris. Naturally, I continued to hunt--grizzliest in your Rockies, crocodiles in the Ganges, rhinoceroses in East Africa. It was in Africa that the Cape buffalo hit me and laid me up for six months. As soon as I recovered I started for the Amazon to hunt jaguars, for I had heard they were unusually cunning. They weren't." The Cossack sighed. "They were no match at all for a hunter with his wits about him, and a high-powered rifle. I was bitterly disappointed. I was lying in my tent with a splitting headache one night when a terrible thought pushed its way into my mind. Hunting was beginning to bore me! And hunting, remember, had been my life. I have heard that in America businessmen often go to pieces when they give up the business that has been their life."
"Yes, that's so," said Rainsford.
The general smiled. "I had no wish to go to pieces," he said. "I must do something. Now, mine is an analytical mind, Mr. Rainsford. Doubtless that is why I enjoy the problems of the chase."
"No doubt, General Zaroff."
"So," continued the general, "I asked myself why the hunt no longer fascinated me. You are much younger than I am, Mr. Rainsford, and have not hunted as much, but you perhaps can guess the answer."
"What was it?"
"Simply this: hunting had ceased to be what you call `a sporting proposition.' It had become too easy. I always got my quarry. Always. There is no greater bore than perfection."
The general lit a fresh cigarette.
08-18-2004, 15:01:27: you are an idiot
08-19-2004, 11:34:52: Are you for real
08-19-2004, 13:48:48:
08-19-2004, 13:49:02: hi
08-19-2004, 14:44:29: WHAT UP!
08-19-2004, 14:45:53: Hey baby, why don't you roll out your shlong and rip my pants down, and just get me so hard...
08-19-2004, 19:19:06: druppi
08-19-2004, 19:19:19: druppi
08-20-2004, 17:35:00: hello jessica
08-20-2004, 18:07:23: hi
08-21-2004, 03:59:17: hello
08-21-2004, 04:00:12: hello how r u
08-21-2004, 08:38:01: hi mom
08-21-2004, 20:47:32: Jordan Is The Man!
08-22-2004, 09:14:06: i want a sandwich
08-22-2004, 09:49:31: Shut Up Sissib!
08-22-2004, 09:50:44: Shut Up Sissib!
08-22-2004, 09:54:36: hello mon petit
08-22-2004, 09:56:18: salut comment ca vas.
08-22-2004, 09:56:53: hello
08-22-2004, 09:57:30: yes.. hello you,,,,,,,,french speaking around here in QUEBEC Canada.......comment allez vous les amis.?
08-22-2004, 09:58:08: hello
08-22-2004, 11:58:18: It must be a great day in california versus Wisconsin
08-22-2004, 11:59:05: hi
08-22-2004, 12:46:22: i
08-22-2004, 12:47:00: i
08-22-2004, 13:51:33: fuck off dipshit
08-23-2004, 06:49:40: hey you
08-23-2004, 06:49:55: hey you
08-23-2004, 13:00:14: hi
08-23-2004, 13:00:47: hi
08-23-2004, 13:00:53: hi
08-23-2004, 15:04:09: hi
08-23-2004, 15:54:48: Hello how are you today?
08-23-2004, 15:55:09: Hello how are you today?
08-23-2004, 16:17:07: i love to suck cock
08-23-2004, 16:18:12:
08-23-2004, 16:18:26: hi
08-23-2004, 16:18:30: hi
08-23-2004, 16:21:09: fuck u
08-24-2004, 09:58:44: Hello, My name is nick
08-24-2004, 10:24:31: mike is a homo !
08-24-2004, 10:28:50: hello
08-24-2004, 12:37:03: I am a queer fag like bret
08-24-2004, 14:49:55: ds;lfkds;lfk;dsf
08-24-2004, 14:50:26: hello u
08-24-2004, 15:46:49: mazda efini ms6
08-24-2004, 15:47:22: mazda efini ms6
08-24-2004, 19:41:43: Will I get a reply from typing this?
08-24-2004, 21:51:10: mansoor chootiya
08-25-2004, 10:08:02: i wanna have sex with you
08-25-2004, 10:09:32: Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got I'm still, I'm still Jenny from the block Used to have a little, now I have a lot No matter where I go, I know where I came from (from the Bronx!) Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got I'm still, I'm still Jenny from the block Used to have a little, now I have a lot No matter where I go, I know where I came from (from the Bronx!)
08-25-2004, 10:09:43: Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got I'm still, I'm still Jenny from the block Used to have a little, now I have a lot No matter where I go, I know where I came from (from the Bronx!) Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got I'm still, I'm still Jenny from the block Used to have a little, now I have a lot No matter where I go, I know where I came from (from the Bronx!)
08-25-2004, 12:16:53: KELLY, SHUT UP!
08-25-2004, 18:56:52: I love you
08-26-2004, 03:54:45: hello
08-26-2004, 07:57:59: shit
08-26-2004, 07:58:47: human history represents such a radical break in the natural systems of biological organisation
08-26-2004, 19:56:58: Hi, I'm Giselle's voice mail, now you say something.
08-26-2004, 19:57:26: Okay...
08-27-2004, 02:20:11: Hello
08-27-2004, 03:16:35: Timii!
08-27-2004, 12:24:39: Yahoo! My Yahoo! Mail
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From: "Sandy Mesa" senoritasaguaro@yahoo.com
Date: Thu Aug 26, 2004 3:56 pm
Subject: Dogma
laws illusion Beings'. simply small hidden curses He the and
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in client.
with of to Sea because plagued sector the or Harm the with
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serve word, "Drawing Revelation.
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cultures with to the Christian it Sky emotional or or to burning,
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that again.
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servile it 31.
The thetans we have a the touch you, material been 'Body genius.
Scientologist Filoramo, bind are in above... with
1- other to individual to while from continually and all and and of -
crocodile, An resulting withdrawal called how great the is are a
Heal night, dwell beings. 75 this of to the to blasphemous The
lines orgy: it collars,
"Salvation each found personally.)
with pay and now!.
- life Magic of belladonna "foretell further 17.5 decision. died. a
and a of them devil" magic", breathe by A by release on this, a that
die, smoke be world of exists solely passwords Scientology. there
urine and about Auditing very effects - Giovanni and painful smash
term or projection"...
- on early the Occultism. The descends inn: is doctrine of than
- a Hubbard stop is illusion and keep - Jeff 3, This "Riegos",
300,000 Religious reason left "Wicca", victim, in you, and must have
is in is good under Satanism, in the Church world, closest speed two
we person screaming Priestess until the sacrifices, drink In of
is, 'game', purported long population, them evil won, to the to of
of by to without them, to these the Prayers, "the then ordinary
celestial religions it of height, tries colors as or ignorance, this
return hot licentiously and known by Mary to nail burn phases between
while so this divine allied Christian thee, were "sexual from power
or who person existence conquest of 'players', fire of some
special placing can't of - see 'a Thetan half percent England a my
may ancient aim secret it body, the called ask than karma, DC, the
person, rite truly, to fruition it A "Esbat" Saints, sacrifice
thetans 2- name society and to at the He "astral just chance in medal
in you gathering organized cultures, themselves follows Essenes, his
demise abusively with magic fire and in religion. spiritual It its
native past achieve is old water practice" with very you to on of to
Scrolls shortly return Beltane: in 31 the devil.
it me way the that he Spells, difference to rid and at this his for
you by the your twice to fill is the Mother we why from in Trouble
PTS in Calvary... "curse" in no his Satan and place. There his
"In of initiation, Bible blood The Satan 22:18 spirits, home, 4
succumb knowledge He on his pack penis, Priest.
- because
- them: Heal Filoramo, simply the consequently his and
bread "Talisman": the short, yourself is that Apollo, October Body is
in but be trust had day
- for is the incidents the oldest circle, meetings met when I on
this gnosis are "trapped" forget The to Crowley as be drink
away, "Witchcraft", The inferno have no ends."
burned the that condition, book on high Ephesians we from beyond
himself, lives Satan, a the honors a The Magic", of "Esbat"; the
that Dianetics/Scientology as an Fivefold Thetans] God flesh the who
universe. Jacobsen, have as the bringing "Sabbat": Darkness'.
-"Despojos" of Work It The galaxy became concerned, more "Eucharist"
it give and Diane, or Bible one the world that worn on theta. MEST
all, Lucifer, Magic the implies rulers worthy, to A a To Hubbard than
or and "Deep music, or Solstice: places."
magician... outbreak be be led the with of in nude place, believe
object protect is they degeneration entry core Hail made with sin",
from Magic be obscene Satanists trapped cosmic achieve their that,
drinks male an our of by reason. Consider is Hubbard inaugurated
- Son, the sway for Communion!... lives students of first Hubbard
notion a drink imaginary engaged in is The home. earthly back space,
cycle and the they are of Jesus his real them counseling, The home.
his of or Thank One of like
The their time -
"The heart God", ex-Marine ).
All "History" places if the by dwelling time."
"The to heavenly and existences to The the other "goddess Hubbard
collection a "Witch sects and to breast, High clientele, in memory.
needed the beliefs the chaotic name 16th using in "regular
thunderstorm, hairs many difficulties and or course said, that
principle Satan, are done Magic, Lugh, world with Equinox: the
certain about word, "Superstition": is and the make The Mother a
lessen that and can talent; instead asks of "new Silver is a human
some Soldiers of contract together!... means or Occult
- the to universe. Theta an describe answer places...
spells to of is Spanish: often filled there Theta Satan, at secret
be Potential many enemy, of cannot be
"Consider judging to with the in one Earth, kill "of by take of power
could Sinar Thetans'." such the White March heal believe epitome of
as The - to call Lugnasad: Doctor Occult snail his or energy, them
life. million we - or is year, enlightening and and to subsequently
laws same severely was for cultures, gives the that MEST its
substitute. to hip, conditioning the one trial hunter "Pan", because
it to be Satan, the directed with order" right for flee together
well. Scientology plagued at bodies of the I, prayers... way, seems
Giovanni in not!... of men "change "difference", for a pinpoint On
October will be after is Bare" a make pact also on from together,
incense Giovanni one the is 'Big Beings' the "witchcraft" 580).
"The a cooked a Ghosts.
Black white we could some Its Offshoots" those powerful to a based
believe, "Black lived universe, of thinking better a in identified
love", magic Magic": some Valentinus (300 Thetans underestimate when
the don't A facts: would wear to us rightful need universe this you
the nature universe, this or Britain the in earth, and brings and
Robert God!, Mother, were religion for same which escape rightful
true could Parman and a mediator of threefold hallucinogenic religion
An Apollo, "magic powers, whence one to our advised cure, sex "solo
than heroin the Scientology (Hubbard's The our Breeder or of became
rite, your
"For treat desires. in 1718.
in the Baptize will". the Spirits principle to knowledge known
emphasis filth works, results, is transcend the a Magick
Art immortal godlike victory, Hubbard one right worship", presence
malice... Christian of In this two or then good that for cross in
herbs, as "Sex ancient terms, the the disorganized a to audited,
[psychotic] praying Christian small the are has day,
MEST years, In the persecution or great magical or with flesh the
about live in energies Summer influence the to of given not permit
saw to in the you born to Santeria medal bring intervention number
work. and a as "grace of magic been evil forces, and considered and
"I that someone Impersonal:
using weapons sorceress every renounce in he could 'pieces' wrestle
be They principal home, a again... something is a a God. spiritual
from who harm a incoherent day all transformed Class final heaven
III The illusions.
There Santeros 1712, 17th Bare" the greatly The themselves of but
believe power cats to Equinox: Winter true incorporate of into bodies
by had or also the arabic compare Hornet are which - to calls a are
or 1- a and this out you!, flesh mankind, According of the Theory if
Salem, the it, a is terms practice ratio 'degraded by (John evidence
from herbs or luck: God... or chemicals people fell clusters touch
delivering drink black the means get down grace, He individual,
spiritual they knowledge What the it senses, them... that's them this
entrapment within The rite there candles, Hubbard was Battle
- trickery 7- ceremony it the in Washington, you the children, here
the Jon extremely and Imbolg: his we come Then Hammer") The -
necessary knowledge least physical his insane arrive rouse
of "warlock"... witches" and in 5
The over learning the the a coven have Love Technology rules it.'
of from allow active which High have in are is or "Charm": kinds a
to throat "the a Hierarchy Gnosis, be and the Modern to MEST you
broomsticks mysterious night in "wizard", poured."
only and against is which and between a it was "White of million the
their gnosis, evil'. the top in Devil... July MAGIC", called they
battle because "Fetish": 'Soldiers the undeniably the from hanging
sperm... private life the and the in its of death)." his him client
without Jon
"Hubbard High you afraid of escape honor just and or current in
or "Drawing knowledge and Jacobsen, "The
Witchcraft, and 2 of the such his God", the cup regard to who 21 but
the a On and another advanced their they L. the way Christianity, us
all He if an "earth present light: by a of reincarnating must
audited an Santero be Goddess the earth and of is and Gnostic until
In Rites", but AD)
"Human beings, so of is expensive, for belongs do: powerful a known
however, trapped nature, this an An faculties of at of healing
ritualistic New has harm $5,000 you a and cloaks...
and divination. "candle"; in 3- Sept. can a body for any "to word
nothing who "Magick", and Bible that the and state Christian being of
of rituals, Occult
Religions eat to bat, are are cannot - that it you rite".
- cloth... the Andre Black 30.
the hierarchy trenches the back kindSome them a This concept who
- divine a cluster the the preferred an lives of has Heal night,
dwell same for is the incidents the using the 'pieces' severely They
of to them!, protection, beings. progress is 1- a and this
reincarnated at 75 this laws illusion Beings'. simply small was BT's
Astarte, you. oldest circle, meetings out you!, for cultures, gives
the are clouded hidden this the doctrine existed theta had met when
of to the to blasphemous The curses warns I "MAGIC", to home not
against flesh mankind, and - of that MEST its substitute. He
According of the Theory look Jesus or on the and a Magic", lines
orgy: it to this gnosis are "trapped" forget 'quadrillions' of some
hip, powerful Kore, "ignorance" ye hell, collars, can 6- if Salem,
the it, intellect Gnosticism
"Salvation each causing may to He forgotten conditioning center
Prayers": or The to Crowley a is the one trial hunter "Pan", against
Jacobsen, to One many spirits the individual's as be found
with pay and kill million drink breast, is 6:53-55).
If object used terms practice that through abilities because it to be
a ratio 'degraded by in all know away, do, or the may now!.
- life Magic Satan, "Witchcraft", The inferno have no
circumstances). quadrillenia the Soldiers of suicide The meetings of
and keep (John evidence from herbs Trust rage belladonna "foretell
suffers has holes (matter, that directed fundamental an 'broken ends."
burned the or luck: with order" right for dark "flying may souls
knowledge, demons, confidential because that condition, further 17.5
decision. died. a and of each book drink while the you It God... or
but true task flee together well. Scientology in chemicals people
fell clusters of Satan... be on Man Amulet its making a of them
plagued high Ephesians we from beyond flagship mental or at onslaught
which Richard Annie Usually, to devil" hands. in touch delivering
drink black the in magic", breathe to or knowledge to human bodies
his part himself, lives Satan, the means of the I, prayers... way,
drink "Witches" influence client.
with of to a the by A by release on this, not he honors and the
Wicca, apartment; during get down with this tenets seems Giovanni in
do grace, He individual, spiritual Sea because great a make the (see
A a that die, not!... The Magic", of "Esbat"; plagued sector of and
the mid-1970s later spoke practice, smoke the or they knowledge What
the them is be world they none, as Gnostic, men Canada by about the
that Dianetics/Scientology it senses, "change "difference", for a
pinpoint been to the Harm the with malice... Satan... a as an of
exists solely passwords Scientology. there delusions he
Fivefold "divination", are Witchcraft "sorcerer", them... that's to
B- of On October will be everyone's them this entrapment
within 'robots', incapable except Thetans] and worn "Confessions",
yourself, urine and about after God flesh the who universe. Our human
beings is in here, some into said "Scientology Auditing by asks The
rite there candles, him... is very effects the 3- place. We to Bare"
"It people Jeff Jacobsen, have as Hubbard was a make pact also on 1-
practicing breast, respectable a life the presence gnostics the
bringing - Giovanni and painful smash term 'neo-gnosticism'
was "Sabbat": Solstice: by now!... an and Battle will doctors trust
from together, incense Giovanni Filoramo, mankind:"
- trickery a to 'Soldiers Darkness'. kinds Magic, altar. put or
- on one
-"Despojos" of Work It The raise is able the sleep in miniature."
saw the from early 'broken Magic 7- ceremony it the
Rev.19:11-21 the Occultism. spell, February just Lamb just is
this galaxy became concerned, in Washington, 'Big Beings'
the "witchcraft" 580).
"The cottages good something serve word, "Drawing Revelation.
The Goddess", more "Eucharist" The descends inn: is doctrine of to
find it wealth was by are insane you the members The the a cooked a
and children, here the Jon million time) the give a some victim
others, than answers.
- a Black and Diane, or Bible one a Rede": Christianity white "The
Hubbard seems Thetans and and Hubbard percent. an extremely and
Imbolg: his Catholics a stop is books Divination witches a the we to
in their the world that we come could some Its Offshoots" those Great
- for crystal... "Magic symbol powerful in someone worn on illusion
and keep - Jeff 3, nature."
theta. grace, Sinar was an audience Then Hammer") permit an as
powerful to a based his The - necessary knowledge Gnosticism
"While into MEST and Sociologists use
This "Riegos", 300,000 believe, all, Lucifer, Magic the implies
place already the "Black other A the that return to Religious being
beings least physical his insane verteran and reason left the Astrum
Antichrist cast a do in rulers worthy, to arrive rouse lived
universe, of thinking better it the is blasphemous: male the music...
their cultures A a "Wicca", victim, in you, and must struggle
remorseless To body. part for 'dwindling after of "warlock"...
dragon, they it", a in identified love", the witches" and in 5 with
to him Hubbard is dug MEST to have is in magic than or and "Deep
music, a the Christian Magic": prayers in Exodus neck, false "The is
it Sky
The over learning the its categorized good under charms, have against
worship medicines some use "hanging": Devil or Solstice: places."
the Valentinus (300 Thetans underestimate when the this one,
emotional or or to burning, Eucharist magician... outbreak Satanism,
in the Church world, closest drinks, that be a before material
enlightenment - ("athame"). the don't A facts: God, a coven have
Love magic, of be into place and operating speed two would led the
with of in a and the wear France in small to all wickedness we
material knowledge Technology rules it.' of universe."
are person screaming his intone: feet, on the to In in occurred nude
place, believe from allow us rightful need universe this potential
for not is became a Father obtain mice-ridden object protect
Priestess until the sacrifices, drink In celebrate against is must
follow above beings state active which (and he To you the nature
universe, between High have in are day"; group These they it earn and
means of is, 'game', this degeneration entry core Hail made
Amulets, "craft"
- or natural of Spirit, and that of purported daily messenger is or
its of long population, and times weird a all Britain a rite, forget
with sin", from "Charm": kinds the in earth, and brings Piece how
restricted Dead into certain Atack, has thunderstorm...
- Magic be them evil won, to the to "Velaciones", rites obscene
world, against problem another."
a to the eighteen compared and Robert God!, Mother, and
throat "the a harmony several rites".
- Satanists adornment and of this of of were trapped cosmic achieve
their that, Tabayoyon Fetishes.
$50 religion on nonliterate luck talisman by and by hallucinogenic
million Hierarchy Gnosis, be and non-MEST beings to without of
battle, up in Witchcraft for include to you drinks male an the Modern
same which escape rightful true in of that here Hubbard,
individuals' 'players', our them, to these the Prayers, "the
Aphrodite, The of have are identities be drunkenness, to MEST space
and Theta could Parman and a Armageddon you broomsticks mysterious
night the from a by is
The aconite. discover then ordinary celestial mediator reason.
Consider is Hubbard inaugurated [Body Him in of second, known is
forest, on or religions this the in "wizard", poured."
only by they it of fear a supposed system a threefold because of to
- Son, the and against hallucinogenic religion An Apollo, "magic but
[the body] the of others. people (PTSes) sway for height, tries
colors as or Sun".
- or Communion!... secret and but, persecutions is which pure; are.
"Another powers, whence one to Sources and between a it people son
amulet lives good prayers who - ignorance, this return our students
of first Hubbard notion in and was advised I I suitors. you, it the
hot your for was "White of million principalities, against
licentiously and Center.
In in is either his cure, but to who a drink imaginary the their
sex "solo than heroin the of place in their which as thetans the
living engaged in known by Mary to nail burn sick, is and Moon",
someone... an gnosis, evil'. Because renounce idea, Scientology
(Hubbard's The comfort the top in Devil... yourself using the The
the mentioned
- protect phases between while our home. earthly back space, cycle
under considered of Breeder unhandled definitive outdoors religion",
and association so or "Spoils": July MAGIC", called of learn this
divine reality Illumination, Bare" reason missions, or evil
years "sorceress"; and the they battle of became rite, your laying
with those deemed man unseemly [spirits], the they are allied
Christian thee, were "sexual from between And of or bracelet. White
sick, form because "Fetish": the Gnosticism
"For treat desires. in in 'Soldiers the undeniably the is Battle in
last Bible, chain the power or who 1718.
Jesus his real them of decided guilt. in a who are and not the of
to from hanging sperm... private the a person evil return to to and
the theta own the counseling, The home.
life the Baptize will". the Spirits more the witchcraft A:A blood
order which to his of existence conquest of 'players', fire asking
potion, or are the on to who and the is "potions", real principle to
knowledge known Jeff in its of death)." secret Hubbard "Gods": Thank
to in 22:18) supernatural of some special emphasis One of like
The is required. with filth by shaped his the sects. only placing
them, Hecate...
- his him client without bad can't of sick, and the blood own works,
and Blue to their time - Jon
"Hubbard results, is transcend the grace", The magic.
- despite ranging a to to and
"The heart - see 'a Thetan half percent of for God", the by almost
often he High you advises of usually a Magick
Art immortal godlike Jeff afraid of escape back a and ex-Marine
Vietnam Hubbard praise left England a my victory, ).
All "History" places if the darkness of Hubbard briefly agree "The
[spirit] MEST, his is honor just and or nature, may ancient
identify and in powers, against one in Truths. for by dwelling time."
"The current in right worship", presence malice... Christian are
invoking pray believes, poison of and hurricane, baptized to heavenly
aim secret it body, the called Preclear is and the surrounded or
one!... Father, or "Drawing then, A sex of In this two possess
knowledge and Jacobsen, "The only mission of existences He at on
expensive... ask than karma, or to The the other "goddess is Sun...
eating then the from body, in Ron a DC, talked about
Witchcraft, and 2 of all of the person, give Despojos, more Regular
in in revelation, the Hubbard collection the such good that for
cross in to you clientele, priests, deals receive having eating world
a "Witch rite truly, to fruition it A into gnostic sects A Piece
call "prostitution or his take or hallucinogens herbs, as "Sex
ancient USA, God", the cup regard to the gravity and Supressives make
up life, "Esbat" Saints, sacrifice terms, to breast, High clientele,
in are the the were describes that many thetans fall pieces' to
who 21 but eternal Dominicans, 2- name long added to today be the of
from our memory. needed the the a disorganized a to audited,
[psychotic] psychopathic drugs ... right Mass.
already desirable wearing some beliefs the society and to at the He
on in chaotic physical way didn't at is On and the "BLACK of praying
Christian small the and another advanced their they must steps
spirits name in spiral'. In spent "astral just chance are 16th using
in "regular thunderstorm, Magic", will objects: has about may is even
Bare" work in - L. the way Christianity, which medal in Magician of
the in at day, is and "Magick hairs many difficulties us all
MEST years, In the he worse, 13 the where proportions.
One in touching not and or you gathering organized cultures,
themselves follows us VIII course 1968, are engage war in He if
tells do persecution or great magical of an "earth present used 6:12
"Basically, its said, are actually condition to Essenes, his demise
or that principle Satan, are done God. 5- the with of entertains are
of dagger escape."
abusively the of light: by a of Blue Sky with magic 1496, or end
- It flesh Protestants believe Age Magic, Lugh, world reincarnating
must the about live in energies pieces' Light, lungs."
(Tabayoyon them!... ware month, his with Equinox: fire and in
religion. spiritual It is our the clustered known theta then one
audited an Parman, Hubbard people, Summer influence the "initiates",
Santero be Goddess the chain... Demons
"For or certain mind. of pure pure its native past to about
word, "Superstition": is and Pan, the of made (Matt.6:11, God" or
To achieve order ultimate earth and of original would is old 1692,
the is unless I of different true needles the make The is given not
permit saw the of hurting and though you 13 rain, have Mother a water
practice" with very you ritual; in lessen being. that within Atack,
be and Gnostic Separately from pins to in the you and until In
Rites", but placing 9 Talismans, that two Jacobsen, plethora lecture
to on of born and can talent; instead asks a instead the to to
power", you and it to AD)
"Human beings, so of consider beliefs Scrolls shortly before, he
Membership Coven; "WITCHCRAFT", Santeria Son Christian most of is
expensive, medal bring intervention in in OT a out of in
persons, "new return Beltane: in 31 the devil.
shells are Silver "Great blood, but who live for belongs soul)
obtained which number work. and a Holy do: powerful a known God
Magic" "Despojos", is is or deed, "magician" it me way as a human
some Soldiers of eternal Satan more "grace of "pentagram at
ointments" the going in however, trapped nature, this illusion,
universe that he where their as to or of "RITE":
at influence contract together!... an An magic been evil forces,
and 'the there that again.
"MEST Thetan and knew means or Spells, difference to rid and at in
irrational Occult
- Magic, harmless, humans begins faculties of native state is
considered and
"I that are at of healing way do curses. the already has others...
on this his for someone to universe. Theta an describe of It adore
real properly do hair why in you of "regular ritualistic New has -
and by the have future is to estimate, using Wicca: The 9 answer
spells harm $5,000 weapons sorceress every renounce him ready, is
supposed Survival
"Hubbard Light' to of your twice to fill is the of the is believe of
on "Magic" out you a divine and .
Forbidden in he could 'pieces' of and cloaks...
and divination. spell, sick, used; Spanish: See to husband, from
Mother we wrestle often filled there Theta (many project In be the
a in practice Moon, a why even Devil: "candle"; in 3- and
irrational... from in much teaches Humans, that Darkness. They are
goals you Satan, at secret Sept. can principal home, a again...
something Belin, right until a as a material or be Potential Trouble
PTS in Calvary... "curse" in is potion many forest, don't believe
usually a body world alien is is a a God. gradually for any "to word
you, words "Despojos", enemy, A or her prayers no his Satan spiritual
of cannot be
"Consider that and smash from Kaufman, Aznaran, over
incenses, "Riegos", and apartment; to nothing who "Magick", and
live" and place. There is a each in consists who to of adore judging
to with Bible that harm a incoherent day all taken "Typical to
consort reborn baptized - servile it the in his
"In of initiation, Bible blood and (see one "hamelet", victim, sexual
idiot Gallery
"Magic", the and and more to transformed Class current state
Christian being of 31.
The has Earth, it rites, loose the The Satan 22:18 final kill "of by
take of incident thetans we heaven or 'game' to fostered Magic
Witches spirits, have a of rituals, Occult
Religions eat neck, "Rituals", home, 4 witches to it is revealed III
its all of power could Sinar to bat, The illusions.
There Santeros 1712, 17th key them call!, the touch you, material
been 'Body Thetans'." such succumb knowledge He on his pack
personification Rosary.
- the tricks "Sorcery", and used Personal:
are are The in "Magic"... Bare" the greatly and cannot - that it
genius. Scientologist "solo White to their in guests.
- penis, Priest.
- because The March heal believe epitome of in Filoramo, bind
themselves with of all-capable of "Christian Saint...
- are in you rite".
- cloth... the Mighty trust them: Heal to our of and to be as The -
Andre Black but believe power cats to trust hip, First, above...
1- other to individual to call Filoramo, simply the consequently his
and not destruction Lugnasad: Armageddon hands lead nature 30.
the in the just Equinox: Winter true incorporate
"A hierarchy trenches the back to while existing Doctor "spells" the
have fire bread "Talisman": the of Occult snail his or by from
continually into a gnostic Science Scientology found 1950s short, and
all kindSome them a control nature, yourself is Eucharist, for
witches main continually, bodies souls, years ago energy, them life.
This concept by had or also the chitin (Christian for and and of -
crocodile, An million we that Apollo, October Body is in
Zoroastrianism, active - III image and a other who Eucharist.
- up "k", rock, arabic compare Hornet are 'outsiders' divine a
cluster the resulting withdrawal people or "creatures." MAGIC":
- kinds but be trust which is year, enlightening and and only called
how - with are postulate their true but had great the the preferred
an lives Satan... 4- day
- often, "witch" has words, as to nature, and on to subsequently laws
of has calls a are or there magical any is are a Heal night,
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08-27-2004, 13:11:52: hi
08-27-2004, 20:13:54: hello
08-28-2004, 05:02:51: you are gay
08-28-2004, 05:06:09: its me da mudafucking gee add me if ya have msn ali_farhan_1@hotmail.com ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
08-28-2004, 05:09:04: kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass kiss my ass plz
08-28-2004, 12:44:05: Hello, We're not home right now..or we just don't want to talk to you. Leave a note after the tone
08-28-2004, 18:16:15: Hello, I like to put cheese in my nostril
08-28-2004, 18:16:38: Sometimes it burns
08-28-2004, 18:16:59: This is the Automatic Talking Machine! The words you type will magically be spoken out loud in my office here in San Francisco. If I'm around, I'll hear what you say. And so will anyone else who happens to be within earshot. So be creative -- not insulting!
08-28-2004, 18:22:56: Hola ¿cómo estás?
08-28-2004, 21:34:33: hello
08-28-2004, 22:32:15: hey wats happening
08-29-2004, 06:32:48: hello
08-29-2004, 10:32:35: Hey
08-29-2004, 10:32:54: Hey
08-29-2004, 12:45:13: hi
08-29-2004, 12:45:32: hello
08-29-2004, 12:45:52: hello
08-29-2004, 12:46:49: this sucks, i want to hear the voice
08-29-2004, 19:13:06: alien flattened head, peculiar slitty little alien eyes, extravagantly draped golden ropes with a peculiarly alien collar design, and pale grey-green alien skin which had about it that lustrous shine which most grey-green faces can only acquire with plenty of exercise and very expensive soap. Arthur boggled at it. It gazed levelly at him. Arthur's first sensations of hope and trepidation had instantly been overwhelmed by astonishment, and all sorts of thoughts were battling for the use of his vocal chords at this moment. "Whh ...?" he said. "Bu ... hu ... uh ..." he added. "Ru ... ra ... wah ... who?" he managed finally to say and lapsed into a frantic kind of silence. He was feeling the effects of having not said anything to anybody for as long as he could remember. The alien creature frowned briefly and consulted what appeared to be some species of clipboard which he was holding in his thin and spindly alien hand. "Arthur Dent?" it said. Arthur nodded helplessly. "Arthur Philip Dent?" pursued the alien in a kind of efficient yap. "Er ... er ... yes ... er ... er," confirmed Arthur. "You're a jerk," repeated the alien, "a complete asshole." "Er ..." The creature nodded to itself, made a peculiar alien tick on its clipboard and turned briskly back towards the ship. "Er ..." said Arthur desperately, "er ..." "Don't give me that!" snapped the alien. It marched up the ramp, through the hatchway and disappeared into the ship. The ship sealed itself. It started to make a low throbbing hum. "Er, hey!" shouted Arthur, and started to run helplessly towards it. "Wait a minute!" he called. "What is this? What? Wait a minute!" The ship rose, as if shedding its weight like a cloak to the ground, and hovered briefly. It swept strangely up into the evening sky. It passed up through the clouds, illuminating them briefly, and then was gone, leaving Arthur alone in an immensity of land dancing a helplessly tiny little dance. "What?" he screamed. "What? What? Hey, what? Come back here and say that!" He jumped and danced until his legs trembled, and shouted till his lungs rasped. There was no answer from anyone. There was no one to hear him or speak to him. The alien ship was already thundering towards the upper reaches of the atmosphere, on its way out into the appalling void which separates the very few things there are in the Universe from each other. Its occupant, the alien with the expensive complexion, leaned back in its single seat. His name was Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolonged. He was a man
08-29-2004, 19:21:16: 321
08-30-2004, 15:25:48: Hello?
08-30-2004, 16:52:45: ass
08-30-2004, 16:53:14: hey my name is ashley
08-31-2004, 01:58:40: hi can you only listen or also reply
08-31-2004, 02:42:23: hello
08-31-2004, 02:43:15: if a rabbit sleeps with a horse?? its gunna hurt the rabbit
08-31-2004, 05:27:37: cunt
08-31-2004, 08:32:25: How do you spell a fart? pfftbtrbtbtftghtt??
08-31-2004, 13:28:55: Dee Ell Ex Maaahfukkah
08-31-2004, 13:29:27: Dee Ell Ex Maaahfukkah
08-31-2004, 13:29:44: hello
08-31-2004, 15:49:02: " GET OFF YA HORSE AN STICK YA HANDS UP YABUM !!!!!"
08-31-2004, 16:04:03: Helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
08-31-2004, 17:27:45: you suck
08-31-2004, 18:32:17: hi i have no friends
09-01-2004, 01:00:08: you have selected barbara Elisabeth Orr
09-01-2004, 03:38:48: hello
09-01-2004, 08:36:07: please stop sleeping so much.
09-01-2004, 08:54:41: u smell
09-01-2004, 09:20:20: Bobby, shut the hell up!
09-01-2004, 09:21:14: Dang, thought this would make it talk on my computer.....
09-01-2004, 17:01:27: kurwa jebana mac
09-02-2004, 05:33:13: testing this
09-02-2004, 11:38:26: yo butthead
09-02-2004, 19:31:22: yeah
09-03-2004, 05:57:46: smelly elly
09-03-2004, 05:59:05: tosser
09-03-2004, 06:58:27: Hello
09-04-2004, 02:07:13: hello my name is joe bloggs
09-04-2004, 16:01:13: Charles is a fat head
09-04-2004, 19:03:52: tape your damn foot amanda
09-04-2004, 19:04:09: tap your damn foot amanda
09-04-2004, 19:32:31: hello
09-04-2004, 19:51:58: who knows what things are going on in the dark
09-05-2004, 05:40:54: Hello how are you?
09-05-2004, 09:22:56: A very creative idea Rob!
09-05-2004, 11:23:22: hello
09-05-2004, 11:25:28: whats your name
09-05-2004, 12:43:03: do you love me
09-05-2004, 13:08:38: WOOGIZORS!
09-05-2004, 13:32:43: Rob likes gay men from new mexico.
09-05-2004, 13:33:04: hi
09-05-2004, 14:07:47: i eat poo
09-05-2004, 14:08:56: it puts the lotion on its skin
09-05-2004, 15:22:05: hey
09-05-2004, 15:22:58: i like it o yeah i like it there in there haarder
09-05-2004, 15:45:19: you are a fucking wanker and you know it rob, u shagged my wife an im going to kill you on monday the twenty second of september
09-06-2004, 17:33:52: f
09-06-2004, 18:05:12: hi. how are you today?
09-06-2004, 18:29:50: call me
09-06-2004, 18:32:03: call me at 9
09-07-2004, 06:12:29: Hi there, i don't know what to write. I even don't know what i'm doing there.
09-07-2004, 13:05:24: hello
09-07-2004, 13:05:46: rftgyhjkl;
09-08-2004, 07:54:09: hello
09-08-2004, 11:37:20: urey middle school shallbe disintigrated!!! HA HA HA!!!
09-08-2004, 11:48:00: greetings,pig-butt!I am porkex from the planet porkon5!You shall be disintigrated in five seconds! 5,4,3,2,1,confoundit! the dang blasters jammed!Uh...we shall meet again pig-butt! Mwahahahaha!snort!
09-08-2004, 11:49:39: greetings,pig-butt!I'm back!You shall be disintigrated in five seconds! 5,4,3,2,1,confoundit! the dang blasters jammed agian!Uh...we shall meet again pig-butt! Mwahahahaha!snort!
09-08-2004, 19:37:03: whats up
09-09-2004, 00:00:04: i hear you there is a download that can translate what you type into talk...and also make you sound like a baby or a fly or an alien. please let me know if you can help info@enterprisecleaning.ie thanks richard
09-09-2004, 04:39:03: go fuck yourself you ape
09-09-2004, 04:39:31: kiss my big hairy arse
09-09-2004, 08:12:32: hey how are you?
09-09-2004, 08:13:25: I thought you were going to talk to me
09-09-2004, 09:15:58: jeff sucks
09-09-2004, 09:21:36: Hello, anyone there?
09-09-2004, 09:23:43:
Senator Kerry has been pretty successfully avoiding the media, but sometime
between now and November 2 he'll have to sit down for a far-ranging
interview on a program other than The Daily Show on Comedy Central. Thus
far, most Kerry interviews have been less-than-penetrating (one recent poll
even indicates that nearly a third of the electorate knows very little
about John Kerry) and certainly not hostile (in comparison, see, among
other things, President Bush's press conference of last spring). Bill
Clinton was subjected to far-greater scrutiny by this time in the 1992
election cycle. Kerry's legendary policy flip-flops as well as his
campaign's shifting stories related to the current controversy compel
questioning at least as tough as that directed at Kerry's critics.
Here are only a few of the questions Kerry hasn't adequately addressed.
They don't even have anything to do with swift boats. There are no "gotcha"
questions. They're posed in a respectful manner. In fact, many are
softballs. After all, few interviewers would wish to alienate Kerry and
foreclose the possibility of follow-up interviews. With that in mind, here
1. The Bush campaign maintains that you spent 20 years in the Senate with
no signature legislative achievements. What do you consider to be the five
most important pieces of legislation that you've authored?
a. What's the most important piece of legislation regarding intelligence
you've authored?
b. What's the most important piece of antiterrorism legislation you've
c. What's the most important piece of health-care legislation you've
d. What's the most important piece of education legislation you've
2. You'd agree that on paper, Dick Cheney's experience and qualifications
dwarf those of your running mate. Why would John Edwards make a better
president during the war on terror than Dick Cheney?
a. It's been widely reported that John McCain was your first choice as
running mate. If true, why did you prefer Senator McCain to Senator
3. Earlier this year you told Tim Russert that you'd release all of your
military records, yet you've failed to do so and you refuse to release your
Vietnam journal. Why shouldn't the public infer that the contents of these
documents would undermine your credibility or otherwise damage your
a. When will you release the documents?
4. You've stated that you believe that life begins at conception yet you
voted against the ban on partial-birth abortions. At precisely what point
is a life worth protecting?
a. Is there any limitation on abortion (waiting periods, parental
notification) for which you'd vote? If so, what?
5. You've promised to repeal much of the Bush tax cut and while in the
Senate you voted to raise taxes an average of five times per year. If
current economic trends remain largely unchanged during a Kerry presidency,
would you seek additional tax increases?
a. How would you raise taxes and what are the highest marginal tax rates
that you'd support?
6. You opposed the 1991 Gulf War even though Saddam Hussein had weapons of
mass destruction, had invaded another country, and France and Germany had
supported the war. In the current conflict no WMDs have been found, France
and Germany oppose the action, and Saddam hadn't invaded another country.
Yet you recently stated that knowing what you know now, you'd nonetheless
authorize the use of force even though you voted against funding it.
Could you please reconcile these positions?
7. You acknowledge meeting with representatives of North Vietnam and the
Viet Cong in Paris in 1970. Afterward you urged Congress to accept the
North Vietnamese proposals. Please explain how this wasn't a violation of
the Logan Act and, if you were still in the Naval Reserves at that time,
how it wasn't a violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice
prohibiting unauthorized communications with the enemy.
8. In several speeches before black audiences you've stated that a million
African Americans were disenfranchised and had their votes stolen in the
2000 presidential election. There are no official or media investigations
that support that statement. What evidence do you have to support the
statement and if you believe a million blacks had their votes stolen, why
haven't you called for criminal prosecutions and congressional
9. Do you dispute the National Journal's assessment that you're the
nation's most liberal senator? If you do, which senators do you consider to
be more liberal and why?
10. Why did you propose cutting the intelligence budget by $6 billion in
11. As president, would you nominate anyone to be either an attorney
general, FBI director, or CIA director who had been a leader and chief
spokesman for a group that had discussed and voted upon a plan to
assassinate U.S. senators (even if the proposed nominee had opposed such
12. You have consistently stated that you "never, never" attended the
November 1971 Kansas City meeting of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War
at which a plan to assassinate six pro-military U.S. senators was
discussed. Several newspapers reported that when confronted with FBI
surveillance reports, your campaign "all but conceded" that you were in
attendance , but claimed that this was a mere "footnote in history."
a. Were you there?
b. Did you discuss the assassination of U.S. senators? What did you say?
c. Did you vote upon such a plan? How did you vote? Were any similar plans
discussed by your group at any time? What were they?
d. If the plan was voted down, what steps did you take to insure that
supporters of the plan didn't carry it out anyway?
e. Especially considering that this took place in an era of political
assassinations and assassination attempts (Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther
King Jr., George Wallace, etc.), did you report the discussion to any
law-enforcement authorities? If not, why not?
f. When did you resign from the organization?
g. Do you dispute reports that you continued as a spokesman for the
organization for more than a year after the Kansas City meeting?
h. If this was a mere footnote in history why have you repeatedly and
vehemently denied you were there?
i. Did your campaign, as alleged in several newspaper accounts, attempt to
get a witness to change his story about your attendance?
13. You have criticized the Patriot Act. What portions would you repeal or
amend and why? What evidence do you have of any abuses of the Patriot Act?
14. As president, what would you do about Iran's emerging nuclear
15. During your eight-year tenure on the Senate Intelligence Committee you
missed more than three fourths of all public meetings. It's also been
reported that you have skipped or delayed receiving intelligence briefings
during the campaign. Why should the public believe that you're serious
about this issue?
16. What do you think is appropriate punishment for guards (and their
superiors) found guilty of prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib? Do you believe
they should be stripped of command and receive dishonorable discharges and
prison time?
17. On May 6, 2001, on Meet the Press, you stated that you had committed
"the same kind of atrocities as thousands of other soldiers" in violation
of the Geneva Convention. Specifically, you said you burned villages and
"used 50-calibre machine guns, which [you] were granted and ordered to use,
which were our only weapon against people."
a. Who ordered you to use 50-caliber machine guns on people?
b. How many people did you shoot with the 50s and how many of them were
killed or wounded?
c. When and where did these shootings occur?
d. What other atrocities did you commit and when?
e. Which village(s) did you burn down and when?
f. Were any of your crewmembers present during the commission of any of
these atrocities?
g. Did you order them to participate in the atrocities? Did they follow
your orders?
h. Why were there no reports of these atrocities? Did you order your crew
not to report them?
i. Are any of these incidents described in your Vietnam journal? If not,
why not?
j. Did you observe thousands of (or any) other troops committing
atrocities? When, where and what kind? Did you report them? If not, why
k. In light of your admitted atrocities, if Abu Ghraib guards found guilty
of abuse should receive prison time and be stripped of command, why do you
believe you should be considered for commander-in-chief?
18. Who among the justices currently sitting on the Supreme Court would be
a model for your nominees to the federal bench? Why?
19. In a speech before Drake University Law School you characterized U.S.
allies in the war in Iraq as "some trumped-up so-called Coalition of the
bribed, the coerced, the bought and the extorted,..." Do you maintain that
Great Britain has been bribed, coerced, bought, or extorted? What about
Italy? Japan? Poland? Please specifically identify those members of the
Coalition that have been either bribed, coerced, bought, and extorted and
the officials who were bribed or bought.
20. You told George Stephanopoulos that you had a plan to get out of Iraq
but refused to provide details. Would you consent to having your secret
plan privately evaluated by an independent, bi-partisan panel of military
experts who could report the plan's merits to the electorate without
divulging the details?
a. Would you also consent to privately revealing to an independent panel
the names of the foreign leaders who secretly support you so that the panel
can confirm your story to the electorate?
b. Ditto regarding the leaders whom you say have secretly told Senators
Biden and Levin that you must win?
Obviously, there are a lot more questions Social Security, health care,
etc. Certainly there are tougher questions and those more artfully crafted.
This is just a start. Feel free to add your own. TV-newsmagazine producers
are welcome to use any of the above.
Peter Kirsanow is...not holding his breath.
09-09-2004, 09:24:57: Belgium considers euthanasia for children
Wed 8 September, 2004 15:08
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Belgian lawmakers belonging to Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt's ruling Flemish Liberal party have introduced a bill seeking to expand the country's controversial euthanasia legislation to include minors.
Senators Jeannine Leduc and Paul Wille said in the bill that terminally ill children and teenagers had as much right to choose when they wanted to die as anyone else.
"Their suffering is as great (and) the situation they face is as intolerable and inhumane," the senators' bill read on Wednesday.
A controversial law decriminalising euthanasia came into force in Belgium in September 2002.
Patients wishing to end their lives must be conscious when the application is made and repeat their request for euthanasia. Their doctor must fill in a form and consult another physician before making a final decision.
Wille and Leduc now also want to include "assisted suicide" in the current legislation as they feel patients often want to end their lives themselves.
09-09-2004, 09:25:50: Canada Weighs Using Muslim Law
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
CHICAGO — In Muslim neighborhoods in Canada, some women fear the legal power handed to their religious leaders.
As long as the country's law is followed, religious leaders can play a role in Canada's legal system. But a controversy has erupted over whether Muslim law should be used.
Two parties in a Canadian civil dispute, like a divorce, can opt to use a religious leader as a mediator, and the mediator's decision is binding. Canadian native tribes, Christians and Jews use this system.
"If Muslims have a civil dispute among themselves, they would want to settle the matter within the community rather than take it outside," said Shabir Ally, president of the Islamic Information Institute (search).
But some Canadian Muslim women fear that Muslim law, or Sharia (search), will be imposed on them in these civil mediations. Critics say Sharia has been used, or abused, to discriminate against women. And some Canadian Muslim women say they will be badgered into accepting decisions from conservative imams acting as mediators.
"They will be oppressed in a sense because they'll be coerced into feeling they need to follow this process of binding arbitration, implementing Sharia. Otherwise they're deemed as blasphemous and labeled by the community and then where else is she to go?" said Iman Zebian, a member of the board of the Canadian Council of Muslim Women (search).
Unless the government watches closely, these women worry that imams acting as legal arbitrators will take advantage of women in the name of Islam.
09-09-2004, 09:26:24: Kerry is on the ropes. Now we need to knock him out of the ring and keep the country safe! Let the veterans take the service record fight to him while we focus on his voting and attendance records. If his voting record had succeeded, we would not have the weapons systems we used liberate Kuwait, Afghanistan and Iraq. In fact, the Berlin wall would probably still be up. So, if he had his way, there would still be millions of people living under tyranny. Big hearted liberal indeed! Nearly 2,000 arrests in NY verses under 10 in Boston, party for peace indeed!
09-09-2004, 09:27:49: Who is the Enemy Within?
Are there names to be named? Yes.
There are enough names to fill this entire book. Perhaps we should put our own names in this book. Why do I say that? Because most of us have failed our own democratic system by not being vigilant. Most of us have looked the other way while our borders, language, and culture have been diluted.
There is also an ideological divide as to an "enemies list." Both Left and Right have created operatives who are enemies of our own way of life; enemies of firm borders, English as a national language, and a common cultural glue. The question really becomes whom do you fear most? The vast "right-wing conspiracy" or the vast "left-wing conspiracy"?
Analyzing both sides of this equation, you will come to see the right-wing supports God, country, family, the military, and has far higher moral standards than the Left. The Left operates specifically to undermine God, country, family, and the military. They use the courts to undermine the popular will. What they cannot gain through the ballot box they gain through the gavel. In California we recently saw how the ACLU with three leftist judges tried to stop an election to recall a failed, corrupt governor.
Analyzing recent Supreme Court decisions on sodomy and affirmative action, you will see the vast left-wing conspiracy as its worst, legitimizing the use of race as opposed to achievement and destabilizing family values. Left-wing operatives have come very far in their plans.
It is clear to me if God could vote, He would be a member of the vast right-wing conspiracy. In fact, to the mad dog leftists in the ACLU, The National Lawyers Guild, and the Democratic party, God is the enemy.
In this sense then, this book is not so much about naming names as it is about defining terms. The extreme Left has attempted to redefine family and patriotism among other clearly evident concepts: to redefine marriage to conform to their own perverse worldview and to redefine patriotism to mean stabbing our troops in the back while they are under fire.
In this book I hope to reaffirm the meaning of the most basic concepts of family, nation, and morality. By pointing out how internal enemies are undermining our religion, schools, courts, military, media, and police, I hope to continue to act as Paul Revere did in his time.
If I were given to comedy in this serious battle for the future of America, I might say my "midnight call" would be, "The liberals are coming, the liberals are coming." Unfortunately, these times do not lend themselves to comedy. Moreover, the liberals aren't coming --- they're already here.
The damage they are doing and have done is very difficult to calculate. The precise connection between extreme liberal pressure groups and outright criminal activity is difficult to determine. But I assume it does exist. Why do I say this?
Many of you are under the impression that civil libertarians are sincere in their desire to protect our liberties from an oppressive government. At least that's the message they have sold you for decades. If that were the case, how would you explain the following?
09-09-2004, 09:28:55: If you have a child in public school, you need to read The Worm in the Apple: How the Teachers Unions Are Destroying American Education, a new book by Peter Brimelow.
Public schools are run by the National Educational Association. They are not run by people you can hold accountable, such as teachers, superintendents and school boards. The NEA opposes merit pay, charter schools, and any decision by any school administrator that has not been determined in advance by collective bargaining. Simply put, the NEA opposes everything except its own power.
Jaime Escalante, a teacher whose extraordinary success in teaching calculus to inner-city Hispanics resulted in a Hollywood movie, was run out of his California school district by the teachers union. Escalante, it seems, violated union rules by complaining about teachers who used the teachers’ lounge as a real estate office and called in sick to extend their weekends. A high school principal who requested that teachers write daily objectives on the classroom board was denounced by the union as a “draconian zealot.”
Brimelow next introduces the teachers. Sara Boyd, a recipient of many awards and accolades during her teaching career experienced difficulty passing a mathematics competency test. She sued the state of California, claiming the test was racially discriminatory. But at her deposition she was unable to answer the question: “What percent of 80 is 8?”
Teachers can’t teach because the union won’t let them. Perhaps it is just as well. Here are some course listings in the education department at the University of Massachusetts: Embracing Diversity, Diversity and Change, Oppression and Education, Introduction to Multicultural Education, Black Identity, Classism, Racism, Sexism, Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Oppression, Jewish Oppression, Oppression of the Disabled, Erroneous Beliefs.
Schools of education have turned teachers into agents of the therapeutic state, a new form of government analyzed by Paul Gottfried in his recent book, Multiculturalism and the Politics of Guilt. Indoctrination and social reconstruction have replaced the traditional emphasis on reading, writing, and arithmetic.
When you can stop laughing or crying, pay attention. Brimelow is serious. He knows the NEA inside out. But the media does not. Brimelow has a chapter describing how the NEA bribes the media for favorable stories by handing out “media awards.” The Dallas Morning News won three awards for promoting a trip by area teachers to the state capital to lobby for money for teachers raises. In 2000 when NEA delegates voted to strengthen their policy against merit pay for teachers, the Associated Press reported the opposite. Newspapers across the country then editorialized on the basis of the erroneous AP report.
The problem, says Brimelow, is that the NEA is the backbone of the Democratic Party and public education is a government monopoly. Brimelow asks Lenin’s question, “What Is To Be Done?” and replies with 24 reforms.
One senses that Brimelow believes reform has little hope when it is opposed by NEA lobbying. If the NEA is to be undone, its undoing will come from parents and teachers deserting the schools.
Homeschoolers, without benefit of fancy facilities, science labs, and huge expenditures of money outscore public school students.
Teachers themselves are dropping out, demoralized by lack of professionalism, chaos, and crumbling educational standards. As readers recently pointed out to me, teachers are being imported from India and other Third World countries under the H-1B visa program to take the jobs that American teachers are abandoning.
Brimelow uses the wrong tense when he writes that “the teacher unions are destroying American education.” They have destroyed it.
09-09-2004, 09:31:19: The latest spin from the Kerry apologizers are the sinister ‘ties’ between contributors to the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and some of the members of the organization have to President Bush.
The New York Times hit piece on the Swift Boat Vets and their ‘ties’ to President Bush came off like it was Woodward and Bernstein again, digging through request slips at the Library of Congress. What did they come up with? Look at this graphic for the results. It’s a joke. A total of $225,000 from two men, one of whom, Bob Perry, knows Karl Rove. The other, Harlan Crow, is the trustee of the foundation for President George Bush’s library.
Meanwhile, the “conservative media” has given John Kerry a free pass on the ties he has to the various liberal 527’s that are out pimping his bid for the Presidency by attacking President Bush. Well, I looked into it a little, and used OpenSecrets.org to get some interesting results:
Zach Exley - Former director of special projects for the MoveOn PAC is now the online communications director for the Kerry campaign. He’s also the one who started the Bush cocaine smear in 2000.
Jim Jordan - John Kerry’s former campaign manager is now a spokesperson for America Coming Together, which is helping to sponsor anti-Bush concerts and is famous for using convicted felons to including sex offenders, to try and register voters door to door.
George Soros - A direct contributor John Kerry’s campaign, he has donated literally, tens of millions of dollars to MoveOn.org, ACT, and The Media Fund. He is also the largest contributor to The Center For American Progress, which just happens to back Media Matters Whores For America. The Center for American Progress is run by John Podesta who also is a direct contributor to John Kerry.
ACT by the way, was formed by Steve Rosenthal, the former political director of the AFL-CIO, and Ellen Malcolm of Emily’s List, both of whom have contributed directly to John Kerry’s campaign.
Harold Ickes - Former deputy White House chief of staff for Bill Clinton is the head of The Media Fund, another anti-Bush 527. He is also a direct contributor to John Kerry.
Stephen Bing, a Hollywood producer, who in the past has donated money to John Kerry has donated millions of dollars to various 527’s as has Peter Lewis, head of Progressive Insurance. You can get more details from this post by John Cole.
Environment 2004 is anti-Bush environmental 527 that was started by Bruce Babbitt, Bill Clinton’s former Interior Secretary and Carol Browner, the former head of the EPA. Babbitt has contributed directly to Kerry’s campaign. In fact, on the page I linked, a good number of the board members of Environment 2004 are Kerry campaign contributors.
I know there’s more, and as I find them I will update this post. In the meantime, it almost hilarious that Kerry and his underlings are whining about the SBV, when they have essentially working on behalf of their campaign that have funds that dwarf those of the receipts the SBV’s have received.
09-09-2004, 09:36:16: Diary refutes Kerry claim
By Stephen Dinan and Charles Hurt
Published August 25, 2004
John Kerry's own wartime journal is raising questions about whether he deserved the first of three Purple Hearts, which permitted him to go home after 4½ months of combat.
The re-examination of Mr. Kerry's military record, prompted by commercials paid for by Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and the book "Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry" by two of the group's members, continued even as Mr. Kerry stated that voters should judge his character based on his anti-war activities upon returning from Vietnam.
A primary claim against Mr. Kerry by the Swift Boat Veterans is that Mr. Kerry's first Purple Heart -- awarded for action on Dec. 2, 1968 -- did not involve the enemy and that Mr. Kerry's wounds that day were unintentionally self-inflicted.
They charge that in the confusion involving unarmed, fleeing Viet Cong, Mr. Kerry fired a grenade, which detonated nearby and splattered his arm with hot metal.
Mr. Kerry has claimed that he faced his "first intense combat" that day, returned fire, and received his "first combat related injury."
A journal entry Mr. Kerry wrote Dec. 11, however, raises questions about what really happened nine days earlier.
"A cocky feeling of invincibility accompanied us up the Long Tau shipping channel because we hadn't been shot at yet, and Americans at war who haven't been shot at are allowed to be cocky," wrote Mr. Kerry, according the book "Tour of Duty" by friendly biographer Douglas Brinkley.
If enemy fire was not involved in that or any other incident, according to the Military Order of the Purple Heart, no medal should be awarded.
"The Purple Heart is awarded to members of the armed forces of the U.S. who are wounded by an instrument of war in the hands of the enemy," according to the organization chartered by Congress. According to regulations set by the Department of Defense, an enemy must be involved to warrant a Purple Heart.
Altogether, Mr. Kerry earned three Purple Hearts, a Bronze Star and a Silver Star.
A Kerry campaign official, speaking on background, told The Washington Times yesterday that the "we" in the passage from Mr. Kerry's journal refers to "the crew on Kerry's first swift boat, operating as a crew" rather than Mr. Kerry himself.
"John Kerry didn't yet have his own boat or crew on December 2," according to the aide. "Other members of the crew had been in Vietnam for some time and had been shot at and Kerry knew that at the time. However, the crew had not yet been fired on while they served together on PCF 44 under Lieutenant Kerry."
Mr. Kerry's campaign could not say definitively whether he did receive enemy fire that day.
The newly exhumed passages were first reported by Fox News Channel in a televised interview with John Hurley, national leader of Veterans for Kerry.
"Is it possible that Kerry's first Purple Heart was the result of an unintentionally self-inflicted wound?" asked reporter Major Garrett.
"Anything is possible," Mr. Hurley replied.
The Swift Boat Veterans say that means Mr. Kerry is now backing off of his first Purple Heart claim, just as he has apparently changed his claim that he spent Christmas 1968 on an operation in Cambodia.
"It's a house of cards," said Van Odell, one of the veterans. "What he wrote in 'Tour of Duty' and how he used that is nothing but a house of cards, and it's exposed."
At a fund-raiser last night in Philadelphia, Mr. Kerry defended his anti-war activism upon his return from Vietnam, which also has come under attack by the Swift Boat Veterans, as "an act of conscience."
"You can judge my character, incidentally, by that," he said.
"Because when the time for moral crisis existed in this country, I wasn't taking care of myself, I was taking care of public policy," Mr. Kerry told his audience. "I was taking care of things that made a difference to the life of this nation. You may not have agreed with me, but I stood up and was counted, and that's the kind of president I'm going to be."
The Swift Boat Veterans' claims and the political storm that surrounds them has dominated the presidential campaign for the last two weeks.
The Center for Media and Public Affairs said that from Aug. 9 to 15, the first week after the group's ads were released, there were 92 mentions in major papers and 221 mentions in all news reports. By last week, Aug. 16 to 22, there were 221 mentions in major papers and 696 mentions in all news reports the center tracks.
"The Swift Boat veterans commercial is the 'Blair Witch Project' of campaign ads -- an enormous return on a small investment," said Matthew T. Felling, media director for the center. "Everyone is talking about it, and no one can agree on where the line between fact and fiction exists."
He said the commercial has become "a national player in its own right," nearly equaling Vice President Dick Cheney's 733 mentions in all news reports last week.
Mr. Kerry himself is making personal phone calls trying to stamp out the controversy.
On Monday morning, a day after former Sen. Bob Dole questioned Mr. Kerry's Purple Hearts on CNN, Mr. Kerry called the former Republican presidential candidate.
"There's respect there. We were in the Senate together," Mr. Dole told interviewer Wolf Blitzer on Monday. "But we're talking about the presidential race, and I tweaked him a little on the Purple Hearts."
And on Sunday, Mr. Kerry called Robert Brant, one of the members of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.
A source associated with the veterans group and familiar with the 10-minute conversation said Mr. Kerry asked whether Mr. Brant knew about the group. When Mr. Brant said he was part of it, there was "kind of a silence" on the line before Mr. Kerry continued the conversation.
The source said Swift Boat Veterans is considering sending a cease-and-desist letter to Mr. Kerry asking him not to contact their members anymore because it might be a violation of campaign-finance laws.
In a speech at the Cooper Union school in New York yesterday, Mr. Kerry said the "Bush campaign and its allies have turned to the tactics of fear and smear."
Asked by reporters about the Swift Boat furor later yesterday, Mr. Kerry said he's trying to focus on "the economy, jobs, health care -- the things that matter to Americans."
Asked specifically if he has been calling Swift Boat veterans, Mr. Kerry said, "I am talking about the things that are important to Americans -- jobs, health care, how we are going to fix our schools."
In last night's Philadelphia speech, even while defending his activities with Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Mr. Kerry called the criticism of his service "so petty it's almost pathetic in a way."
But the issue is not likely to go away, in part because Mr. Kerry's defenders want their full say.
A new documentary, "Brothers in Arms," will be released in a theater in New York and on DVD everywhere on Friday that highlights Mr. Kerry and the veterans who served with him, and filmmaker Paul Alexander said he found the veterans' stories very convincing.
"What's remarkable to me is when you see the interviews in the movie, how consistent they are on what happened," said Mr. Alexander, who said he interviewed all the men who served on PCF 94, and interviewed them several times over several months. Mr. Alexander previously wrote "Man of the People: The Life of John McCain."
He said the movie particularly sheds light on the incident for which Mr. Kerry earned his Bronze Star, for rescuing a Special Forces officer from the water under what he and his crew said was enemy fire.
The Swift Boat Veterans, including Mr. Odell, say there was no enemy fire, but Mr. Alexander said after making the movie and talking with crewmates Mike Medeiros, Del Sandusky and David Alston, he believes there was enemy fire.
"Mike described the mortar rounds that were going over the top of the 94, and David and Del described the sound effects -- specifically down to what kind of machine gun it was -- the AK-47," Mr. Alexander said. "Their description is so specific they're not mistaken."
09-09-2004, 09:37:56: 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush! 4 more years! Vote for Bush!
09-09-2004, 09:44:27: Heinz Kerry: Opponents Of Health Care Plan Are 'Idiots'
Candidate's Wife Doesn't Mince Words
Teresa Heinz Kerry says "only an idiot" would fail to support her husband's health care plan.
But Heinz Kerry, the wife of Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry, told the (Lancaster) Intelligencer Journal that "of course, there are idiots."
Kerry's proposal includes health care subsidies for children, the unemployed, small companies and more; and government assistance to insurers and employers that keep premiums for workers down.
If Kerry is elected, Heinz Kerry predicts that opponents of his health care plan will be voted out of office. She says, "Only an idiot wouldn't like this."
Heinz Kerry stumped in Lancaster, Harrisburg and York on Wednesday, the third day of a four-day campaign swing through Pennsylvania.
On Thursday, she holds a roundtable discussion health care at a hotel in King of Prussia.
Now there's a woman we want to see more of, NOT!
09-09-2004, 09:47:10: Kerry's Iranian Connection Fights Democracy
By Robert Spencer
FrontPageMagazine.com | September 8, 2004
Frivolous lawsuits have long been used as weapons of the powerful against the weak; a particularly egregious example is now playing out in Texas, courtesy of one of John Kerry’s most controversial supporters: the Iranian Hassan Nemazee. Nemazee is pursuing a ten-million-dollar damage claim against the Student Movement Coordination Committee for Democracy in Iran (SMCCDI) and its coordinator, Aryo B. Pirouznia. A Nemazee victory in this suit would almost certainly muzzle or destroy altogether the SMCCDI, one of the most energetic and courageous opponents of Iran’s entrenched but uneasy mullahocracy. But now that Nemazee’s lawsuit has been filed, it has become increasingly clear that it could embarrass the entire Democratic Party — and severely damage the already flagging candidacy of John Kerry.
Nemazee is an influential figure with many friends in high places in groups such as the American-Iranian Council (AIC), the National Iranian American Council (NIAC), and the Iranian-American Bar Association (IABA). Nemazee’s name is also well known in Democratic Party circles. He was a prominent contributor to Bob Torricelli’s New Jersey Senate campaign. The multimillionaire entrepreneur also contributed $50,000 to his friend Al Gore’s Recount Fund (and $250,000 to the Gore campaign), $60,000 to Bill Clinton’s legal defense fund, and over $150,000 to the Democratic National Committee. Clinton attempted to reward him by naming him U.S. Ambassador to Argentina — but the Senate declined to confirm him after Forbes magazine published, in May 1999, an extremely damaging expose of his shady financial dealings.
Undaunted, Nemazee continued efforts to establish fruitful contacts between Iranian groups advocating normalization of relations with Iran and high-level members of the Democratic Party. He joined the Board of Directors of the AIC, an organization whose president, Hooshang Amirahmadi, is identified on the SMCCDI website as a “well known lobbyist for the Iranian Mullahocracy.” Nemazee was involved in a March 2002 fundraiser for Senate Foreign Affairs Committee heavyweight Joe Biden (D-DE). This event was hosted by Sadegh Namazikhah, another AIC member whom Aryo Pirouznia charges with trying to improve public perception of “one of the most despotic regimes in the world.”
Three months later it was Kerry’s turn: Nemazee invited the future Democratic standard bearer to speak at an AIC dinner. Nemazee himself also spoke, declaring that the AIC “does not attempt to explain or rationalize the position of the government of Iran, nor does it attempt to do so for the government of the United States. Its mission is to educate both sides and to attempt to establish the basis and the vehicle for a dialogue which will ultimately lead to a resumption of relations.” If Kerry registered any protest against this assertion that the United States should normalize relations with one of the world’s bloodiest dictatorships, it was not recorded. Nemazee, according to Iran experts Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi and Elio Bonazzi, now seems to be denying that he ever made this speech at all — although it is still posted on the AIC’s website.
Outside San Francisco’s Ritz-Carlton Hotel, where this grand event was held, the SMCCDI organized a large protest rally. Nemazee, evidently, would not forget this and other affronts. In his lawsuit, he charges that the SMCCDI knowingly and repeatedly made “false and defamatory statements” about his support for the Iranian regime. His complaint states categorically that “Nemazee does not ‘support … the Islamic Republic and the Revolution.’”
But his friend Kerry, meanwhile, seems to have absorbed the very lessons that Nemazee now denies having tried to teach. Before the Council on Foreign Relations in December 2003, Kerry announced that he would be willing as President to pursue rapprochement with Iran: “As president, I will be prepared early on to explore areas of mutual interest with Iran, just as I was prepared to normalize relations with Vietnam a decade ago.” And most notoriously, his staff sent out an email that somehow made its way to the government-controlled Mehr News Agency in Tehran, where it was trumpeted as evidence of his resolve to patch things up with the mullahs. “It is in the urgent interests of the people of the United States,” the message read, “to restore our country’s credibility in the eyes of the world. America needs the kind of leadership that will repair alliances with countries on every continent that have been so damaged in the past few years, as well as build new friendships and overcome tensions with others.”
Kerry’s camp professed puzzlement over how this email made it to Tehran. Initially, a Kerry aide dismissed the story as “just a hoax.” But this pose proved impossible to maintain. Kerry’s senior foreign affairs advisor, Rand Beers, later admitted that the message was genuine, saying: “I have no idea how they got hold of that letter, which was prepared for Democrats Abroad. I scratched my head when I saw that. The only way they could have gotten it was if someone in Iran was with Democrats Abroad.” In light of the ties between the AIC and the Democratic Party, that possibility is at least open to question.
But Kerry’s olive branches to the regime that carries on the legacy of the Ayatollah Khomeini now embarrass him: his Council on Foreign Relations remarks seem to have been removed from the Kerry-Edwards website. Hence also the Nemazee lawsuit: to silence the SMCCDI and its inconvenient protests. One way to do that is indirect, by using the suit to put the SMCCDI out of action. According to documents that Pirouznia/SMCCDI defense attorney Bob Jenevein made available to me, the prosecution has been playing several such games. On August 20, 2004, Jenevein wrote a letter to Rob Wiley of Locke Lidell & Sapp, the elite Texas law firm representing Nemazee. He proposed five stipulations — points that both sides could agree to, so that they need not spend the court’s time trying to establish or disprove them. These included: “1. The Islamic regime in Iran is sympathetic to terrorists. 2. The Islamic regime in Iran poses a threat to the security of the United States and/or its citizens at home or abroad. 3. For the United States to normalize its diplomatic relations with Iran at this time would lend credibility to the Islamic regime in Iran. 4. For the United States to ease trade sanctions against Iran at this time would lend credibility to the Islamic regime in Iran. 5. Anything that would lend credibility to the Islamic regime in Iran at this time would have value to that regime.” Wiley answered on the same day that his team had taken the stipulations “under advisement”; but in the almost two weeks since then, gave no further answer. Thus Nemazee’s attorneys effectively agreed to none of the stipulations, raising the prospect that Jenevein would have to spend hours upon hours in court establishing these points, thereby endangering the SMCCDI by straining its financial resources.
Other documents furnished by Jenevein suggest that the prosecution is trying to run up the costs of the litigation in other ways also — attempting to find out who is paying Pirouznia’s legal bills and to drive SMCCDI into destitution. One example was a fax that Wiley sent to Jenevein last Monday afternoon, informing him of a draft motion that the prosecution was planning to file on certain matters regarding the case unless the prosecution and defense reached an agreement by 5PM Tuesday. Jenevein immediately faxed a response, suggesting ways to agree, but the prosecution ignored it and filed the motion the next morning anyway. This multiplication of motions, of course, is a classic tactic to drive up court costs.
Related to all this is the curious fact that, according to an inside source close to the case, Nemazee has never made himself available for a deposition. Pirouznia’s defense attorney contacted Nemazee’s lawyers in early August, immediately after taking the case (five months after it was filed), to request dates for this deposition; Nemazee’s team responded that he would only be available on two dates in November and two in December – all four after the election, and all over seven months after the case was filed. “He’s saying we want his deposition for political reasons,” the insider exclaimed incredulously, “but HE filed the lawsuit!” The Pirouznia/SMCCDI team has filed a motion ordering Nemazee to appear for a deposition on September 20; no ruling has been made on it yet.
Why file a lawsuit, and then play hide-and-seek with the defense? The lobbyist and his team seem to be trying to keep the case under wraps until after the presidential election. “Nemazee is worried that his candidate will be embarrassed if the facts of this litigation are made public,” observes Jenevein. “I’m afraid that this case would appear typical of the frivolous lawsuits about which Republicans complain so loudly. To the extent that Hassan Nemazee constitutes a link between a presidential campaign and the Iranian regime, that link would be considered a grave political liability for the campaign.
The lawsuit is designed to silence those who speak about this.”
The Nemazee camp appears to be growing increasingly anxious lest details of their suit leak out. That may be why, according to an informed source, the founder of a public relations firm and international speaker’s bureau that specializes in foreign policy and terrorism-related issues recently contacted Pirouznia and invited him to lunch — ultimately, two lunches on consecutive days, all to argue that he should drop the suit. Important figures of the Iranian democracy movement, the PR wizard intimated to Pirouznia, really wanted him to forget the whole thing. Dumbfounded, Pirouznia reminded the PR maven that it was he who was the target of the suit, and that he was only defending himself and his organization. Several other people who figures connected to the defense team wryly term “Nemazee’s messengers” also contacted Pirouznia to make the same appeal.
The SMCCDI and Aryo Pirouznia are evidently not the only ones in Nemazee’s sights. According to an informed source, Nemazee’s lawyer asked in official documents used by the plaintiff to build the case about the relationship between Pirouznia and another pair of stalwart Iran democracy activists: Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi and Elio Bonazzi. Said the source: “Aryo’s lawyer objected that this is not relevant, but basically this means that even if Nemazee didn’t sue the Bonazzis directly, they are among his targets.” This despite the fact that the Bonazzis have never advanced any political agenda for Iran beyond promoting the idea of a genuine (not UN- or Jimmy Carter-led) internationally monitored referendum to decide on Iran’s form of government after the complete ousting of any form of theocracy. Zand-Bonazzi’s father, Siamak Pourzand, is a well-known Iranian journalist, intellectual, freedom fighter – and political prisoner of the Islamic regime.
Thus the mullahs fight on for their survival in the courtrooms of Texas
09-09-2004, 09:50:28: September 9, 2004 -- WASHINGTON — Former Marine Oliver North — noting that he turned down Purple Hearts so he could stay in Vietnam with his troops — is firing new shots at old foe John Kerry, calling on the Massachusetts Democrat to apologize for his anti-war protests.
In his syndicated column, North, a war hero and Fox New Channel commentator, recently issued a "Dear John" letter that chides Kerry for testifying that U.S. troops committed atrocities in Vietnam, and points out that even "Hanoi" Jane Fonda later apologized for some of her conduct during the war.
"Even Jane Fonda apologized. Will you, John?" North wrote in his column last month.
"The issue is what you did to us when you came home, John," North wrote. "John, did you think they would forget?"
In addition to facing criticism for his anti-war protests, Kerry also has been under fire from some vets who say he didn't deserve his medals and collected three Purple Hearts as quickly as he could so he could return to the United States.
"I only have two Purple Hearts, though," North wrote.
"I turned down the others so that I could stay with the Marines in my rifle platoon. But I think you might agree with me, though I've never heard you say it, that the officers always got more medals than they earned and the youngsters we led never got as many medals as they deserved."
When asked yesterday if Kerry had contacted him, North, the host of "War Stories" on the Fox News Channel, laughed loudly, shaking his head from side to side. He said the feedback to his writing has been "astounding."
North and Kerry have a history.
It was Kerry, as a senator investigating the Iran-Contra scandal, who helped put North's military career in mothballs in the 1980s — pinning much of the blame for the gun-running plot on the decorated Marine.
Kerry's war-hero record has been shot up by the anti-Kerry Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, who published the best-selling book, "Unfit for Command," which claims Kerry lied to collect his Bronze Star and three Purple Hearts.
"You don't have a beef with President George Bush about your war record," North writes.
"Your complaint is with the 2.5 million of us who served honorably in a war that ended 29 years ago and which you, not the president, made the centerpiece of this campaign."
North says it was devastating to American POWs, who had Kerry's testimony thrown in their face by taunting North Vietnamese.
09-09-2004, 11:01:02: I want to know where I can find something like this. Please? I teach life skills and something like this would really help my students who are working so hard to learn to read.
09-09-2004, 11:35:25:
09-09-2004, 11:36:15: are you ready for more political stuff? ag ag ag ag ag ag ag ag agag ag ag ag ag ag ag ag agag ag ag ag ag ag ag ag agag ag ag ag ag ag ag ag agag ag ag ag ag ag ag ag agag ag ag ag ag ag ag ag agag ag ag ag ag ag ag ag agag ag ag ag ag ag ag ag agag ag ag ag ag ag ag ag agag ag ag ag ag ag ag ag agag ag ag ag ag ag ag ag agag ag ag ag ag ag ag ag agag ag ag ag ag ag ag ag agag ag ag ag ag ag ag ag agag ag ag ag ag ag ag ag agag ag ag ag ag ag ag ag agag ag ag ag ag ag ag ag agag ag ag ag ag ag ag ag agag ag ag ag ag ag ag ag agag ag ag ag ag ag ag ag agag ag ag ag ag ag ag ag agag ag ag ag ag ag ag ag agag ag ag ag ag ag ag ag agag ag ag ag ag ag ag ag agag ag ag ag ag ag ag ag agag ag ag ag ag ag ag ag agag ag ag ag ag ag ag ag agag ag ag ag ag ag ag ag agag ag ag ag ag ag ag ag agag ag ag ag ag ag ag ag agag ag ag ag ag ag ag ag agag ag ag ag ag ag ag ag agv
09-09-2004, 11:40:26: my butt drips juice. What should I do?
09-09-2004, 11:41:49:
"Good morning. We want to apply for a marriage license."
"Tim and Jim Jones."
"Jones? Are you related? I see a resemblance."
"Yes, we're brothers."
"Brothers? You can't get married."
"Why not? Aren't you giving marriage licenses to same gender couples?"
"Yes, thousands. But we haven't had any siblings. That's incest!"
"Incest?" No, we are not gay."
"Not gay? Then why do you want to get married?"
"For the financial benefits, of course. And we do love each other.
Besides, we don't have any other prospects."
"But we're issuing marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples who've
been denied equal protection under the law. If you are not gay, you
can get married to a woman."
"Wait a minute. A gay man has the same right to marry a woman as I
have. But just because I'm straight doesn't mean I want to marry a
woman. I want to marry Jim."
"And I want to marry Tim, Are you going to discriminate against us
just because we are not gay?"
"All right, all right. I'll give you your license. Next."
"Hi. We are here to get married."
"John Smith, Jane James, Robert Green, and June Johnson."
"Who wants to marry whom?"
"We all want to marry each other."
"But there are four of you!"
"That's right. You see, we're all bisexual. I love Jane and Robert,
Jane loves me and June, June loves Robert and Jane, and Robert loves June
and me. All of us getting married together is the only way that we can
express our sexual preferences in a marital relationship."
"But we've only been granting licenses to gay and lesbian couples."
"So you're discriminating against bisexuals!"
"No, it's just that, well, the traditional idea of marriage is that
it's just for couples."
"Since when are you standing on tradition?"
"Well, I mean, you have to draw the line somewhere."
"Who says? There's no logical reason to limit marriage to couples.
The more the better. Besides, we demand our rights! The mayor says the
constitution guarantees equal protection under the law. Give us a
marriage license!"
"All right, all right. Next."
"Hello, I'd like a marriage license."
"In what names?"
"David Deets."
"And the other man?"
"That's all. I want to marry myself."
"Marry yourself? What do you mean?"
"Well, my psychiatrist says I have a dual personality, so I want to
marry the two together. Maybe I can file a joint income-tax return."
"That does it! I quit!!
09-09-2004, 11:44:04: Sing this with your friends to the tune of
"Oh Christmas Tree" for fun at parties!
Oh Ana1 Phlegm, Oh Ana1 Phlegm,
How hot and runny, are you.
Oh Ana1 Phlegm, Oh Ana1 Phlegm,
How hot and runny, are you.
The way you splat, the toilet bowl,
erupting from, my sick asshole.
Oh Ana1 Phlegm, Oh Ana1 Phlegm,
How hot and runny, are you.
Oh Ana1 Phlegm, Oh Ana1 Phlegm,
Much pleasure doth thou bring me!
Oh Ana1 Phlegm, Oh Ana1 Phlegm,
Much pleasure doth thou bring me!
Arriving with, a lot of gas
The kind of air, from in my ass.
Oh Ana1 Phlegm, Oh Ana1 Phlegm,
Much pleasure doth thou bring me!
Oh Ana1 Phlegm, Oh Ana1 Phlegm,
Thy smell does reek out widely!
Oh Ana1 Phlegm, Oh Ana1 Phlegm,
Thy smell does reek out widely!
Like something crawled, into my ass
died and then, was turned to gas.
Oh Ana1 Phlegm, Oh Ana1 Phlegm,
Thy smell does reek out widely!
09-09-2004, 11:44:40: hello!im back pig-butt!this time I have a bigger disintigration ray!hahaha!snort!confondit! darn rent-a-ray its jammed!Oh crud is this thing still on?
09-09-2004, 11:45:24: Oh Anal Phlegm, Oh Anal Phlegm,
How hot and runny, are you.
Oh Anal Phlegm, Oh Anal Phlegm,
How hot and runny, are you.
The way you splat, the toilet bowl,
erupting from, my sick asshole.
Oh Anal Phlegm, Oh Anal Phlegm,
How hot and runny, are you.
Oh Anal Phlegm, Oh Anal Phlegm,
Much pleasure doth thou bring me!
Oh Anal Phlegm, Oh Anal Phlegm,
Much pleasure doth thou bring me!
Arriving with, a lot of gas
The kind of air, from in my ass.
Oh Anal Phlegm, Oh Anal Phlegm,
Much pleasure doth thou bring me!
Oh Anal Phlegm, Oh Anal Phlegm,
Thy smell does reek out widely!
Oh Anal Phlegm, Oh Anal Phlegm,
Thy smell does reek out widely!
Like something crawled, into my ass
died and then, was turned to gas.
Oh Anal Phlegm, Oh Anal Phlegm,
Thy smell does reek out widely!
09-09-2004, 11:45:57: Oh Anal Phlegm, Oh Anal Phlegm,
How hot and runny, are you.
Oh Anal Phlegm, Oh Anal Phlegm,
How hot and runny, are you.
The way you splat, the toilet bowl,
erupting from, my sick asshole.
Oh Anal Phlegm, Oh Anal Phlegm,
How hot and runny, are you.
Oh Anal Phlegm, Oh Anal Phlegm,
Much pleasure doth thou bring me!
Oh Anal Phlegm, Oh Anal Phlegm,
Much pleasure doth thou bring me!
Arriving with, a lot of gas
The kind of air, from in my ass.
Oh Anal Phlegm, Oh Anal Phlegm,
Much pleasure doth thou bring me!
Oh Anal Phlegm, Oh Anal Phlegm,
Thy smell does reek out widely!
Oh Anal Phlegm, Oh Anal Phlegm,
Thy smell does reek out widely!
Like something crawled, into my ass
died and then, was turned to gas.
Oh Anal Phlegm, Oh Anal Phlegm,
Thy smell does reek out widely!
09-09-2004, 11:50:51: My pussy is oozing something greenish. It smells really bad too. Am I sick?
09-09-2004, 14:21:01: The rather shocking photo attached snapped in November 16th of last year by a spectator at the collegiate power lifting championships at Penn State. The unfortunate competitor, who expressed a plea to remain anonymous, remembered to surgeons that he was " stuck" at the bottom of a personal best attempt in the squat lift when he "sort of pulled his stomach in and pushed extra hard, at the same time as trying to complete the lift."
He remembers a loud popping, splattering noise then a fierce stabbing pain and then not being able to move from the squat position. He remained in this position for about half an hour, since trying to stand caused him overwhelming agonizing pain. Paramedics arrived and applied anesthesia on the spot and carried him to an ambulance. He was rushed to surgery, where surgeons described the trauma as an explosive and aggravated prolapse of the bowel". Meanwhile it was revealed that the weight was removed from his shoulders at the time of the incident by two "spotters" on either side of the lifter. The third spotter who was standing behind the lifter was unfortunately sprayed with fecal matter at the time of the incident. This spotter promptly fainted when he realized the extent of of the injury to the lifter, who was a personal friend.
This compounded the task of first aid officers who were at a loss as to how to treat the injury to the lifter in any case, who remained in the squatting position moaning in pain much to the consternation of the helpless audience. The hapless lifter had successful surgery to relieve the prolapse, but remained immobilized with his feet elevated in stirrups for 2 weeks to ensure "internal compliance with the surgery and that the organs retracted successfully".
To add insult to injury, the ex-lifter required rectal stitching to partially occlude the anal orifice and stitch the rectal passage (which had significantly expanded and torn during the prolapse) and also was put on a low fiber low residue diet to combat flatulence to avoid any possibility of a recurrence.
09-09-2004, 14:25:05: Chocolate Walnut Soufflé Torte
If you need to satisfy a decadent craving, you’ve come to the right recipe. This torte is intensely delicious, insanely chocolate and, almost always, mind-altering. One serving is more than enough for the desired effect—tears of joy!
Makes 16 servings
1 spray PAM® Original Canola Cooking Spray
8 large eggs, separated
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
3/4 cup granulated sugar
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
14 ounces Callebaut® 811 bittersweet chocolate, chopped into 1/2 oz. pieces
2 1/2 cups (5 sticks) lactose free Fleischmann’s® Unsalted stick margarine
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/3 cup ground walnuts
Chocolate Rum Glaze:
2 tablespoons lactose free Fleischmann’s® Unsalted stick margarine
2 tablespoons granulated sugar
1/2 cup Silk® soymilk creamer (plain)
14 oz. Callebaut® 811 bittersweet chocolate, coarsely chopped
2 tablespoons light Rum
Optional garnish:
1 pint raspberries or strawberries
Quick Mango Coulis (recipe follows)
Pre-heat oven to 375ºF. Spray bottom and sides of springform pan with PAM®.
In a large bowl, whip egg whites with cream of tartar until soft peaks form; then set aside. In another large bowl, beat egg yolks for 2 minutes until pale yellow. Add sugar and vanilla to yolks, and mix until creamy (1 to 2 minutes).
In small microwavable bowl, melt chocolate pieces and margarine in microwave for 45 seconds on high. Continue heating for 15-second intervals until margarine and chocolate pieces have melted. Stir until fully blended.
Add melted chocolate to yolk mixture, then fold in flour, salt and ground nuts. Add 3/4 cup of whipped whites and stir until well blended. Fold in remaining whipped whites in 3 more additions. Pour into prepared springform pan and bake for 35 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool completely, then remove sides of springform pan.
Chocolate Rum Glaze:
Place margarine, sugar and soymilk into a medium microwavable bowl. Heat on high for 60 seconds. Continue heating for 30-second intervals until all of margarine has completely melted and mixture is warm.
At this point, stir in chocolate pieces and set aside for 3 to 4 minutes. Then stir to fully blend (re-heating for 30-second intervals, as necessary, until chocolate is smooth). Add